How To Finally Think In English
the human brain is broken down into four
different lobes we have the frontal lobe
the parietal lobe the occipital lobe and
the temporal lobe but the temporal lobe
is what we want to focus on because it
processes memories and integrates them
with different sensations now I want you
to think about a baby when a baby is
born their brain is basically empty but
over time they have a series of
connections formed in their brain and
these connections lead them to
eventually be able to speak now what we
want to focus on is the center these
connections how are these connections
formed or made you see these connections
can be broken down into four different
types emotional connections physical
connections relational connections and
location connections and these
connections are each based on triggers
and there are three types of triggers
seeing hearing and interacting so for
example let’s say the emotion of
happiness this is a connection in the
child’s brain well they see people
smiling they hear people laughing and
they interact with their parents when
their parents hug them or let’s say the
physical connection of eating they see
people using utensils to eat or they
hear people chewing or even the
interaction that happens between their
parents when they’re being fed now for
family connections they see dad mom and
sisters and brothers often or they hear
them call each other and they interact
with them by seeing them spend time with
each other and also with themselves and
finally outside this is a location
connection well they see trees and
plants they hear birds chirping and
their interaction comes from even
touching leaves and bugs so all of these
things are connections that are in the
child’s brain and they’re fostered by
triggers that leave them to eventually
be able to speak now how does this
translate for you as an English speaker
how can this help you think in English
that’s what we’re gonna talk about in
today’s lesson welcome to speak English
with Tiffany I am teacher Tiffany let’s
jump right in
all right so we said again that we’re
looking at the temporal lobe and it’s
broken down into four different parts
dealing with connections we have
emotional connections physical
connections relational connections and
location connections now the triggers
that are connected to these connections
need to be in English so in other words
we have to create new English triggers
for see hear and interact so for example
let’s say someone asks you this question
what’s your favorite food in your brain
what immediately happens is your
favorite food
pops in your mind let’s say your
favorite food is Indian food I actually
also love Indian food now the emotional
physical relational and location
connections pop into your mind for
example amazing physical eating Indian
curry relational with family and friends
and location in a small city these are
the connections that pop in your mind
the problem is the triggers are
initially in your own language so we
must switch them to English triggers now
again see hear and interact so for the
emotional connection we have amazing you
need to find videos podcasts and
articles that are talking about feeling
amazing and happy so let me show you how
this is done so for example 4c again a
video about feeling amazing or happy I
found this video called filmmaker reacts
to crazy Hollywood camera techniques by
a guy named Peter McKinnon even looking
at the picture you can see he’s excited
about what he’s looking at so the
trigger doesn’t have to be exactly about
the question it just needs to be about
the emotional connection of amazing or
happy then for here a podcast about
feeling amazing or happy I found this
podcast feel-good podcast with Kimberly
Snyder and finally for the interaction
trigger I found a blog about feeling
amazing or happy so the title is ten
simple ways to make you feel good
instantly from life hack org so again
these become my triggers for that
of happiness or feeling amazing so now
if I move to the next one the physical
connection eating Indian curry so just
like before I need to see a video here a
podcast and then interact with a blog or
article that speaks about eating in the
incurring so here we go I found a video
on YouTube it’s called two dollar curry
versus $75 curry by BuzzFeed video so
again I’m watching a video connected to
eating Indian curry what will happen is
this will become my trigger and help me
speak more in English because I’m
hearing them talk about it in English
for the podcast the same is true on a
podcast called the curry chronicles a
podcast by gastropod and then for the
interact trigger I found an article
called Indian food the best dishes in
each region now by looking at each of
these triggers I will be able to think
in English about that connection the
physical connection of eating Indian
okay now the relational connection with
family and friends the same is true I
need a video a podcast and a blog or
article that triggers that connection or
shows me that connection so for example
for the video I found a video on YouTube
does our newborn baby look more like mom
or dad or so what happens in that video
I will see families interacting together
but they’re speaking in English which
will help me or help you speak English
better and think in English when you are
thinking about the connection of
relationship okay then the podcast
family relationships with Nicola beer
family marriage and divorce and then
finally for the blog or article I found
one called true friendship again by
doing this you’re helping your brain
think in English about that connection
they become your triggers and finally
the location connection about a small
city a video a podcast and a blog or
article here are the ones that I chose
for the video how to survive living in a
small town I just went to youtube and
type in small
and this popped up so I watched an
individual who’s speaking in English
about living in a small town then for
the podcast small town big church
podcast and for the article people who
live in small towns and rural areas are
happier than everyone else
researchers say so once again by doing
this I’m giving my brain more triggers
when I want to talk about the location
connection and all of these triggers
will be in English so this is what’s
gonna happen
the gentleman when he received that
question yes immediately thought about
Indian food and he had the connections
but now the triggers will all be in
English because he has put that
information into his brain and he has
these memories in his temporal lobe so
what happens when he goes to answer he
will answer because he has thought about
it in English and this is how you think
in English I hope you enjoyed this
English video lesson if you want to
continue studying with me you can go to
join the speak English with Tiffany
Academy by clicking the link in the
description below and as always remember
to speak English