ENGLISH IN 5 MINUTES Irrelevant Ramble on and Stepping stone
hey guys welcome to the new english
series now in this series i’m going to
teach you new english
vocabulary words and expressions and i’m
going to teach you three
each episode now if you want to learn
more all you have to do is go to
weekly weeklyenglishwords.com and join
our family
now these words and expressions come
from the speak english with tiffany
episode for today so if you want to
listen to the podcast episode
right after learning these words all you
have to do is click the link in the
for the podcast now let’s jump
right in today’s first word is
irrelevant after me
irrelevant excellent job one more time
irrelevant good job now this is a long
word but let’s see what does the word
irrelevant mean
irrelevant means not important
or not related to a topic
so i want you to think about this
situation you’re having a very
deep discussion about your vacation
where you’re going to go with your
family and you’re all discussing it
and then someone walks up and says hey
did you guys
know that there’s going to be a party
tomorrow you can say
that’s irrelevant that’s not what we’re
talking about right now
make sense again irrelevant just means
something that’s not related to the
topic that you’re currently speaking
right so again irrelevant
very good now the second word i want us
to look at is also very important
this word is ramble and the phrasal verb
ramble on so for pronunciation after me
ramble good job again
rambo excellent now the phrasal verb
ramble on you got it last time
ramble on excellent now
ramble on the phrasal verb means to talk
for a long time in a way that is
boring for the listener so i want you to
think about these lessons right
usually you all tell me that i’m very
animated and i have lots of energy right
but imagine if i taught you like this
okay guys our next word is going to be
ramble on it would be a little boring
no energy i would just be rambling
on or think about when you were in
university or college
and you had a professor the professor
was very smart and intelligent but
whenever he
spoke it was kind of like hey guys today
we’re going to learn this new thing so i
want you to open up your books
you can say my professor just rambled on
makes sense alright good so after me
on excellent last time
ramble on good job now i want to pause
real quick because
there is a special special thing i want
to tell you about at the end of this
you see this is a new series and cambly
wanted to partner with me
to help you improve your english so we
have a special prize for one student and
i’m going to tell you how to get that
prize at the end
but the prize is three months of
free english tutoring you heard me right
three months of free english tutoring
that means three months
meeting three times a week for 30
each time totally for free
but you have to wait until the end where
i explain how you can win this prize and
i want to thank cambrie so much for
partnering with me
to help you all reach your english goals
so let’s learn the last word and then
i’ll explain it to you okay
all right so the last one we’re going to
look at is stepping
stone after me stepping
stone excellent last time
stepping stone good job now
stepping stone is an action that helps
you move
towards a specific goal so
let’s say for example we’re talking
about you reaching your goal of speaking
fluently you’re studying hard you’re
watching these youtube videos you’re
writing notes right
well maybe studying with a tutor can be
stepping stone for you to reach your
you got that right you see i connected
it right again
a stepping stone is just moving towards
a specific
goal something that helps you move
towards a specific
goal you got it right all right so
here’s the deal we learned three new
words the first one was what
nice irrelevant second
you got it ramble and ramble on and
yes stepping stone excellent job now
these are all again found in the podcast
episode today you can find the podcast
in the description but here’s the
special prize that i wanted to talk to
you about
so cambly again wants to give one
student three months of free tutoring
meeting three times a week for 30
minutes here’s how you can win
there’s only one winner all you have to
do is
pick one of the words we learned today
one of the expressions right
and make a sentence using that word or
and put it in the comment section i want
you to join come on guys
all you have to do is again pick one of
the three things we learned today
make a sentence using the word the
expression of the phrasal verb
and i’m gonna pick one student to win
this special prize from cambly now
i’m gonna use a randomizer so i’ll pick
from the comments
you must comment within the first 24
so you have 24 hours to comment if
you’re watching this video 24 hours
later i’m so
sorry you’ve missed your opportunity but
if you’re not
you still have an opportunity so write
your sentence in the comment
section and then in 24 hours i will
pick a winner and i’ll type that
winner’s name in the comment section so
you got to pay attention
i’ll announce the winner after 24 hours
in the comments section and i’ll pin the
comment so
i’m so excited for you guys remember the
words irrelevant
ramble ramble on and finally stepping
i want you guys to win cambly thank you
so much for partnering with me
and helping students around the world
learn english
i hope you guys enjoyed this remember if
you want to learn
more words i taught you three from
today’s podcast
but if you want to learn about 30 words
and expressions that came from today’s
podcast episode all you have to do is go
to weeklyenglishwords.com and join our
alright guys i’ll talk to you next week
but remember
speak english