How to organize your thoughts and answer any question in English Part 3
have you ever experienced a time where
you understood the question but you
couldn’t fully answer or maybe you only
gave a very short answer would you like
to know the secret to how to speak
longer well I will teach you part 3 of
the first secret today welcome to speak
English with Tiffany I am teacher
Tiffany and today we are going to learn
part 3 of the first secret to speaking
English this secret will improve your
ability to speak clearly and logically
in English are you ready
well then let’s jump right in in part 1
and part 2 we learned that one of the
foundations of speaking English is being
able to properly express your thoughts
and feelings logically we learned that
to do this we must properly use the web
then we learned that the web is made up
of three steps step 1 determine the main
idea step 2 select a category and we
spoke about there being three pieces of
information for each category and in
step three write supporting information
for each selection in step 2 using these
steps we logically and clearly answer
the question why are you studying
English now in this lesson we will go
into more detail about step 3 in step 3
we wrote down one supporting piece of
information for each selection from step
two but in order to expand or lengthen
our answer we can add three pieces of
supporting information for each
selection now here’s how it works if we
look at this in an actual example using
the same question from the first lesson
this is what happens to our answers
example 1 again the question why are you
studying English step 1 our May
idea for work step 2
our kateri was five W’s and we chose
when where and why step 3
when we said monday to friday now we add
three extra pieces of information well 7
a.m. in the morning two before work and
350 minutes then we go to the next piece
of information we’re at a Language
Institute and then we add three extra
pieces of information about the Language
Institute number one speak English
Language Institute number two in the
city and number three five minutes from
my office and the third piece of
information was Y promotion and we give
three more pieces of information about
promotion number one job security number
two salesman leading two team manager
and number three more money now when we
get our spoken response it is much
longer here we go I am studying English
for work actually I want to get a
promotion soon my goal is to become the
team manager of our sales team if I
become the team manager I will get paid
more money and my job will also be more
secure in the future in order to improve
my English I go to speak English
language institute before I go to work I
study English there monday to friday at
7 a.m. in the morning and study for
about 50 minutes the language institute
is in the city but it is only 5 minutes
from my office now let’s look at example
2 again the question why are you
studying English step 1
our main idea was
three reasons for studying English step
we chose category two which was three
top-level reasons so reason one reason 2
and reason 3 and step 3 now we’re given
the detail reason 1 boss now 3 pieces of
information about my boss number 1
aggressive number 2 focused on personal
development number 3 speaks English well
now let’s move to the next reason reason
to promotion 3 pieces of information
about promotion number 1
foreign relations manager number 2 high
English proficiency necessary
international clients and number 3
travel the world need English remember
just short notes just short notes at
this part and reason 3 necessary for
survival 3 pieces of information about
this number 1 to travel around the world
number 2 to communicate at work and
number 3 English is one of the most
important languages in the world now
let’s look at how our answer our spoken
response expands from doing the web in
this way currently I am studying English
for three reasons the first reason is
because my boss who is a little
aggressive ordered all of his employees
to study English
my boss speaks English very well so he
wants all of his employees to also speak
English well too
his main focus is our personal
development the second reason is so that
I can get a promotion next year I want
to be the foreign relations manager of
our company but that position requires a
high English proficiency level this is
because we have many international
clients and the manager would have to
travel all around the world meeting
these clients the final reason why I am
studying English is
because English is necessary for
survival if you want to travel around
the world it is widely known by everyone
that you must know a little bit of
English nowadays English is even
necessary for the workplace to speak
with foreign clients English is one of
the most important languages in the
world so I definitely think it is
necessary for survival
same question but very different answer
but still very thorough clear and
concise last example example 3 again why
are you studying English step 1
the main idea is English is fun
step 2 we chose category 3 which deals
with three details so detail one detail
two and detail three and step three we
give the details and we also give pieces
of information about the details
so detail one new interesting idioms so
for my three pieces of information I
will give three interesting idioms
number one as cool as a cucumber number
two hold your horses and number three
kick the bucket moving to detail number
two body language now I will give three
different pieces of information about
body language or examples of body
number one speak with my hands number
two laugh loudly and number three raise
and lower my voice for emphasis and last
but not least detail three communication
my three pieces of information are
number one Americans number two
co-workers and number three online now
let’s look at the spoken response for
example three I think English is really
quite fun when I study English I can
learn new interesting idioms that make
me laugh for example as
cool as a cucumber hold your horses and
kick the bucket along with this I can
also use lots of body language when I
speak in English if I want to keep the
attention of the people I am talking to
I can speak with my hands I can also
laugh loudly when I speak in English
sometimes when I speak in English I also
raise and lower my voice to add more
emphasis to what I am saying it’s fun
and lastly in my opinion it is very fun
to watch people of different cultures
communicate in English for example on
the street I can see many Americans
talking to people of other cultures in
English I can also personally practice
English with my co-workers and online
with my friends again same question but
the answer is completely different but
still very thorough alright amazing
today you learned part 3 of the first
secret to speaking English you learned
to answer a question in even more depth
we can add three pieces of supporting
information for each selection in step
three so now our web looks like this
step one determine the main idea step
two select a category and select three
pieces of information for that category
category information one category
information two and category information
three and step three write supporting
information for each selection from step
two first supporting piece of
second supporting piece of information
and third supporting piece of
information now try to use the web at
least one time today when you give your
opinion in English you can do it you can
big English I hope this video helped to
give you more confidence in your English
ability if you would like to receive
English worksheets via email once a week
that go along with these video lessons
click below and start getting your free
worksheets in your inbox today this has
been speak English with Tiffany I am
teacher Tiffany and I hope that you have
an amazing day until next time remember
to speak English