How To Describe A Person In English
how to actually describe a person in
English this requires three different
parts and those parts are also divided
up into a formula a specific formula to
6 1 the first part of the formula deals
with the name of the person and your
relationship to them you describe this
using two sentences the second part of
the formula 6 deals with the three
specific details about the person you do
this by using six different sentences
and the final part of the formula deals
with the number one one sentence that
gives your general opinion of the person
however how do you actually make these
sentences that’s what I’m going to teach
you in today’s video welcome to speak
English with Tiffany I’m teacher Tiffany
let’s jump right in alright part 1 or
section 1 the first thing you need to do
is explain how you know the person that
you will be talking about this is
important to do first because it will be
the foundation or proof for your
description of the person now remember
this first part dealt with the number 2
which represents two sentences the first
part of the formula the first sentence
needs to give the person’s name and
restate the question and the second
sentence needs to explain how long you
have known the person so let’s look at
an example really quickly the question
is who is your best friend okay now
remember we have the two sentences
description right here it says give the
person’s name and restate the question
so for this first sentence we have my
best friend’s name is Samantha Smith
that answers the person’s name and I
also restated the question and the
second sentence explained how long you
have known the person we have been
best friends for more than 20 years so
we have clearly stated how long I have
known or how long we’ve known the person
but before we move on I want to show you
a specific pattern that will be really
good in helping you when you are
answering questions regarding describing
people we have been dot-dot-dot for more
than dot-dot-dot
okay so I’ll rewrite it right here we
have been dot dot dot for let’s erase
that really quickly it was too close for
more then dot dot dot now we use this
structure or a sentence pattern when we
are describing something in English that
we did in the past and we are still
doing currently so let me explain it
visually let’s say for example we have
this timeline right here so we are in
2018 and let’s say this is 2015 so this
is a span of three years okay now let’s
say there was an activity that we
started right about here okay let’s say
you started studying English right about
this time so we can actually make a
sentence like this we can say we have
been the action studying English for
more than three years why because of
this period right here that exceeds
three years so once again we have been
studying English for more than three
years again remember you can change this
I have been studying English for
more than three years now if you use he
or she remember you have to change this
to has okay that’s a simple grammar rule
she has been he has been okay now that’s
the structure to remember for this part
of the formula okay let’s keep going
now the second part deals with the three
specific details about the person you
see the next thing you need to do is
give specific information about the
person so you need to pick three of the
five W’s and then give details that
explain each of them remember we went
over this in a previous video the five
W’s you can look on the top right of the
screen for a link to that video lesson
but remember the five W’s were who what
when where and what’s the last one you
got it
why okay these are the five W’s so you
pick three of them it’s up to you and
then you give specific details about
each of them now so for example let’s
say give a detail about where i’ve
chosen where is the first w for the
first sentence then my second sentence
will be give extra information my third
sentence will be give a detail about
when then give extra information number
give a detail about what and finally
give extra information so I have six
sentences for part two of the formula or
part two of my answer and how I will
describe a person okay so let’s look at
an example okay remember our question is
who is your best friend and remember we
have our six sentence guideline right
here okay so let’s start reading
Samantha is from a small town in
Michigan that answers which one give a
detail about we’re very good next she
grew up there with her parents and her
three siblings we gave extra information
we’re let’s continue I met Samantha in
my freshman year of university detail
about when when I met her after we found
out that we were both computer science
majors we decided to take our classes
I’m giving extra information next so
after many nights of studying together
and hanging out we naturally grew closer
I’m giving a detail about what she has
been there for me through thick and thin
and I can’t live without her last
I’ve given extra information these are
the six sentences for part 2 of how to
give or describe a person okay in
English now let’s go back and look at
some specific sentence patterns okay
so in the first one samantha is from a
small town in Michigan very simple she
grew up there with her parents and her
three siblings okay grew up there
alright now we use this sentence pattern
or this expression to explain where we
were raised so where we were raised
either from childhood or for a long
period of time okay usually from
childhood though because it says grew up
okay to go from small to big so I grew
up dot dot dot now we put there right
here because we already mentioned
Michigan in the previous sentence okay
all right let’s keep going
I met Samantha in my freshman year of
university very simple after we found
out that we were both computer science
majors we decided to take our classes
together all right so the pattern we
want to look at is after we found out
dot dot dot okay so this simply means
after something
was realized okay after something was
realized usually not on purpose okay by
for example after I found out that he
liked me I decided to give him my phone
number okay all right let’s keep going
so after many nights of studying
together and hanging out we naturally
grew closer alright
now you notice it says hanging out okay
in English this just means spending time
together okay spending time together we
usually use it when we’re talking about
friends okay the time that we spend with
friends okay spending time together so
hanging out alright and then we have
naturally grew closer now grew closer
just means to develop a closer
relationship but you’ll notice that it
says naturally naturally is what I want
to focus on so it means to get close
without any extra effort okay to get
close or closer w /o just means without
without any special or any extra effort
that’s what naturally grew closer means
all right and the final sentence she has
been there for me through thick and thin
and I couldn’t live life without her
okay so through thick and thin this
means when someone is there for you in
the difficult times and the easy times
okay or the good and the bad times okay
so we can say someone is there
in good and bad times and good and bad
times so for example my family is there
for me through thick and thin in the
good times and the bad times okay so
through thick and thin all right let’s
move on now the next part is the last
part the last section of your answer
okay your general opinion of the person
okay the last thing you need to do is
give your honest opinion of the person
you want to end with how you feel about
them or how they have affected your life
so the only sentence is give your
opinion of the person so let’s go back
to our example the question was who is
your best friend
alright so this is how we would say it
in my opinion she is the best friend
anyone could ever ask for
and in this sentence in my opinion is
the most important pattern okay in my
opinion so this just refers to my idea
or my thought about a specific topic
subject or in this case a person okay so
in my opinion she is the best friend
anyone could ever ask for
so now using this formula we can look at
the answer in its totality again the
question was who is your best friend
formula two six one okay and there are
three parts and as you can see each part
is actually in our answer and the last
one is right here two plus six plus one
now you can describe any person in
English if you would like to continue
studying with me teacher Tiffany go to
speak English with Tiffany comm slash
to get your ebook today and you can also
join my courses speak English with
Tiffany comm slash courses also you can
check out my
next English video lesson to the left of
your screen remember to keep studying
hard and to enjoy studying English