How To Use COULD Live Lesson
welcome to the Facebook live support
sample video from the course The
Fearless fluency Club in this video
you’ll see a recording of the live video
that I did on the speak English with
Vanessa Facebook page when you join the
full course for The Fearless fluency
Club you will get live support like this
each week to help you understand and
keep up with the full course enjoy this
video and learn a lot hello hello
welcome to today’s live Facebook lesson
here on to speak English with Vanessa
Facebook page I hope you’re having a
beautiful Tuesday today I am even though
it’s raining a little bit I’m glad to
start a new week and help you with
English today if you are new here let me
quickly introduce myself
hi I’m Vanessa and I teach English to
intermediate English learners who want
to become confident advanced fluent
English speakers I know this is a great
opportunity for traveling for your job
for getting to know really millions of
people around the world so speaking
English is a great door to other
opportunities so that’s why we’re here
today to improve your English to really
learn today a new way or a natural way
to use the word could could I know this
is a commonly used word we have several
ways to use it today I’m going to help
you master one of those ways thank you
all for joining me live Tsuyoshi from
Japan wonderful joan jett in Canada
Louise in Brazil
Syed let me know where are you from
and when welcome welcome mister you
excellent I’m glad you’re here mashallah
great excuse me I’m going to get step of
tea today from my excellently cute MA
and I have a question for you at the
beginning of our lesson this is a really
simple question because we’re going to
be talking about your city or your
country so I want to know first of all
where do you live what city or what
country do you live in or is your home
country maybe some of you aren’t living
in your home country so tell me where do
you live or where is your home country
or city because we’re going to be
focusing on describing places in your
home city or where you live at the
moment so this is a good chance to meet
people from all over the world and also
to learn about cool places
Florina Alexander asked us often welcome
welcome today we’re going to talk about
the word could could so this word is and
this lesson is part of our fearless
fluency Club sample lesson pack so I
want to quickly remind you that you can
download the free sample lessons set up
here there’s a link speak English with
Vanessa comm slash fluency and you can
download the full sample lesson set so
you can learn more about could would
should conversation vocabulary next week
we’re going to focus on pronunciation so
I recommend download the sample lesson
set after this lesson go back and watch
the grammar lesson in the lesson set so
that you can review you can get some
questions and you can really prepare for
speaking English naturally Oh wonderful
we’ve got people from all over the world
is that rush loves in st. Petersburg
excellent new Khomeini’s didn’t Vietnam
come on originally from Nepal and is
living in South Korea great place hi
Lukas Lukas is in Brazil Oh wonderful
I’m glad that you are here live we’re
talk about a cool place in your city or
in your country so if you are from oh
yeah Buland vut are wonderful I would
love to visit Mongolia this is actually
my one of my dreams in life I would love
to go to Mongolia and just enjoy nature
I’ve heard it’s beautiful anyway today
I’ll make it there Oh excellent so let
me know what city do you live in and
next we’re going to talk about how to
recommend a cool place in your city so
Alexander have downloaded the guide
excellent The Fearless fluency Club
perfect I’m glad that you downloaded
it’s awesome Ochs awesome great I’m glad
you enjoyed it
krysta and wonderful stuff on zinc
artisan great much love I’m using a new
phone at the moment or a different phone
so maybe the next time I’ll try a little
microphone see how it goes I want to let
you know how we could use good good
today so this is what we’re going to be
talking about and we’re going to use
this for giving a polite suggestion so
let’s pretend that I am going to visit
your city let’s pretend I’m going to
visit awesome Paulo or I’m going to
visit some place where you live oh I see
there’s some problem with the microphone
let’s take a look I’m gonna see if I can
plug in my headphones maybe that’ll help
a little bit I know there’s a little a
little microphone here I’m not sure if
it will work well or not let’s give it a
try okay I hope it will be okay alright
so yes Alexander is correct could is a
great way to give a polite suggestion so
I would like you to
think about a cool place in your city
for example David says I’m in Rio de
Janeiro the city of the Olympic Games
yes so if you want to recommend what I
can do in Rio de Janeiro you could say
you could watch the Olympics
I’ll use my other color here you could
watch so we’ve got some recommendation
for going to Rio de Janeiro you could
watch you could watch the Olympics it is
not saying you should watch the eschewed
is much stronger so this is going to be
a great way to give a suggestion and
really help people to feel like you’re
being polite to them so I want to help
you use this as a polite suggestion a
polite suggestion oh great you can
probably hear everything including the
motorcycle that just went by so I want
to know can you give me some suggestions
about what I should do what could I do
in your city what are some things that
you would recommend in your city AHA yes
so and when there are several ways and
one has a good question could we use
could to make a polite request for
example could you pass me some water
could you answer this question yes there
are multiple ways to use could and in
this in this live lesson I want to help
you with one of those because if we
focus on all of them right now who
there’s a lot so I think mastering one
is the best way to completely understand
it before we go to others but yes that’s
a great question we can use could can
use could add a polite request so this
is a instead of a request this
some polite advice so this is just
polite advice you could watch the
Olympics aha cause another question
could we use much of good
could we use may instead of could you
may watch say let’s grammatically it’s
correct but we don’t really use that I
think using could is going to sound much
more natural especially when you’re
giving a suggestion
aha gosh love says you could visit
palace square in st. Petersburg
excellent you could visit palace square
I would love to visit palace square in
fact one of my friends is going on a
business cruise I think it’s for her
husband’s job and she’s going to st.
Petersburg so I can’t wait to hear all
of her stories and all the great things
that happen and I’m sure that she is
going to visit the the palace square Oh
Sayid has a great suggestion for Tehran
you could see Milad tower you could see
Milad tower so the best way to start
with this is if someone asks you ah what
what should I do in your city so if
someone asks how what should I do in
your city or what good things are there
to do in your city this is when you can
answer with this you could visit Milad
tower in Tehran you could go to Rio de
Janeiro and watch the Olympics but as
Martin piano says in San Paulo
you could go to offices a long name you
buta we’re off I’m not sure with that
correctly Park excellent you’re
recommending a park perfect
I love parks in fact those are some of
my best memories when I go to a new
place author says you could visit
downtown try the food falafel canal
well maybe that’s another kind of food
I’m sure you’ll love it
Sarah I love eating I love trying new
foods so this is a perfect suggestion
you could eat so notice we always have a
verb afterwards you could watch the
Olympics you could eat something you
could try this food you could visit the
park you could go to the park ah Hassan
says you could see nice views in my city
you could speak to people in my city
because they’re friendly oh that’s
I love visiting new places and meeting
nice people that’s excellent excellent
oh you could visit several places here
in Brazil thanks Edson I would love to
visit all over Brazil many for a full
month’s just travelling same with Japan
so Yoshi you see she says you could eat
a lot of great local cuisine in Japan I
think if I go to Japan I will definitely
eat a lot of food and I’m sure that I’ll
ask you some suggestions when I go aha
you could visit the Amazon rainforest
I’m I want to make sure I say your name
correctly uh G the G is always hard
Rajan Aldo Rochin Aldo from Brazil says
you can visit the Amazon rainforest
Amazon fourth yes this is another dream
I would love to visit the rain forest
and explore hopefully stay safe there’s
a lot of crazy things in the Amazon but
it would be so exciting aha he took oh
hi he’s ago says in Japan you could see
what we call the 1 million dollar night
view from the mountains oh is this where
you look down on the mountains and you
can see things this is an excellent use
of using could so in Kobe Japan and
Kuwait excellent yes you could see using
that verb here you could see the view I
love to see night views views from high
places looking down it’s some of the
best memories food parks views from high
up Oh shallow as you could visit
National Park great oh you could drink
asari it aside is that how easy acai is
delicious yes this is a kind of very
right a red berry excellent Alexander
thank you for your kind promotion he
says people you should download The
Fearless fluency guide by Vanessa
because she explains to you how to use
could should would yes so in the full
sample lesson set it’s free you can
download it you get many more
explanations for the different versions
of could and would and should because
there are many ways you can use it aha
yes yes Alice e we have aa
some great suggestions for Belo
Horizonte you could visit pond pom
oh she’s a good challenge for my
pronunciation pond pump Aloha pump with
ha maybe that’s a great suggestion
excellent behind the Philippines you can
experience different beaches here in the
Philippines Thank You Veritas yes I
would love to visit beaches in the
Philippines you could visit famous
places yes
aha old museums statues great Hacha
actually you could visit pyramids um and
how do you live in Egypt at the moment I
would love to visit the pyramids this is
such a classic and incredible historical
place uh-huh you can visit a Taipei Zoo
and try to catch pokemon all delphine
catch pokemon in the zoo how interesting
that’s pretty good marketing for the zoo
um NC animals and catch pokemon hmm oh
yes look it’s like visit lots of beaches
that would be great just go to beaches
all around the world
Oh excellent I’m not sure how to
pronounce your name but and we have a
compliment from Serbia you can see the
fortress from the Ottoman Empire in my
city Belgrade in Serbia yes I would love
to go to Serbia well I’d love to go
everywhere can you tell me how how
should I pronounce your name if you
could just write a comment I’ll try my
best to remember hi from Poland
let me know oto-chan Oh what should I
see in your city what should I see or
what should I do in your city you could
do something this is really interesting
to see places all around the world I
want to give you a few suggestions as
well for the US if you come to the US
and if you visit New York I mean New
York is a pretty popular destination if
you visit New York you could walk around
some small little streets and just see
what kind of daily life people are
having you could sit at a cafe and watch
people walk by or listen to people speak
English I think these moments are really
real because you’re seeing what people
are doing in daily life it’s great to
see the Empire State Building and the
Statue of Liberty and these kind of
tourist places but it’s excellent to see
daily life so you could sit in a cafe
and just watch people go by and listen
to English that would be really fun oh
man 9ul has a great suggestion for Spain
you could taste octopus a typical dish
uh-huh in Honduras you could visit copan
ruinas oh I would love to go to Honduras
someday oh yes love I think I need to be
careful in Brazil but I could catch a
Zika in Brazil by pretty sure that we
stay safe it’ll be okay I hope you’re
doing well
aha yes then I could come to Brazil it’s
possible and teach English that would be
excellent Wow Hacha says you could see a
300 year old buddhist temple that would
be incredible Luis when I go to Brazil I
will let you know in fact if I go to
another place I’ll let you know when I
went to Italy I met up with a couple
students it was excellent we had a great
view together
chat together so I would love to do that
in other because around the world yes so
Valerie has a good question how
we could in the past for example uh I
when I was younger I could climb a tree
but nowadays I can’t well nowadays I
probably could if I wanted but I could
climb a tree this is in the past and the
way to really feel comfortable with this
is in the the sample lesson set I
explained how to use could in the past
because you’re here right there are
multiple ways to use it could I want to
show you all really quick how you can
how you can download the the free sample
lessons that I’m going to turn around
the video really quick and then I’ll get
back to watching or reading some of your
alright this is the this is the page for
the The Fearless fluency Club you can
see here the fearless fluency club and
you can download the sample lesson pack
for free right here so all you have to
do is go to let’s see if I can get this
any closer speak English with Vanessa
comm slash fluency don’t worry about
that part
slash fluency and you can download the
grammar lesson the full lesson set with
conversation vocabulary pronunciation
everything else I think that’s going to
be the best way for you to feel the most
comfortable about using could in other
ways as well
uh-huh excellent excellent we got lots
of more suggestions I want to make sure
I got them air we’ve got lots of people
from all around there were a lot of
Brazilians and Petra could see the Dead
Sea yes there I would love to do that
Malta yes yes so Emily you joined the
power pack and yes you because you are
part of the 50 natural English
expressions course you can join our
private Facebook group and there will be
a private Facebook group access for the
fearless fluency Club but you’re already
part of the 50 natural English
expressions so yes that includes you she
asks if she can join the private group
and this is
or members of the course so yes you can
do it
great I hope you can join soon Malta huh
rod raid rod a excellent now I can
pronounce your name perfect
aha Kurdistan Algeria I would love to
visit visit the Sahara in Algeria
excellent great suggestions you could
see the chocolate hills in the
Philippines on the island Bohol oh how
you pick yummy food in Osaka I would
love to ah yes you can visit crisis and
Redeemer in Rio
great suggestion Lucas ah here it oh but
day I hope I said that correctly Louise
here in tow a big tow bought a you could
visit some parks great options going to
the beach and excellent excellent many
places in cold weather oh yes
run run garage lots of challenges for me
today you could come visit my home when
you come to India India is another thing
on my bucket list I would love to visit
it yeah oh yes you can visit and eat
couscous I would love to do that uh-huh
what about Oh Saudi Arabia I couldn’t
try some great food I mean I would love
to try your local food that would be
excellent uhh lumpy lumpy jumpy I’m not
sure how to pronounce your name but uh
he asks how much is the course right now
The Fearless fluency Club is not open
yet so you can download the sample
lesson set for free that link is in the
description of this post you can
download the sample lesson set for free
and on August 27th so now it is 17 days
9 hours 36 minutes 16 15 14 sins in 17
days the course will be open and it will
be $27 perm and this is a monthly course
so that you can contain
you to improve and build on your skills
and you can cancel anytime of course I
think this is a good chance to to build
each month so download the sample for
free now it’s a good chance to learn
with us because this month August we are
focusing in this live Facebook lesson
we’re focusing on that material so this
week we’re focusing on the grammar next
week we’ll be focusing on the
pronunciation and then the final week
we’re going to focus on the conversation
that I had with my sister and then the
course is going to be opening so lots of
exciting things this month good if you
have any other questions about good oh
good I know there’s a lot of comments we
have so many great things I’m gonna what
I’m gonna do is after this live Weston
I’m gonna go back and read your comments
and write some some answers in some
suggestions because I think there were a
few questions that I didn’t have a
chance to answer today I know our time
is up quickly and I know with them
could would and should there’s so many
ways we can use it this is one polite
way so my challenge for you is the next
time that you give a suggestion to
someone it could be about your city it
could be about maybe at your job at your
job if someone says how how should I do
this and you say ah I’m not really sure
but you could try this or you could try
this it’s just giving a suggestion a
polite suggestion so thank you all for
your excellent advice about travel and
about going to your city or your country
I would love to really visit each place
try the food visit all these great
locations you mentioned I appreciate it
and thank you all for being here live
with me this is a excellent time to meet
other people and also to share about
your culture and use English so if there
is somewhere cool
that you saw in this post that you have
never been it’s a good chance to look it
up research find some pictures find out
Oh what is this Park in this city I’ve
never heard of it or what is this Beach
I’d love to visit this island it’s a
good chance to find out about
interesting places and connect with the
world because that’s the purpose that’s
why we’re here to learn English for a
purpose so that when you travel when you
meet people you can connect with them
and meet them ah good this is a
wonderful green tea from China I love it
well.all tea I enjoy so thank you
everyone for being here I appreciate
your time and have a good Tuesday if you
have any questions about hood or other
things feel free to leave a leave a
question down below and I hope to see
you again
on Thursday on Thursday we’re going to
be talking about today we talked about
one way to use hood and on Thursday
we’re going to talk about wood or should
so we’re going to try to focus on
another version of there called modal
verbs oh great so we’re gonna focus on
that on Thursday so make sure that you
join me here and if you would like to
join the course when it opens make sure
that you are staying up to date up to
date with these videos with my emails if
you download the course you will get a
special early discount early discount
during the opening week so thank you
everyone thank you large open a a
Houston Yong Kim uh yeah you might think
if thank you oh man thanks for coming
run so pushy
take it easy - have a great Tuesday see
you later
bye everyone thank you for watching this
sample video lesson from the fearless
fluency Club I would love
love to help you continue to improve
your English would you like to get full
lesson sets every month and personalized
feedback from me click the I at the top
of the screen to join or click the link
in the description below you can become
a fearless fluent English speaker let’s
start now