How to learn English vocabulary in only 15 minutes a day
this is you the English Learner you
study grammar speaking listening and
then you get to vocabulary and you have
no idea how to properly and quickly
learn English vocabulary well don’t
worry today I am going to teach you how
welcome to speak English with Tiffany I
am teacher Tiffany and today I am going
to teach you how to learn English
vocabulary in only 15 minutes a day are
you ready
well then let’s jump right in
step 1 the first step to learning
English vocabulary properly and quickly
is to pick one English word you already
know yep that’s right pick a word you
already know for example let’s use the
word good step 2 the second step is to
find four synonyms for the vocabulary
word a synonym is just a word that has a
similar meaning so since our vocabulary
word was good we will pick four synonyms
for good they are great superb excellent
and marvelous step three
now this is where it gets interesting
for the third step you need to find one
image or picture that matches your word
for example since our word is good we
will use a picture of an ice cream cone
because it is good step 4 in the fourth
step we will make a simple sentence
using the word it is very important for
you to make a simple sentence because if
it is too complicated
it you will have a hard time focusing
and remembering the vocabulary words so
for our simple sentence we will say the
ice cream was really good a very simple
sentence step 5
finally for the fifth step we will
replace the word with one of the four
new words remember our new words are
great superb excellent and marvelous so
when we replace the word with our new
words the sentence changes like this the
ice cream was really great the ice cream
was really superb the ice cream was
really excellent
and finally the ice cream was really
marvelous and there you have it now you
have learned four new English vocabulary
words use these five steps every day and
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