How To Use Complex English Sentences Although...IHeSheThey still...
although the little bird was hungry it
still decided to share the donut with
the Fox although and it still you see
although explains the current situation
usually something difficult or important
and it still introduces an opposite
situation or action that does not seem
to match the first you see in today’s
video we are going to talk about the
complex English sentence structure
although dot dot I he she or they still
dot dot dot this video is being brought
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number one although the dentist was
tired he still decided to do a filling
for his last patient now let me explain
what the term filling means you see a
filling is a way to restore a tooth
damaged by decay back to its normal
function in shape so you’ll see in the
picture below that a dentist will
normally put a certain substance in a
tooth that has a cavity so that he can
fill it and actually save the tooth now
looking at this sentence let’s compare
remember although and he still opposite
situations okay so in the top we have
although so the fact is he was tired
meant he should have either went home or
took a break or even rescheduled his
appointment with his patient but instead
he still despite being tired stayed at
work didn’t take a break and took care
of his patient so again with this
complex English sentence structure we’re
comparing opposite situations situations
that don’t match okay alright the second
one says although Samantha had a lot of
work to do she still found time to hang
with her friends now I want to explain
found time you see this means to devote
time and one’s busy schedule to do
something or to make time to do
something so look at this graphic really
quickly this is how your day would look
and everything is partitioned out for a
certain activity but you found some time
in your schedule it means you separated
some time for another activity alright
so again what are we comparing what
opposite situations are there you see
although Samantha had a lot of work to
do which meant she should have stayed
focused not talk to anyone or even
changed her meeting with her friends
that’s what she should have done but
instead the opposite happened she still
despite being busy pause what she was
spent time talking to her friends and
even met and hung out with her friends
so again using this complex English
sentence structure you’re comparing
opposite situations
okay so again although Samantha had a
lot of work to do she still found time
to hang with her friends now
the third example says although the
woman was nervous she still went to the
doctor to hear the test results now I
want to expand your vocabulary a little
bit so instead of nervous which I’m sure
you know let’s look at some synonyms
anxious fearful or apprehensive once
again for pronunciation practice anxious
fearful or apprehensive these have the
same meaning
or similar meanings too nervous okay
all right now the two situations being
contrasted or compared so although so
she was nervous which meant she should
have avoided the doctor called to
reschedule or even asked someone to go
with her to see the doctor but instead
the opposite happens
she still despite being nervous went to
see the doctor went to her appointment
and went alone to hear a test result so
again two opposite things happened which
is when you use this English complex
sentence structure although the woman
was nervous she still went to the doctor
to hear the test results all right okay
number four although Mohammed was far
away from home he still was able to meet
lots of people okay now I want to give
you guys some synonyms for meat because
you guys probably learned that in level
one but some synonyms are meet up with
this is an expression we use that means
meet or run into and even bump into
these three expressions these terms have
a similar meaning to meat but you can
use them and you will even sound more
natural when you speak in English okay
meet up with run into and bump into
alright so let’s see the two contrasting
situations okay so although he was far
away from home so Muhammad was not close
to his home which meant he should have
been unfamiliar with the area or been in
his apartment a lot or even been
homesick but the opposite happened you
see he’s still despite being far away
from home was familiar with the area
went out often and even met new people
and made new friends these are two
contrasting situations okay so again
although Mohammed was far away from home
he still was able to meet lots of people
alright and this example although the
chef’s had been cooking all day they
still were not able to finish all seven
courses now seven courses this
to a meal that consists of seven parts
served one after another so for example
number one could be an appetizer like a
cold appetizer then number two is soup
number three a hot appetizer and before
salad number five a main course number
six another main course and number seven
dessert now I know that sounds like a
lot of a lot of food for you but this is
also what some people eat this is called
a seven course meal
so now we’re gonna look at these two
contrasting situations you see although
so they had cooked all day which meant
they should have cooked multiple meals
already eaten and even been done for the
day but instead the opposite a different
situation you see despite having cooked
all day they still had not cooked all of
the meals had not eaten and were not
able to cook every course of that seven
course meal so it means that these
situations were opposite they don’t
match so again
although the chef’s have been cooking
all day
they still were not able to finish all
seven courses now we’re gonna do is
expand these sentences okay we want to
expand them and increase and improve
your English ability so on the Left we
have again although the dentist was
tired he still decided to do a filling
for his last patient now if we want to
expand this sentence based on the who
the dentist becomes the 60-year old
dentist you see all that happened was we
gave more details about his age who he
okay so again although the 60-year old
dentist was tired he still decided to do
a filling for his last patient now if
you look at the next one it says
although Samantha had a lot of work to
she still found time to hang out with
her friends or hang with her friends so
what was she doing she had work to do so
if we expand this we can say important
financial work to do
all we did was we gave more details
about what type of work she was doing
remember you can use these tips
you’re trying to expand your sentences
okay all right although the woman was
nervous she still went to the doctor to
hear the test results so again was
nervous so when was this so we go to the
right side and we say was nervous when
she got up this morning all we did was
we gave more details about exactly when
she felt nervous which was when she got
up this morning so the sentence expanded
and then we have the next one
although Mohammed was far away from home
he still was able to meet lots of people
well where was he we can give more
details about that okay it says in New
York City so we gave more details about
exactly where he met the people so our
expanded sentence by answering where
becomes although Mohammed was far away
from home he still was able to meet lots
of people in New York City and our next
example said although the chef’s had
been cooking all day
they still were not able to finish all
seven courses so why was this well the
reason was because they ran out of
ingredients so again we gave more
details about why they couldn’t finish
and our expanded sentence answer that
why and became although the chef’s had
been cooking all day
they still were not able to finish all
seven courses because they ran out of
ingredients so again you guys learned
although that that thought they he she
or I still dot dot dot once again I want
to thank I talking for sponsoring this
video remember you guys can click the
link in the description and you can get
a coupon towards your first lesson your
first tutoring lesson keep studying
English and remember to watch the next
video have an amazing day