Adjectives and Prepositions Learn British English with Lucy
I want to talk to you today about
something so awful that many students
despair today we’re going to talk about
preposition unfortunately it is 8:30 in
the morning and I am not allowed a glass
of wine for at least another 4 hours so
I’m going to have to do this with coffee
hello everyone and welcome back to
english with lucy I’ve got a very very
useful lesson for you today so please
keep watching and this lesson is all
about adjectives and their corresponding
prepositions I’ve had so many requests
for this video so this is for you guys
now before we get started I’m always
being asked questions on all of my
social media about how people can
improve their fluency practice their
conversation and speak with natives
if there are no natives in their area
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effective solution for you I am working
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around $10 so make sure you sign up and
let me know how your experience when I
talk it is I think it’s fabulous
and I hope you will too now one of the
most frustrating things about English is
there are so few rules
so unfortunately these collocations
between adjectives and prepositions are
ones that you will just have to learn
there is no real rule with them but I’m
here to help you so I’m going to do it
clearly on my whiteboard and hopefully
at the end of the lesson you will feel
much more confident here we have our
first list of sentences all using
adjectives that go with a particular
preposition have a look for five seconds
and see if you can work out which
preposition it is we’ve got proud aware
full afraid and capable ah the
preposition is of I am proud of my
achievements I am aware of this
Lucy’s glass is full of wine well not
yet but it will be this evening I am Not
Afraid of spiders and you are all
capable of speaking English and this is
a hundred percent true you are all
capable of learning and speaking English
especially with my help yeah okay now on
to the next one we’ve got the objectives
addicted allergic sensitive similar and
dedicated which preposition do these go
with take five seconds to think about it
ah the preposition was to watch how I
pronounced that - - okay so I am
addicted to learning languages this is
true I love learning languages and my
flatmate is allergic to gluten which is
also true poor Angelo he is Italian and
he can’t eat pizza pasta anything can we
just have a moment’s silence for Angelo
okay my skin is sensitive to the Sun yes
yes it is I’ve already shown you that in
my Q&A video
she is similar to her mother and I Lucy
from English with Lucy a hundred percent
dedicated to teaching English so now
we’re on to the next list of sentences
using adjectives that go with specific
prepositions and here we’ve got happy
angry annoyed bored and pleased now some
of these do go with more than one
preposition which I will talk about
ah so the preposition is with I am very
happy with my teacher I am angry with my
boyfriend I am getting annoyed with you
I am bored with this game and Lucy is
pleased with your progress well done
guys I’m very pleased with your progress
okay so quickly I don’t want to spend
too much time on this so don’t get
obsessed but there are some other
prepositions that can go with these
objectives so with happy we can say for
or about I’m so happy for you or I’m
really happy about getting the new job
angry I’m angry about what happened
yesterday or I’m really angry at my
boyfriend you can also say that
so with annoyed again we can say about
an at I’m annoyed about what happened
I’m annoyed at my boyfriend and bored
technically only goes with bye but many
many people say of I’m bored of this it
should be bored with this or bored by
this but you will hear bored of I even
say that sometimes though it is
incorrect and then pleased also goes
with about or for and pleased for you
I’m pleased about this so now I’ve got a
challenge for you
is slightly more difficult because there
are two prepositions that can go in
these adjectives some go with
specifically one some go specifically
with the other and some can be used with
both so have a think we’ve got
experienced slow fast and interested
okay so the prepositions were in and at
so experienced goes with either in or at
I’m very experienced in business I’m
very experienced at business it means
the same thing then we have slow and
fast with at I’m slow at running and I’m
not very fast at typing and then finally
we’ve got interested that goes within
are you interested in politics for
example okay on to our next preposition
this time we’ve got famous responsible
and suitable which preposition will it
be ah the preposition is for London is
famous for being a multicultural city
that’s why I love it and you are
responsible for your own actions and
these shoes aren’t suitable for dancing
okay this is a little bonus this is
something that many students get wrong
here I have three ways of saying that
you like something okay so we’ve got I
am keen tennis
I am a fan tennis and I am fond boot
tennis do you know which preposition
goes with which phrase have a think okay
did you get it right I am keen on tennis
I am a fan of tennis and I am fond of
tennis so we’ve got on of of and these
are very very important phrases we use
them a lot it’s very British to say
instead of oh I don’t like pasta I’m not
keen on pasta or I’m not fond of past
or I’m not a fan of pastas so we can use
it in a negative way as well as the
positive way just a reminder if you want
to use it in the negative way and we
have to put here not I’m not keen on I’m
not a fan of and I’m not fond of okay I
hope that helps anyone who’s doing a b1
exam you will need to know this
associate the Cambridge pet the FCE you
will need to know these sentences so
that’s it for my lesson about adjectives
and prepositions that go together I hope
you know something I hope you enjoyed it
if you did and you want to see more
lessons like this then subscribe to my
youtube channel and leave a comment
saying what you’d like because I’m
always listening to your recommendations
don’t forget to book a class on I talkie
especially if you want to take your
English to the next level in the most
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way possible as I said before if you
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around $10 as soon as you make your
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alright then guys bye bye
Wow the preposition is to - okay Oh