How to talk about Current Events in English
One day you read the newspaper.
You learn about current events happening all
over the world.
But there is one problem…You don’t know
how to explain the current events in English.
Don’t worry!
I will teach you how to do this in 3 easy
Welcome to Speak English with Tiffani.
I am Teacher Tiffani and today I am going
to teach you How to talk about current events
in English.
This lesson will improve your ability to speak
clearly and logically in English.
Are you ready?
Well then, let’s jump right in.
If you want to speak in English about current
events, there are 3 simple steps that you
must follow.
These steps will help you sound more like
a native English speaker.
Let’s look at the first step…
Step 1 is to “Describe the Issue”
When speaking about current events in English,
it is important to first clearly explain what
the issue is exactly.
You do this by explaining:
Who is involved
When did it happen
Where did it occur
What exactly happened
And Why did it become an issue
In the 2nd step you “Explain the popular
This step is important because you need to
explain what people in general think about
this current event or issue.
This will help the person listening to you
have a better understanding of what you are
talking about.
You do this by giving 3 points about the popular
Step 3 is to “Give your opinion”
After you have described the issue and explained
the popular view, it is now time to give your
opinion on the issue.
You do this by
Giving your basic opinion on the issue
Then stating the main reason for your opinion
And then finally summarizing your opinion
Okay, now that we know the three steps to
properly talking about current events in English,
let’s look at an actual current event and
talk about it using what we have learned.
Step 1 “Describe the issue”
Who is involved Barack Obama
When did it happen (or when will it happen)
January 20, 2017
Where did it occur America
What exactly happened Barack Obama will no
longer be the president
And why did it become an issue Donald Trump
has been elected as the new president
So, after putting all of this information
together, we would say…
“Starting January 20, 2017, Barack Obama
will no longer be the president of America.
He has served for a long time, but his time
has come to an end.
Donald Trump has been elected the new president
and will take over in January.
Now Step 2 “The popular view”
The first point is People love him
The second point is He has been a great president
And the third point is People are nervous
about Trump
So, after putting all of this information
together, we would say…
“The majority of Americans love Barack Obama
and are sad to see him go.
He has been a great president.
So, people are nervous about what Donald Trump
will do in the future.
And finally Step 3 “Give your opinion”
Your basic opinion on the issue A great president
The main reason for your opinion Helped many
And the summary of your opinion Wish he could
So, after putting all of this information
together, we would say…
“In my opinion, Barack Obama has been a
great president.
Throughout his time as president he has helped
many people.
I wish he could stay president for a little
while longer.”
Now, if we put all of this together, this
is how we would talk about this current event
in English…
“Starting January 20, 2017, Barack Obama
will no longer be the president of America.
He has served for a long time, but his time
has come to an end.
Donald Trump has been elected the new president
and will take over in January.
The majority of Americans love Barack Obama
and are sad to see him go.
He has been a great president.
So, people are nervous about what Donald Trump
will do in the future.
In my opinion, Barack Obama has been a great
Throughout his time as president he has helped
many people.
I wish he could stay president for a little
while longer.”
Alright amazing!
Today you learned “How to talk about current
events in English”.
We learned 3 steps…
Step 1 “Describe the Issue”
Step 2 “Explain the popular view”
And Step 3 “Give your opinion”
So, instead of just giving a short comment,
you will now be able to talk about current
events like a native English speaker.
Now try to use these steps at least one time
You can do it!
You can speak English!