How to Use English Phrasal Verbs Letter B
are you ready to improve your ability to
speak English and sound more natural
well then you will love today’s lesson
welcome to speak English with Tiffany I
am teacher Tiffany and today we are
going to learn the 10th secret to
speaking English how to use three
English phrasal verbs that start with
the letter B this secret will improve
your ability to speak logically and
fluently in English are you ready well
then let’s jump right in
in our last lesson on phrasal verbs we
learned that a phrasal verb is basically
a combination of a verb plus a
preposition or an adverb
there are many phrasal verbs in English
and today we will take a look at three
of them that start with the letter B
number one back away number two Bank
on and number three be cut out four
let’s take a look at the first one back
away the meaning of this phrasal verb is
to move backward away from something or
someone retreat once again to move
backward away from something or someone
retreat now let’s look at five examples
of how to use this phrasal verb number
one the dog backed away from the angry
cat the dog backed away from the angry
cat number two I told the students to
keep their distance from the fire but
they wouldn’t back away I told the
students to keep their distance from the
fire but they wouldn’t back away number
three the woman told the man to back
away the woman told the man to back away
number four if you see a bear while
hiking the best thing to do is to back
away quietly if you see a bear while
hiking the best thing to do is to back
away quietly number five the judge found
out that they had been warned to back
away from the woman the judge found out
that they had been warned to back away
from the woman moving on our second
phrasal verb is Bank on the meaning of
this phrasal verb is to depend on
something once again to depend on
something now let’s look at five
examples of how to use this phrasal verb
number one all I can bank on is that
when I tell my mom what happened she’ll
know what to do
all I can bank on is that when I tell my
mom what happened she’ll know what to do
number two you can bank on him to get
the job done when it has to be done
quickly you can bank on him to get the
job done when it has to be done quickly
number three I wouldn’t Bank on the
train arriving on time I wouldn’t Bank
on the train arriving on time number
four Barbara might arrive on time but I
wouldn’t Bank on it
Barbara might arrive on time but I
wouldn’t Bank on it
number five Michael may take care of
your car but I wouldn’t Bank on it
Michael may take care of your car but I
wouldn’t bank on it and finally our
third phrasal verb is be cut out for the
meaning of this phrasal verb is be
suitable have the necessary qualities
once again be suitable have the
necessary qualities now let’s look at
five examples of how to use this phrasal
verb number one she’s not cut out for
this kind of work she’s not cut out for
this kind of work number two they said
that only certain people were cut out
for that kind of work they said that
only certain people were cut out for
that kind of work
number three his parents thought that he
was cut out for being a schoolteacher
because he liked to read his parents
thought that he was cut out for being a
schoolteacher because he liked to read
number four she did her best but she
just wasn’t cut out for dancing she did
her best but she just wasn’t cut out for
number five he wanted to be a good
farmer but he just wasn’t cut out for
the hard work he wanted to be a good
farmer but he just wasn’t cut out for
the hard work
all right amazing today you learned the
tenth secret to speaking English how to
use three phrasal verbs that start with
the letter B you learned number one
back away which means that’s right to
move backwards away from something or
someone retreat
number two Bank on which means you got
it to depend on something and number
three be cut out four which means that’s
right be suitable have the necessary
qualities in the next lesson we will go
over the eleventh secret to speaking
English now try to use these phrasal
verbs at least one times a day you can
do it you can speak English
I hope this video helps to give you more
confidence in your English ability if
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been speak English with Tiffany I am
teacher Tiffany and I hope that you have
an amazing day until next time remember
to speak English
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