How to Get Ready to Speak English Preparing Your Mind
hi i’m vanessa from speak english with
vanessa calm oh are you ready let’s get
if you’ve been having a really busy day
you get home from work and you realize I
haven’t used English today but my brain
is so tired how can I get energy to wake
up my brain and do something with
English watch a TV show challenge my
brain read something watch one of
Vanessa’s videos what can I do to help
my brain wake up well today I have an
interesting exercise just something
simple that you can do to help your
brain get ready to learn English this is
something that I do every morning
something quite simple it only takes a
couple seconds but it will help your
body to start to feel more awake feel a
little more energized and it will help
your brain to get ready for English so
what is this thing that you can do well
it is move and stretch there’s something
simple that you can do right now with me
in fact I did it at the beginning of
this video it is put your hands high in
the air and pretend like you are in
elementary school and the teacher says
try to touch the sky oh it seems silly
but when you stretch like this your
muscles and your body is moving in a
different way than how you’ve been
moving throughout the day unless you do
this a lot at work probably not so this
is moving your muscles in a different
way or you can move your head around in
a circle like this a couple times
carefully and gently don’t hurt your
neck carefully turn your nose in a
or you can lift up one leg and then the
other leg lift up one leg then the other
just basic movements for a couple
seconds it’s not gonna help you to lose
weight or become Olympic athlete but
it’s slowly working your body to feel
more energized and this is something
really simple that I do every morning
after I wake up when I wake up usually I
don’t feel that energized when I wake up
I stand up and immediately put my hands
in the air sometimes I scream a little
bit if it helps up and it helps my body
that’s been sitting or sleeping in the
same position it helps me to start to
awaken my muscles and awaken my brain
because that’s something that we need to
use every day maybe you don’t need to
use your body’s muscles all the time at
work or at home but we need to use our
brains and they’re connected your body
and brain are connected I’m certainly
not a doctor but we can be certain that
if your physical body feels good your
brain will be active and healthy too so
I have a challenge for you no matter
what country you’re in right now maybe
you’re in the Philippines maybe you’re
in Russia maybe you’re in the u.s. I
challenge you to do this quick exercise
with me and it’s gonna help just for a
moment help you to move your body and
muscles in a different way and start to
prepare your mind to use English are you
ready first we’re gonna lift our hands
in the air and stretch maybe you even go
on your toes a little bit stretching up
and then moving your neck in a circle
then the other way
lifting one leg then the other then back
then the next simple it took a couple
seconds but if you do this every time
before you start to study English you
will be on the right path every time
before you start watching English TV or
before you start watching one of these
videos or speaking in English with a
native speaker with a friend this will
help you just to awaken your mind awake
in your body you can do it thanks so
much for learning with me in this kind
of unusual English lesson today it’s
something that’s helpful for me so I
hope it will be helpful for you too
thanks so much and I’ll see you the next
time bye next step is to download my
free ebook five steps to becoming a
confident English speaker this will help
you know what is the next step in your
English journey to help you really
master English and speak fluently feel
free to subscribe so that you get a
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English lesson thanks so much and I’ll
see you later