How To Express Your Opinion In English
welcome to speak English with Tiffany I
am teacher Tiffany let’s jump right in
alright today we are going to look at
two ways of expressing your opinion in
English the intermediate level way and
the advanced level way now for the
intermediate level there are three
things that you need to remember before
we get into the details so for the
intermediate let’s write it right here
intermediate level the thing that you
need to remember is that it is simpler
than the advanced level also it is only
your opinion okay your opinion is the
only thing that’s important when you’re
giving the intermediate level opinion or
expressing your opinion at the
intermediate level and you also give
support for your opinion at the
intermediate level however when you get
to the advanced level it is a lot more
detailed as you can see there are one
two three different parts for the
advanced level but before we get into
that part just remember the advanced
level is more detailed it also is a
three-part answer which I just explained
and the other thing is your opinion is
based on your opinion is based on other
opinions this is what we were going to
understand and look at in this video
okay so let’s get started first let’s
look at the intermediate level can
remember it’s just your opinion but
there are three parts number one says
state your general opinion about the
topic number two give three supporting
points details or reasons
and number three restate your opinion
one last time okay
so let’s jump right in so looking at
number one okay number one now for
number one you need to remember to be
clear okay
be clear when you state your opinion
also you need to restate the topic okay
and then give your opinion and then give
your opinion this is very important
restate the topic to let the person know
that you understood what they asked and
then give your opinion now for number
two which is give three supporting
points remember I went over this step in
a previous video how to answer any
question in English you can click the
link on the top right of the screen if
you want to go over it or look at the
video again to figure out how to do this
properly okay so you want to find three
clear and easy to understand and easy to
understand supporting points remember as
you’re expressing your opinion the most
important part is you want to make sure
the person who’s listening to you
understands okay so find easy to
understand supporting points okay next
give your opinion a good foundation okay
give your opinion a good foundation and
finally I’ll quickly foundation just
means good basis okay good structure and
finally this shows
excellent let’s go to the next slide
excellent thinking and reasoning skills
okay and reasoning skills the fact that
you can give support for your answer is
very good okay which is what makes it an
intermediate level response or
intermediate level way of expressing
your opinion and number three this is
important because you must always recap
all right recap just means to restate
always recap or remind the person what
your point was okay so this is how you
give your opinion at the intermediate
level now looking at an example let’s
say for example the topic is going to
bed early verse going to bed late
okay one more time going to bed early
versus going to bed late okay so for
number one let’s indicate it using the
orange color for number two let’s use
the purple and for number three let’s
use the green so let’s get started
reading the response it says in my
opinion I believe it is better to go to
bed early I have three reasons why I
think going to bed early is better than
staying up late okay so for number one
state your general opinion about the
topic so we’re going to highlight that
right here okay now let’s move on to the
next one it says first science shows
that an hour of sleep before midnight is
worth two hours of sleep after midnight
in other words you will feel more rested
the next day I want to pause very
quickly you see how I say right here in
other words what’s happening is I am
restating or giving more supporting
information for my first point or my
first detail okay let’s keep going
second going to bed early helps you have
a more
active morning the next day this is
because once again I’m giving more
information second and this is because
you will have higher energy levels okay
and finally the third reason is science
has proven that going to bed early can
help with weight management if you go to
bed early again it’s just giving more
information that will eliminate the
desire for late night snacking so let me
highlight this area right here because
this is our number two and finally our
number three is restate your opinion one
last time okay it says so for these
three reasons I believe that going to
bed early is better than going to bed
late so I have restated what my opinion
was now if you answer like this this is
an excellent intermediate level way of
expressing your opinion now let’s jump
into the advanced level there are three
different sections for the advanced
level K the first section is other
opinions now the three parts of this are
number one describe two groups who have
opposing or opposite opinions on the
topic number two give the basic details
of each opinion and number three state
the reason or reasons for each of the
opinions okay so let’s look at this in
more detail alright so for number one
okay number one which again is described
two groups who have opposing opinions on
the topic okay so the thing is it is
important to present or give various
opinion okay various or different
opinions this is something that is key
to the advanced level because it shows
that you know more than just your own
and again it also shows advanced fix
that advanced level speaking and
thinking ability I mentioned this in my
previous video where I talked about how
to study English as an intermediate or
advanced learner so on the top right of
the screen you’ll see that link how to
study English for intermediate and
advanced learners I go over this point
also in that video so you can review it
there okay and for number two number two
again says give the basic details of
each opinion okay now what you want to
do is summarize okay
summarize the opinions
okay the opinions of others you want to
summarize the opinions okay so you can
do this by giving general facts or
points okay general facts or points and
for number three number three is state
the reason or reasons for each opinion
okay now for number three you want to
pick between let’s say pick one two
three all right so one two three reasons
okay one two three reasons depending on
the amount of time that you have to give
your answer okay to give your opinion so
depending on the amount of time you have
to actually express your opinion okay so
one two and three this is the first
section of your opinion at the advanced
level now what you’re going to do is
look at this example and let’s see if we
can clearly see all different part
okay so again for number one we’re going
to use the orange number two we’re going
to use purple again and number three
we’re going to use the green remember
the topic is the same going to bed early
versus going to bed late
okay so let’s jump in there are two
fields of thought on this topic now two
fields of thought is just an expression
that native english-speakers used to say
two opposite opinions or two opposing
opinions you can also use it okay
so again there are two fields of thought
on this topic the two groups that hold
these opinions are early birds and night
owls okay so for number one just the two
groups so let’s circle that right here
okay and let’s move on to number two
which says the basic details of each
opinion okay
early birds say that going to bed early
is better while night owls say going to
bed late is better that is our part two
very simple the basic details okay then
for number three the reasons here we go
the early birds believe that going to
bed early is better because they feel
more productive healthier and more alert
we gave three reasons okay for this
opinion however the night owls believe
that going to bed late is better because
they feel more creative at night it is
easier to work when everyone is sleep
also sleeping and they’re able to have
more personal time okay so for each
opinion we gave three reasons all right
so this is the third part of our
response for section number one okay so
let’s keep going okay now we’re in
section number two pros and cons okay
number one says state the strongest
reason for each opinion number two give
the pro and con of the first opinion and
number three give the pro and con of the
second opinion okay now looking at this
a bit closer this is what’s going to
happen so for number one okay looking at
number one which says state the
strongest reason for each opinion now
this shows let’s write it out here
this shows your ability to reason well
okay to assess information and determine
what is the strongest point and what is
the weakest point okay
it also shows so doing this also shows
deep thought okay that you deeply
thought about this topic okay now number
two and number three are very similar
okay they’re both talking about the pros
and cons okay pros and cons so by doing
number two and number three it gives
okay just this method gives the listener
a clearer understanding of both sides
okay clearer let’s go to the next one
understanding of both sides okay this is
why this is so important they can
understand the positive the negatives
the advantages the disadvantages of both
sides okay so we’re gonna look at the
example now now again remember that it’s
the same topic going to bed early versus
going to bed late
okay so again number one we have orange
number two we have purple and number
three we have green so let’s get started
the strongest reason for the early birds
opinion is that going to bed
makes them feel healthier on the other
hand the strongest reason for the night
owls opinion is that it is easier to
work when everyone else is sleeping okay
so remember on the other hand is used
when you want to express an opposite
opinion okay so let’s highlight that
this is part one for this section okay
the strongest reason for each opinion
okay let’s keep two
now the second part the main advantage
of the first opinion is that going to
bed early does stop late night snacking
but the problem is it does not totally
eliminate snacking so we have our part
two right here okay the pros and cons of
the first opinion now let’s look at the
pros and cons of the second opinion
looking at the second opinion it is true
that it is much quieter and easier to
work when everyone else is sleeping
however the problem is the next day you
will be tired when everyone else is
awake and ready to work okay
so this is part three of this section
we’ve given all of the information
regarding the pros and the cons which
now leads us into section number three
your opinion okay so one state which
opinion you agree with more to give
three supporting points details or
reasons and three restate your opinion
one last time so let’s look at it closer
so for number one you need to make sure
that you are very clear okay very clear
on which opinion you agree with and this
is also actually very similar to the
method we used in the intermediate level
okay so to the intr see if we can write
it intermediate level method or response
okay but let’s put the but right here
the difference is it is based on what
other opinions you got it other opinions
that is what makes this part different
and for two and three they are actually
the same that we use in the intermediate
level okay so same as
the intermediate level response and
again I will show you in the example
answer what this looks like so here we
go again the topic going to bed early
versus going to bed late ok so we have
our 1 our 2 and R 3 now here we go
in my opinion I agree that it is better
to go to bed early I have three reasons
why I think going to bed early is better
than staying up late so I’ve showed that
I agree with the opinion that says going
to bed early is better now for the
second one and for the third one they
are literally the exact same as the
intermediate level so we’re just going
to highlight them because we went over
it earlier and the last part so for
these three reasons I believe that going
to bed early is better than going to bed
late this is how you express your
opinion at the advanced level if you
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