How Advertisements Can Help You Speak English Better
hey let me tell you something about
american culture
american culture is strongly influenced
by advertisements they change the way we
think and the way we
speak in other words english
fluency is affected by advertisements
in the 1970s there was a popular
advertisement for
life cereal and in the advertisement was
a young
man his name was mikey and mikey
mikey loved some food mikey would eat
anything and that became a coined
phrase mikey will eat
anything now fast forward to 2020.
i use this phrase even
now this phrase is so popular that even
in 2020
people around america use it so for
example when my family gathers together
and we’re eating a good meal
if one of us can’t finish the food on
our plates we say hey
don’t worry mikey will eat anything
and we’re speaking about my dad because
my dad loves
food but you see the power of an
it came out in the 1970s but we’re still
using the phrases
now that’s why i created today’s lesson
i want to help you understand how
powerful advertisements
are to help you improve your english and
like a native english speaker so today
i’m going to teach you english
vocabulary words related to
i’m going to teach you english
expressions related to advertisements
i’m going to show you how to organize
your thoughts
using the five w’s to speak about
i’m going to talk about a real life
situation where you can
see the terms and expressions being used
and i’m gonna give you a three
step plan to help you apply what you
learn in today’s lesson
when i say today’s lesson is gonna
change your life oh
yeah i am not lying now before we start
the lesson though i need you to do
something for me
you know that my goal is to help one
billion students
around the world speak english with
confidence and in order to do that i
need these video lessons to spread
so i need you to do three things i need
you to
like share and subscribe
one more time like share subscribe come
i said like share subscribe last time
like share subscribe i’m teacher tiffany
let’s jump right in
alright so for today’s lesson we have
five specific
sections english vocabulary english
thought organization real life situation
and a three-part study plan now remember
i’m gonna explain
everything to you in each section and if
you want to get the pdf that goes along
with this lesson
remember join the academy the link is in
the description
all right so let’s get started with the
first section here we go
english vocabulary now this first one is
consumer real quick after me
consumer nice last time
consumer excellent now
a consumer is a person who purchases
goods and services for personal
use so we are all consumers now let’s
look at some example sentences here we
she appeared to be just a happy american
consumer out shopping at a big box
store a real quick big box store
so a big box store refers to a store
where you can buy things in bulk for
in america costco is a big box store
so maybe i want to purchase um let’s see
say lotion
but i don’t need one bottle i need 10
bottles well
that will equal a big box so costco
would sell
that box a big box store all right
so our next example sentence is right
here the new
prices will affect all consumers
and finally they conducted a poll in
order to see
what consumers were thinking so again
after me consumer very good this is
related to advertisements because
consumers actually purchase products
okay now our next vocabulary word is
advert all right so after me
advert great job again
advert excellent now an
advert is simply a public promotion of
product or service now
you may notice it’s basically the
shortened form of the word
advertisement you got that right so we
advert now let’s see some example
sentences here we go
the advert was posted all around
the city next she put an
advert in the paper to see her oven her
oven but no one contacted her
alright and last their latest advert
features a famous actor so again
advert just referring to an
now what about the third vocabulary word
related to
what are we talking about that’s right
advertisements here we go
the third one is billboard
again after me billboard
good last time bill board
good make sure you get your your tongue
kind of lifting up for the l
billboard excellent job now
a billboard is a large outdoor posters
that advertise
products you often see these on top of
city buildings or on the side of the
so here’s an example sentence did you
see the new broadway theater
billboards good advertising billboards
were very
expensive in the past and finally
they unveiled a new billboard on fifth
avenue now billboards like the sentence
were very popular in the past and even
though we still have them today
they’re not as popular as they used to
be because now we have
social media we have the internet so
companies are advertising in different
ways but billboards are still
popular all right so now let’s see the
next section again
expanding our understanding of
now this expression is also very useful
this expression is
consumer research after me
consumer research
good last time consumer
research very good now you already know
what a consumer is
now we’re seeing this expression
consumer research
so consumer research refers to
marketing research that yields or
produces or
gives information about the motives
and needs of different classes of
so for example consumer research showed
that many people
were still not interested in the product
so you conduct consumer research when
you’re trying to figure out
ooh what do they like what don’t they
consumer research all right now the next
expression is right here
this one is product placement
all right so after me product placement
very good all right so this is when
make arrangements with shows or events
to have their product included in that
media to help promote their product
so look at this right below me you see
it right here this drawing
now you see that there’s a man and a
woman right and they look like they’re
typing on a computer
but what sign do you see that’s right
you see the apple logo
so in a movie if there’s a a company
uh well let’s say apple they want to
advertise apple computers well they want
to pick a very good movie and they just
put their computer
in one of the scenes right so product
and they pay a lot of money to do that
right so
let’s see an example sentence here we go
some examples of product placement
are very subtle subtle means
not obvious again subtle
good that b is silent subtle
good and again meaning not obvious
all right so the next one is brand
slogan again brand
slogan now this one is a special saying
made from a few words
that helps identify the company
or brand now you see right below me
right you see the nike swoosh
just do it so again you guys may not
know this but nike is my favorite brand
i love
nike clothing i love all of their uh
so i know their brand slogan very well
just do it but that’s a very popular
slogan a brand
slogan so here’s the sentence one of the
famous brand slogans is just
do it alright so now we have three
expressions we have
consumer research we have product
placement and we have brand slogan
all right now how do we put these
together with the vocabulary words in
order to
not only understand advertising but also
know how to speak about
advertisements like a native english
so here we go all right so
use the five w’s who what when where
and why all right so who consumers
what brand slogan and product placement
when i chose all year round where
adverts and billboards why
consumer research so you notice that i
use the vocabulary
and the expressions that we’ve learned
so far in our lesson
so how would i talk about advertising
here we go there are millions of
living in america so large corporations
try to think of the best
product placements that will showcase
their brand slogans as a result of
consumer research
which is done all year round many
companies decide to show their products
in adverts and on billboards
so you see what happened right we
learned six
right we learned three vocabulary words
and three expressions
and i was able to use those in order to
organize my thoughts
and speak about advertising now as you
study right we’re gonna look at another
real life situation but
as you study you may need help doing
this you may need help from a teacher to
ah is is my answer right am i organizing
my thoughts properly
that’s where today’s sponsor will come
in handy
cambly is sponsoring today’s video and
i’m so happy to
partner with them cambly is an awesome
company and they provide
tutors for students learning english
they have tutors from
australia america canada and more
they’re an awesome company and they even
recently added
courses that’s right if you’re studying
for a test
or you need help specifically with
english fluency
or even if you need help with certain
of learning english cambly can help you
cambly thank you so much for sponsoring
this video
guys you can click the link in the
description and you can use the coupon
cambly is so awesome they want to help
my students
that’s right you to improve your english
by giving you a coupon code
and helping you reach all of your goals
so cambly thank you so much and guys
remember sign up with cambly so you can
practice what i am teaching you all
so now let’s see a real life situation
all right so here we have this baseball
field now america baseball is very
very popular ah i got a real quick story
for you guys
so you know that i lived in korea right
for 10 years
and i was never a big baseball fan like
basketball and soccer those are the
sports i like
but when i went to korea i heard about
how good the baseball games were
so i was confused like what’s so good
about a baseball game you know you’re
hitting a ball and it’s kind of quiet
you know it’s kind of a slow game but
that was not the case with korean
baseball games so
at a korean baseball game it’s not just
the players or the athletes on the field
in the stands during the game and even
during the
breaks throughout the game they have
people dancing they have people clapping
doing different songs when i say it was
oh man so i enjoyed going to baseball
in korea now what about this situation
right here again we’re talking about
how can it apply or how can the idea of
advertisements apply to this situation
well think about it number one the
consumers the fans consume
products right what about this number
advert public promotion of various
businesses you can see right on the
billboards you see
bank of america a popular bank in
america you see
ford you know a popular truck company
then you see a t
actually that’s who i have my cell phone
so you see promotion you see adverts
that are being displayed at this game
now what about number three
billboards right huge billboards in the
stands when you go to a baseball game
you will see billboards everywhere why
because they have so many consumers
in the stands and let’s see number four
what about
consumer research you see fans of
baseball right so research was done
on the consumers that go to baseball
games they realized that oh
they need banks bank of america bought a
they need trucks ford bought a billboard
they need cell phones so at t
bought a billboard so you can see how
all of these words and expressions
can be seen in this situation well what
product placement we see a lot of
billboards but
you’ll notice that they’re actually
placed in strategic
areas so you see this one right here oh
i’ma see if you can look at it over
there in the corner right
that says toyota another car company
but it’s placed right below the
consumers on one side so that their
consumers on the opposite side can see
clearly alright product placement is
and what about this one number six brand
slogan right here on ford i know it’s a
little tiny for you
guys but it says go further
that is one of ford’s brand slogans
go further so everything can be seen
in this real life situation so it’s so
important for you to
understand the words and the expressions
because you’ll see them
all around you all right now
i want to give you a plan so you kind of
get frustrated right it’s hard to
real english think about it i told you
the story in the beginning about
mikey right now if you had never heard
that story and never knew about the
advertisement from the 1970s
you would have never understood
mikey likes to eat mikey will eat
anything you probably would have asked
me teacher your
your dad’s name is not mikey why are you
calling him mikey
but once you understand the
advertisement and the slogans and
phrases used in it
you can understand english better so
let me give you three steps to improve
your understanding of english
advertisements and american
advertisements so the solution is to
start paying attention to advertisements
and commercials step one pick one
category to focus on
there are many types of advertisements
the medicine food design
the list goes on there are commercials
for all categories
next find three advertisements
related to the category you can find
them on youtube you can find them on
television you can find them anywhere
and finally write down common phrases
phrases you don’t know and i suggest
that you do this in a specific
notebook all right think about it when
we watch
that commercial right when that
advertisement came out
mikey will eat anything it’s stuck so
when you watch an advertisement
write down those phrases that you seem
to hear over and over again
or that seem to be very important that’s
how you will improve your english
using advertisements i know it’s a
shocker right
so if you enjoyed this lesson i know
you’re gonna really enjoy
part two improve your english even more
in part two i’ll give you the pdf file
that goes along with this lesson
i’ll give you some examples of american
advertisements i just mentioned
life cereal but i’ll show you some other
specific examples
which is going to help you understand
americans even more
then i’ll talk about american culture
just a little bit more
i just told you about life cereal but
i’ll give you some more information
and finally a practical application so
i’ll give you a pdf that will help you
actually put into practice what i taught
you today
guys i really hope you enjoyed this
lesson remember
if you want to be a part of my academy
and see part two
all you have to do is go to this link
right here on the screen
and also click the link in the
description don’t forget also to sign up
with cambly in order to improve your
english and to practice
what you learned all right guys i hope
you enjoyed remember
to study english
you ready you know i didn’t forget it’s
story time hey i said his story
time alright guys today we have a very
touching story so you know that i love
my family a lot
and i may have told some of you this
story but i want to tell it to
the rest of you so every saturday i
actually teach
a bible class i teach it on facebook
it’s public so you guys can actually
join if you’d like every saturday at 9
a.m on saturday mornings i teach a bible
and i have to get up really early on
saturday mornings
in order to prepare for the bible
classes because during the week i’m
working for you guys
so one morning uh this this weekend it
was on a saturday morning i woke up
4am because i had to prepare for class
my nieces just happened to be staying
with us
so my nieces were in the room directly
across from mine
so i was sitting in my room my home
office and i was working on the
and i heard a tap at the door
i said wait a minute now i woke up at 4
00 a.m but around
5 15 5 30 i heard this tap at the door
now my nieces are three
and 10 years old so i heard a tap at the
and i said you’ve got to be kidding me
then i heard the door slowly open
and i looked down and i saw these little
and my three-year-old niece walked into
my room she said tt that’s what she
calls me
are you awake i said yes baby i’m awake
so she came in i said now tt is working
though i’m trying to create something
i’m trying to prepare for a bible class
you can stay in here though
she said okay i said do you want to draw
she said yes i’d like to draw
so i gave her paper and markers and
and while i created the presentation for
the bible class
she laid behind me on the floor and drew
and colored for about an hour or two
now i was busy but when she came
in i felt this sense of
love come over me because you know
children really make you happy
and i could tell she just wanted to be
her aunt and you know sometimes in life
you know we get really busy as adults
and we forget that the small
things really bring us joy so that
moment right there really made me happy
i love my nieces to death i would give
them anything
anything they need i’ll give to them but
those moments those those special
moments like coming into my room at 5
30 in the morning are the moments i will
remember for a lifetime
so i hope you guys have experienced
these these moments where
someone that you love has surprised you
and and maybe
helped you to feel special let me know
in the comment section all right guys
i’ll talk to you next
week remember to keep studying english