How To Describe Images In English
welcome to speak English with Tiffany I
am teacher Tiffany let’s jump right in
one of the best ways to improve your
English is to practice describing images
so let’s look at them together okay this
is our first picture and we are going to
be finding pieces of information within
the picture that answer the question of
who amber who is the first of the five
W’s so let’s look closely at this
picture and what do we see first first
we see two girls so the first piece of
information is two girls and if we look
a bit closer we can also say that these
are two white females now let’s go into
more detail let’s look a little closer
something that we see is the shirts and
the shorts that they are wearing they
look like they may be runners or
athletes so we can write runners or
athletes these are two options that we
have runners or athletes let’s put or in
the middle runners or athletes and then
if we look in more detail her face looks
quite young and so does her face so
maybe these two white females or these
two girls are actually high school
so we can write this right here high
school students now let’s get one more
piece of information so if they’re high
school students they are probably
so let’s write teenagers at the bottom
of this picture teenagers so for this
one picture we have five different
pieces of information that can give us
more details about who we have two white
females two girls runners or athletes
high school students or teenagers now
let’s move on to the next picture okay
here’s our next picture and we are going
to talk about what we’re gonna look at
this picture and figure out what is
actually going on in this picture so in
the picture of course we see two women
but what are they doing the first thing
that we notice is that they are sitting
on a rock so we can write sitting on a
rock remember what refers to the action
what is going on in the picture so the
next thing we notice well they have some
shoes on their back so maybe they went
hiking in a wet place so we can also say
they are possibly resting
after a hike maybe they feel very tired
so maybe they are resting after a hike
now the next thing we notice is that
these two women while they’re looking
out they probably are talking to each
so maybe they are having a conversation
having a convert to put to the next line
a conversation then what’s in front of
them well in front of them we can see a
lot of water and we notice that they’re
both looking this way
so maybe they are just looking at the
water so let’s write that looking at the
water and let’s just do one more so
looking at the picture again it looks
like they’re also sitting very
comfortably maybe they’re waiting for
someone so since they’re sitting in
front of the water maybe they’re waiting
for a boat maybe they’re waiting
for a boat so in this one picture there
are five different pieces of information
that could possibly answer the question
of what either they are having a
conversation just sitting on a rock
resting after a hike waiting for a boat
or looking at the water okay now we have
our next picture and for this picture we
are going to focus on when we’re going
to look at this picture and see what
pieces of information in the picture can
tell us possibly when it was taken so
the first thing we can look at is the
top portion it looks very bright outside
so this picture was probably taken
during the day so the first one we can
write is during the day now let’s get a
bit more specific let’s see possibly now
these people are carrying their bags and
he’s also relaxing so maybe it’s not the
morning maybe this is actually in the
afternoon so we can say in the after
noon now let’s look at it one more time
there’s this young man again and there’s
also this older man now this young man
probably has a job but he’s relaxing so
maybe it’s not a weekday maybe this was
taken on the weekend so we can also
think about saying on the weekend let’s
come up with a few more a few more so
let’s see now again this person is older
so he probably is retired it doesn’t
have a job and it’s just relaxing but
the people in the background people over
here and also once again this young man
they all are at the age where they
should be working so maybe it’s not a
workday it could either be the weekend
as we said before or it could be during
a holiday and let’s do one more let’s do
one more now this man on the right and
this man on the left maybe there is some
relationship maybe he
is his grandfather so maybe it’s his
birthday and his grandson is spending
time with him so we have five different
pieces of information just about this
picture that answer the question of when
on the weekend during the day during a
holiday in the afternoon or even on his
birthday okay now our next picture deals
with where so we’re gonna use this
picture and try to find information that
will answer the question of where we’ll
look at some details we see that there
are a lot of females in this picture and
they’re smiling so let’s get started mmm
well we see this right here and it’s a
door so maybe they are at someone’s
house so let’s say they are at a house
now let’s look at the picture one more
time now since the women are all wearing
dresses maybe they are at a church maybe
they got dressed up and they are at
a church hmm let’s see
now we mentioned that this is a door of
a house so we could also just say very
simply in front of a door now let’s see
there’s something unique about their
dresses one more time let’s look at
these dresses again they’re all the same
and they’re quite nice so maybe they are
at a wedding reception so maybe they are
at a wedding reception the after party
because they’re smiling and they look
very happy and they look like maybe the
ceremony is over and it’s time to party
or it could possibly be remember there
are only four females in this picture in
Western culture before wedding starts
the women come together and they get
ready so maybe they’re at a hotel
getting ready for the wedding so they
can also possibly be at a hotel so once
again looking at this picture we have
five different options for where it
could have been taken at a wedding
reception at a house at a hotel in front
of a door or even at a church now in our
next picture we will look at information
that answers the question of why so we
see that this is a very unique picture
this time we see there are four people
it looks like two
little children a mom that looks a
little bit older and then also we see
kind of a teenage girl on the right side
so let’s look at why they are doing what
they’re doing so the first thing we’re
going to look at is the bananas or
possibly plantings on their back so they
are possibly going to sell bananas
somewhere so they are going to sell
bananas that’s why they are carrying
them on their back now let’s see maybe
the reason that they are inside it looks
like they are inside and even though
they’re inside it looks a bit dark so
maybe it’s raining outside that’s why
they’re standing inside so maybe it is
raining outside okay let’s look at it a
little closer now if we notice there are
a lot of bananas on each of their backs
a lot even for the little people so why
are they doing this well maybe because
they’re very strong and they don’t need
help so they are
strong now let’s see we notice that they
are from a different country so maybe
it’s a part of their culture to carry
bananas like that so what’s the reason
it could possibly be it is their culture
that’s why they’re carrying the bananas
and last let’s see now we notice again
that this is a child this is a child and
this is a child however this is an adult
so maybe this is their mother and their
mom is teaching them how to work so we
could say their mom is teaching them
let’s erase that G and let’s do it again
teaching them how to work so once again
we have multiple pieces of information
about one picture that answers the
question why it is raining outside they
are going to sell bananas their mom is
teaching them how to work it is their
culture or we can even say they are
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