How To Improve Your English Fluency
welcome to speak English with Tiffani I
am teacher Tiffany and today I am going
to teach you how to improve your English
fluency this lesson will improve your
ability to speak clearly and logically
in English are you ready
well then let’s jump right in as an
English Learner there are six steps that
you must follow in order to improve your
English fluency these steps will help
you sound more like a native English
speaker let’s look at the first step
step one one of your interest for this
step it is important for you to read and
talk about your current interests in
English this will help you not to become
bored with English and increase your
ability to express yourself fluently
step 2 no stress for this step the main
point is don’t stress instead enjoy
speaking in English when you stress you
also stress your brain this makes it
difficult to think clearly however when
you are relaxed you are able to speak in
English more fluently step 3 good
content for this step it is important
for you to remember that content is more
important than grammar as an English
Learner grammar is important but even
native English speakers sometimes make
grammar mistakes so you must remember
that your content is very important when
you are trying to improve your fluency
step four watch a lot for this step
watch people speaking in English and
your English will improve the more you
watch people speaking in English the
more you will understand their behavior
and how they use words this will greatly
improve your English fluency
step 5 listen a lot for this step listen
to lots of English lots and lots of
English the more English you listen to
the more natural you will sound your
fluency will increase as you copy the
sounds you hear finally step 6 talk a
lot for this step the main point is to
talk a lot a whole lot
as an English Learner you will make
mistakes when you speak but that is okay
the important thing is to speak as much
as possible this is one of the most
important steps to improving your
fluency alright amazing today you
learned how to improve your English
fluency we learned six steps step one
one of your interests step 2 no stress
step three good content step 4 watch a
lot step 5
listen a lot and step 6 talk a lot so
with these six steps you will now be
able to improve your fluency and begin
speaking like a native English speaker
now try to use these steps at least one
time today you can do it
you can speak English I hope this video
helped to give you more confidence in
your English ability if you would like
to learn over 125 expressions vocabulary
words that you have access to over 200
definitions all that have the ability to
review over
examples instances then this gift is for
you click the link below and get your
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today this has been speak English with
teacher Tiffany have an amazing day have
a wonderful day and until next time
remember to speak English
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