How to write an English Essay Part 2
remember to subscribe essays in English
resumes in English emails in English
how can an English Learner do these
things properly do you get stressed
whenever you have to write in English if
so don’t worry you are not alone in this
lesson I will teach you part two of how
to write a proper English essay welcome
to speak English with Tiffany I am
teacher Tiffany and today we are going
to learn part two of the third secret to
speaking English
how to write an essay in English this
secret will improve your ability to
write logically in English are you ready
well then let’s jump right in in part
one we learned that an English essay has
five different parts the intro or
introduction support number one support
number two support number three and the
conclusion we learned the details about
the first section the intro and we wrote
our intro for the example question how
can a person become successful our intro
included the attention grabber our
opinion or hypothesis and three points
today we will look at the second third
and fourth parts of an English essay
support number one support number two
and support number three also known as
the body of the essay the three supports
used for your essay can be constructed
using the web which was secret number
one that we learned in a previous video
let’s start with support number one
remember the question is how can a
person become successful our topic
sentence for support number one is in
life it is important to have a specific
aim or purpose this is why the first and
most important step to being successful
is to write down one’s aim or purpose in
next I will write three key details or
reasons for this support information my
three details are compass tasks and time
wisely remember you’re not focused on
grammar you’re just focused on making
simple notes then I will write a
sentence or more that relates to each of
these three key details or reasons for
compass I will write
when a person writes down exactly what
their aim or purpose in life is they
immediately have the compass that will
direct all of their actions moving
forward for tasks I will write clearly
writing down their aim and purpose will
also enable them to know what the most
important tasks are and also what the
least important tasks are and for time
wisely I will write instead of wasting
time they will begin to use their time
wisely to reach success finally I will
write a simple wrap-up sentence for my
first support this is why it is very
important to write down one’s aim or
purpose now my first support is
completed it is clear and logical let’s
move on to support number two our topic
sentence for support number two is along
with the aim or purpose it is important
to know the reason why one is doing
things so in order to be successful a
person must write down the reasons for
their aim in life
next I will write three key details or
reasons for this support information
mine are example accomplish and
represent then I will write a sentence
or more that relates to each of these
three key details or reasons for example
I will write for example maybe their aim
is to be the best English speaker in
their company for accomplish I will
write while this is a good aim only
their reasons will help them accomplish
this goal and for represent I will write
their reason for wanting to be the best
English speaker may be that they are
proud of their company and they want to
represent it well when they travel to
other countries as a representative
finally I
right a simple wrap-up sentence for my
second support knowing this reason will
help them reach success now my second
support is completed it is also clear
and logical finally let’s complete
support number three our topic sentence
for support number three is finally in
order to reach success a person must
write down what the result will be if
they accomplish their goal next I will
write three key details or reasons for
this support information mine are
visualized focus and recognized then I
will write a sentence or more that
relates to each of these three key
details or reasons for visualize I will
write this step will help them to
visualize what they really want for
focus I will write sometimes things get
hard but this step will help them to
focus on the future and not on the
present when things get difficult and
for recognize I will write writing down
the result will also help them to
recognize when they have finally reached
success finally I will write a simple
wrap-up sentence for my third support
this is why writing down the results is
important when a person is trying to
become a success now my third support is
completed and just like support number 1
and support number 2 it is also clear
and logical alright amazing today you
learned part 2 of the third secret to
speaking English how to write an English
essay you looked at the second third and
fourth parts of an English essay support
number one support number two and
support number three now our English
essay is coming together smoothly and
logically in the next lesson we will go
over the final step how to write the
conclusion of your English essay now try
to write your own three supports to an
essay question at least one time today
you can do it you can speak English I
hope this video helped to give you more
confidence in your English ability if
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been speak English with Tiffany I am
teacher Tiffany and I hope that you have
an amazing day until next time remember
to speak English remember to subscribe