How To Master English Pronunciation In 7 Days
fun fact my students in South Korea got
me this watch and I still use it to this
I’m teacher Tiffany let’s jump right in
alright today I’m gonna teach you how to
master English pronunciation in seven
days now many of you are living in
countries where you’re not able to meet
native English speakers so you find it
hard to master English pronunciation
well if you use this seven day plan I
guarantee you will improve and master
English pronunciation now the first
thing you need to do is pick a specific
sound so let’s say for example you’re
having a hard time mastering the F sound
okay so let’s say you pick that sound
now we’re gonna start with day one
remember you’re trying to master the F
sound alright so day one here we go for
day one you need to learn the proper
mouth placement the focus of day one is
learning exactly how to form your mouth
in order to make the sound properly
in other words you need to see what the
sound looks like visually again we’re
talking about the F sound suddenly when
I covered my mouth you got confused
right well you see the F sound requires
you put your front teeth on your bottom
lip again F so now when you make the
sound yes you’re trying to mimic my
sound but you also know visually what it
looks like okay so day one involves that
so let’s go back to my notes here we go
why is this important you see sounds can
change depending on the shape of your
mouth on the left you see the O sound
and on the right you see the F sound so
knowing the proper shape in your head
will definitely help you a lot now you
will be able to practice even when you
are alone and feel more confident just
like I said before now that you guys
know the F sound
is your front teeth on your bottom lip
you’ll be able to practice on your own
okay now guys I’m getting over a cold so
that’s why I sound a little bit
different so I still wanted to make a
video for you guys though okay so let’s
keep going here we go
now let’s see how to do this actually in
steps so the first thing you want to do
is search online to find an explanation
of the sound make sure there is a
picture or video then you’re going to
study the explanation until you
understand it again we said that sound
for this week is F the F sound now I
already showed you how to make the sound
with your front teeth on your bottom lip
so you’re gonna practice that over and
over again until you understand it right
now the final step is practice in the
mirror making your mouth look like what
you are seeing now guys I’ve had one of
my students in Korea do this and she
perfected the F sound because she
practiced on her own in the mirror I was
amazed okay alright so that’s day one
now let’s move on today number two now
for day number two you’re going to pick
vocabulary words and repeat the focus of
day two is finding 25 vocabulary words
that have the specific sound you pick
and then repeat them in other words you
need to listen to them and then repeat
what you hear so for example let’s say I
chose Frank full-fare far right Frank
far Frank far I’m gonna repeat these
words over and over again again I picked
them and I want to practice the sound
now why is this important
let me show you really quickly why this
is important hearing the sound in
various words will help you become more
comfortable with it now what’s the
result your own pronunciation will
improve and you will feel more confident
so how do you do this all right step one
what you’re gonna do is search the
online dictionary
for 25 words now I know that seems like
a lot but guys remember you’re just
reading these words okay so select 25
words that have the sound you are
practicing for that week remember for my
week I chose the F sound so I’m gonna
find 25 words with the F sound okay now
the next step is you need to play the
audio file for each word and repeat
after the audio file okay
and finally repeat the word until you
sound the same as the audio file
remember the shape of your mouth
remember this is day 2
you’re gonna keep repeating it until you
sound like the file trust me it does
work okay and that leads us right into
day number 3 all right for day number 3
what you’re gonna do is watch a video
with a transcript the focus of day 3 is
learning by watching a native English
speaker in other words you will see
someone make the sound in a real-life
situation so again guys I’ve always told
you about the power of video and how
important it is for you guys to practice
with videos that’s what’s happening on
day number 3 okay so here we go the
importance watching someone use it in
real life
helps your brain make connections think
about it guys when you saw me at the
beginning of the video say the F sound
your brain connected the F sound with my
teeth on my bottom lip right that’s what
will happen in your brain when you see a
video that has someone making the sound
ok and what will the result be here we
go you will be able to make the sound
more naturally so instead of you
sounding like this family you will sound
like this
family because now you know exactly how
to do it because of the shape you’ve
heard it on day 2
and now on day three you’ve seen someone
actually use the word in a real
conversation now let’s see the steps
though okay here we go back to my screen
step number one here we go the first
thing you need to do is find a video
online about a topic you like that
includes a transcript remember I always
tell you guys to find a video that you
actually like something that you’re
interested in because that will help you
follow along and continue watching it
and also you need a transcript so that
you can search the transcript and see
where the word that has your sound in it
is located okay alright so you find the
video then you need to quickly find five
places where the sound appears in the
transcript and finally you’re going to
play the video and those and look for
those five places then repeat it until
you are comfortable ok repeat those
until you’re comfortable all right very
very important for you guys okay
all right now we’re gonna move on to day
number four here we go alright guys so
day number four read multiple sentences
the focus of day four is learning by
reading multiple sentences in other
words you will improve your
pronunciation by practicing the sound in
various contexts alright why is this
you see reading out loud helps you to
hear your mistakes and fix them you see
a lot of times when you’re reading you
may be reading with your mouth closed
and just reading in your mind but your
mouth needs to also match what you’re
seeing so read out loud don’t worry
about making mistakes because when you
make the mistakes you will hear them and
say to yourself why don’t I sound like
the person that was on the TV screen or
why don’t I sound like the person I
heard in the audio file so it actually
helps you to hear yourself okay
alright now what will the result be like
I mentioned you will become more
comfortable making the sound because you
can hear your own mistakes and correct
now step one the first thing you want to
do is find a blog post online then
you’re going to quickly find five places
where the sound appears in the blog post
and finally read the sentences out loud
look in the mirror to see your mouth
okay now guys I want to remind you I do
have a free pdf that goes along with
this lesson so don’t worry you can
review you can print out the PDF totally
were free the link is in the description
the first link download the PDF totally
for free so don’t worry okay all right
so let’s move on today number five here
we go
date number five on day number five this
is where it gets fun because you’re
gonna test your speed the focus of day
five is testing your ability to
pronounce words quickly in other words
you will see how well you are able to
make the sound over and over in English
we have something called a tongue
twister which is used when you say
certain words together and you feel like
you know your tongue can’t necessarily
say them properly it gets twisted so
when you do a speed test let’s say for
example you’re practicing again the F
sound and I have far family Frank okay
far family Frank right if I say them
slowly far family Frank no problem
but for practice I need to speed up far
family Frank far family Frank far family
Frank you can do the same thing because
what happens when you start to say them
quickly it helps your tongue get used to
it and it also helps your mouth get used
to it now the speed test your goal is to
get a certain amount within 60 seconds
all right so let’s go back to my screen
here we go
why is this important speed and
repetition enhance skill so the result
will be your tongue will get more
comfortable making the sound now how do
you do this what are the steps first
find twenty-five words with the sound
different from the words that we talked
about on day
- okay remember you’re not memorizing
these words you’re just finding words
that have the sound that you’re focusing
on okay all right so the next thing you
want to do is you need to listen to the
pronunciation first then you’re going to
give yourself 60 seconds
see how many you can say in 60 seconds
and then try to get faster all right so
remember by going faster it’s kind of a
game with yourself but you actually are
improving your pronunciation guys trust
me if you follow this you will
definitely improve your pronunciation
but you have to be focused you have to
be willing to put in the hard work okay
all right now let’s move on today number
six it’s getting good guys all right
so day number six involves fixing your
problems the focus of day six is fixing
the problems you had with certain words
in other words you will work on the
words that were difficult for you it’s
inevitable look that word up guys it’s
inevitable means it’s gonna happen
there’s not anything you can do about it
there are gonna be words that are hard
for you but you can make those words
your strengths so find your problem
words that’s the focus of day six find
the problem words okay now why is this
important here we go this is important
because correcting your weaknesses makes
them your strengths and the result you
will be truly confident making the
sounds okay so let’s see how this is
done looking at our steps now so day one
to day five go back over the last five
days and find the difficult words then
listen to their pronunciation five times
for each guys remember these numbers I’m
giving you they are important so don’t
listen to it three times and say I’m
okay do it five times trust me it’s
gonna make a difference okay then after
you’ve listened to the words you’re
going to again look in the mirror and
repeat them ten times always remembering
shape of your mouth okay now we’re
getting to our last day day number seven
day number seven is where you’re going
to record and play yep you’re gonna
record yourself now the focus of day
number seven is comparing your sound
with the sound of a native English
speaker in other words you will closely
analyze your pronunciation and this is
important because you can hear clearly
the progress you have made and the
result will be you will improve faster
and gain confidence now let’s look at
the steps for how this is actually done
you’re gonna record yourself saying the
words from day two and day five that
means a total of 50 words again remember
you’re not memorizing these words you’re
just reading them so don’t worry
don’t stress okay after you’ve recorded
yourself the next thing you’re gonna do
is actually listen to the recording and
make a note of your mistakes so again I
had Frank first family far let’s say I
had these words and I record my voice
and when I listen to it I realized that
Frank I did that pretty good family
pretty good pretty good
first I realized that first was a
problem for me so Frank and family no
problem at all however first is the word
that I didn’t really do properly and I
make a note again look at my notes I put
a mark next to that word then the next
thing I’ll do is record the wrong ones
over again two times and listen so again
I’ll go back and record again and say
first first until I get it correct
that’s what you need to do again if you
follow this guys I guarantee that your
pronunciation will improve don’t worry
about not having a native English
speaker next to you you can do it so
again guys this seven day plan is gonna
help you master English pronunciation
I really hope you enjoyed this week’s
lesson remember if you want to keep
studying with me you can join my Academy
you’ll see it on the bottom of your
screen right now to speak English with
Tiffany Academy I would love to be your
permanent teacher I hope you have a
great week and remember to speak English