English Conversations With Tiffani Episode 1 Meet Alex from Russia

hey hey welcome to today’s episode of

conversations with me

teacher Tiffany in today’s episode I

speak with my student Alex and I

thoroughly enjoyed our conversation and

I know that you’re gonna enjoy it too so

let’s jump right in this episode of

conversations with teacher Tiffany is

being sponsored by the speak English

with Tiffany Academy the number one

online English Academy for intermediate

and advanced English learners all right

it’s so good to see you how are you

likewise Tiffany I’ve been doing good I

caught a bit of a cold so my voice may

sound a little bit different but I feel

ok I’m getting better

exactly exactly

my Christmas ones alright we enjoyed it

yeah it’s such a such a magical time you

know yeah I still feel like I’m a child

and you know I’m excited every every

single year it counts it’s just great to

have this time you know good I also

enjoy the holidays I love spending time

with my family and I have two little

nieces so they make Christmas even more

fun they get so excited about opening

gifts so yeah it’s great I’m a bit

jealous because my family is in Russia

yeah for four years

oh really yeah yeah Oh since we moved to

the United States Brazil here and we’re

still trying to solve the visa the visa

status and stuff like that but yeah it’s

still funny you know because we have

friends here in Los Angeles so it’s

still an option you know to be happy and


that’s very true yeah well Alex I want

to go back and start with the first

question because you have spoken via

email and I keep going but for students

that are gonna watch this one

conversation later can you

kind of introduce yourself Alex you

mentioned you’re from Russia but tell us

about your alright I’m Alex I moved to

the United States four years ago as I

said earlier and we moved with my wife

so my wife and I we’re musicians and we

have a band and the band is called chase

the comet we play kind of alternative

rock but just kinda it’s a mixture of

genres basically and yeah we’ve been

just you know following our dream

because we wanted to see if it can’t

work out here in America our music

careers so that’s why we moved and since

then I’ve been learning English pretty

hard because then was the goal I wanted

to feel confident while I’m having

conversations and this is this is how

and this is why I found you on YouTube

by the way yeah I’ve been watching lots

of English channels and lots of English

videos uh-huh I’m trying to do it

constantly every day uh-huh and then

your video just popped up and I was like

okay let’s give it a watch and I was so

like I liked it a lot divide the the way

you learn and I just you hook me up

that’s what I can say I’m so glad you

like the lesson I’m so glad that you

decided to join the Academy I’m I really

loved being an English teacher hold on

all right make off a few choice words

every words I really love teaching

English and I’m always excited when I

get an opportunity to meet my students

you know even though it’s via video call

I really haven’t you can feel the way

and I know you’ve been you’ve been

hearing this a lot that you’re a great

teacher and

everyone likes you but still that’s true


I really we’re not gonna flatter you is

just the way it is you know it’s just

pure facts thank you I really appreciate

that Alex I really appreciate that and

also I know what it means and what it is

when you kind of teach any subject

because I’ve been teaching guitar for

almost four or five years back in Russia

oh well I know what it is to you know to

talk to students to see their progress

or not to see their progress you know

it’s stuff but if you have passion yeah

you’re gonna succeed anyway yeah you

know this is what I you have thank you

you know it’s funny but right before I

started the YouTube channel about two

two and a half years ago there was

another youtuber that I followed and he

was giving advice about starting a

channel he said whatever you do you have

to be passionate about it because out of

work and it’s been so true throughout my

time running the English Channel I mean

now it’s you know doing well and I’m

able to meet students and we had the

Academy but there was there were quite a

few months where was just hard work

early morning also I know you’re a great

planner so it’s not just you know random

and chaotic you just plan everything

right this yeah that makes the

difference because when you have

strategy it’s easier to move on no so I

wanted to ask you how much time how much

time did it take to build your YouTube

channel like properly to have like a

decent amount of views and subscribers

so I started my channel I think it’s

been two and a half years and it’s there

were periodic jumps I would get my first

100 subscribers

it took about maybe two or three months

and then the next quote-unquote

milestone was a thousand subscribers

Matt to another maybe two to three

months when I hit that one thousand

subscriber point I had a few videos that

at that time went viral

at that time viral was they’ve left me a

million views Alton okay at that time

right now yeah

million views right time

excited when I got 10 pounds for sure

it was kind of a process but one thing I

would tell I don’t know if you and your

wife are ever interested in starting a

YouTube channel we have that we have

them this is where I’m asking the main

thing is follow your idea and your

passion and listen to your students

so what happened is those students that

were viewing my videos they were telling

me what they liked and what right all

right and as long as I paid attention to

what they needed and I kind of adapted

like okay well let’s say for example

there was a time I wanted to teach

vocabulary how long you been following

me but I started off with the visual

vocabulary series right images and I

love that yeah exactly they wanted a

teacher we want step-by-step and so when

I switched you skyrocketed right I think

the key is you have to yeah you have to

listen to your audience for sure yeah

good advice

yeah well tell me what’s what’s your

channel I mean students watching they

can go watch your videos too well that’s

funny because we have a few channels the

first channel is the channel of our band

is called Chase to comment so we have

they’re like our music videos official

media clips and all that stuff you know

that bands have okay I want to show it

to Jace change the comment yeah okay

hold on

I want I want to promote my students to

I want me I’m gonna open it up on my

computer right now I’m gonna share my

screen so you guys can see exactly what

Nina islets are talking about okay all

right this is the first one yeah we’ve

just we’ve just dropped a new record

like a few weeks ago it’s called out of

the matrix

1.3 thousand subscriber well but we we

got stuck a little bit so yeah I mean

you know there’s a little bit different

but with music channels have music bands

you have to do lots of light covers so

you see through

the singer of our band Nika she made a

it’s like a cover for frozen - oh no the

views are not there I don’t know why

because maybe there’s too many covers

out there so you have to kind of mix

your original stuff with covers because

covers they bring you followers they

bring your views very true it’s not all

the time like that’s we want to do like

you know on the regular base yeah

damn we want we want to be focused more

on our original stuff but at the same

time we have to combine it with covers

but anyway pop Palooza solution no

what’s that since we’re talking about it

I’m gonna show you there are their

YouTube channel because looking at your

YouTube channel and also what you are

trying to do hold on pumpa loose here we

go one second

they’re also a band they’re really good

but it seems again like they’re doing

what you want to do they make their own

music but they also do covers but I

think they make a great channel for you

to follow to get ideas and to see how

did they grow what are they doing why

are they getting so many like I love it

that was ten years ago they haven’t may

abuse but let’s see uploads like one

week ago yeah - dissing amount abuse

yeah yeah their style seems like

something maybe you and your wife or

your band would kind of you like to

mimic or copy man yeah and also my

second channel isn’t this second channel

is in Russian and this is where I help

my viewers and subscribers to stop

smoking weed because yeah I’ve been well

I’ve been through some difficult stages

in my life and then I quit and I’m

completely sober and I’ve been sober for

a long time

thank you this is yeah I felt this

necessary to share my experience with

some other people and we kind of we have

created a little community where we

helped each other and where we support

each other you know where we were trying

to reveal all the negative factors that

nobody’s gonna tell you about you know

really good well do you mind telling me

that I know it’s in Russian but I do

have some Russian students in the

Academy and again they may be able to

see your channel

well my channel is just to scold

Alexander miss Joseph my first name and

my second name let’s spell it together

Alexander is just a regular winner huh

typing and the last name how do you the

last name is M I SH US govt steel V

alright now I show it to you just to

make sure that spelling is correct is

that right yep and again students you’re

watching this video remember you’re at

each other so you guys can him and go

check out his channel

this is refrain I’m just telling how

cool it is to live your sober life to be

happy every single day of your life you

know to achieve some goals no I’m just

I’m just sometimes I’m goofing around

sometimes I do little rap videos you

know I’m just I just feel so much energy

that I can not hold it like inside

anymore I just want to share it and I’m

just feeling happy this is this is the

way you feel I guess right so when you

feel happy your life is so meaningful

and you want to just share it with


very true Wow excellent thank you this

is a great introduction all right so can

you tell us the next question I have for

you is when did you start studying

English again because it seems like

you’re very very comfortable with our

conversation you’re not shy at all when

did you start studying English and why

did you choose English hmm I’ve started

learning English back in Russia when I

was like 10 years old I guess it was my

fifth grade

but I guess I’ve started teaching it a

little teacher learning in a bit earlier

with my mom we would just pick up a

vocabulary and she would just teach me

like cat dog you know table like simple

words when I was a little bit like

younger but yeah the 5th grade I guess

but again the system we the system the

teachers teachers in Russia it’s kind of

pretty much everywhere you need to

practice it every single day you need to

have like real conversations you can

learn vocabulary you can learn grammar

but if you’re not using this it becomes

like passive you know I mean yes

it’s like every skill you might have

this skill but if you’re not using it

it’s just it’s just fading away so yeah

it took me it took me some time to get

to the level where I’m comfortable with

my skills still there’s a long way to go

okay I want to improve it and I want to

be better

good good so what is currently the

hardest thing about studying English for

you not having enough conversations even

though I live in Los Angeles even though

I have options you know sometimes well

again my wife and I we’re Russians and

obviously we speak in Russian and

sometimes just it’s it’s fine we live in

a Mexican neighborhood so no one pretty

much speaks English here I got to you

know so we have to go out there like we

have to go to the office of our company

where we work for to have this practice

you know to have this conversations but

sometimes we work from home and I just

get it we just keep speaking Russian and

if it like goes on for like a few days I

feel like I’m missing it I feel like I’m

losing it even like might might my

tongue my tongue flexibility you know

what I mean mm-hmm exactly it has to be

like has to be moving the

proper way all the time yeah otherwise

you’re losing this so yeah not having

enough conversations it’s a it’s it’s a

problem it’s an issue for me I’d say

this is who I am

this is why I’ve joined the Academy this

is why I’m trying to you know yeah do as

much as I can

good good good have you um when did you

join the Academy how long has it been

for you it was like happy Thanksgiving

deal or something and oh yeah did you

say that’s that’s the high time this is

when I joined it

well you joined just in time because I

don’t have you got my other email

January first the price is gonna

increase but you don’t have to worry

it’s just fair this is forgiving the

service you provide for your students it

has to be like but you know that as well

as long as you’re in you’re fine like

you’re gonna remain askew so currently

in the Academy what have you enjoyed so

far like again every student in the

Academy is at different levels you’re

intermediate in it but a different level

so how has it helped you so far well

I’ve started watching my first step was

I started watching the interviews with

some other students and this is where

I’ve noticed and this is where I found

that no one has to be afraid of their

speaking abilities or speaking skills

because we still can understand each

other and what I think is like the

perfection is that the correct word

perfection when you’re trying to do

everything yeah that’s where you write

you ever can I guess this is this is the

most like this is the worst thing you

can have this perfection when you just

it doesn’t allow you to go to the next

step you know what I mean like having to

afraid yeah and be perfect and you’re

being too afraid to even start talking


I remember my feeling when we just moved

to the United States everyone was

speaking so fast and using so much like

slang and stuff and I felt like maybe

it’s not the right time to start

speaking maybe this it’s not a right

time to say something I just I’ll just

be silent you know mm-hmm the more

silent you are the more smarter yeah you

are this is what I thought but it’s not

the way you you will never learn

anything if you just you know you have

to get out of the comfort zone and I

like how this how the students with

different skills on the different levels

do it anyway they do it anyway I explain

they express themselves you understand

them the connection goes on exactly

it’s it’s brilliant because so many

times we just we are afraid to move on

just because we are afraid to make

mistake yeah yeah very true logically

logically it makes no sense because you

make mistakes you become you become a

better doing of you know whatever better

speak you’re better guitar player

exactor and stuff you just learn from

your mistakes

but if you don’t if you don’t make them

you don’t learn exactly that’s good good

I’m glad you said that I I’ve been um

talking to another student in the

Academy because again I get a lot of

emails every week and I respond to every

email and students have said teacher you

have so many as like a fan i love them

ready i don’t know the thing is I really

do love my students Alex like I really

enjoy you guys a lot so are you sure are

you sure you have 24 hours it seems like

you have 48 or something I think because

I’m so organized and I have certain

periods of times for certain things

that’s really helpful it helps me a lot

but I also been a student like I speak

Korean yeah I know how it feels to be a

your teacher so I know yes it may take

me an extra hour every day to check

every single email but I know how

special a student will feel if I respond

to them even if it’s very short

I think it’s very important for me to

continue you know responding to email

and I like it I enjoy you know breathe

brings the meaning to you - what do you

do to your job with you or to your

passions it’s yeah how it has to be you

know not everyone does that so yes

respect and my

today’s sponsor is the speak English

with Tiffany Academy this is the number

one online English Academy for

intermediate and advanced English

learners the Academy focuses on helping

English learners take their English to

the next level and change their lives it

is a platform where you will find all

the resources that you need to finally

master English and achieve your biggest

goals the Academy’s monthly membership

is divided into five specific sections

section one deals with speaking and

fluency section two deals with real

English conversations section 3 deals

with lesson plans journals and advice

section four deals with vocabulary

expressions idioms and phrasal verbs and

section five talks about American

culture as a member you can watch the

courses read the ebooks download the

lesson plans watch the video

conversations and watch the lessons on

American culture as much as you want

anytime anywhere and on any

internet-connected screen you can enjoy

a constantly updated library of English

courses and other amazing English

resources it’s a ton of power English

lessons waiting for you so click the

link in the description and enroll today

hopefully you can join the the VIP group

which starts in January because like you

were saying before meeting the practice

time and again that’s one thing that

students keep telling me needing

practice time so I’m working on a

project for VIP students where you guys

will have a partner from another country

so like maybe your partner be from

Brazil well you’re in bridge I see your

Brazil sure I’m just trying to support

all the Brazilian students you have yeah

but like putting you guys together and

letting you talk and that’ll also help

you become more comfortable and just

talking and learning about you this

country so I have a lot of ideas you

know good good

yeah just keep us updated yeah

definitely definitely

okay well what’s your do you have a

favorite English book well I listened to

lots of like recently I’ve been

listening to lots of audiobooks this app

called audible

yes audible yeah yeah I just I just

adore it it allows you when you just

register when you just get this it

allows you to download like three to

five audiobooks for free and then you

just keep the subscription on going on

it’s like $15 a month or something but

again there’s so many good books and

recently I’ve been listening to yeah

that’s the one showing for students

listening this is what he’s talking

about yeah yeah website and also I

watched one video per students and one

guy told that he really likes the power

of now I like yeah I really love this

kind of you know motivational books

where you just can have some inspiration

from and yeah this is what I’m listening

right now the power of now good my next

book I’ve already download it my next

book is called this is marketing and

thanks to you

yes great book on my desk good so I have

I have something implants and yeah also

my previous one was talking to strangers

it’s a it’s a it’s an interesting book

it’s not what I expected it would be but

still I I didn’t I don’t regret I I read

it I copy strangers okay into strangers

just like well shortly it’s a it’s a

book about how different we are and how

our behavior sometimes cannot be

predicted learned well as we think we

can predict it so it’s kind of

complicated to talk about it but if you

listen to it you get on in here

good okay I want to show that one as

well again he said this one right here

right talking to strange yeah

talking to strangers yeah good okay guys

so you see this book that Alex has


you guys want to check it out talking to

strangers by Malcolm Gladwell good good


all right perfect okay so now I want to

know your opinion this question I always

enjoy because basically it’s students

telling me their opinion about teachers

so what are three things that make a

good English teacher in your opinion

well I like the fact that you’re not too

focused on the grammar because

personally I love grammar and to me it

seems to be like very logical but again

it’s very tricky when someone is

speaking something when someone is

speaking in English and you thinking

should I correct him or her or should I

let him go yes you know express the

thoughts and stuff so it’s again it’s

your question and I kind of question you

how like how does it feel what let me

think about it

so how does it feel when someone when

someone is making mistakes but you just

let them go on because you know they are

expressing themselves great question

yeah I mean is it a good way to correct

every single step because you know one

one girl told me that she lives in

Canada and she has been doing the same

grammar mistake or something for like

ages and no one would correct her and

she got so annoyed and so pissed off

like no one would even would even tell

me lit I’m wrong this is what this is

what one one situation yeah like one

situation and on the other hand if you

if you’re correcting someone for like

over and over again they just feel like

okay I don’t want to go on because like

everyone ever everything I’m saying is

just wrong so where’s the balance I’ll

tell you the balance and I want to see

something so remember toward the

beginning of conversation you asked me

about the word perfection you’re like I

said okay and I said oh sure it keeps

going and you kept saying and you kept

saying it

and then I responded and I used it in

the correct way and then you immediately

copied what I said

that’s so instead of me saying Alex stop

we don’t sing it over and over again

now perfection is a word but I knew the

context you were trying to say it in so

I think as a teacher instead of me

correcting every single mistake instead

it’s more important for me to say okay

wait a minute maybe he made multiple

mistakes but there’s one mistake that

he’s making over and over and over let

me correct that because what has

happened in his brain or in a student’s

brain if they’re making the same mistake

over and over it’s become a habit my job

is to break the habit those other small

mistakes over time if they hear somebody

say something they’ll kind of mix it so

that’s my methodology I realize first

you get rid of the old lab like main

mistake like the mistakes that you hear

well how to say

teacher so again as a teacher and again

it’s not something that can be taught

every teacher has different techniques

my technique is I’ve given if I got in

to know a student or again like we’re

having a conversation we’d be talking

for a little while I can see kind of

your level and I’m like okay I can see

your comfortability I can see when maybe

you get a little nervous again I don’t

think you’re nervous at all but I think

for me the main thing I do is try to

figure out okay what’s the student’s

weakness let me help with the main

weakness and not make everything a

weakness because I know how how

difficult it is for students to speak in

English it’s not an easy language so

there’s a word in English I don’t know

if you ever heard this word nitpicking

you ever heard that word let me show it

to you and I’ll show to you guys also

that are watching this soap nitpicking

means to look for all the small problems

every single small fun so it’s called

nitpicking looking for small or

unimportant errors or false we say no

yeah I see that yeah I see the

what’s example code examples the

synonyms yeah yes pretty makes makes

more sense yeah so as a teacher it’s

important to not for me to not nitpick

oh you didn’t say this you didn’t say


I have another student who’s also in the

Academy and he’ll probably watch this

we’re very close we talked and talked

and I recognized that his issue was he

would always go between past and present


oh so he’d be talking to give me an

example let’s say for example I’m

talking to you and I asked you a

question about mmm

studying English last year I say hey

okay Alex so how did you study English

last year some question about the past

what when you answer me you say well I

will study English with my mom yesterday

about the grammar as far as the word the

bigger issue was ah you’re having a hard

time going between past and present

present so the longer answer to your

question but basically that’s the way I

teach I let you see yeah this is my

answer to you like to be able to analyze

such mistakes and make methods out of

them you know like to be to be very

accurate with every single student and

kinda analyze the they are their

mistakes their issues and then to be

able to bring it up and just improve it

that’s that’s great that’s one of the

most abilities of the and one of the

most goals I guess for every single

teacher thank you yeah I really do enjoy

it I don’t like to make it to make it

really individual for everyone yeah yeah

that’s true very good point very good

point yeah the final approach as well

good I like that one

okay um tell me now I know you said

you’ve been studying English since you

were 10 years old and that you also

practice your mom but you got more

serious about it as you got older how

has your life changed after speaking

English dramatically dramatically well

the first thing I want to mention is

that what

King movies and TV serious in English it

has become such a pleasure you know

because because of the voiceovers even

though sometimes they are great the

great actors do them but still it kind

of kills the main idea because you

cannot separate a character from his

voice yeah it’s just it doesn’t work

this way yeah and to be able to watch

the TV series and movies in English it’s

it’s it has changed my life dramatically

and also when you listen to your

favorite bands and they sing in English

and you can understand the lyrics this

is great because like back in the day

hours I would just listen to them and I

would love the music but I I wouldn’t

have a clue like what they’re singing

about yeah and also also boobs real

conversations I work for for an American

company which does the video licensing

so I mean my life has changed

dramatically as I said and I’ve been

doing a lot to to get to this level so

it’s kind of it’s not just a miracle

yeah it is a miracle how we are as human

beings capable of you know becoming

better learning so many things having

everything in our head like a little

chorus you know yeah yeah if you put

enough time if you put a decent amount

of time and if you practice enough and

if you’re consistent enough it’s just

it’s a miracle how talented we are all

of us yeah

how far we can go it’s great sure good

very inspiring good all right what is

your dream regarding English do you have

a dream well dream maybe not regarding

English because I feel like I know I

know what I have to do and I see my next

steps but maybe just you know my dream

for the future is not to stop doing what

I do you know not to stop

not to stop morning something you know

like exploring and discovering new

different areas of your life where you

can be better as you were before and you

know to just grow grow grow grow

constant yeah not to get stuck this

might be good good all right our final

question our final topic is literally

what advice do you have for other people

other learners because again like you

watched other videos and other

conversations that I had with students

they’re gonna watch this video what

advice would you give them for students

that may not be in the same level what

would you tell them well this is what I

this is what I said like a few minutes

ago my advice would be guys don’t be

afraid don’t be shy you are doing a

great job already because not only

people of the world speak a few

languages speak different languages most

of the people they just speak 101

English one language and yeah I mean you

are already getting yourself out of the

comfort zone and this is great I mean it

might be stressful it might be not

comfortable but once you start doing

this you see it’s not that scary anymore

you know just you just get this

self-confident and just if you do it

constantly again this is that this is

the way you just don’t don’t drop what

you what you’re doing you have to put

some time into whatever you do and again

don’t be afraid don’t be shy because we

are all human beings we all make

mistakes and this is where this is where

and this is how we learn from from it so

you are already doing a great job

speaking of you languages again not

everyone does it okay not ever not

everyone wants to learn a foreign

language mmm since you guys want to

learn something new you’re in the right

place so just go on okay keep moving on

can everything is gonna happen

Alex thank you so much I really enjoyed

this conversation we’d likewise Tiffany

likewise really enjoyed it well I’m

gonna definitely be posting this today

and I know that students are really

gonna enjoy this conversation thank you

I look forward to seeing you more in the

Academy and hopefully you can join us

and be I only have a few spots for the

VIP but I would love to have you as one

of the VIP members too we’re gonna do a

lot more live classes with the VIP

members so hopefully we’ll see you there

yeah keep me posted as well about your

band you know any questions remember you

can always email me or message me if you

have any questions and anything you need

absolutely absolutely I will thank you

too all right

I hope you enjoyed today’s episode if

you want to join me for a conversation

all you have to do is join my Academy

and become my student the link is right

here on the screen speak English with

Tiffany academy.com join today and you

can join me for a conversation I’ll see

you in the next episode this episode of

conversations with teacher Tiffany was

sponsored by the speak English with

Tiffany Academy the number one online

English Academy for intermediate and

advanced English learners



嘿嘿欢迎来到今天与我的对话蒂芙尼老师在今天的情节中我和我的学生亚历克斯交谈,我非常喜欢我们的谈话,我知道你也会喜欢它所以让我们直接跳到与蒂芙尼老师的对话中 由 Speak English with Tiffany Academy 赞助 面向中高级英语学习者的排名第一的在线英语学院 声音可能听起来有点不同,但我感觉还好,我正在变得更好,正是我的圣诞节,好吧,我们喜欢它,是的,这是一个如此神奇的时刻,你知道,是的,我仍然觉得我是个孩子,你知道我' 我每年都很兴奋,这很重要,有这个时间真是太好了 更有趣的是,他们对打开礼物感到非常兴奋,所以是的,这太好了 解决签证 签证状态之类的问题,但是是的,您知道这仍然很有趣,因为我们在洛杉矶有朋友,所以您仍然可以选择感到高兴和兴奋,这是非常正确的,是的,亚历克斯,我想回去 从第一个问题开始,因为你已经通过电子邮件发言了,我继续说下去,但是对于稍后要观看这次对话的学生,你能介绍一下你自己 Alex,你提到你来自俄罗斯,但告诉我们你的好吧,我是 Alex 正如我之前所说,我四年前搬到了美国,我们和我的妻子一起搬家,所以我和我的妻子是音乐家,我们有一个乐队,乐队叫做追逐彗星,我们演奏一种另类摇滚,但有点 它是 基本上混合了各种流派,是的,我们一直在追随我们的梦想,因为我们想看看它是否不能在美国实现我们的音乐事业,所以这就是我们搬家的原因,从那时起我一直在努力学习英语 因为那是我想要在谈话时感到自信的目标,这就是我在 YouTube 上找到你的方式,这就是为什么我在 YouTube 上找到了你,是的,我一直在看很多英语频道和很多英语视频,呃 -嗯,我每天都在努力做到这一点,嗯,然后你的视频突然出现了,我觉得好吧,让我们看看吧,我很喜欢它,你学习的方式和我 只要你把我联系起来,这就是我能说的我很高兴你喜欢这堂课我很高兴你决定加入学院我真的很喜欢当一名英语老师等一下,我可以做一些选择 我真的很喜欢教英语,当我有机会时我总是很兴奋 团结一致认识我的学生,即使是通过视频通话,我真的没有,你能感觉到,我知道你一直在听你说你是一位伟大的老师,每个人都喜欢你,但是 还是那是真的喝酒 教任何科目,因为我在俄罗斯教吉他快四五年了哦,我知道与学生交谈以查看他们的进步或不看到他们的进步对你来说是什么,你知道这很重要,但如果 你有激情是的无论如何你都会成功是的你知道这就是我所拥有的谢谢你知道这很有趣但是就在大约两年半前我开始 YouTube 频道之前,我关注了另一个 youtuber,他 正在就开始一个 频道他说无论你做什么你都必须对它充满热情,因为我没有工作,在我经营英吉利频道的整个过程中都是如此,我的意思是现在你知道做得很好,我能够结识学生,我们有学院 但是有好几个月的时间,早上很辛苦,而且我知道你是一个伟大的计划者,所以不仅仅是你知道随机和混乱你只是计划好一切,是的,这会有所不同,因为当你有策略时 继续前进更容易,所以我想问你需要多少时间才能正确地建立你的 YouTube 频道,才能拥有相当数量的观看次数和订阅者,所以我开始了我的频道,我认为这是两个和一个 半年,而且有周期性的跳跃 我会得到我的前 100 个订阅者,大概花了两三个月,然后下一个引用 - 取消引用的里程碑是一千个订阅者,马特,另一个可能是两到三个 几个月,当我达到一千个订阅者点时,我有一些视频在当时很流行,当时病毒性是他们给我留下了一百万次观看奥尔顿当时还可以,是的,一百万次观看,当我得到 10 次时,我很兴奋 英镑肯定是一个过程,但我会告诉你一件事,我不知道你和你的妻子是否有兴趣开设一个我们拥有的 YouTube 频道,我们拥有他们这是我要问的主要问题是 跟随你的想法和你的热情,倾听你的学生,所以发生了什么是那些正在观看我的视频的学生,他们告诉我他们喜欢什么,什么是对的,只要我注意他们需要什么,我就适应了 好吧,比如说,有一段时间我想教词汇,你关注我多久了,但我从视觉词汇系列开始,正确的图像,我喜欢这样,是的,他们想要一个我们想要的老师一步一步 所以当我切换你的权利时,我认为关键是你必须是的,你必须听你的观众肯定是的好建议是的,告诉我你的频道是什么我的意思是学生观看他们可以很好地观看你的视频 有趣,因为我们有几个频道,第一个频道是我们乐队的频道,叫做 Chase 来评论,所以我们有他们就像我们的音乐视频官方媒体剪辑和所有你知道乐队有的东西我想展示给 Jace 更改评论 是的 好吧 等一下 我想要 我想提升我的学生 我想要我 我现在要在我的电脑上打开它 我要分享我的屏幕 这样你们就可以确切地看到 Nina islets 在说什么 好吧,这是第一个,是的,我们刚刚打破了一个新记录,就像几周前一样,它从矩阵中调用了 1300 名订阅者,但是我们有点卡住了,所以是的,我的意思是你 知道有一点点 不同但有音乐频道有音乐乐队你必须做很多轻封面所以你看穿我们乐队 Nika 的歌手她做了一个它就像一个封面冻结 - 哦不视图不存在我不知道为什么因为 也许那里有太多的封面,所以你必须将你的原创内容与封面混合在一起,因为封面会给你带来追随者,他们带来你的观点非常真实,并不是所有时候都像你知道的那样在常规基础上做是的 该死的,我们希望我们更专注于我们的原创内容,但同时我们必须将其与封面相结合,但无论如何流行 Palooza 解决方案不是什么,因为我们正在谈论它,我要告诉你那里有他们的 YouTube 频道,因为查看您的 YouTube 频道以及您正在尝试做的事情,请稍等一下,我们走一秒钟,他们也是一个乐队,他们真的很棒,但看起来他们又在做您想做的事 制作自己的音乐 b 但是他们也做封面,但我认为他们为你提供了一个很好的渠道,可以让你了解想法,看看他们是如何成长的 可能会滥用,但让我们看看像一周前这样的上传是的-dissing 滥用量是的,是的,他们的风格看起来很像,也许你和你的妻子或你的乐队会有点你喜欢模仿或模仿男人是的,而且我的第二个频道不是这个 第二个频道是俄语,这是我帮助我的观众和订阅者停止吸食大麻的地方,因为是的,我一直很好,我经历了生活中的一些困难阶段,然后我戒烟了,我完全清醒了,我 已经清醒了很长一段时间了谢谢这是是的我觉得有必要与其他人分享我的经验我们已经创建了一个小社区我们互相帮助和互相支持你知道我们在哪里 试图揭示所有 没有人会告诉你关于你的消极因素你知道得很好你介意告诉我我知道它是用俄语的,但我确实有一些俄罗斯学生在学院里,他们也许能很好地看到你的频道我的频道只是为了 责骂亚历山大小姐约瑟夫我的名字和我的名字让我们一起拼写亚历山大只是一个普通的赢家嗯打字和姓氏你怎么样姓是MI SH US govt steel V好吧我给你看只是为了 确保拼写正确是对的,是的,你正在看这个视频的同学们,记得你们在互相攻击,所以你们可以去看看他的频道,这是副歌,我只是在说生活是多么酷 你清醒的生活让你生活中的每一天都快乐你知道要实现一些目标不我只是我只是有时我在胡闹有时我会做一些说唱视频你知道我只是我只是感觉如此之多 我无法像内心一样拥有它的能量 我只是想分享它,我只是感到高兴,这就是你的感觉,我猜对了,所以当你感到高兴时,你的生活是如此有意义,你想与每个人分享,非常真实哇,太好了,谢谢 这是一个很好的介绍,你能告诉我们我的下一个问题是你什么时候开始重新学习英语,因为看起来你对我们的谈话非常满意你一点都不害羞你什么时候开始的 开始学习英语,你为什么选择英语 嗯,我 10 岁时在俄罗斯开始学习英语 我猜那是我五年级,但我想我已经开始教它了 和我妈妈一起,我们只会学一个词汇,她会像猫狗一样教我,当我有点年轻的时候,你会像简单的单词一样教我,但是是的,我猜是五年级,但又是系统,我们系统,老师,老师 在罗斯 sia 它几乎无处不在 你需要每天练习它 你需要进行真正的对话 你可以学习词汇 你可以学习语法 但是如果你不使用它就会变得被动 你知道我的意思是 是的 它就像每个 技能你可能有这个技能,但如果你不使用它,它只是正在消失,所以是的,我花了一些时间才达到我对我的技能感到满意的水平,还有很长的路要走 好吧,我想改进它,我想变得更好,很好,所以目前学习英语最难的是你没有足够的对话,即使我住在洛杉矶,即使我有选择,你有时也很熟悉我的妻子和 我是俄罗斯人,显然我们会说俄语,有时我们住在墨西哥社区还好,所以这里几乎没有人会说英语 我们公司的办公室,我们工作的地方有这种做法,你知道有这种对话,但有时我们在家工作,我明白了,我们只是继续说俄语,如果它喜欢持续几天,我觉得我' 我想念它我觉得我正在失去它甚至可能我的舌头可能会我的舌头灵活性你知道我的意思嗯嗯它必须像必须一直以正确的方式移动是的否则你会失败 所以是的,没有足够的对话,这是一个问题,这对我来说是个问题我想说这就是我这就是我加入学院的原因这就是为什么我想告诉你是的 因为我可以很好很好很好你是什么时候加入学院的,你加入学院有多久了,就像感恩节的快乐交易之类的,哦,是的,你说那是我加入学院的时候了,你加入了 正好赶上,因为我没有你在一月份收到我的另一封电子邮件 价格会上涨,但您不必担心,这是公平的,这是原谅您为学生提供的服务,它必须像您一样,但您知道,只要您在里面,就可以像您一样好 我会一直保持歪斜,所以目前在学院里,到目前为止,你喜欢什么? 我的第一步是我开始观看与其他一些学生的采访,这是我注意到的地方,也是我发现没有人必须害怕他们的口语能力或口语技巧的地方,因为我们仍然可以相互理解以及 我认为完美就是当你尝试做所有事情时正确的词完美是你写的地方你可以我猜这是最喜欢这是最糟糕的事情当你只是 一世 t 不允许你进行

下一步 你知道我的意思 就像不得不

害怕 是的 并且变得完美

















不同的技能 在不同的层面上

无论如何他们都会这样做 我解释

他们表达自己 你理解

他们 联系继续

下去 非常棒 因为很多


是的 是的 ry 逻辑

上是正确的 逻辑上是没有意义的 因为你

犯了错误 你变得


t make them

you don’t learn about that’s good good







你确定你有 24 小时 好像

你有 48 岁或我认为的东西,因为





韩语,是的,我知道 做


我一个 每天有额外的时间来检查





给你带来意义 -










到一个新的水平并改变他们的生活 它








英语对话部分 3

涉及课程计划 日记和建议


表达 习语和短语动词


文化 作为会员,您可以观看

课程 阅读电子书 下载

课程计划 观看视频










月份开始的 VIP 小组,因为就像你





为 VIP 学生开展一个项目,你们

将 有一个来自另一个国家的伴侣,


巴西 你的












是可听的 是的,我只是






它就像每月 15 美元或其他东西一样,但

又一次 有这么多好书,




节目 ents 和一个


现在的力量 我喜欢是的,我真的很喜欢




的现在好的力量 我的下一













我们有时如何行为的书 不能很好地







对 和奇怪的 y 说话









喜欢 因为基本上是学生







似乎 就像非常合乎逻辑,但是







您的问题 我有点问你





让他们继续因为 你知道他们在







并且 没有人会纠正她,






如果你 ‘正在


纠正某人,他们只是觉得还可以 看到







在 正确的方法,然后是 你立即














大脑中发生了什么如果 他们






你摆脱 旧实验室的主要

错误 就像你听得

很清楚的错误 如何

再次以老师的身份说老师 一次又一次



我的技术是我给的 如果





你什么时候得到 又有点紧张 我认为你一点也不




弱点是什么 知道


英语有多难 这不是一门简单的语言 所以

英语中有一个词 我不

知道你有没有听过这个词 挑剔

你有没有听过这个词 让

我给你看 也向你们

展示正在观看此肥皂的人 挑剔


每一个小乐趣 所以它被称为

挑剔 寻找小的或

不重要的错误或错误 我们说不

是的 我看到是的 我看到了








我们非常 很近,我们谈了又谈






关于 嗯嗯,







更大的问题 是啊,你







你知道的方法 e













你从 10 岁起就一直在学习英语






King 电影和电视用英语认真,它




伟大的演员也会这样做 em 但它仍然










有 线索,比如他们在唱

什么 这个水平,







足够的时间 e 如果你投入了相当多




















可能 很好,很好,我们的最后一个






他们会看这个视频 eo






害怕不要 害羞,你




大多数人只会说 101



舒适区,这 很棒,我的意思是它




了 这样你就不会放弃





犯错误和 这就是这里

,这就是我们的方式 从中学习,所以







地方了,所以只是 继续 好吧 继续

前进 一切都会发生

吗 亚历克斯 非常感谢你 我真的很喜欢

这次谈话 我们也同样 蒂芙尼




会喜欢这个 对话谢谢




VIP 名额,但我也希望你也能

成为 VIP 成员之一,我们要做一个

更多 VIP 成员的现场课程,


绝对绝对 我也会非常感谢你

我希望你喜欢今天的节目 如果


谈话 你所要做的就是加入我的学院

并成为我的学生 链接

就在屏幕上 与

蒂芙尼学院说英语 .com 今天加入,你

可以和我一起对话 我会

在下一集中见到你 这一集




[ 音乐】