How To Use Vocabulary In Real Life About Work
how to use vocabulary in real life about
work let’s jump right in going to work
now there are many different types of
transportation that people use to get
from home to work some people use the
Train now the question is though what do
we call these individuals well in
English we call them commuter one more
time commuter the meaning is someone who
regularly travels between work and home
so an example sentence is the train was
packed with commuters now before we move
on I want to explain one word in this
sentence the word is packed after me
packed now this word just means to have
little or no space between the parts so
again to have little or no space between
the parts okay between the parts now in
English we have a very useful idiom that
uses the word packed inside of it
the idiom is packed like sardines
sardines are the little fish that come
in side of a can so let me draw this
right here I remember growing up my dad
enjoyed eating sardines they were little
fish and they looked like this but there
were a lot of fish that came in this one
can but as you notice there’s no space
in between them so we say packed like
sardines okay let’s keep going now we’re
going to look at an advanced version of
this sentence and remember in order to
make a sentence advanced or longer you
need to make sure that it has the five
W’s okay if you need help on this look
at the video in the top right corner
there’s a link okay five W’s which are
what when where and why so let’s read
the advanced sentence first the train in
Washington DC was packed with commuters
this afternoon because it is Friday so
the first W who well we just learned
that commuters refers to people who
travel between work and home
what well we know that they are packed
in side of the Train okay packed in the
train when well we know it was this
afternoon where we see that it’s
Washington DC and why because it is
so this proves that this is an advanced
English sentence all right now let’s
keep going to the next one some people
also take the bus to work I remember
when I lived in Korea I also took the
bus sometimes but once again what do we
call these individuals you got it
commuters again commuters now this is
the next sentence we’re going to look at
it says many commuters prefer to take
the bus instead of the Train now within
this sentence there’s one word I want us
to look at the word is prefer again
prefer now this word just means to like
something more than something else okay
again to like something more than
something else so for example let’s use
the Sun to represent the daytime and
let’s use the moon to represent the
nighttime well personally I am a morning
person so I prefer the day over the
nighttime so I can say I prefer the
daytime okay all right let’s keep going
now what we’re gonna do again is we’re
gonna look at an advanced version of
this sentence using what
you got it the five W’s so let’s revisit
first says many new york city commuters
prefer to take the early morning bus
instead of the train because there are
less people on the bus alright so let’s
get started
whoo well we know our who is New York
City commuters this part of the sentence
what well we know they prefer to take
the early morning bus instead of the
train all right when well it’s actually
inside of our previous answer
early morning okay where well is it’s
also inside New York City who what when
where and why because there are less
people on the bus so you see we answered
all of the five W’s which means this is
an advanced sentence okay now let’s go
to our next example now some people take
the train or the bus and there are many
types of trains now again what do we
call people that take the train or the
bus or travel to work you got it
commuter once again commuter okay so
let’s look at the next sentence here we
go audiobooks are a common form of
entertainment used by commuters now in
this sentence we see one expression that
I would like to explain to you all the
expression is form of entertainment now
this is very simple it just means one
type of entertainment again one type of
entertainment there are many different
types of entertainment for example we
have the television many people use this
as their main form of entertainment or
you have physical books people like
reading books or magazines these are
different types or
forms of entertainment all right now
let’s keep going let’s look at the
advanced version of this sentence
remember advanced means that it answers
the five W’s okay here we go
audiobooks are a common form of
entertainment used by commuters on the
bus when they are on their way home from
work because they are convenient
now the first W is who so we’ll be
talking about commuters what we’re
talking about audiobooks being a common
form of entertainment when well when
they are on their way home from work who
what when where when they are on the bus
and why because they are convenient so
yes this is an advanced sentence okay
all right now let’s keep going
your boss at work
so we all have different types of
managers at our jobs
but sometimes bosses have to be a little
bit tough in English we say demanding
one more time demanding it means
requiring or claiming more than it’s
generally needed requiring intense
effort or attention now our sentence
looks like this my boss is so demanding
now in this sentence there’s a very easy
word so and I’m sure you know this word
but we use this word in this example to
place emphasis on the next word okay to
place emphasis on the next word so for
example let’s say there is a man that we
are looking at okay and we think he’s
very handsome
let’s give him a beard okay let’s give
him a beard and we think this man is
very handsome so we may say that
he is handsome but if I add so before
this word I am emphasizing and I’m
saying that he is very handsome
okay so adding the word so in front of
another word puts emphasis so again we
are saying that my boss is so demanding
all right now let’s look at the advanced
version of this sentence using the five
W’s okay all right here we go
no one at our office likes our boss
because he is always so demanding all
right so the first w-who well we’re
talking about no one that means no one
at the office
what likes our boss when we’re gonna use
the word always where our office and why
because he’s so demanding so this is
definitely an advanced sentence all
right let’s keep going to the next one
now there are times when you are working
with your co-workers but the boss may be
tough in that situation as well even
though you’re working hard and again
what do we say demanding very good
demanding so this is the next sentence
his boss demanded that everyone work
late now this sentence is very simple
but I want us to look at this part right
here work late I’m gonna give you
another way of saying this in English we
also say work over time okay it’s the
same meaning as work late so for example
if your job normally has you getting off
at five o’clock but you have to work
longer than that and your time goes over
in this area we say you are working
overtime or working late okay all right
now let’s look at the advanced version
of this sentence okay here we go his
Amanda that everyone worked late last
night at the office since they did not
complete their project
okay so first w-who well we’re talking
about his boss you can also talk about
everyone okay these ones can be counted
for the who okay and what everyone work
late okay who what when exactly last
night we’re at the office and why since
they did not complete their project so
now you’re saying this is an advanced
sentence and you’re seeing how easy it
is to expand your sentences so let’s
keep going now sometimes you may be in a
meeting and the boss may be very tough
once again what did we call him
demanding demanding now again your boss
may be a female but she can also be
demanding so the sentence is sometimes
our CEO can be very demanding now since
we’ve looked at this multiple times I
want to give you some synonyms or
similar words for demanding you can say
insistent okay one more time insistent
or you can even say tough okay remember
it just means demanding someone it’s
tough just means demanding or someone is
insistent it just means demanding so for
example if your boss uses words like now
with an exclamation point or must all of
the time he or she may be insistent
tough or demanding okay okay now let’s
look at the advanced version of this
sentence again using the five W’s so
let’s read it sometimes our CEO can be
very demanding so we usually try to
avoid going near his office at the end
of the month alright so let’s get
started who we’re talking about we and
we’re also talking about the CEO so you
can choose as long as there’s someone in
to answer the who okay what well we
usually try to avoid going near his
office okay who what when at the end of
the month okay who what when where right
here near his office and why because he
can be very demanding so we’ve answered
all of the five W’s and this is
definitely an advanced English sentence
alright let’s keep going
the people at work now at your job you
will have a lot of people that you work
with so what do you call the people you
work with in English we say colleague
again colleague a person someone works
with or a co-worker alright so here’s
our first sentence all of my colleagues
went out for a lunch today now in this
sentence there’s one thing I want us to
look at very quickly it’s an expression
went out for lunch now the words are
very simple but I want to explain
something very quickly to you went out
for lunch means to leave where you are
to leave where you are to go buy lunch
okay to go buy or purchase lunch so
let’s look at it for example let’s say
this right here is your building the
building that you work in for your
company let’s give it some windows right
here well for lunch you and your
co-workers decide to leave the building
to go to the restaurant or fast-food
place down the street from your business
or your company okay you decide to go
out for lunch to buy food all right now
let’s keep going let’s look at the
advanced version of this sentence here
we go all of my colleagues went out for
lunch at the restaurant near our office
today be
as our staff meeting was canceled okay
now it’s ended the five W’s the first W
is who well who is my colleagues what
they went out for lunch okay who what
when okay they went out for lunch today
who what when where a restaurant near my
office near our office and why because
our staff meeting was canceled so this
is definitely an advanced sentence all
right so let’s keep going to the next
sentence now you’re also going to be
with these individuals in meetings at
your job and what do we call them again
exactly colleagues so you’re with your
colleagues and this is a sentence my
colleague and I had to work on a project
now there are no special vocabulary
words in this sentence but I want to
give you another way of emphasizing that
you and your colleague were working
together on the project so this is for
emphasis okay in order for you to
emphasize so if you put work and then
add to gather okay to gather on a
project it emphasizes that you had to
work with your coworker and no one else
let me show it to you visually okay so
at your office there may be many
different people there and everyone has
different projects but for this project
specifically you had to work together
with your coworker so again it’s just
for emphasis okay together all right now
let’s keep going let’s look at the
advanced version of this sentence my
colleague and I had to take work home
all last month in order to meet the
project dead
alright so again five W’s the first one
is who well we’re talking about my
colleague and I what do we have to do we
had to take work home okay who what when
all last month okay we’re home and why
in order to meet the project deadline so
again it answers all of the five W’s and
it is definitely an advanced English
sentence alright let’s keep going
now again the people you work with the
people you’re around with during the day
at your job what are they called
you got it colleague alright so this is
a sentence
I like all of my colleagues now this is
a very easy beginner Basic English
sentence but in another way of saying I
like in English we have an expression I
am fond of font:12px
I all of my colleagues because they work
hard every day at the office
so again the first W is who well we said
I and we said colleagues okay so you can
pick which one you want to use what well
I like all of my colleagues when every
day ok every day we’re at the office and
why because they work hard so yes
this is an advanced sentence it answers
all of the
five W’s now if you want to continue
studying it with me go to speak English
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your screen and as always keep studying