How To Learn English In A Year
welcome to speak English with Tiffany I
am teacher Tiffany let’s jump right in
phase 1 all right
month number 1 the first month is going
to require you to focus on basic grammar
memorization and listening so let’s get
started the first thing you want to do
is find a basic English grammar book now
the grammar book I always advise
students to get is grammar in use but
again you can find any grammar book
maybe in your country there is a very
popular grammar book for English you can
get that grammar book but the point is
the book needs to be basic English
grammar ok basic English grammar now
what you’re gonna do after that is
remember that your goal is to learn 3
grammar rules a day that’s right 3
grammar rules every single day so let’s
break this down really quickly so if
there are 30 days in the month and you
are learning 3 per day that means in one
month you will learn 90 English grammar
rules now sometimes students say teacher
3 is just such a small amount but I
promise you it’s important to start with
a small number because you will continue
moving forward ok
now you want to remember to memorize the
meaning and 20 example sentences for
each grammar rule now this is also very
important so what’s gonna happen is
again you have one day during that day
you’re going to learn three grammar
rules okay now for each of those grammar
rules you need to find 20 example
sentences so that means in one day you
will have found 60 example sentences
okay 60 example sentences based on the
three grammar rules that you learn ok
and finally you want to listen to an
English program every day for 30 minutes
this is so important I remember when I
first started to study Korean
I actually didn’t understand anything
because I was up level one student but
what I did do every single day in the
morning I would listen to something in
Korean you see what happens is your
brain can take in information so even
though you don’t think you understand
your brain is actually taking in the
information ok so everyday listen for 30
minutes alright next month number two
basic grammar creating sentences reading
vocabulary and also listening these are
the focuses for month number two now
what you’re gonna do is once again take
the three grammar rules that you were
learning per day these are the same
grammar rules you learned from month one
okay so three per day and you’re going
to make a sentence of your own but the
key is it must be the same pattern as
the ones you memorize okay so for
example let’s say you learned this
pattern I have friends okay again
remember this is basic grammar so if
you’ve started off and during the first
month this is the basic sentence you
learned well now in the second month you
can change this word right here to say I
have parents okay so again the same
pattern but now you’ve added your own
word instead of this word okay alright
now the next thing you want to do is
find an easy English passage to read
online and read it now again it’s
important that the essay or article is
very easy and there are many websites
online that you can use that can
actually give you example essays in
English and a lot of them are easy so
you can look in the description and I’ve
listed a website that gives easy English
essays and articles okay all right next
thing is you want to write
down the unknown vocabulary words and
you’re going to memorize the definitions
and one example sentence so as you’re
reading the article there are going to
be words that you don’t know but don’t
worry what you’re going to be doing each
day when you read an article that’s
right this is happening every day of the
second month you’re gonna find new
vocabulary words so your vocabulary is
naturally going to increase and as you
learn your brain will expand and you
will understand more of the English
language okay all right now the final
thing you want to do is once again
listen to an English program for 30
minutes this can be on TV this can be on
YouTube wherever you find an English
program listen to it okay
all right month number three basic
grammar various topics reading
vocabulary and listening so now you’ll
notice that now we have various topics
you still see basic grammar the reason
is because for this month you’re gonna
pick one topic and find an English
article okay they’re gonna read the
article out loud now the 30 topics you
can pick whatever you want to actually
read about maybe you want to read about
education maybe you want to read about
entertainment or sports or maybe you
want to read about fashion you can pick
the topics okay now the key comes in
right here the reason we still have
basic grammar highlighted is because
you’re going to take three grammar rules
per day and look for sentences that have
the grammar rule inside of the article
or passage you are reading what you want
to do is you want to highlight them okay
this is why we have a highlighter right
here so again let me explain it clearer
okay so right here you have an English
article then over here you have the
three grammar rules so what’s going to
happen is in your article you’re going
to skin
through and see if you can find any of
these grammar rules inside of the
article okay
so you’re kind of gonna be like a
detective but you’re helping your brain
to recognize grammar in real life okay
all right now after that what you’re
gonna do is you’re going to write down
three new vocabulary words only three
okay from the article there may be a lot
more in the article but I really only
want you guys to pick out three new
vocabulary words you don’t want to be
overwhelmed and trust me you’re gonna be
learning other vocabulary words so don’t
even worry about it okay so again pick
three vocabulary words from the article
the article that came from up here and
you’re going to find the meanings and
one example sentence okay so similar to
what we did before okay so find the
meaning and an example sentence okay so
this is the word this is the meaning and
this is the example sentence okay all
right and last you’re going to listen to
an English program every day for 30
minutes but this time I highlighted
something important natural English not
the news teacher why is this important
well let me explain a lot of students
will be beginners but they want to watch
CNN or they want to watch a news program
well the problem is actually native
speakers don’t speak like that in
regular life we don’t speak like how
they speak on the news so you actually
don’t want to watch a news program
you’re trying to hear natural English so
you want to either watch a TV program or
even a youtube video something with more
natural English okay all right let’s
move on so here’s your progress report
for the first three months now you will
have the ability to properly use 90
basic English grammar rules that’s
amazing okay also you will have improved
your English listening skills why
because for every single day you’ve
listened to at least 30 minutes of
English programs okay so 90 days and you
have 30 minutes every single day that’s
a lot of listening okay
and you also will have improved your
English vocabulary okay so your progress
report will be amazing at the end of
three months now month number four
review and practice this month is very
important because it is the month that
you will use for review you heard me
right the entire month is for review
okay so you start off by doing this
review the sentences you memorized for
the grammar rules okay you’re gonna
practice them over and over and over
again now remember you learned 90
different grammar rules and for each of
these grammar rules you found 20
sentences but I want you to select three
of those 20 sentences so three times 90
is going to give you 270 sentences that
you are going to review at this time now
the next thing you’re going to do is
read all of the sentences you created
for the grammar rules out loud three
times there’s something that happens
when you actually read out loud it’s
kind of like your brain is able to
process the information even better so
read it out loud next find three images
this is one of my favorite techniques
for practicing another language okay so
you’re going to find three images every
day of the month and make sentences
about the images based on the grammar
rules so each day is three images or
three grammar rules okay so you can
choose the grammar rules that were the
most difficult for you and you can find
images that actually display or show
something that you can talk about
and apply the grammar rules okay and the
next thing you’re gonna do is make
flashcards for all the vocabulary words
and you’re going to test yourself over
and over throughout the month again this
is also a great way to practice when you
are studying English now many of you are
going to be practicing alone so I’m
giving you tips that will actually help
you to study even if you don’t have a
partner okay so make your own flashcards
and actually practice with them and
finally the last thing you’re going to
do for this month is listen to an
English program for 30 minutes of course
but this time you’re going to pick a
topic you are interested in prior to
this you were just picking anything you
wanted but I want you to specifically
pick a topic that you are interested in
for this month okay so you see what’s
happening is at the end of this four
month period you will have mastered
basic English grammar you have the
foundation you have the application you
have the vocabulary and you also have
the time to review so let’s move on to
phase number two now month number five
leads us into the intermediate grammar
but what you will notice is that many
aspects of this month are similar to a
previous month that we learned okay that
we learned about earlier so we have the
grammar we have the memorization and we
have the listening but there are a few
things that are different for month
number five the main difference is
intermediate English okay so once again
like before I told you to find a grammar
book now you’re gonna find a grammar
book now that actually all this drawing
is thing a little bit crazy buying a
grammar book that actually goes over
intermediate grammar okay again grammar
and use is a wonderful book but you can
find any other grammar book that
actually goes over English grammar okay
but intermediate level
so that’s the main difference for month
number five now if we move on to month
number six we’re gonna see a few more
differences okay once again intermediate
grammar and we have the create sentences
aspect reading and vocabulary and
listening however when we look on the
first group we have right here a star
because we’re gonna have three grammar
rules and they’re gonna be the same but
instead of just making a sentence of
your own we’re gonna do something else
so let’s move a little closer you see
what’s gonna happen is we’re going to
also add two basic grammar sentences b4
and after the sentence you created so
we’re gonna have a total of five
sentences so let me explain how this
will work so let’s say for example you
have your paper or you have your
notebook okay and in your notebook you
have grammar rules and this is the first
grammar rules of grammar number one and
you have your signature this
intermediate grammar okay so you’ve
written your example sentence right here
however this says to give two basic
grammar sentences before and after that
means one right here - right here and
then after one right here and two right
here so what happens now we have a total
of five sentences okay that’s what
you’re gonna do for this one okay now
another thing that’s a little bit
different is you want to find an
intermediate English article blog to
read article or blog to read on line
before you were just reading easy
English essays or easy English articles
but now you want to step it up a little
bit and you want to look for articles or
blog posts that are a little bit longer
or have more details in them okay all
right and one more thing you’re gonna
listen to English programs like before
for the 30 minutes but now you’re gonna
start watching an English movie once or
twice a week or you can also decide to
watch a drama or a series and again if
you don’t know what drama to watch click
the link in the top right of your screen
because I have a video where I go over
some very popular American dramas that
are really good to watch so that’s what
month number six looks like now if we
move on to month number seven again
we’re gonna see some similarities but
again intermediate we have the grammar
the various topics reading vocabulary
and we have listening so if we look
closer now again this is the same as the
previous one and this is a little bit
different so if we look right here let’s
go a little closer here take three
grammar rules per day and look for
sentences that have the grammar rule but
now what you’re going to do is write a
summary of the article now again if you
don’t know how to write a summary don’t
even worry about it because again top
right of your screen click the link I
have a video where I explain exactly how
to write a summary in English that’s
what you kind of start doing during this
month then the other thing that’s a
little bit different is you’re gonna
listen but you’re also gonna continue to
watch a movie or a drama or series once
or twice a week now I’ll be very honest
with you
the more you can do this the more
helpful it will be for your English
ability remember this method that I’m
showing to you or teaching you all is
really beneficial for those who maybe
can’t get to an institute and they’re
studying at home or they’re studying
alone okay so if you can find an
American drama or American program that
you can watch on a regular basis and
we’re really helpful for you or you can
even again you can use your computer and
you can watch a youtube video whatever
it is as long as it is in English now
when you’re watching these videos you’re
not studying you’re really just enjoying
yourself and you want to be smiling you
don’t want to be stressed you don’t want
to seem like you’re actually studying so
hard then you start to
English you want to actually be smiling
when you are watching these shows now if
it’s a drama of course you’re not
smiling but be happy or enjoy what
you’re doing okay all right so this is
month number seven now your progress
support you see what happens is at the
end of this three-month period you are
going to notice a difference you’re
going to notice your ability to properly
use ninety intermediate English grammar
you also notice and improved English
listening skills and the ability to
understand things in context that’s
another benefit of reading a lot in
English and watching a lot of programs
in English and finally you noticed
improved English vocabulary and writing
skills again you need to watch the
videos I’ve done on how to improve your
writing skills and also how to write an
essay okay alright so moving on to month
number eight now month number eight is
like month number four this month is
actually our review month for the
intermediate level as far as the grammar
okay so again a lot of things are
similar to our previous review month
however there is something a little bit
different right here and also right here
so let’s look at a little bit closer you
see what happens is you’re going to find
three images every day but this time
you’re going to write a paragraph three
to five sentences about each image now
before you only had to write one
sentence but now what’s happening is
you’re gonna have an image on your paper
or something that you’re looking at and
for that one image you’re gonna have to
write three to five sentences so you’re
expanding your ability to write longer
okay now if you need help with this like
how to make longer sentences in English
again click the top right of your screen
I have a link to the book that I wrote
on this that will help you a lot okay
alright so the next thing was listening
to an English program and once again
you’re going to be watching an English
movie once or twice a week or a drama or
a series okay
so again this is month number eight now
at the end of this phase you will have
mastered intermediate English grammar
you have the foundation the application
vocabulary and also you have reviewed
for one full month so leaving in two
phase number three phase number three
starts with month number nine again
you’re seeing a little bit of repetition
for this month as well however the
difference is you’re gonna find an
advanced English grammar book once again
you can decide which grammar book you
want to use but I’ll be very honest with
you even if you’re not able to find an
advanced English grammar book many times
you can actually just read more articles
and you will recognize new grammar rules
and you’ll learn them in action
so again if you’re not able to find a
book don’t worry just start reading
articles in English more and see if you
can recognize new grammar rules okay
all right month number ten okay once
again advanced grammar is the one we’re
focusing on right here and for this
month we have two unique differences so
let’s look at these a little closer all
right so again you’re gonna take three
grammar rules per day and make a
sentence of your own but you’re gonna
add two basic grammar sentences and to
intermediate grammar sentences before
and after that means a total of nine
sentences so again I will show you
visually okay so let’s say you’ve
written one sentence okay so right here
I wrote one sentence again based on
advanced grammar okay but before that
sentence I need to write two basics so
alright one and then I write two and I
also need to write two intermediate so I
have one and then I have
- and I need to do the same thing after
the sentence as well now the order does
not matter so you’ll notice I have the
basic being first and the intermediate
second that’s up to you what’s most
important is that you’re able to write
all of the sentences okay so again a
total of nine sentences okay all right
now the next thing that is unique for
this one is finding an intermediate or
advanced English article or blog now I
put advanced because you want to be at
the point where you can read long
articles in English and again you may
find an article that’s very long and has
a lot of complicated vocabulary words
well by this month you want to be at the
point where even if you do see
complicated English vocabulary words
you’re not afraid of them you simply
highlight them and you continue to study
by either looking these words up in a
dictionary or simply writing them down
and practicing them at a later time but
I want you to be able to read articles
that are not necessarily that easy for
you okay at this stage all right okay so
the next thing is listening again to an
English program continue watching
English movies and drama or series of
dramas okay all right now we’re gonna
move on to month number 11
now month number 11 also has various
topics reading vocabulary and listening
now the two things gonna look at closer
are right here so for this one you’re
going to write a summary of the article
now the difference is this summary is
going to be a bit longer so for your
intermediate level when you were doing
the previous month maybe your article
was simply a paragraph okay maybe your
summary of the article is a paragraph
well now you’re going to write at least
two preferably three paragraphs to
summarize the article now that means the
article needs to be longer than three
paragraphs so you want to get to
the point to where you’re able to
organize your thoughts now again
remember if you don’t know how to do
this you can check my other videos where
I teach you how to organize your
thoughts and organize information which
helps you to write a summary better okay
all right and finally continue watching
English movies or drama series okay
alright so that’s month number 11 now
your progress report you see now you
have the ability to properly use 90
advanced English grammar rules okay you
also have improved your English
listening skills and your ability to
understand things in context and you
have improved your English vocabulary
and writing skills
and I’m telling you this method requires
you to write and read a lot but the more
you put in the more will come out and
you’ll be an amazing speaker okay all
finally month number 12 again this is
our month where we review everything
that we learn so again you’re gonna
write a paragraph three to five
sentences about these images and we have
this highlighted here so very quickly
you remember everything right here when
you’re talking about these images you’re
gonna make sure that you’re giving a
longer explanation than you did before
and also when you’re coming here you’re
gonna remember to do the movies once or
twice a week and also start watching at
the drama or series okay so at the end
of that period you will have mastered
advanced English grammar the foundation
the application vocabulary interview now
to be very honest with you actually
advanced English grammar takes a long
time to master so you never really stop
learning English you just keep improving
okay so if you want to continue studying
with me and receive my free printable
lessons weekly please go to WWE comm
slash weekly and you will get my free
lessons in your email inbox and remember
to watch the next English video lesson
on the left side of yours
and as always remember to speak English