How To Improve Your English Reading Skills
welcome to speak English with Tiffany I
am teacher Tiffany let’s jump right in
alright there are seven different ways
to improve your reading skills the first
way is to read out loud you see you read
the text passage book or a blog in a
good speaking voice try to be loud but
don’t scream also you want to be loud
enough to hear yourself so try to go to
a secluded place now I want to explain
this word to you secluded just means a
place where there are not a lot of
people ok our place where there are only
a few people or not a lot of people okay
so we say a place where you can be alone
can a place where you can be alone we
say is a secluded place all right now
there are three benefits to this method
okay the first benefit is you become
more engaged with the information
because you are using your eyes and your
ears now when you’re reading the
information out loud you’re speaking and
you’re also using your ears as you read
okay all right the second benefit is it
helps you improve your pronunciation
because you will begin to listen to
yourself more intently alright so again
I pointed this out in the first benefit
but the more you read out loud the more
you will listen to yourself and you’ll
begin to see which words you’re
pronouncing correctly and which words
you’re not pronouncing correctly okay
alright number three the third benefit
reading out loud actually helps to
improve your comprehension this is
because reading out loud helps you to
internalize the words you are reading
now I want to explain this word
internalize okay this means to go inside
to go inside and understand okay to go
inside and under stand okay so let me
explain what this means related to
reading out loud the information comes
from the book we say it it goes to our
ears and then this information goes
inside of our brain okay so this is what
it means to internalize you’ve read it
you’ve heard it and then you go here and
understand it in your brain okay so
that’s what the word internalized means
all right so again step one or method
one is to read out loud
alright now let’s look at the second
method the second method is to read
various topics okay after recognizing
what topics you are interested in look
for English material about those topics
but remember to not simply focus on one
topic you want to get a variety of
different topics so you’ll notice over
here this is actually a comic book this
is a book about nature and this is a
book about business so I have different
topics to read about okay now let’s look
at the benefits of doing or using this
method the first benefit is you will be
exposed to a wide variety of vocabulary
words so your vocabulary will also
improve alright so again this method
will really help your vocabulary improve
which will also improve and increase
your ability to read in English very
well alright alright number two you will
not become bored with your English
Studies because you will have different
topics to read about so again you won’t
be bored because there are so many
topics for you to read about so you will
have a desire to read more okay and
finally you will begin to make
connections between the various topics
basically you will see common patterns
that occur in written English material
again your reading skill will also
improve as you are able to recognize
these patterns okay so that’s why it’s
so important to use this method of
reading various topics all right let’s
keep going method number three read new
words when you see a vocabulary word
that you have never seen before
repeat the word five to ten times out
loud if you don’t know the pronunciation
you can find it in the dictionary and
then repeat after listening to the audio
file okay so you want to repeat words
over and over that you don’t know or
that you are not familiar with okay now
here’s the benefit you will begin to
recognize which part of the word is
difficult to pronounce okay what happens
is when you first save the word you’re
going to realize and notice that your
tongue or your mouth has a hard time
pronouncing certain parts of that word
well the next time you say that you will
actually focus on that part so that you
can say it better so this will help you
with your pronunciation okay next you
will gain confidence in your ability to
say the word which will increase your
fluency so the next time when you’re
speaking to your friends if that word
that you saw in the book or whatever you
were reading since you said it 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 or more times you will now have
confidence and you will be more fluent
when you speak and use that word okay
alright and finally you’ll become more
familiar with the word your reading
skill is connected with your knowledge
of vocabulary and also with your fluency
they go hand-in-hand okay alright so
again method 3 read new words alright
method number 4
read often daily okay so you read often
and my suggestion is to read daily so
try to read as often as possible
you can choose to read every day or
every other day but it is important to
set aside a specific amount of time for
reading to start let’s say you can read
for five minutes and then move up to
twenty or thirty minutes it all depends
on your schedule you may be too busy to
do twenty minutes but you can do five
minutes all right so let’s look at the
benefits okay the first benefit you will
begin to understand and comprehend more
how native English speakers think okay
so the more you are reading the more you
are spending time on a daily basis
trying to understand English or papers
that were written in English the more
you will actually understand native
speakers okay alright next you will
start to read faster and with more
confidence the more you do something the
better you will get at it okay and
finally the third benefit it will help
to improve your vocabulary comprehension
and ability to speak about various
topics okay the more you read the better
you get all right let’s move on
number five read with a friend now this
is a very unique method but I really
like it you see find a friend who is
also an English Learner
and pick an English book or blog to read
together with them you can take turns
reading a sentence a paragraph or a page
each this will help you with your
listening your speaking and your
comprehension so there are many benefits
for this as well but the top three are
these okay your desire to read will
increase because it will become more fun
because you’re doing it with a
and this is because you will be reading
with a partner or friend alright this is
exactly what I just said it’s gonna be
more enjoyable because you’re not doing
it alone instead there are two people
you and your friend working and reading
together okay all right number two you
will recognize how your friend reads and
you will help them improve which will
also help you improve so again by
recognizing your friends weaknesses or
strong points it will have an effect on
you and will help you improve as well
and finally the third benefit is you
will improve your listening skills
remember reading is also connected with
your ability to understand and listen
well okay so this method reading with a
friend will really help you improve in
these areas alright let’s move on to
method number six alright so method
number six is read three times yep
you’re right read three times so similar
to reading the same word over and over
this method requires you to read the
same thing more than once
however this focuses more on reading an
entire passage or page more than once
okay so let’s go to the benefits really
quickly alright so benefit number one
this will greatly improve your
comprehension skills now I want to tell
you quickly about my experience what
happened to me was the first time I read
a passage there were many parts that I
did not understand
however after going to the second time I
began to understand a little bit more
because there was a familiarity I
remembered some of the things I had read
from the passage the first time so when
I moved to the third time of reading the
passage I really
began to comprehend or understand what
the person was trying to explain okay
alright number two it will help you with
proper pronunciation and fluency
basically you will begin to read at a
more natural pace you see the more
familiar you are with a piece of
literature the easier it will be for you
to read faster and at a normal pace
alright and finally number three it will
help you recognize and then become
familiar with new vocabulary words
patterns and sentence structures all of
these things will affect your ability to
understand but they will also affect
your ability to speak properly okay so
again method number six read three times
okay method number seven method number
seven is read your level now this is
very important okay for this method you
need to find English reading material
that you can understand after skimming
or reading over briefly over the
information see if you can understand at
least 50% if you can’t try to find
something else to read this is so
important okay so number one the first
benefit you will not feel as stressed
alright I want to tell you about one of
my students that I had and actually a
couple of my students in the past who
experienced this you see they wanted to
look at CNN and read articles on CNN and
also look at other news articles but
they were getting so frustrated why
because they didn’t understand even ten
percent of what the article was saying
so they were getting frustrated that’s
why I said this method is so important
you need to read your level make sure
you can understand at least fifty
percent and then continue reading that
or blog post or different material that
you have with you okay so let’s move on
to number two
you will improve your reading ability at
the proper pace sometimes when you’re
studying English and you’re trying to
improve your reading skill you want to
jump too fast but you need to do it at a
natural pace so focus on reading at your
level and then you will improve steadily
okay not too quickly alright and finally
you will desire to read more this is so
important since you understand a portion
of the information you will want to read
even more information okay so you will
realize that suddenly there is an
enjoyment that you experience when you
are reading because you understand the
information okay alright I want to
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