Daily English Idioms Thick in the head
thick in the head welcome to day 13 of
the special edition of speak English
with Tiffany I am teacher Tiffany and in
this episode I will teach you exactly
how to use the English body idiom thick
in the head are you ready
well then let’s jump right in the idiom
thick in the head can be defined in
three different ways the first
definition of this idiom is inflexible
and quite foolish the second definition
of this idiom is stupid and the third
definition of this idiom is dull-witted
so whenever you think of your head you
can also think of the English idiom
thick in the head now let’s see how you
can practically use this idiom in real
life first you can use thick in the head
when speaking about how someone responds
after being insulted when people get
insulted they usually respond with anger
but a person who is thick in the head
sometimes responds in a different way at
these times the idiom can be used like
this the blow would have hurt a regular
person but it hardly seemed to affect
the thick-headed man second you can use
thick in the head when you are speaking
about people interacting with each other
when people interact with each other it
is sometimes difficult to communicate
properly at these times the idiom can be
used like this you already know that he
is thick in the head so don’t stress
yourself third you can use thick in the
head when you are speaking about being
logical when people are not being
logical other people try to give them
at these times the idiom can be used
like this don’t be thick in the head
think logically about this situation
fourth you can use thick in the head
when speaking about someone who is
stubborn when someone is stubborn it
usually causes other people to get
frustrated at these times the idiom can
be used like this he’s a little thick in
the head and finally fifth you can use
thick in the head when speaking about
fighting when people fight it is usually
because they don’t understand each other
well at these times the idiom can be
used like this the woman said that the
other woman was thick in the head so
they started to fight thick in the head
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