Advanced English Vocabulary and Sentences
Welcome to speak English with Tiffani I
am teacher Tiffani let’s jump right in.
All right our first vocabulary word is
accomplishment one more time
accomplishment now this word means
something that has been achieved
successfully and if we look at this
picture we can tell that this man looks
happy because of his accomplishment so
the sentence would be catching the fish
was his greatest accomplishment now
that’s a great sentence but again
remember we want an advanced English
sentence so you’ll notice that I’ve put
the who what when where and why on the
screen for those who have not seen the
lesson I did on the five W’s you can
click in the top right of your screen to
watch that lesson so here we go I’ve
broken it down for the who his I changed
that to the young man we want to give
more details for the what instead of
catching the fish I’ve put catching the
huge fish again you want to give more
details now for the when the where and
the why I chose information that I
wanted to include so I said last summer
I said in Florida and for the reason I
said he received a $25,000 prize so this
is what the first expanded sentence
would look like catching the huge fish
was the young man’s greatest
accomplishment great sentence but let’s
get even longer here we go catching the
huge fish when last summer was the young
man’s greatest accomplishment again a
very good sentence but we can do better
here we go catching the huge fish last
summer we’re in Florida was the young
man’s greatest accomplishment excellent
job but now we need to add the Y so
here’s our final advanced sentence
catching the huge fish last summer in
Florida was the young man’s greatest
accomplishment because he received a
$25,000 prize so amazing using the five
W’s we were able to expand and make
more advanced all right now our next
word is amazing now again looking at
this picture we can see how amazing the
scenery is but the word amazing means
causing great surprise or wonder or
impressive and the simple sentence about
this picture is the view from the
mountain was amazing so again a good
sentence now what I want to give you
guys is some examples of words and
phrases that have the same meaning so
instead of amazing I have the view from
the mountain blew my mind
now that expression just means shocked
by how amazing it is or shocked by how
amazing it was so the same meaning but a
different expression then I have the
view from the mountain was utterly
amazing so utterly is just a way of
expressing or emphasizing how amazing
something was so totally okay we say
utterly amazing then we have the view
from the mountain was astounding now
astounding just means awesome or
outstanding okay and then we have the
view from the mountain was stunning and
again stunning just means amazing
finally we have the view from the
mountain was astonishing now astonishing
also just means mind-blowing so what
we’ve done is we’ve looked at different
ways of expressing that something is
amazing we have blew my mind
utterly amazing for emphasis astounding
stunning and astonishing okay all right
now our next word is breathtaking again
another beautiful picture of a scenery
in some distant country okay now
breathtaking just means astonishing or
all inspiring and we looked at
astonishing in the previous screen very
exciting or beautiful so for this one
the sentence is the sunset was
breathtaking again very simple and easy
sentence now as you’re looking
at this drawing you can see the person’s
facial expression
they look shocked they look amazed and
they’re at a loss for words this is the
feeling when something is breathtaking
so the example sentence the violin solo
was breathtaking
right it was so amazing it was so
astonishing that this person was at a
loss for words next we have the view
from the top of the mountain is
breathtaking now I want to pause real
quick because I have a special offer
just for you you see for the next seven
days that’s right the next seven days
you have the opportunity to join the
speak English with Tiffany Academy for
only $1 for the first month that’s right
now you may be wondering is the Academy
for you now if you have to speak to
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you if you have to take an English exam
like IELTS or TOEFL the Academy is for
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okay now it’s just for you so I will see
you in the Academy but let’s keep going
on with this lesson alright so again the
view from the top of the mountain is
breathtaking or amazing next we have his
performance was breathtaking it means
whatever he was doing was so awesome
that you were at a loss for words
and finally the view from the hotel is
truly breathtaking it’s so amazing or
astonishing okay alright next we have
the word cityscape again
cityscape now this is the visual
appearance of a city or urban area so
looking at the image we have in front of
you the cityscape is cluttered with
factories so you kind of get the general
idea of what cityscape means but what
about this word
you see cluttered means to fill or cover
with scattered or disordered things that
impede movement or hinder or stop
movement or reduce effectiveness so I
want you to think about a bedroom of a
child they have their clothes everywhere
their toys and all of these things are
on the floor that is clutter so some
examples Indians using this word we have
the first one his room was cluttered
with toys all right next to many signs
were cluttering up the street corner so
again it was cluttered why because there
were too many signs next the city was
cluttered with motels and old
restaurants so the motels and old
restaurants were everywhere
next the garage was cluttered with tools
so again the tools were everywhere in
the garage okay
great job now our next word is confused
this little dog actually looks confused
now confused just means to be unable to
think clearly or disoriented so looking
at the picture of this dog we can say
the sentence the dog was confused about
what had happened all right now let’s
say for example we want to expand this
sentence we want to make it longer so
we’re using the five W’s principle so
again who the dog but let’s get specific
let’s say it’s a pitbull okay
what well it was totally confused when
I’ve chosen five minutes ago where
behind my chair and why he didn’t see
anyone okay so again if I expanded the
sentence I can say the pitbull was
totally confused about what had happened
all right now I want to keep going I
want to add more information I want to
add you guessed it very good where so
the pitbull standing behind my chair was
totally confused about what had happened
all right now I want to continue to
expand my sentence
I’m gonna say when so the pitbulls
standing behind my chair was totally
confused about what had happened five
minutes ago excellent job so far all
right now so let’s continue by expanding
it one more time so the pitbull standing
behind my chair was totally confused
about what had happened five minutes ago
because he didn’t see anyone so again
our sentence expanded because of the
five W’s principle all right next word
we have is congested again congested now
this word means to be blocked up with or
too full of something so looking at this
image of the young lady standing in the
streets we can say the streets in the
city were very congested okay so it it
makes sense there were a lot of people
in the streets but the question is how
can we say that a different way so the
streets in the city were packed with
cars so instead of congested we could
say packed with cars which just means
they were bumper-to-bumper ok the bumper
of the cars were close to each other
then we have the streets in the city
were blocked which means no space to
move again just another way of saying
congested then we have the streets in
the city were gridlocked
it means cars stuck in positions stuck
in a certain position and not able to
move ok next we have the streets in the
city were jammed with cars and this
expression just means cars are too close
and finally the streets in the city were
out of control because of the traffic
and out of control just means not
ordered or disorganized so again we have
many ways of explaining or expressing
congested we can say packed with cars
blocked gridlocked jammed with cars or
out of control again expanding your
vocabulary and your understanding of how
to speak fluently in English alright now
our next word is empty which you may
actually know this word because it just
means containing nothing or not filled
or occupied now for this picture we can
describe it by saying the university
library was totally empty very simple
right now I want us to look at this
sentence my stomach is completely empty
so visually it just means that nothing
is inside the person would love to eat
pizza or cookies or a sandwich but
nothing is inside so an empty stomach
then we have the building was empty very
simple right next did you empty your
purse before leaving it means that you
take everything out so that nothing is
inside and finally is the theatre around
the corner empty it means is there
anyone there or is everyone gone okay so
very good empty now our next word is a
good one it’s very large very long but
you can do it so after me gargantuan
yeah it’s a doozy it’s a big one after
me gargantuan now gargantuan just means
enormous extremely big or very large
just like the whale in this picture so
the sentence we can say is it was a
gargantuan whale so you kind of
understand that right gargantuan but
what about this word enormous now
enormous means marked by extraordinarily
great size number or degree or exceeding
usual bounds or accepted notions so
actually a few weeks ago I saw a TV
programme about a girl who is 6 foot 9
yeah 6 foot 9 she’s extremely big
extremely tall and the Legman that she
went to the prom it’s kind of a banquet
in America he was only 5 6 so she stood
way above him when they were standing
for their pictures she was enormous
okay so sentence he ate an enormous
of pasta next the wealthy will get
enormous tax cuts under the proposal
next they live in an enormous house and
finally you’ve been an enormous help ok
so you see how you can use this word
enormous alright now I hope you guys
really enjoyed this lesson I want to
once again remind you of the special
offer that is only available for seven
starting today so again you have the
opportunity to join to speak English
with Tiffani Academy for only one dollar
that’s right one dollar for the first
month is my gift to you now again if you
speak English at your job or have to
speak English with clients is for you if
you’re practicing for an English exam
like IELTS or TOEFL it’s for you and if
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now before the 7 days is up and use the
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forward to seeing you in the Academy and
I hope you guys always remember to speak