How to Express Yourself in English when you are angry
have you ever wondered how to express
anger in English well don’t worry
today I will teach you how to express
yourself naturally in English when you
are angry welcome to speak English with
Tiffany I am teacher Tiffany and today
we are going to learn the eighth secret
to speaking English how to express
yourself in English when you are angry
this secret will improve your ability to
speak clearly and logically in English
are you ready
well then let’s jump right in
today we will learn one vocabulary word
related to being angry one expression
related to being angry and one idiom
related to being angry the vocabulary
word we will learn to express being
angry is I rate I rate one more time I
rate I rate means of feeling
characterized by great anger 3 example
sentences using this vocabulary word are
number one the irate woman sped past the
slow driver the irate woman sped past
the slow driver number two she became
irate after hearing the announcement
she became irate after hearing the
announcement number three the cops tried
to calm down the irate crowd one more
time the cops tried to calm down the
irate crowd next we will look at an
expression the expression we will learn
to express being angry is blow a fuse
blow a fuse one more time
blow of
News blow a fuse means to lose one’s
temper now three example sentences using
this expression are number one I am
going to blow a fuse if that guy doesn’t
stop bothering me
again I am going to blow a fuse if that
guy doesn’t stop bothering me number two
my mom blew a fuse when she realized
that I took money out of her purse
my mom blew a fuse when she realized
that I took money out of her purse and
number three
her boyfriend keeps blowing a fuse
because she doesn’t answer his text
messages again
her boyfriend keeps blowing a fuse
because she doesn’t answer his text
messages and finally we will look at an
idiom the idiom we will learn to express
being angry is be on a warpath be on a
warpath one more time be on a warpath be
on a warpath means to be exceedingly
angry and to be inclined to take some
hostile action now three example
sentences using this idiom are number
one he was on the warpath after
discovering that his personal photos
were published in the book he was on the
warpath after discovering that his
personal photos were published in the
book number two my mom was on the
warpath last night again my mom was on
the warpath
last night and finally be careful the
principal has been on the warpath all
afternoon again be careful the principal
has been on the warpath all afternoon
now that we know one vocabulary word one
expression and one idiom
related to being angry let’s look at an
example question and answer it using
what we have learned here’s the question
what happened between your sister and
that lady the answer
my sister blew a fuse after the woman
cut her off on the street
the woman was irate - so they were both
on a warpath it was not a good situation
all right amazing today you learned the
eighth secret to speaking English how to
express yourself in English when you are
angry we learned one new vocabulary word
irate one new expression blow a fuse and
one new idiom be on a warpath so instead
of just saying you feel angry you will
now be able to express yourself like a
native speaker and use multiple natural
expressions now try to use at least one
new vocabulary word expression or idiom
today you can do it you can speak
English I hope this video helped to give
you more confidence in your English
ability if you would like to receive
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been speak English with Tiffany I am
teacher Tiffany and I hope that you have
an amazing day until next time remember
to speak English remember to subscribe