How to Pronounce ENTREPRENEUR in English Tricky Words SHORTS

I think the words that come to 
American English from French  

are some of the hardest words to pronounce.
For example this word. It’s pronounced  

entrepreneur. Nr, all r, no vowel. You can 
also pronounce it nur. En-tre-​pre-​neur.  

But look at this tr, We pronounce it like 
a chr.

En-chre, chre, en-chre-​pre, neur! 



比如这个词。 它的发音是

企业家。 Nr,全 r,无元音。 您
也可以发音为 nur。 进入前神经。

但是看看这个 tr,我们把它发音
为 chr。

En-chre,chre,en-chre- pre,neur!
