How To Speak English Fluently In 3 Steps About Your Favorites
today you are gonna learn how to speak
fluently about your favorites in three
steps welcome to speak English with
Tiffany I am teacher Tiffany let’s jump
right in
step one alright the first thing that
you need to do is give a general
statement about the topic or subject now
why is this needed you see it is
important for you to first introduce the
topic to the person listening to you
this will help them feel more confident
in your speaking ability and knowledge
of the topic now I want you to think
about this remember when you spoke to
someone in your own language and how
they understood you but when you speak
in English about your favorites you want
to make sure the person is understanding
the basic idea of what you’re speaking
about related to your favorites so think
about it as being a picture in their
mind that forms after you explain the
general statement about the topic now
here’s a sentence pattern you can use
when you start this part there are many
types of dot-dot-dot so for example
there are many types of computers there
are many types of people or there are
many types of teachers now let’s see an
actual example here’s a question what’s
your favorite sport
so the needed information refers to the
general statement about the topic or
subject which again is step one and then
the needed pattern the sentence pattern
is there are many types of dot-dot-dot
so our sentence is there are many types
of sports all over the world this is a
great sentence now if we want to expand
this sentence and expand this part we
can use the five W’s okay so again the
five W’s are who what when where and why
and you’ll see that all of these parts
are in my expanded answer so it becomes
there are many types of sports all over
the world
for example football is one of the most
popular sports played in the United
can see Americans of all ages playing it
together during their free time outside
because it is a fun sport so we have who
Americans of all ages what playing
football when during their free time
we’re outside and why it is a fun sport
so excellent answer for part one or step
one now moving on to step number two for
step number two what we need to do is
state your favorite and when it became
your favorite now why is this needed you
see by connecting yourself to the topic
the person listening will once again see
that you have a good grasp of the topic
this is because you are able to properly
connect yourself to it
so again if you’re speaking in English
what’s gonna happen is you are going to
connect what you’re talking about to
your personal opinion or to how it
actually relates to you so you see in
this sketch the person is talking but
you’ll see there are people above it so
again what they’re saying is connected
to something that happened to them okay
all right so here is a pattern you can
use for this step okay however my
favorite dot is dot dot dot so for
example however my favorite fruit is an
apple or however my favorite singer is
smokey Norville or finally however my
favorite season is spring now again
going back to our example we have what’s
your favorite sport
so the needed information for this step
is state your favorite and when it
became your favorite then the needed
pattern is however my favorite dot dot
dot is dot dot so here’s what the
sentence will look like for step two
however my favorite sport is basketball
again we’re connecting to the
information now again if you want to
expand using the five W’s this is how we
can expand step two again five W’s being
fooled what when
where and why so our answer now becomes
however my favorite sport is basketball
when I was growing up I used to play
basketball with my best friend almost
every single day at school or at her
house we really enjoyed competing
against each other so what are you
noticing I’m giving more information to
answer or connect my favorite to the
actual answer okay so for who my best
friend and I for what play basketball
when when I was growing up where at
school or at our house and why we really
enjoyed competing against each other so
again step two is completed and you see
how we have a simple answer and also an
expanded answer all right now moving on
to step number three for step number
three what we want to do is give three
reasons why it is your favorite now why
is this needed you see finally it is
important for you to provide reasons why
does your favourites you see by giving
supporting reasons for your choice or
opinion the person listening to you will
be able to understand even more so again
in the sketch you’ll see that someone is
speaking and when they give their three
reasons the person listening is able to
understand and connect to it even more
which results in more confidence and
more faith in your ability and your
fluency so here’s a sentence pattern you
can use the top three reasons why dot
dot is my favorite dot dot dot so here’s
the example the top three reasons why
smoking normal is my favorite singer are
his voice is smooth he sings with
passion and his music is catchy or easy
to follow now again going back to our
example question what’s your favorite
sport so for step three once again the
needed information give three reasons
why it is your favorite and the needed
pattern the top three reasons why dot is
my favorite dot so he
what it would look like the top three
reasons why basketball is my favorite
sport are because my dad taught me how
to play it is a team sport and it
requires good hand-eye coordination okay
so now we want to expand this with the
five W’s so this part is actually
already longer but again the who’s what
when where and why we can add a little
bit information okay a little bit more
information alright so the top three
reasons why basketball is my favorite
sport are because my dad loves it and
taught me out of play so I added a
little bit here again who my dad and we
have the why he loves it and we also
have the what taught me how to play
let’s continue when I was 10 years old
it is a team sport played often in
America and it requires good hand-eye
coordination so in this part we see when
when I was 10 years old and we also see
we’re in America so again for this one
we added a little bit more information
to make the answer longer and actually
to show more fluency and that’s how you
speak English fluently about your
favorites I hope you enjoyed this
English video lesson and if you would
like to continue studying with me you
can click one of the videos at the
bottom of your screen to watch another
video also if you want the PDF that goes
along with this video lesson remember to
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