How to make long sentences in English Part 2
fact 1 billion people speak English that
means that one in every seven people on
earth have the ability to communicate in
English would you like to be one of them
well today I will teach you part two of
the second secret to speaking English
welcome to speak English with Tiffany I
am teacher Tiffany and today we are
going to learn part two of the second
secret to speaking English sentence
expansion this secret will improve your
ability to speak clearly and logically
in English are you ready
well then let’s jump right in in part 1
of this secret we learned that in order
to expand a sentence we must first find
the W’s that are already in the sentence
we looked at three different sentences
together the first one was I like ice
cream the second one I lived in Korea
and the third one was he is drinking
then we found the two WS that were
represented in each sentence after that
we added more information to the two WS
and this resulted in more detailed
sentences but what if you want to make
longer sentences sentences that are
truly detailed what’s next well this is
where step two begins while basic
English sentences answer at least one to
two of the five W’s an advanced English
sentence answers all of the five W’s so
if we look back once again at our three
example sentences we see that they each
were missing three of the five W’s the
first one
I like ice-cream answered the WHO and
the what but it did not answer the when
where or the why in the second sentence
I live in Korea it answered the WHO and
the where but it did not answer the win
what or the why and in our third example
he is drinking it answered the WHO and
the what but it did not answer the when
where or the why so let’s look at our
first example sentence and try to answer
all of the five W’s together first
sentence I like ice cream
so the who is I the when is after work
the where is baskin-robbins the what is
ice cream and the why is I love cold
deserts so now let’s see how our
sentence changed I like to eat ice cream
after work at Baskin Robbins
because I love cold deserts now this is
an advanced English sentence we went
from very simple to expanded and it
answers each of the five W’s now let’s
look at our second example sentence I
live in Korea so the who is I the when
is five years ago the where is Korea the
what is English teacher and the why is I
loved teaching now let’s see how our
sentence changed five years ago I lived
in Korea as an
English teacher because I loved teaching
this sentence also answers all of the
five W’s and is an advanced English
sentence now for our final example we
have he is drinking so the who is he the
when is lunch time the where is on the
sidewalk the what is drinking and the
why is stressed at work now once again
let’s combine all of this information
and let’s see how our sentence changed
it’s only lunchtime but he is drinking
on the sidewalk because he has stressed
at work and expanded sentence that
answers all of the five W’s all right
amazing today you learned part two of
the second secret to speaking English
sentence expansion we looked at three
example sentences and saw how to turn
them each into expanded sentences in
number one was I like ice cream
number two was I live in Korea and
number three was he is drinking now try
to expand your own sentences at least
one time today you can do it you can
speak English
I hope this video helped to give you
more confidence in your English ability
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been speak English with Tiffany I am
teacher Tiffany and I hope that you have
an amazing day until next time remember
to speak English