DO I WANT TO GET MARRIED QA with Teacher Tiff Episode 3
hey guys welcome to this week’s episode
of Q&A with teacher tip if this is your
first time here my name is Tiffany and I
love teaching English to students just
like you around the world now in this
series I literally open up and I answer
your questions so you can learn more
about Who I am what I like and I can
also give you more useful English tips
now if you want to submit questions all
you have to do is become a member of my
Academy by going to let’s jump right in
calm or you can click the link in the
description I take questions each week
from my Academy students and I answer
them each episode so let’s jump right in
alright so our first question comes from
Nemo ally Nemo says hi teacher Tiffany
what’s going on Nemo can someone learn a
new language in only six months I’ve
heard this many times but I want to know
your opinion now Nemo I’m very happy you
asked this question because this is a
question I have heard many times from
different students and the question
actually is coming from a different
let me explain students usually put a
period of time on their English language
journey because they have another
important goal I’ve received this
question from students when I was in
South Korean it’s a teacher all right I
need to learn English in three months I
need to be perfect
can you tutor me teacher come on teacher
and I would smile because they were
asking me to teach them the entire
English language that took me my entire
in three months but then as we continue
to talk I realized that what they
actually were asking was teacher I have
a big exam and in order to pass this
exam I need to learn English
aha then we continued teach
this exam will help me get a better job
so basically the student needed a better
job but they needed to pass this test
and the test was in English so they
should have said teacher is it possible
for me to prepare for this English test
in three months and I would have said
definitely so that’s the thing with this
question Nemo you can’t become fluent
like a native English speaker in six
months think about it for me I’m an
American I speak English it’s my first
language but I also I’m still learning
new expressions and new slang terms all
the time for example and a few months
ago for those that follow me on
Instagram you’ve probably learned this
slang I learned this langu Qi I was like
what’s good
now Gucci just means good or something
is really nice but the younger
generation like I’m not young anymore
the younger generation I know I look
young y’all but I’m not that young the
younger generation they use words like
Gucci and in other words I was like what
in the world is go Chee so they had to
teach me what that word actually means
that slang term so I’m still learning
now this is to encourage you you see I’m
still learning but I’m okay you need to
speak to pick a specific goal what’s
your goal is your goal to be able to
speak English when you’re traveling
somewhere okay yes in six months that is
possible because you can learn travel
English you can learn English
specifically used when you fly on an
airplane when you get to a hotel to a
hotel or or when you’re actually going
out to a restaurant there are lots of
English terms and vocabulary words that
we as native English speakers use in
these various situations and in a six
month period you can master them that’s
the thing you don’t want to speed
through your English journey because
when you speed you just create more
frustration for yourself
so again pick a specific goal then add a
time to that go a time period I want to
be able to speak in English or pass an
English interview and I want to prepare
for it for three months okay
picked my
specific goal added my time period you
can prepare for an English interview in
three months it’s possible I have an
e-book actually where I teach you how to
do that in my Academy again you can join
mentor the link in the description but
my point is you have to pick a specific
goal instead of just picking a specific
time the goal is more important than the
time goal then the time period connect
them but a specific goal so great
question Nemo and also those that are
watching I hope you understand what I’m
saying you all have different goals
related to English don’t just make a
general broad statement I want to speak
English fluently I get it I I wanted to
learn Korean and speak Korean but excuse
me you have to get more focused and that
will help you excuse me again develop
your English skill so great question
email all right we have another one the
next question comes from Ali hey Ali
good to see you he says teacher how are
you doing I’m doing great Ali you know
in the midst of all that’s going on I’m
doing amazing thank you so much for
he said now he has two questions for me
first he says what are some successful
methods you use and how do you make sure
your students understand you now Ali
this is something that as a teacher I
really put a lot of thought and time
into so again when I was teaching in
Korea had thousands of students each
student was different each student had
different goals so as a teacher now this
is in the past what I would do is I
would get to know each student my goal
was always to make my students my
classes a family I wanted them to be
comfortable with each other so we’d have
a great time laughing joking we get
emotional sometimes and I wanted them to
express themselves in an environment
they were comfortable in as I tried to
develop this atmosphere of family I was
also learning about each individual
student so let’s say Michael wanted to
pass an interview at his job and Sally
just needed to learn English because she
wanted to go on vacation
so I figured out everyone’s individual
goal or desire and then I figured out a
commonality what’s the common the common
point amongst all of these desires and I
taught that point so for example you all
are on YouTube right now and yes I have
not had the opportunity to meet you yet
personally but I read your comments I
see some of your emails and I also see
some of you active in the community we
have for the Academy members a private
community and I analyze your comments I
analyze your requests and I try to see
what’s the common what’s the the common
the common thread through all of the
comments or the requests and that’s how
I develop a lesson for you all on
YouTube so you guys have told me you
enjoy the lessons and I’m so happy to
hear that but there’s always a method to
my madness
oh that’s an expression for you guys a
method to my madness because I want to
make sure I’m helping you achieve your
so Olli your basic question was how do I
find successful methods and I’m sure
that you guys would understand them well
it’s because you guys are the starters I
look to you I see what you need what
goals you’re trying to achieve and then
I try to develop plans related to
English that will help you achieve those
goals so Ally great question great
question now your next question is is it
possible to get for a full scholarship
in the United States yes but I will say
this as an American
the scholarship process like applying
for a scholarship it can be tricky it
can be yeah it can be tricky it’s kind
of a long process now I’ve had friends
who were from other countries and they
studied in America so it is possible but
I’ll say this you need to look up
international scholarships or
scholarships for international students
and one of the keys is being able to
write a good essay now you guys know I
have the lesson where I teach you how to
improve your English writing skills so
Ally I want you to find that video again
amongst my youtube videos and practice
what I teach in that video and also
since you’re in the Academy you can see
the other resources as well that will
help you improve your writing skills
that’s the key when you’re applying for
a scholarship you need to make sure
you’re writing a good essay all right so
hopefully that helped you Ali now the
next question comes from shel hey shel
good to see you all right
shel says hey teacher what’s your
favorite bible verse that you want to
share with us a Bible verse that can
help me as I’m studying for my upcoming
exam to embark upon my license as a u.s.
nurse great question now I will say this
first I want to thank all of the nurses
around the world because we understand
and know how difficult your job is right
now with this virus situation so thank
you so much
and she’ll thank you for your desire to
be a nurse and be licensed now your
question is do I know a Bible verse one
of my favorite Bible verses that will
help you as you’re studying and you know
I do so let me get my Bible quote on one
second all right so
proverbs 2 verse 6 it’s a very useful
verse for when you’re studying it says
again proverbs 2 verse 6 says for the
Lord giveth wisdom out of his mouth come
with knowledge and understanding so we
have wisdom knowledge and understanding
we need all of these things when we’re
studying and so she’ll you need all
three of these wisdom knowledge and
understanding and God will give them to
you so again look to proverbs chapter 2
and verse 6 hopefully it helps you
alright our next question is from Hatice
Hattie’s I just want to know what you
think about marriage that the done now
we’re getting into it would you prefer
to have kids and a husband or being
alone throughout the rest of your life
all right at ease I’m gonna put my phone
down and answer this question so I am
currently not married but do I want to
be married yes I love kids I want
children and I love you know family life
so let me give you a little bit of
backstory so my family is very close my
parents literally have like the ideal
marriage they they’ve shown my sister
and I how to work in a marriage and how
to show love to each other and overcome
difficulties and all of these things so
I have a good example of what a marriage
should look like and they also showed a
lot of love to my sister and I so I have
all this love that I want to give to
somebody else like I want to have
children so that I can give them the
life that I experienced as well and when
it comes to marriage I want to share my
life with my husband so that we can also
you know raise children together now I
will say this I do have standards so I
have several standards and that refers
standard refers to things that must be
in place before I get married to any man
so first he must be a Christian second
he must love children because I love
children as well
third he must be a hard worker I I can’t
do lazy men no he needs to have a good
work ethic and love to work hard for his
family he needs to be an individual and
what I say he needs to be an individual
I don’t like when guys follow the crowd
like if everybody else is doing
something he’ll just kind of go along no
I need you to be an independent thinker
and be strong enough to do what you need
to do even if everyone else is doing
something else
and last he needs to enjoy laughing and
having a good time laughter really makes
marriage fun so again these are I say my
five top standards again he needs to be
a Christian needs to love kids needs to
be independent needs to be strong and
have his own mind needs to be a hard
worker and he needs to love to laugh so
I am waiting on God to provide me with a
man so please don’t get in the comments
a teacher I’m ready no I’m waiting on
God to send the man he has for me and I
know that he will I trust in God and I
trust that he is developing me into the
woman I need to be for my future husband
and whoever he is I know that God is
developing him at this point in time as
well so yes to answer your question I
look forward to being married I look
forward to sharing
life with a man and also my children and
I’m just waiting patiently as God
develops me and makes me who I need to
be for when I do get married in the
future so let me know from you guys
aren’t curious do you all have certain
standards so I gave you my top five now
even if you’re married already in the
comments section this is kind of a
conversation guys let me know what your
standards were before you got married
what were your standards guys or girls
so guys you can write your standards for
the female you married or want to marry
and ladies you can write your standards
for the man you want to marry or already
married put them in the comments section
it’s gonna start a very interesting
conversation so I’m very curious to know
what your standards are related to your
future spouse alright great question I
really enjoyed answering that question
guys I really hope you enjoyed this
episode thank you so much for joining me
I enjoy letting you know more about me
and who I am as a person now again if
you want to send your questions in you
have to join my Academy and I have a
special gift for you so in the
description section you’ll see the gift
and I have the link right here let’s
jump right in calm but I want you to be
able to join and try it out for the
first month for $1 that’s right but you
have to use the coupon code and then I
know you’re gonna love it and you can
stay on but the first month I want to
give you a gift of $1.00 for the first
month and you can join us and also
submit your questions thank you so much
for joining me you guys I can’t wait to
talk to you again next week I hope you
have an amazing week and I’ll talk to
you next time