English Speaking Practice 10 Techniques
number one timed speaking practice now
for this technique you will create for
download a series of topical English
cards specifically topics you are
interested in then you will set a timer
for 15 30 60 or 90 seconds and your goal
is to speak about the topic non-stop
until the timer stops this is technique
number one this lesson is being brought
to you by the speak English with Tiffany
Academy the number one online English
Academy for intermediate and advanced
English learners if you would like to
improve your English and join the
Academy click the link in the
description down below
alright I’m teacher Tiffany let’s jump
right in number two mimic other people
for this technique you will find videos
you are interested in then you will
watch the videos and repeat after the
individuals you can do this by repeating
as you listen or by pausing the video
periodically number three speed flash
cards now for this technique you will
create a series of flashcards with
vocabulary words on them then you will
time yourself creating quick sentences
using the vocabulary word your goal will
be to make as many sentences as possible
in one minute
number four timed reading for this
technique you will choose a passage on a
topic you are interested in that’s very
then you will read it out loud and time
yourself next you will read it again and
try to read it faster than the first
finally you will read it one last time a
little faster than the second time
number five
translation practice for this technique
you will find something to read or you
can write something in your native
language then you will translate each
sentence into in
this will help you think more in English
which will affect your speaking okay
number six role-playing for this
technique you will download a script
from a show that you like and you will
roleplay you can do this alone or with a
partner your goal is to act like the
person and try to put your emotions into
it number seven create a story for this
technique you will find various images
then pick one and set a timer for three
minutes after hitting start you will
make a story about the image the story
should give the five W’s who what when
where and why the character or
characters a climax and a conclusion
this is great practice number eight
sentence creation for this technique you
will also find various images then you
will make as many sentences about the
image as you can you can set a timer or
you can set a sentence goal for example
five sentences per image number nine
memorize and repeat for this technique
you will pick a short passage and
memorize it then you will repeat the
passage out loud while looking at
yourself in the mirror number 10
journal and reading for this technique
you will write a journal entry about
your day in English then you will read
it out loud I hope you enjoyed this
English lesson and if you would like to
continue studying with me teacher
Tiffany click the link in the
description below to join the speak
English with Tiffany Academy now as
always remember to speak English