How To Use English Expressions And Slang From A To Z

You are an English Learner, which means
you must learn English expressions and

You see these help you to sound more

natural when speaking in English and
they also increase your confidence in

your English speaking ability. So today
I’m gonna teach you how to use English

expressions and slang from A to Z. This
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Alright A to F expressions and slang. Our

first expression is afro. Again “a” for afro. An afro is a hairdo sometimes worn

by African Americans. And as you all know,
I am an African American and I actually

wore this hairdo very often when I lived
in South Korea. So again, afro. Okay letter

“b”. Backseat driver. Once again back
seat driver. Now this refers to a

passenger in a car who tells the driver
how to drive.

Usually a backseat driver is a little
bit annoying because while you’re

driving you want to focus. But there’s
someone behind you in your ear telling

you what to do, where to go, and that can
be annoying. So we call that person a

backseat driver.
Alright, letter C. “Call the shots”

Once again,
“call the shots”. Now this just means to be

in charge or make the decisions. So you
could think about the Mafia or a boss or

even the father in a household; anyone
who makes decisions okay. And even a mom

or even in a friendship relationship.
Whoever is in charge of making the

decisions, you can say they are calling
the shots okay. Alright letter D, “dead

broke”. This is a very useful expression.
One more time, “dead broke”.

It literally means completely broke or
having no money. So let’s say for example

you get paid from your job, but now it’s
the end of the month and you don’t have

any money in your account. So, if someone
says, “Do you have any money?” You can say,

“Nope I’m dead broke.” Okay alright
letter e, “ear hustle”.

Once again, “ear hustle”. Okay, “ear hustle”
this means to eavesdrop. Okay, which just

means you’re listening to someone else’s
conversation without them knowing. Okay

so again we say “ear hustle”. Okay, very
good. Alright letter F, “fall off the

wagon”. Once again, “fall off the wagon”. Okay, this means to start drinking again after

having stopped. So maybe this is a person
who used to drink every single day two

years ago, but then they stopped for a
period of time and then suddenly started

again. So they started drinking again
which means, “Ah he fell off the wagon or

she fell off the wagon”. Okay alright
let’s move on to the next group. G to K

expressions and slang. Here we go, letter
G “gab”. One more time,

“gab” this is just a slang word for
chattering or gossiping. Okay, so

sometimes when females get together we
like to

talk about what’s going on in the world
or what’s going on with our friends and

we like to chatter or gab. Now guys can
do this too, but women are usually known

to be more of the talkers in any
relationship. So we say gab. Okay alright

letter H, “hard to swallow”. Again a
very good expression for you all to know,

“hard to swallow”. Now hard to swallow just means difficult to accept. So for example,

let’s say you are working at a company
and you’ve been there for 10 years and

then suddenly one day your boss walks in
and tells you that you are fired. That is

not something easy to accept, so you can
say my boss’s news was hard to swallow

or difficult to accept. Alright, letter
I, “in the buff”. One more time,

“in the buff”. This just means totally
naked. That’s right.

Totally naked. So you could think about
little children, usually infants or

toddlers like around two or three years
old. They walk around the house naked a

lot or in the buff. Or maybe in a
relationship, a husband and wife. Well

maybe the husband likes to walk around
naked. You can say he likes walking in

the buff or he likes walking around in
the buff. Okay. Alright letter J, “jock”.

Again another useful slang. “Jock”. This is
just a word we use to refer to an

athlete. Someone who is really really into
sports. Usually a high school jock or a

college jock, basketball, football, or
soccer, baseball player. You can call them

a jock. Okay, and letter K, “kick back”. Once again “kick back”. Now you’re not hurting

anyone. This actually just means to relax
and I use this very often. So when I come

home in the evening, I like to kick back
and relax. So I can say I like to kick

back or I can say I like to kick back and

relax. Okay, so again kick back. Alright
next L to P expressions and slang. Letter L

we have “lead foot” one more time, “lead
foot”. Now this refers to speeding when

driving and you can say she has a lead
foot. Or he has a lead foot. It just means

that he or she likes to speed when they
are driving. Okay alright

letter M, “meanie”. Now I put two different
spellings for this word again because

it’s just slang. Some people spell it
with the Y and some people spell it with

an IE. So again “meanie”. Okay, it’s just a
mean or grouchy person. Someone who is

not kind or nice. And actually children
use this word more often than adults. So

for example in an elementary or middle
school situation sometimes children will

call someone else a meanie if they’re
mean or grouchy. Okay alright letter n,

“nosedive”. One more time nosedive.
Okay this is a great drop or decline.

Okay, so you see the graph it’s going
down very quickly. So think about the

economy okay when there’s a big crash in
the economy then the value of money goes

down very quickly. So you can say the
economy took a nosedive two years ago.

Okay, so again nosedive. Alright letter
O, “on the double”. One more time on the

Now this just means very fast or twice

as fast. And as a teacher, I’ve used this
when speaking to my younger students. For

example the little boys in my class. If I
wanted them to move faster I could say,

“Hey, move on the double” or “Come here on the double”. Okay so again on the double.

And letter P “party animal”. One more time, party

animal. Alright someone who likes to

That’s right, someone who enjoys hanging
out and partying with other people. In

English we call them a party animal. Okay
alright next letter Q to letter U

expressions and slang. For letter Q we
have “quick fix”.

Once again, quick fix. This is a quick and
temporary solution to a problem. Okay so

for example, in the sketch you will see
there’s a car there and you’ll see the

rear wheel or the back wheel is
highlighted because it’s a doughnut or a

spare tire. There’s another word for you.
In English we say, “spare tire” or

“doughnut” which is a smaller tire. And we
put on just until we can get a new tire.

Okay, so that’s a quick fix or a
temporary solution. Okay

next, “R” rat race. Okay this is dull
repetitive and unrewarding job. Okay

so think about this maybe you work at a
factory or maybe you even have an office

job but you don’t like your job. However
you’re doing the job because you need to

earn money
it’s unrewarding it’s repetitive you can

say I am a part of the rat race. Or I’m
in the rat race just kind of going in

circles. Okay alright let’s sail
through or sail right through. This just

means to do something easily. Ok similar
to piece of cake. Alright

for example two plus three. We all know
that that equals five. It’s very easy. So

if someone had a test that had questions
that were that easy to them they can say

I sailed through the test. Alright
okay letter T, “take a dump”.

Again, “take a dump”. Now that just means to go number two in the bathroom. This is a

very useful expression because we use it
a lot in English. So if you hear it I

don’t want you to be confused. It just means

that someone is going to go number two
in the bathroom.

Alright and letter U, “under the gun”.
Again another super useful expression.

Again under the gun. This just means
under pressure. So think again, if you’re

at school or at work and you have a
deadline of 3:00 p.m. but you look at

the clock and right now it’s 2:50 that
means you have 10 minutes left. You

immediately feel pressure and someone
can say to you, “Hey what’s wrong?” You can

say, “Ah, I’m under the gun. I have to work
harder.” Okay, alright finally V to Z

expressions and slang. Letter V. For
letter V we have “veg out”. Listen closely

to the pronunciation “veg out”. Okay this
means to stop working and take it easy.

It’s another way of saying relax. Okay I
want to relax at home, I want to veg out.

Okay. Like in the sketch the man is
laying on his bed and just watching a TV.

Okay alright. Letter W, “wasted”. Again wasted. Alright

looking at the sketch you guys can tell
immediately what this means. It means to

be drunk and in the sketch the monkey is
very drunk. He’s holding a cup or a mug

of beer. Okay this means drunk like, “Ah,
man he is wasted” or “Wow she is wasted”.

Okay alright letter X, “x marks the

“X marks the spot”. This expression just
means the exact place. X shows us exactly

where we need to go. Okay alright. Y,
“yummy”. Again yummy. Alright it just

means delicious. So, “Wow the ice cream was very yummy” or “Wow the food was very

yummy”. The same meaning as delicious. And finally Z for “zonked”. again super useful

I use this word and people in my family
also use this. Okay so Americans do use

this word. Again “zonked”

means extremely exhausted. Alright so
like the lady in the sketch she looks

tired so think about again when you’ve come

home from work you can say, “I am zonked. I just want to veg out.” Aha you see what

I did? I used two of the expressions and
two of the slang on this page. Okay so

again Zonked. Once again I want to thank iTalki for sponsoring this video.

Remember you guys can click the link in
the description and you can get a coupon

towards your first lesson. Your first
tutoring lesson. Keep studying English

and remember to watch the next video.
Have an amazing day




英语口语能力的信心。 所以今天


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这就是为什么我如此喜欢 iTalki

我很高兴 iTalki 赞助了
这个视频并与 Tiffani 合作说


获取您的优惠券。 让我们直接进入吧。
好吧,A 到 F 的表达方式和俚语。 我们的

第一个表达方式是非洲裔。 再次“a”代表非洲裔。 非洲裔是非裔美国人有时会穿的发型

。 你们都知道,

。 再说一次,非洲裔。 好的字母

“b”。 指手画脚。 又是
后座司机。 现在这是指



开车时你想集中注意力。 但是

很烦人。 所以我们称那个人为

好吧,字母 C。“做主”

“做主”。 现在这只是

意味着负责或做出决定。 因此,您

任何做决定的人都可以。 甚至是妈妈


在做主。 好吧,字母 D,“

死气沉沉”。 这是一个非常有用的表达方式。

没有钱。 例如,假设


您的帐户中没有任何资金。 所以,如果有人
说,“你有钱吗?” 你可以说,

“不,我已经破产了。” 好吧好吧,
字母 e,“耳塞”。

再次“耳鸣”。 好的,“耳塞”
这意味着窃听。 好吧,这只是


好吧,我们又说“耳塞”。 好的,非常
好。 好的字母 F,“从

马车上掉下来”。 再一次,“从马车上掉下来”。 好的,这意味着停止后再次开始饮酒

。 所以也许这是


了。 于是他们又开始喝酒,

她从马车上掉了下来”。 好吧好吧,
让我们继续下一组。 G to K

表达和俚语。 我们开始吧,字母
G “gab”。 还有一次,

喋喋不休或八卦的俚语。 好吧,所以



我们喜欢闲聊或闲聊。 现在男人也可以

。 所以我们说胡说八道。 好吧好吧

字母 H,“难以下咽”。 又是一个

“难以下咽”。 现在难以下咽就意味着难以接受。 例如,

,你已经在那里工作了 10 年,

来告诉你你被解雇了。 这


难以接受或难以接受。 好吧,字母
I,“在 buff 中”。 还有一次,

“在迷中”。 这只是意味着完全
赤裸。 那就对了。

完全赤裸。 所以你可以想想

。 他们经常光着身子在房子里走来走去,

或者是在浅黄色中。 或者也许在一段
关系中,一对夫妻。 好吧,

。 你可以说他喜欢

在 buff 中行走,或者他喜欢
在 buff 中四处走动。 好的。 好的字母 J,“乔克”。

又是一个有用的俚语。 “乔克”。 这

运动员的一个词。 一个真正热爱
运动的人。 通常是高中运动员或

足球运动员、棒球运动员。 你可以称他们

为运动员。 好的,还有字母 K,“后退”。 再次“反击”。 现在你没有伤害

任何人。 这实际上只是意味着放松
,我经常使用它。 所以当我

放松一下。 所以我可以说我喜欢


放松。 好的,所以再次踢回来。 好吧,
在 L 到 P 表达式和俚语旁边。 字母 L

脚”。 现在这是指开车时超速

脚。 或者他有一只脚。 这只是

在开车时加速。 好吧好吧,

字母 M,“卑鄙”。 现在我再次为这个词加上了两种不同的

它只是俚语。 有些人
用 Y 拼写,有些人

用 IE 拼写。 所以又是“吝啬”。 好吧,这只是一个

不友善或不友善的人。 实际上,孩子
比成年人更经常使用这个词。 因此


卑鄙或不高兴。 好吧,字母 n,

“急转直下”。 又一次暴跌。

下降得很快。 因此,请考虑


迅速下跌。 所以你可以说

好的,所以再次急转直下。 好的字母
O,“在双重”上。 再来一次


两倍快。 作为一名老师,我在

比如我班的小男孩。 如果我

“嘿,在替身上移动”或“在替身上来”。 好吧,再次在双打。

和字母 P“派对动物”。 再来一次,派对

狂。 好吧,喜欢

与他人闲逛和聚会的人。 在

英语中,我们称它们为派对动物。 好吧
好吧,下一个字母 Q 到字母 U

表达和俚语。 对于字母 Q,我们

再次,快速修复。 这是对问题的快速和
临时解决方案。 好的



备用轮胎。 还有一句话给你。


临时解决方案。 好的,

接下来,“R”老鼠赛跑。 好吧,这是枯燥的


工作,但你不喜欢你的工作。 但是,


说我是激烈竞争的一部分。 或者我

绕圈子。 好吧好吧,让我们
航行通过或直接航行。 这只是

意味着轻松地做某事。 好的,
类似于小菜一碟。 好吧

,例如二加三。 我们都知道
那等于五。 这很容易。 因此,


我通过了测试。 好吧,
字母 T,“转储”。

再次,“转储”。 现在这只是意味着在浴室里排第二。 这是一个

我们在英语中经常使用它。 因此,如果您听到它,我

不希望您感到困惑。 这只是


好吧,字母 U,“枪下”。

又在枪下。 这只是意味着
压力。 所以再想一想,如果你

截止日期是下午 3:00。 但是你

看看时钟,现在是 2:50,这
意味着你还剩 10 分钟。 您会

可以对您说:“嘿,怎么了?” 你可以

更加努力。” 好的,最后是 V 到 Z 的

表达和俚语。 字母 V。对于
字母 V,我们有“蔬菜”。 仔细

听“veg out”的发音。 好吧,这

这是放松的另一种说法。 好吧,我

好的。 就像在素描中,这个人

好吧好吧。 字母 W,“浪费”。 又浪费了。 好吧,

立即知道这意味着什么。 这

喝得很醉。 他拿着一杯或一大

杯啤酒。 好吧,这意味着喝醉了,“啊,

好吧好吧,字母 X,“x 标记

“X 标记位置”。 这个表达只是
意味着确切的地方。 X 准确地向我们展示了

我们需要去的地方。 好吧好吧。 Y,
“好吃”。 又好吃。 好吧,它只是

意味着美味。 所以,“哇,冰淇淋真好吃”或“哇,食物真

好吃”。 和好吃的意思一样。 最后是 Z 代表“zonked”。 再次超级有用

也用这个。 好的,所以美国人确实使用了

这个词。 同样,“zonked”

意味着极度疲惫。 好吧,


,你可以说:“我被困了。我只想吃素。” 啊哈,你看到

我做了什么吗? 我在这个页面上使用了两个表达方式和
两个俚语。 好的,

再次Zonked。 我要再次感谢 iTalki 赞助这个视频。


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堂辅导课。 继续学习英语
