How To Use Grammar In Real Life
Welcome to Speak English with Tiffani.
I am Teacher Tiffani and today I am going
to teach you How to use English grammar in
real life.
This lesson will improve your ability to speak
clearly and logically in English.
Are you ready?
Well then, let’s jump right in.
Every English learner must study it, but it
is not always the most enjoyable thing to
Grammar can be hard, difficult, complicated,
confusing, and even sometimes boring.
You study tons of examples but it doesn’t
seem to get easier.
For example, here is a sentence using “should
“I should have went to the doctor yesterday.”
It is an easy sentence, but how can you apply
it properly to your life?
In order to do this, we must first look at
what makes “real life”.
There are 5 aspects of real life that will
help you as you learn grammar.
For each aspect you will choose one simple
piece of information to focus on.
Remember that this piece of information needs
to be related to you personally.
It is about your real life.
But for now, we will just use some example
pieces of information.
The first one is “Family”
For this example, the piece of information
I chose to focus on is “My mother”.
The second one is “Job or Education”
For this example, the piece of information
I chose to focus on is “Web Designer”.
The third one is “Hobby”
For this example, the piece of information
I chose to focus on is “Painting”.
The fourth one is “Favorite Movie or Book”
For this example, the piece of information
I chose to focus on is “Grease”.
Finally The fifth one is “Interests”
For this example, the piece of information
I chose to focus on is “Travel blogs”.
Ok, now that we have information about our
real life, let’s apply the grammar to each
For family we have, “I should have called
my mother this morning.”
For Job or Education we have, “I should
have become a teacher instead of a web designer.
For Hobby we have, “I should have bought
more paint from the store yesterday.”
For Movie or Book we have, “I should have
told him that my favorite movie is Grease.”
And finally, for Interests we have, “I should
have saved the information from the travel blog.
So, now when you look at the grammar as a
whole, it is easier to apply it because you
have practiced making sentences about your
real life.
Alright amazing!
Today you learned “How to use English grammar
in real life”.
You learned the five areas of your real life
to apply the grammar rule to…
Job or Education
Movie or Book
And Interests
So, with this method you will now be able
to improve your ability to properly use English
grammar and begin speaking like a native English
Now try to use this method at least one time
You can do it!
You can Speak English!