let me ask you a quick question have you
ever been in a situation where someone
starts speaking in English and then you
have no idea what they’re saying I can
probably guarantee that they use some
English slang well that’s why I created
today’s lesson I’m gonna teach you how
to properly use English slang are you
well I’m teacher Tiffany let’s jump
right in alright so for today’s lesson
we are going to look at two groups of
slang alright so the first group is
right here now you’ll notice that I
included some images that’s because I
like to offer you some triggers that you
can remember you can use these triggers
to remember the slang so here we go
let’s start with the first slang term
ear full now real quick for the
pronunciation after me ear full that’s
right front teeth bottom lip ear full
you got it
alright now what does this actually mean
this is a prolonged amount of talking
typically an angry reprimand lots of
news or gossip so real quick let me
explain this to you right now I am
explaining this lesson to you and you’re
listening intently right hopefully
you’re enjoying it so far but I want you
to imagine when you were a child maybe
your mom or your dad they like to talk
and maybe you got in trouble and you
came home and your mom said what
happened you said sorry mom my friends
and I got in trouble and then for the
next 20 minutes your mom proceeded to I
told you not to do that you better not
ever do that when I’m not around you and
on and on and on so again she spoke for
a long period of time
you got an earful kind of makes sense
all right so let’s look at the example
sentence here we go the teacher gave her
student an earful makes sense right that
means the teacher went on and on when
talking to the student alright okay now
let’s look at the second one the second
slang term is elbow grease elbow grease
trust me I got you now let me explain
what elbow grease actually is it refers
to hard physical work especially
vigorous work applied physical a
vigorous applied physical labor or
effort alright so let’s think about it
like this let’s say you have a huge
project that you’re working on let’s say
you know what you want to build
something that’s gonna go in your room
or your office so you have to use nails
and hammers and wood and it takes a lot
of effort to build this that’s a
bookcase that you want to build so
you’re putting a lot of hard physical
work so building the bookcase requires a
lot of elbow grease that’s how we use it
all right
so let’s look at another example another
example this project needs some elbow
grease so now whenever you hear an
American or another native English
speaker use this slang term you will
understand that they’re not referring to
their elbow and grease they’re actually
referring to physical work and putting
in lots of effort
have you ever had to use physical hard
work or physical labor to accomplish a
goal again remember in the comments
section I always want you guys to
comment so you can participate in the
lesson so again have you ever had to use
elbow grease to finish a project let me
know in the comments section all right
okay let’s move on to the next one all
right now our next legging term is fab
real easy right fab all right now fab is
a really easy one
it just means fabulous wonderful or an
expression of approval or enthusiasm so
again it’s the shortened form of
fabulous so you are fabulous or you are
fab make sense so it’s a slang term but
it really is a shortened form of that
word so whenever something is
wonderful or awesome or amazing you can
say that’s fab all right now let’s see
the example sentence here we go
that dress looks fab so let’s say for
example somebody comes up to you and
they have a beautiful dress on or a
beautiful outfit you say whoo that looks
fab yes make sense all right now let’s
keep going here we go the next one is
flick now I want to pause really quickly
because the pronunciation may be a
little bit tricky here we go
flick there you go front teeth bottom
lip and then immediately your tongue for
the L sound needs to touch the roof of
your mouth here we go flick flick
excellent job very good now what is a
flick I’m going to tell you all right so
the word flick this slang literally
means a movie that’s right very simple
so we can say there was a popular flick
playing at the cinema this weekend or in
other words there was a popular movie
playing at the cinema or the movie
theater this weekend makes sense all
right so let’s go get another one you’re
learning a lot in this lesson here we go
here’s next one fluke
again another FL combination so after me
fluke come on now you’re doing a great
after we again fluke excellent job now
what does this term mean fluke what is
this a good outcome stemming more from
luck than skill or an unexpected stroke
of good luck
so like the lady in the picture look at
the picture really quickly she has her
hands up like I don’t know what happened
so let’s say for example you suddenly
win the lottery but you never did
anything you never play the numbers
somebody actually just gave you a ticket
and said hey I don’t need this ticket
anymore you can have it if you like you
take the ticket and suddenly when you’re
watching the television your number gets
and you win lots of money I didn’t do
anything that was a fluke
make sense all right good so let’s see
the example right here it says it was a
fluke to find that money on the ground
think about whenever you’ve been walking
maybe in the parking lot or walking
around somewhere in a park and you
suddenly oh oh I see some money and you
pick it up you don’t know where it came
from it was a fluke kind of makes sense
all right now we’ve learned five very
useful slang terms so far but there’s
something that happens when you learn
slang now we’re not done because we have
a second group we’re gonna look at but
here’s something that I want to
emphasize you see many students ask me
teacher I watch your English videos and
I learn lots of English say slang or
terms again if you’re following me on
Instagram you can learn slang every
single day so you can see it right here
I teach it every day but it’s not just
about watching the videos and learning
the second part is you must remember to
practice what you are learning and this
introduces us into our sponsor for today
the sponsor of this video is came bleep
came Lee offers I may zing English
tutors they have tutors from Australia
from Canada from America and they help
you so much
I literally have students in my Academy
that tell me on a regular basis teacher
I love my kamle tutor why because they
are able to practice what they learn in
my lessons they’re able to practice with
a tutor so if you are looking for a way
to take your English truely to the next
level and not just learn what I’m
teaching you but practice with a native
English speaker you need to go with
Kaylee Kaylee has partnered with me for
this video and I’m so glad they
sponsored this video I love came Lea and
what they want to do is give you a
special gift now you can get a free 15
minute lesson with cambly by using the
coupon code right in the description now
some of you have already tried out came
Lea and already received the 15 minute
it’s okay you can still use the other
now the other coupon is for students
like you who are ready to go to the next
level if you want to sign up for a full
year you can get 42% off now again
gambling is awesome I know you’re gonna
love them so kamle thank you for
sponsoring this video practice what
you’re learning practice these five
slang terms we’ve already learned click
the link in the description now let’s go
back and keep learning some more slang
all right so here we go now the next
group is right here and you see we have
a different group of images so here’s
the first image and the word is flunk so
again we have another F L so again flunk
there you go one more time one more time
here we go
flunk excellent now what does flunk
actually mean what does this slang term
mean so here we go
it means to fail a course courses or an
exam alright so I want you to think
about when you were in school or you may
still be in school and you studied
really hard but unfortunately you didn’t
get a good grade on a test or you didn’t
study and you were a rebel and you
failed your exams and then you failed
the course instead of saying fail you
can say I flunked and that’s slang make
sense alright so let’s see another
example sentence here we go the student
did not study so he flunked his math
exam now you’re catching on right all
right let’s move on to our next slang
here we go
freebie we have a lot of F practice here
yo freebie one more time
freebie excellent so what word do you
see within this slang term freebie yeah
alright so this actually means something
for free something you get without
paying for it kind of like this video
this is a freebie I’m teaching you via
YouTube and you’re not paying anything
and I’m
happy to help you but if you want to
take your English to the next level
remember you can join my Academy all
but again freebie is something for free
now let’s see a sentence here we go one
successful marketing technique is to
offer a freebie if you try out the
service or buy the product make sense so
for example Cayley offered you a freebie
it kind of makes sense right alright
great so we have freebie now what’s the
next slang we have here we go the next
one is garbage garbage but you know that
way right garbage like trash but what
does the slang term garbage actually
mean let me tell you all right so this
actually means of poor quality so when
something does not have good quality so
for example I’ve shown you guys many
times I got a new phone and it has
really good features it’s really good
quality but my old phone was ah had kind
of not the best quality so I could say
uh it was garbage but this new one we
it’s awesome so let’s say a sentence
that uses this slang term garbage here
we go the items in the discount computer
store looked like garbage makes sense
right alright let’s see some more here
we go we’re really helping you improve
your slang so we have glitch now for
pronunciation after me glitch there you
go one more time
glitch excellent now glitch let me show
you what this word means a fault or
defect especially in computer software
all right now in the background you’re
gonna hear some things going on outside
but it’s okay you know this quarantine
has everyone working from home so
there’s a lot going on outside but we’re
just gonna enjoy the sound of someone
cutting their grass it’s reality okay
alright so we’re talking about glitz all
right so a fault or defect imagine that
you see what just happened now I was
acting but if there’s a glitch in
technology sometimes the person on the
screen can jump or their words don’t
sound right that’s a glitch make sense
all right so let’s see an example
sentence here we go the computer
technician fixed the glitch in the
program and now it works perfectly okay
kind of makes sense all right so let’s
keep going now we have this one right
here goof off or goof around so after me
goof off
lots of f-words goof off excellent goof
around there you go
goof around yeah you got it
now what does this mean to goof off or
goof around so this refers to wasting
time or playing around imagine there are
students in a classroom again I told you
I I’ve taught many kids as well and
sometimes kids like to play instead of
focusing so I remember teaching some
students in Korea and they were middle
school students and you know it’s it’s
in the afternoon and you kind of are
tired so the students wanted to play and
I said hey guys stop goofing around and
let’s study make sense all right so
let’s look at this sentence right here
the little boy always goofed around even
when it was time to work makes sense
right all right so we had goof off or
goof around now we learned so many
different slang terms today but remember
I mentioned you can’t just learn it you
need to learn it and also practice it so
we looked at two different groups today
now I do have a third group which comes
in part two but again part two of my
lesson is always offered in my Academy
for my Academy students so if you’d like
to watch part two and learn even more
slang terms and how to use them you need
to click the link in the description
that will lead you to my Academy and you
can become one of my students don’t
forget to practice using kam Li
I really hope you enjoyed this les
and I hope you realized how important it
is to understand slang and how to use it
properly thank you so much guys for
joining me for today’s lesson I truly
enjoyed teaching you and I look forward
to seeing you next week
but as always remember to speak English
it’s story time
hey I said a storytime alright y’all so
for today’s story I’m actually gonna
tell you something related to slang so
this happened when I was working in
South Korea so I had a class and my
students were advanced English speakers
that means their English was at a high
level and they could understand when I
spoke to them in class so we’d have a
great time in class and many times the
students would say teacher it’s so easy
to understand you and I said yeah and
I’m glad I speak clear enough for you
now they had never heard me mmm I guess
switch the way I spoke so anyways one
day after class you know we had a great
class good time I said okay guys I’ll
see you tomorrow have a good evening and
we all walked out of the class together
now when I got to the hallway
one of my friends walked up the steps
now he is he’s Canadian but he’s after
African American Canadian American but
he’s a black guy so we saw each other
and without even realizing my students
were near me I switched the way I spoke
because again I was not in teacher mode
so I saw him I was like do was good
homeboy how you do it and we continued
to speak using slang we did not realize
that all of my students had stopped and
they were looking at me in amazement
back and forth from me to him so he and
I were just talking laughing joking and
we both stopped and look at them we said
whoa what’s wrong the student said
teacher we have no idea what you just
said so I started laughing and I
realized ah even though they spoke
English very well the moment I started
using slang and changed the way I was
speaking they couldn’t understand me and
at that moment I realized even more how
important is for you students just like
you to learn slang you don’t have to
necessarily use it but you need to know
what certain slang terms mean and how
they’re used in certain situations
because my students felt like they were
improving but as soon as they heard me
they were shocked like teacher how can
we not understand you does that mean our
English is not good no it doesn’t mean
that it just means that you have to
learn some slang so we had a great laugh
and I think after that I started
teaching them a little bit of slang so
that they could understand when I did
switch and speak to my other friends so
we had a good laugh it was really fun so
I wonder if you ever had that situation
have you ever experienced a time where
someone who is a native English speaker
suddenly switched and started using
slang and you had no idea what they were
saying if so let me know in the comment
section again remember guys if you want
to continue learning English slang all
you have to do is follow me on Instagram
I teach slang every day but if you want
to watch part two of this lesson don’t
forget to go to the Academy and you can
watch part two guys I hope you enjoyed
and I will see you next week bye bye