How to Express Yourself in English when you are hungry
welcome to speak English with Tiffani I
am teacher Tiffany and today we are
going to learn the twelfth secret is
speaking English how to express yourself
in English when you are hungry this
secret will improve your ability to
speak clearly and logically in English
are you ready
well then let’s jump right in today we
will learn one vocabulary word related
to being hungry one expression related
to being hungry and one idiom related to
being hungry the vocabulary word we will
learn to express being hungry is
starving starving starving starving
means to feel very hungry three example
sentences using this vocabulary word are
number one I don’t know about you but
I’m starving I don’t know about you but
I’m starving number two we were starving
yesterday so we went to the biggest
buffet in town we were starving
yesterday so we went to the biggest
buffet in town and number three I
haven’t eaten all day I am starving I
haven’t eaten all day
I am starving next we will look at an
expression the expression we will learn
to express being hungry is my stomach is
growling my stomach is growling my
stomach is growling my stomach is
growling means to refer to the low
noises your stomach makes when you are
extremely hungry three example sentences
using this expression are number one her
stomach was growling because
had not eaten all day her stomach was
growling because she had not eaten all
number two the woman got a little
embarrassed when her stomach began to
growl in the meeting the woman got a
little embarrassed when her stomach
began to growl in the meeting number
three his stomach always seemed to growl
in the afternoon his stomach always
seemed to growl in the afternoon and
finally we will look at an idiom the
idiom we will learn to express being
hungry is I could eat a horse
I could eat a horse I could eat a horse
I could eat a horse means that you are
extremely hungry three example sentences
using this idiom are number one I’m so
hungry I could eat a horse I’m so hungry
I could eat a horse
number two the little girl told her
mother that she could eat a horse
because she was so hungry the little
girl told her mother that she could eat
a horse because she was so hungry number
three I don’t care what we eat right now
honestly I could eat a horse
I don’t care what we eat right now
honestly I could eat a horse
now that we know one vocabulary word one
expression and one idiom related to
being hungry let’s look at an example
question and answer it using what we
have learned question are you hungry
am i hungry I am starving I haven’t
eaten all day
my stomach was growling all throughout
my class and to be honest I could eat a
all right amazing today you learned the
12th secret to speaking English how to
express yourself in English when you are
hungry we learned one new vocabulary
word starving one new expression my
stomach is growling and one new idiom I
could eat a horse so instead of just
saying you feel hungry you will now be
able to express yourself like a native
speaker and use multiple natural
expressions now try to use at least one
new vocabulary word expression or idiom
today you can do it you can speak
English I hope this video helped to give
you more confidence in your English
ability if you would like to receive
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been speak English with Tiffany I am
teacher Tiffany and I hope that you have
an amazing day until next time remember
to speak English
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