How to Remember English Vocabulary
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hi everybody welcome back to cop words
my name is Alisha and today we’re gonna
talk about 10 different ways to remember
words so these are actually some ways to
remember words that you have sent in to
us so I’m really excited to see what
your recommendations are I study other
languages so let’s talk about it let’s
I associate new words with words that
sound similar in my native language if
you’re studying English your native
language might share some words so like
I’m studying Japanese and for example
the word chocolate sounds very very
similar in in Japanese so in English the
word is chocolate in Japanese the word
is choco doodle so it sounds similar so
that’s an easy word for me to remember I
learn about the roots of words and how
different words are related to each
other many words in English have roots
in very very old languages like Latin so
a word like omniscient for example can
be broken down into maybe two parts the
Omni Omni meaning all or everything and
she int The Shins part relates to
knowledge or knowing so together the
word means all-knowing omniscient maybe
you can guess the meaning even if it’s
the first time you’ve seen the word okay
I listen to songs and memorize the
lyrics this is also a common way to to
help kids learn things too through songs
opposite of B plus or minus the square
root b squared minus 4ac all over 2a
it’s a quadratic function equation
because it’s a song it’s still in my
head Thank You mrs. Sam I often watch TV
or YouTube videos that are designed for
young children that’s how children in
the native language learn so it’s a
great tool for you don’t be embarrassed
to do that I do that in English we have
Dora the Explorer
we have Sesame Street we have another
channel that’s made for children’s
content but it could be useful for you
it’s called kids vs. life so please be
sure to check that out I speak as often
as possible with native speakers a
native speaker can go on that’s that’s a
strange thing that you’re saying so
there are a lot of small factors the
you can’t get unless you’re speaking
with a native speaker so this is a
really really great tip if you’re
interested in doing this with us we have
on English class
a special subscription which is called
the elite level of subscription where
you get to actually study with one of
our teachers here so if if you don’t
have somebody that you can study with
now that might be a way to do it please
check that out if you’re interested I
try to use the language routinely in the
context of daily life when you’re alone
just doing stuff at home like making
breakfast or cooking or doing the
laundry if you use the language just to
say like now I’m going to I don’t know
cut vegetables or oh I need to do
laundry later today or thinking about
your appointment whatever another good
example is really I put my phone into my
target language you’re telling little
stories when you’re having conversations
with people so get used to telling
yourself the story I use repetition
reading writing and speaking words over
and over again keep repeating in your
studies even if it feels like you know
you’re not making any progress you are
just just the act of doing that
repetition can be helpful for you if a
football player never throws a football
he’s not going to be able to throw it
very well is he you have to repeat
repeat repeat and then when you’re faced
with the actual situation where you need
to throw the football you need to use
that vocabulary word you’re ready you
already know how to say the word so yes
repeat it’s good I try to think in
English so it becomes natural to my
thought process I do this I think about
what I need to do I think about what I
have done I think about what I’m going
to do and so in that way you can
practice past tense future tense and
present tense recently this has been
happening to me I’ve started dreaming in
Japanese from time to time or I dream
bilingually it’s exciting I think I try
to use the word in a simple sentence so
I learn whole phrases not just
individual words yes this is a huge tip
so vocabulary is important of course if
you don’t know a key word you might miss
the meaning of something but context is
important too so there might be two
words which seem very similar like big
and large for example but when should I
use large when should I use big
like if your clothes shopping and you
say mmm do you have this in a big size
it might not be the correct way to use
the word instead do you have this in a
large size is the correct phrase so
learning how to use the correct
vocabulary word at the correct time is
important and you can do that through
studying sentences and phrases instead
of just vocabulary this is why reading
is important I feel reading as much as
possible especially the newspaper helps
me to remember words when I was a kid I
just read everything I was I was so into
reading I loved it and I think that it
helped it actually helped my language
skills improve even in my native
language again at first it’s really hard
to do and you might have to use a
dictionary a lot but you’ll learn
gradually more natural speaking patterns
more natural writing patterns too which
will help you to sound more natural when
you speak and maybe it can help your
listening skills to when you can listen
for those patterns that you see in
textbooks that you see in newspapers and
novels whatever it’s a great tool
reading and thank goodness that’s the
end so those are ten tips that you can
use to remember new words and new
phrases try them out I’m going to be
doing my best with my target language I
hope that you do too thank you very much
for watching please please please
subscribe to our channel if you have not
already and we will see you again soon
for more exciting information bye hi
everybody and welcome back to top words
my name is Alisha and today we’re gonna
talk about 10 ways to motivate yourself
when learning English let’s go the first
way to motivate yourself is to imagine
that one day you will live in the United
States so to do this imagine what is
your day going to be like when you live
in the u.s. where will you go who will
you meet where will you shop and so on
imagine your day in the United States ok
the second way to motivate yourself when
you’re studying English is to study
other aspects of the culture too which
makes it more rewarding to study English
ok so this means of course studying
English as a language but if there’s a
specific country that you would like to
visit or a specific part of that
country’s culture try to learn about
that too if you like music if you like
the food if you like the hiss
try to find something about a specific
country or a specific part of that
country’s culture that you enjoy in
addition to studying the language okay
way number three to motivate yourself is
finding funny words in English okay so
finding a word that sounds funny or a
word that you enjoy using or a phrase
that you enjoy using can really increase
your motivation for using that word and
for interacting with people so if you
can find those phrases that you think
are funny or are fun they can be really
really helpful for you as you learn your
language the next way to motivate
yourself is to make friends with people
who speak English so of course if you
don’t have any friends who are English
speakers especially native English
speakers it’s a really good idea to make
some friends
this way you can practice with them you
can learn from them and you can just see
maybe what their life is like and how
their life is different from yours so
this is a great way to practice a great
way to learn and a great way to think
more internationally as well the next
way to motivate yourself is watching
youtube videos of other people who have
successfully learned English so you can
listen to people what worked for them
how did they study where did they go
what materials did they use what did
they find
not helpful so you can try to find a
strategy that works well for you through
using resources like YouTube for example
it’s a great way to find people that
maybe match with what you need ok the
next way to motivate yourself is by
watching English movies and TV shows and
enjoying the feeling when you can
understand a word or a sentence yeah I
do this too when you enjoy something
when you find entertainment value in
something like music movies TV and you
there’s that moment when you pick up or
when you understand what your favorite
character said or you understand that
like a key point in the story it’s a
really really good feeling it makes you
want to continue watching I think so
that’s a really really nice feeling I
think and you can do that by enjoying
media so it’s a fun way to learn and
it’s a fun feeling to expect
okay the next way to motivate yourself
is by reading English news articles
blogs and magazines to get a feel for
formal and casual language so the style
that we use here like an English class
101 and this on the videos on this
channel is quite casual most of the time
or at least in these videos it’s very
but the way that I speak in the way a
newspaper is written the way a magazine
is written the way a a newscaster
presents the information these are all
different ways of communicating we’re
using the same language yes but there
are different styles so it’s important
to try to understand those differences
and to become familiar with them so try
to find a few different things that you
can enjoy the next way to motivate
yourself is after dinner you write about
your day in a journal in English okay
this is an interesting idea so just take
a few minutes after dinner or before you
go to bed to write something in English
about what you did that day or maybe so
you have a chance to talk about future
tense or to use the future tense you can
use you can talk about your upcoming
plans or the things you’re going to do
the next day so you can talk about past
tense what you did that day maybe
present tense how you’re feeling as
you’re writing your journal for the day
and future tense to talk about your
upcoming plan so journaling can be a
really effective exercise for motivating
you okay the next way to motivate
yourself is by practicing with
flashcards of useful words and phrases
for 15 minutes every day on the train I
actually do do this I use but I use an
application to study in Japanese to
study kanji and 15 minutes every day
adds up over the course of a week you
can learn a lot of information in a
short period of time and if you live in
the country where your target language
is spoken then you might even find the
word you studied on the train you see it
like after you leave the train you might
see that word later on in your day so
you can immediate
we feel like an extra sense of
motivation by knowing that this thing
you’re studying is applicable it’s
something you can use right away it’s a
really cool feeling so this is a tip I
honestly I use this last I make sure to
thank anyone and everyone who corrects
my English yeah I I think this is really
important because people are really nice
they don’t want to correct you when you
make a mistake but sometimes people do
they’re really polite about it and they
tell you the more tell you a more
natural way or they give you a
suggestion for how to improve your
English make sure you say thank you like
repeat after them and then say thank you
so that you know it’s motivation for
them to tell you again in the future to
help you again in the future so make
sure to say thank you to anyone who
helps you with your English so that’s
the end so those are ten ways that you
can motivate yourself when you learn
English if you have a different strategy
for how you like to motivate yourself to
learn English please let us know in the
comments please be sure also to like
this video and subscribe to our channel
if you haven’t already thanks very much
for watching I hope this video motivated
you to keep studying we’ll see you again
soon with more fun stuff my hi everybody
my name is Alisha and today I’m joined
again in the studio by Michael hello hi
Michael thanks for joining us again
today today we’re going to be looking at
a few tips for learning another language
so each of us have prepared a few things
that we think are really useful when
learning another language both of us
have studied another language to some
degree so we’re gonna talk about things
that were useful for us and which might
be useful for you as you practice your
English skills so let’s begin do you
want to start sure go for it I would say
absorb media this is something that
actually when I meet someone and they
sound like a native English speaker and
I go you know where are you from are you
from Australia America no no no I’m from
blah blah blah what you mean you’re not
a native English speaker and every
single time they tell me I said you know
how did you learn please I’m an English
teacher I want to know I want to help
people habla and every single time they
tell me oh I just love blah blah blah
culture so usually I love American
culture I love Justin Bieber and Lady
gaga blah blah blah blah
and so all day everyday they’re reading
they’re watching movies are sitting on
YouTube and just absorbing it and it
doesn’t feel like you’re studying but
you are and so then you’re more likely
to study so it’s like a fun way to study
it’s it’s helped me I’ve changed
everything on my iPod so even when I’m
lazy I have no choice but to listen to
the language I’m learning yeah I think
that’s a really good tip I had the same
thing essentially mine was just phrased
slightly different I said find something
that interests you in your target
language so if English is your target
language whatever it might be if it’s
music if it’s movies if it’s comic books
I don’t know if it’s if you’re
interested in something dating someone
who speaks to your target language
whatever it is find something to
motivate you something that’s gonna make
you want to study and make you want to
learn that language so that you have
that you know that that drive to do it I
totally agree with you yeah I think it’s
a great tip okay cool so we had one
thing that was the same I guess I’ll
share another one of mine if that’s okay
my next one is one that I try to do
myself but I know that I miss a mess up
every once in a while um
practice every day even if it’s just a
few minutes whether you can spare an
hour or two hours or just I myself study
while I’m you know commuting to work on
the subway just find something that you
can do every single day so that you
don’t lose you know lose your place in
your studies just whether it’s
vocabulary or picking a new grammar
point to be looking at or just you know
finding a new phrase on TV that you
thought was interesting just being an
active learner every single day really
really contributes I think to your
abilities to speak and to understand
another language let’s just practice
every single day something I think this
is a really useful piece of advice for
anything I think a lot of people you get
overwhelmed and you know you think man I
want to be here whether it’s exercising
or playing the piano or whatever and you
just want to finish you know a year’s
worth of time in one day so you study
really hard you know you procrastinate
and then one day you do you cram as much
as you can you get burnt out and then
you don’t do it for weeks
eight months and that’s not the way
humans work we’re creatures of habit any
of the best the greatest whether they
speak a language like you is wonderfully
as you do or whatever or play piano or
whatever every single time you ask them
brick by brick by brick so I I agree
100% and I also don’t follow this advice
all the time tough I think the key is to
not give up so for me honestly my my
languages aren’t I’m not as confident
but as far as exercise you know you’ll
get lazy and you’ll pig out and you go
down but you can’t just give up and just
let it go down right just remember the
big picture that you are making progress
even if there’s some some some decline
so you busy with work whatever get back
on it keep practicing yeah English get
back on English class
what is your next tip um so my next tip
is also related to practice everyday is
practice fearless Lee so this means you
know it’s easy to learn some basic
phrases in English hello I’m fine thank
you and you and you sound like a robot
and you feel comfortable comfortable in
your little like comfort zone but you
don’t expand you got to be willing to
make mistakes and I think it’s the same
as with dancing if you’re afraid you
look stupid
if you’re your reserved and you’re off
on to the side of the club and you’re
just kind of moving one shoulder and
your little comfort bubble it looks
really stupid it looks way more stupid
than if you were actually going all out
and just having fun with it yeah I think
it’s the same thing with language don’t
just stick to your little comfort of
hello I’m fine thank you and you and
sound like a robot you got to have some
fun with it try to use those big words
that maybe you mess up that’s okay
that’s how you learn it’s like a kid so
let’s see your other one my tip my last
tip then is kind of general I guess I’ve
just chosen immersion this doesn’t
necessarily mean that you have to go to
the country you know where they speak
the language that you’re studying but
just find a way to even if it’s just for
a short period of time every day or once
a week or whatever it is if there’s some
some way that you can immerse yourself
in the language that you’re studying for
a period of time and only study you know
Spanish or only study English in your
case for at Fir for a period of time
every day or every week every month
whatever it is on a regular basis so you
get used to just hearing that and just
experiencing that I think is really
really helpful I think yeah I agree
uhm I think that’s no no that’s not um
I thought I thought I wrote it down yeah
I agreed one of the things that most
people don’t realize is that now it’s
the 21st century everyone’s connected so
a lot of people just assume that if you
move to the country you’re gonna pick up
the language because immersion is is one
of the best most you know time and time
again improved way proved ways to learn
a language but that’s not always the
case like I have a lot of friends in
different countries who don’t learn it
at all they’re married to a local but
they just it’s easy to just sit on
Facebook and talk to your old friends
and never actually you know practice and
put it out there so if you can’t make it
out to another country don’t worry about
it because even if you do is sometimes
you know it’s that mindset it’s actually
doing it yeah yeah okay what’s your last
tip our last tip is take grammar with a
grain of salt
so of course grammar is essential for
learning a language absolutely there’s
no doubt about it you should definitely
focus on that but what I found is that
when you’re learning from a non-native
English speaker they feel safe teaching
grammar because their set rules they can
teach even if their pronunciation isn’t
correct or any of that and you know you
you can just get into that rut but the
reality of most languages is we break
those rules all the time so don’t worry
too much if you’re if your grammars a
little off or you’re having trouble
learning it just just kind of go with it
and just try to repeat what you hear
yeah I don’t know about you though what
we know I think I think that’s an
interesting point though because I think
that like you say I think grammar is a
really safe place for a lot of people
because like you say there are there are
rules it’s clear that I can see that you
know if I put a noun and a verb like
this then I’m gonna make a sentence that
says this and I understand that it’s
really easy to understand but I think
that’s something that a lot of learners
and myself I’m guilty of this too is
that there’s a limit to how much grammar
that you can learn like once you learn
the grammar you’re you’ve you’ve learned
the grammar yeah it’s possible I think
to master the grammar of any language
but it’s the vocabulary that continues
to change every year there are new words
in every single language that gets
developed people are making up new words
every day especially in English so
experiment you know when once you find
that you know you’ve learned you’ve
learned the grammar move on you don’t
keep keep exploring new vocabulary
new and interesting things to do with
the tools that you’ve given yourself so
don’t be afraid to experiment with your
vocabulary too if you find something
that you might like to try to make a
verb out of like Google for example give
it a try see if it works if the other
people around you are confused maybe it
didn’t work if the other people around
you laughs or you know continue with the
conversation hey maybe you just made a
new word you never know so give it a try
thanks very much for joining us for our
English tips on this lesson we will see
you again next time bye hi I’m Alicia
welcome back to weekly words this week
I’m told might be something that’s gonna
be scary for me what is what is a header
in news this is gonna be bad the word
header anims means two separate words
with the same spelling but with
different pronunciation and meaning
really okay now that I understand it’s
not so scary let’s start okay the first
word is bass as in a type of fish or
bass which refers to someone’s voice
it’s also a type of instrument it kind
of looks like a guitar there’s also a
string bass that’s usually a really tall
instrument that you play standing up so
in a sentence when you’re fishing you
might say oh hey I hope I catch a bass
today if you’re a musical inclined
person you might say my favorite
instrument is the bass great those are
pretty good next is wind as in the air
blowing blowing air and wind as in like
to wrap something around something else
wind you might say the wind is really
strong today
I should have brought my kite to the
park okay
I don’t know everyone’s know these oddly
specific sentences wind like maybe you
have a ball of string at your house and
it’s gotten all tangled up it’s really
really messy and you find it one day and
you think to yourself oh I really need
to wind this ball of string into a clean
like tidy ball next a tear a rip in
something like you might tear a piece of
paper in half the same spelling can also
make the word tear which is
that drop of water that comes out of a
person’s eye when they’re sad or
sometimes when they’re very happy use
them both in one sentence
whenever I tear a piece of paper a tear
comes from my eye because I feel bad for
ruining trees or my my friend made me
tear up my favorite love letter and I
shed many tears as a result that one was
slightly better all right next is dove
dove can be a bird it’s a white bird it
often represents peace and it can also
be pronounced douve which is the past
tense of the verb to dive so you might
say the dove dove into
what is it Duff time into the dove dove
into oncoming traffic dove dove into the
pond to take a bath
next is close meaning to be near and the
other pronunciation is close meaning to
shut or it can also mean to end so in a
sentence let’s see if we can use them
both in the same sentence please close
the door that is close to you because
the show is coming to a close oh yeah
and that was all of them that was an
interesting lesson I hope that you guys
learn something if nothing else I think
it’s a good reminder that pronunciation
is important when you put emphasis on
one part of the word it might actually
change the meaning of the word entirely
so please be careful especially with
some of the words that we talked about
here today okay
thanks for joining us and I will see you
again next week bye bye