How to study English with Television Programs
welcome to speak English with Tiffany I
am teacher Tiffany and today I am going
to teach you exactly how to study
English with television programs are you
ready for this step by step guide well
then let’s jump right in in last week’s
video we learned that it is very helpful
to study with English television
programs but the question is how exactly
should you study well there is actually
a simple 5 step guide to properly
studying English with television
programs let me explain usually there
are many different characters in
television programs as an English
Learner it can be quite confusing to
follow the storyline because you don’t
understand the relationship between the
characters so that is why step one is so
important step one is find the main
characters after you have found the main
characters the next thing you need to do
is write 3 facts or important points
about each of them step 2 after
determining the main characters it is
important to figure out exactly when the
story is actually taking place and for
example sometimes the television
programs may be set in certain seasons
like fall summer or even winter so step
2 is determine the time period for this
step you can write down if the story is
set in the past present or in the future
like Star Wars you can also get more
specific and write down the time of day
the main story happens step 3
next you need to find out the location
of the television program for example is
it happening in Paris or maybe it’s at
someone’s house or maybe a university or
maybe even just in the city
this information will help you to
understand the story much better so step
three is find the location there are
three things that you should include for
the location you should write whether it
is set in a specific country state or
city you should write if it is at the
character’s workplace home school or
some other place and you should also
write down new places that appear in the
television program step 4
then you should figure out the general
flow of the story you should be able to
do this as you watch the television
program and as the scenes change so step
four is figure out the plot of the story
the main things you need to recognize
for this step are the storyline the
issue the climax and the solution this
information will help you to summarize
the story in your mind step 5
finally you need to determine what your
opinion is of the television program
there are some English television
programs that you will like and there
are some that you will not like it is
important for you to understand what you
actually like to watch and why so step 5
is write a review your review should not
only include your opinion of the
television program but also three
reasons why you feel that way these are
the five simple steps to properly
studying English with television
programs got another English question
that you would like me to answer for you
just write it down below in the comments
and I will answer you and maybe even
make a video to answer your question
until next time try these five simple
steps when you watch English television
and watch your English ability improve
you can do it you can speak English
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