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hi everybody my name is Alisha and today
we’re gonna be talking about the top 25
english verbs by frequency so let’s get
into it B is the first English verb B
refers to existence I want to be an
astronaut I think you would be a great
person for this job
be yourself let’s be friends I could
have been a writer if I wanted to be the
next verb is have I have a dog I have an
idea what do you have how many do you
have how much money do you have
do you have any friends how have you
been have you seen my mom I can’t find
her have yourself a merry little
Christmas the next verb is do do you
want some pizza do you have a dog a
lotta hoie do you have any dip they do
do bee do bee do if you’re Frank Sinatra
I do the things that you do better say
say say say say what you want say name
so say you love me do you know what I’m
saying know what I’m saying
the next verb is get get a life get a
job get a haircuts get a better suit
Stevens what you got I could have gotten
pony but I went with a lizard instead
I’m getting tired that’s not true the
next verb is make make a cake make your
mother proud someone outside is making a
strange face at me through the window at
the moment that is a true story may
legitimate means the next verb is go go
big or go home
I’m going to the beach you should go to
the beach you should go to the forest go
to a baseball game with me past tense of
goes went I went spelunking on my
holiday the next word is no this is an
interesting word because no is actually
not commonly used in the progressive
tense no is commonly using
tends to refer to your mental state or
your emotional state so we don’t really
say I am knowing really but we can say I
know I know the answer what do you know
about this issue he couldn’t have
possibly known the location of the
treasure how many people do you know I
knew it
the next verb is take take a cake take a
break take yourself to bed you should
take vacation have you ever taken a bath
a next word is see we’ll see I’ll see
you later
the next verb is come come is an expert
please come to my house come to a party
I’m gonna come over to your place later
the next word is think think I think
you’re great
he thinks pizza is the best food I’m
thinking about lunch I’m thinking about
coffee what are you thinking about I’ve
been thinking that’s it that’s a Hanson
song have you ever thought about the
meaning of life look look is the next
verb please look at the camera look over
there look over here and look a dog look
at your mom oh my gosh would you look at
that look at the time look it’s a bird
it’s a plane it’s actually a bird look
that’s it is it me you’re looking for
hello next word is want want what do you
want I want food how many coffees have
you ever wanted I wanted to go to the
dry cleaners this morning but I ran at a
time that’s true
the next verb is give give me a break
I’m going to give you a raise Stevens
I’m giving you the ax fired give me I
have given you everything I have go run
tomorrow off right now I could have
given you the world instead I gave you a
carpet uses the next word use don’t use
a pen I like using chocolate when I make
food are you using me for my brain next
is find we could have found buried
treasure last weekend I’m finding Nemo
find things on the internet with Google
find English words and phrases at
English class 101.com yeah tell is the
next verb tell me a story tell me lies
tell me sweet little life tell me the
truth the whole truth and nothing but
the truth
I am told that you are an extremely good
opera singer I’m telling you to leave
tell lies every day
don’t tell lies the next word is ask ask
please pronounce this correctly it is
not ax many native speakers make this
pronunciation mistake and it really
bothers me ask ask me about my
collection of rare doughnut recipes ask
your mom about her life why don’t you
ask your boss to the party how about you
asked your coworker for some advice
about this issue I should have asked for
help but I didn’t the next verb is work
work is work I’m working now seem the
weather seems nice today he seemed a
little angry this morning feel is the
next word feel I feel happy feelings
feel feel clap along if you feel like
that’s what you try oh my gosh try is
the next word huh I’m trying my best
I try every day to work very hard have
you ever tried ramen
I tried ramen yesterday and it was
really good do you try to exercise every
day I’m trying to sleep
go away the next verb is leave leave
leave me alone leave your doors unlocked
don’t leave your doors unlocked I have
never left a hot air balloon without
first taking a picture the next verb is
called college the next friend give me a
call please call me later call me maybe
call your mom
on her birthday every year she’ll be
happy Cole Cole you’re a seagull have
you ever called the wrong number have
you ever called a dog by another dog’s
name ever done anything so those are 25
English verbs some very very common
English verbs give them a try we’ve
talked about a lot of different grammar
forms and a lot of different ways you
can use these verbs so please practice
them and if you like this video please
be sure to comment please please please
be sure to subscribe - we’ll have a
button around here somewhere maybe mini
buttons so please subscribe to us and
check out more content as it becomes
available thanks very much and we’ll see
you again soon bye surfed look at that
do you wanna ballasts leave your babies
outside of the movie leave your attitude
at the door there are a lot of verbs in
English ok hi everybody my name is
Alisha and today we’re gonna be talking
about 10 phrases that you always want to
hear so let’s begin you win the first
phrase is you win you win if you hear
the phrase you win it means you have won
something you are probably going to
receive something for free whoo that’s a
very happy thing right you want to give
free things congratulations you win a
car yay here are the keys to your new
car great thank you and I brought you
something special this is exciting to
hear because it means this little
something special is I call I thought
only of you so I brought you this I
brought you something special really
thank you
I miss you I miss you I miss you is nice
you can use this with your friends your
family members your partner whoever I
miss you shows that you want to meet the
other person probably you haven’t you
haven’t seen them as much as you would
like to so you can say I miss you I miss
you call your husband or wife or
boyfriend girlfriend whoever on the
phone maybe you haven’t seen them for a
long time you can
I miss you I miss you too take a break
I’ll do the cleaning today take a break
I’ll do the cleaning today this means
someone else is going to clean up your
house for you or clean up something for
you I would be very happy to hear this
phrase right now because my apartment is
a disaster because I am only there to
sleep so maybe you’ve had a long day at
work or a long day doing something you
come home and somebody else has offered
to do this for you so take a break I’ll
do the cleaning today and you can reply
really thank you so much I’m gonna relax
the budget is unlimited the next phrase
that you always want to hear is the
budget is unlimited the budget is
unlimited this could be at work this
could be a budget a personal budget
maybe but it just means there’s no limit
to the budget you can spend as much
money as you want very exciting so let’s
see in a business context perhaps you
have this new client who’s going to give
you a lot of money to build a new house
or something maybe you’re building
houses that’s your project your boss
comes to you the budget for this project
is unlimited really let’s go crazy
there’ll be a bonus at the end of the
month yeah this is a phrase that you
probably are very excited to hear it
means you are going to receive extra
money from your job at the end of the
month woohoo very exciting extra money
maybe you’ll hear this from your boss or
your manager or maybe your coworker at
work maybe you see it in an email there
will be a bonus at the end of the month
really I’m gonna use mine to buy a new
car really I’m gonna use mine to go out
on a date really I’m gonna use mine to
get a new fish you did a great job you
did a great job you did a great job it’s
something you’ll probably hear from well
I don’t know you could hear this from
pretty much anybody any time you’ve done
a good job someone will congratulate you
or tell you their opinion with this
phrase you did a great job you finished
a project at work and your boss says you
did a great job nice thank you so much
it was really fun or thank you just just
say thank you you look great today you
look great today the other person thinks
that your physical appearance is nice
today don’t think about that today part
you know just just just take the
compliment oh really thank you
so much you look great today oh thank
you so much I got a new haircut thank
you so much i-i got enough sleep yeah
you were right you were right
this means that something that you said
in the past was correct and everybody
likes to be correct I think I saw that
movie that you recommended you were
right it was really good oh good I’m
glad you enjoyed it don’t be like I know
or yeah I knew I was right don’t do that
just say oh good I’m glad you’re an
excellent cook you’re an excellent cook
this is a nice compliment especially for
someone who enjoys cooking if you say
you’re an excellent cook it means you
enjoyed their food so let’s see at a
dinner party for example you’re an
excellent cook this food is delicious oh
thank you so much I’m really glad you
enjoyed it and that’s the end so those
are things that you want to hear so keep
in mind it’s nice for you to hear these
things but other people also want to
hear them too so compliment other people
tell them that they are awesome if they
are awesome tell them that they have
good skills in whatever it is that they
like to do people like to be
complimented people want to be liked so
write the message or say something nice
to them yes leave us a comment we have a
great team of people doing all these
amazing things so tell them how much you
love them
so thanks so much for joining us for
this week’s lesson we will see you again
next time please make sure to subscribe
if you have not already so that you
don’t miss out on any fun stuff thank
you very much again for watching and
we’ll see you again soon bye I guess I
don’t really need to do that want to
speak real English from your first
lesson sign up for your free lifetime
account at English class 101.com
hi everybody my name is Alisha and today
we’re gonna be talking about the top 25
english nouns these are the top 25 most
commonly used nouns in English so let’s
get started the first noun is the word
name name of course is used in common
questions like what’s your name my name
is and so on my favorite actor’s name is
Harrison Ford something like that
the next word is time time is used of
course to express the point in the day
is used in questions like what time is
it can you tell me what time it is I
don’t have any time lately if you’re
really busy
have you any time it’s time for my
favorite show house of cards Kevin
Spacey is cool
the next noun is man please be careful
man is one of those words that has an
irregular plural form when you need to
use the plural of the word man you
should say men do not say man’s it’s
very funny but don’t say it who’s that
man or what’s up man you can use man
with men or women interestingly enough
the next word is woman woman also has an
irregular plural form please say women
when referring to more than one woman
not women’s or woman even though the the
singular and the plural form of women
and women have the same spelling at the
beginning WOM the pronunciations are
different woman women so watch out for
that when you say that’s pretty woman
the next word is person person you can
use it to refer generally to either a
man or a woman please be careful persons
plural form becomes people when you want
to talk about another culture for
example you can say such-and-such
countries people or the people in that
country speak football language the next
word is thing generally an inanimate
object something that is that just
doesn’t move like a water bottle or you
know a sweater a thing you can use it
when you don’t know the word for
something so thing is very very useful
what is this thing I like many things
for example where the wild things are
the movie that’s already out that I
totally knew about the next word is
mother mother is the person the woman
who gave birth to you isn’t that
exciting mother is commonly shortened to
mom or mama or mummy ma madre if you
speak Spanish mum
Mamba if you’re me mamacita the next
word is dead of course de is used in all
of the days of the week Monday Tuesday
Wednesday Friday Sunday time period when
the Sun is out the day or the day time
have a nice day the next word is world
world just refers to the entire planet
Earth I’d like to travel all around the
world or I like trying foods from all
around the world in the world of science
this is an upcoming technology or in the
world of literature he’s one of the most
famous authors so worlds can be used to
refer just just to kind of a more
specific hobby or a specific interest or
just a specific person’s life more of
worlds father father is your dad other
other common words used for father are
dad papa pop daddy ha ha ha while mother
is used to refer to kind of like
nurturing kind of like you know the
earth or things that like can give life
to others father at least in my mind
there’s kind of this image of someone
who’s a little bit more strict in your
life the next word is sister a female
sibling is your sister you can also use
sister for a female person that you feel
very very close with so I might call my
female friend who’s I’m very close to my
sister my brother likes to shorten it to
sis you might also hear sista as well if
you are silly sister Whoopi Goldberg was
in a famous movie called Sister Act the
next word is brother brother is a male
sibling you can also use brother to
refer to a close male friend common
variations of brother are brother bro
bra rosy broski depending on what kind
of person you are you can choose to use
any number of those like I might
sarcastically say to my friend cool
story bro look if he’s told me a story
that’s not very exciting in Mario for
example the name of the Mario games is
actually Super Mario Brothers but
brothers is abbreviated as BR OS Super
Mario Bros yeah just be careful about
your use of bro because it sounds a
little bit like a college-age boy that’s
kind of the kind of the feeling of the
word bro oh brother where art thou the
next word is daughter daughter is a
female child daughter do you have a
daughter I have a daughter I don’t have
a daughter taken
it’s son a male child is someone’s son
son s Oh n is pronounced exactly the
same as su n son what are you talking
about son the next word is I II ye I
your I is the round thing that you used
to see with I is used in a lot of
expressions and idioms in English as in
I’ve got my eye on you
meaning I’m watching you or keep your
eye out for something meaning please
look for something or please pay close
attention I’m waiting for something to
happen the next word is hand body parts
give me a hand
or can I give you a hand means please
help me or can I help you to give
someone a hand head this thing on the
top of your body your head we use head
to refer to the top of things as in the
head of a company the head of a group
the head of the line so whoever is first
in the line whoever is top at the
company they are the head if you have a
head dance the next word is foot this is
another word that has a weird plural
form one foot two feet foot
interestingly enough foot is used of
course to refer to your body part a foot
also is a unit of measurement if you are
from America or I believe one other
country in the world uses this system
sorry we’re not on board with a metric
thing in America but foot is 12 inches
about this long
so if head refers to the top of things
foot is used to refer to the bottom of
things if you’ve written a paper on
Microsoft Word for example at the very
bottom of the page there will be a space
called the footer meaning the bottom
where you can put little notes to your
reader the next word is place place can
be used to refer generally to a location
commonly to refer to friends homes or
apartments let’s go to your place or can
we have the party at your place is a
little bit more natural than I want to
go to your house the next word is work
be careful about using work as a noun
and work as a verb your work refers to
your job your responsibilities your
tasks at your office or your workplace
you can use it in a phrase like I have a
lot of work to do or please help me with
my work I like to go to work it can be
used to just refer to anything artistic
in general so
it can mean it can be a painting it can
be a building it can be a sculpture it
can be I don’t know whatever anything
artsy can be referred to as work as an I
really like that new work by that artist
or did you see so-and-so’s new work
twerk the next word is weak weak refers
to the seven-day period that we have
decided is one week here in the modern
world commonly used in expressions
relating to your activities as in I go
to the gym once a week or I see my
friends twice a week or I have to work
every day of the week Monday through
Friday is referred to as weekdays
Saturday and Sunday weekend next word is
month month is there are 12 months in a
year my favorite month depending on
which country I’m in I generally like
autumn months like October I think I
usually like the month of October
September October is good because it’s
not too hot not too cold and halloween
is coming and that’s my favorite holiday
Hannah Montana the next word is a year
year refers to the time period usually
365 days there are leap years where
there is an extra day in the month of
February what year were you born or I
was born in the year of the rabbit
depending on which calendar you like to
use it can be used to introduce a story
as in many years ago I went to blah blah
blah year the platypus
next is the word one the number one the
first number one of something to refer
to somebody who you loved and who left
your life you can say oh he or she was
the one that got away the next one is
the number but it can be used in a
number of expressions like what’s your
phone number or give me your number or
here’s my number
it means phone number but we don’t
always say phone that’s the end of this
top 25 most common nouns in the English
language maybe you’ve used some of these
you probably have keep them in mind and
have fun with them thanks very much for
watching this episode and we’ll see you
again soon bye if you have a head what
do you like trees yes yeah right man
yeah vamos a la playa now we’re going to
the beach hi everybody welcome back to
top words my name is Alisha and today
we’re gonna be talking about 20 travel
phrases that you should know so let’s go
do you have any recommendations the
first phrase is do you have any
recommendations this is great to use
when you get to a restaurant where you
don’t know what the food is you don’t
know anything about the local cuisine or
you’re just feeling a little bit
adventurous you can ask the waitstaff do
you have any recommendations how much is
this how much is this this is useful
when you’re out shopping or when you’re
in a restaurant and the price is not
clearly marked or something is not clear
to you so you can ask how much is this
usually when you point to something I
would recommend like pointing to the
menu are pointing to an item how much is
I’d like this you can point to something
and say I’d like this if you want to say
I’d like one for example I don’t know
you’re getting beer I’d like one of
these if however you’re in a situation
where you can’t point you can say I’d
like ten of the blah blah blah I’d like
ten of blue t-shirts please can I try
this on is useful when you’re shopping
for clothes so you find something that
you’d like to try just ask the staff can
I try this on you can just say I want to
try this on if you like do you speak
you might get asked this phrase so you
should say if you’re watching this video
you should probably say yes or you can
say yes a little if you’re not feeling
very confident if you’re watching this
video and you’re understanding this part
and you say no then things that’s a
little strange I have a reservation
usually the staff will greet you and you
can say I have a reservation hello I
have a reservation it’s at seven o’clock
the name is Alisha usually we say the
name is or it’s under meaning the
reservation is under my name or it’s for
name or it’s in name water please
depending on which country are from
water may or may not automatically be
brought to your table when you’re in a
restaurant if you would like more water
however you can say water please to make
it a little more
polite I would like wave at the
waitstaff and say could I please have
some more water do you take credit cards
do you take credit cards in case you’re
not sure if the shop that you’re in will
accept credit cards or debit cards you
can ask them do you take credit cards
it’s so it doesn’t mean do you take
meaning are you going to take my card
but this take means do you accept credit
cards this isn’t what I ordered
so if you’re at a restaurant you order
steak and you get lobster instead you
can look at it and go oh this isn’t what
I ordered
be careful though saying this politely
if you look at the waitstaff and you say
this isn’t what I ordered
they’re gonna be like I don’t know just
be a nice customer excuse me but I don’t
think this is what I ordered or this
isn’t what I ordered
can you please check could we have the
menu please if for some reason you don’t
receive a menu when you come to the
table you can again just wave it a
member of the staff and say could we
have the menu please could you give me a
discount could you give me a discount
means I would like a cheaper price
essentially it depends on which country
you’re in if haggling or bargaining
meaning talking to the seller to try to
reduce the price my family didn’t
bargain we didn’t haggle so I don’t
haggle it depends on you and your
culture but just yeah just be be aware
of the culture that you’re in and the
place that you’re in before you ask this
question do you have any vegetarian
ah this is useful some people have
specific eating requirements or eating
needs maybe food allergies for example
you can replace vegetarian with the
specific dietary requirement that you
have do you have any vegan dishes do you
have any gluten-free dishes do you have
any low-fat dishes do you have any
low-carb dishes do you have any fish
free dishes do you have any could you
take a picture of me please if you are
in a location where you would like to
take a picture but you don’t want to do
a selfie or you don’t have a selfie
stick or whatever you want someone else
to take a picture of you a stranger that
you don’t know you can ask them could
you take a picture of me please or
excuse me would you mind taking a
picture of
please I’m allergic to blah blah blah if
you have a food allergy or even an
allergy to a medicine this is the phrase
you can use to explain that I’m allergic
to wheat or I can’t eat wheat for
example is the Wi-Fi free meaning can I
use the Wi-Fi free of charge
keep in mind some places have a password
that you have to ask the staff for so
you can say is the Wi-Fi free if they
say yes you can then follow that up with
can I have the password I’d like to have
a non-smoking seat please so when you go
to a restaurant you have an option
between smoking and non-smoking sections
the staff will say smoking or
non-smoking you can say I’d like to have
a non-smoking seat please
quite honestly though the most natural
response is just to say non-smoking
could I get a map maybe it’s a map of
the subway system for the city that
you’re in or maybe it’s a map of the
area around your hotel you could say
could I have a map as well could I have
the check you’re finished it’s your cafe
you’re finished at the restaurant and
it’s time to leave it’s time to pay so
you say to the waitstaff excuse me could
I have the check another more common
expression perhaps is excuse me check
you might also hear bill excuse me can I
have the bill where is the bathroom very
important question if you’re traveling
in America we don’t really use the word
toilet or washroom very much we use
bathroom or restroom to talk about
toilet facilities excuse me can you tell
me where the bathroom is or excuse me
I’m looking for the bathroom or I’m
looking for the restroom is this the
train for blah blah blah or is this the
train that goes to blah blah blah to
confirm with someone that I’m indeed on
the correct train line if I say is this
the train bound for San Francisco you
can use that to check if you’re correct
so that’s the end those are 20 travel
phrases that you can use when you’re
traveling in an english-speaking country
give them a try I hope that they go well
for you of course there are many
different variations on these themes so
be sure to experiment a little bit
thanks very much for watching this
episode of top words and we will see you
again soon bye the things that I do
before I travel to a country where I
cannot speak the language I actually
learned numbers ok Fein want to speak
real English from your first lesson sign
up for your free lifetime account at
English class 101 calm
hi everybody my name is Alisha and today
we’re gonna be talking about the top 25
English phrases so let’s get started the
first phrase is hello hello of course is
used as a greeting you can greet your
friends you can greet your co-workers
your family with this phrase just by
saying hello hey hi what’s up hello sup
yo pretty much any time of day you can
use hello hello the next phrase is good
morning good morning is used as a
greeting in the morning you can kind of
feel when morning ends for you good
morning is nice and polite or even just
morning with your close friends or close
co-workers the next phrase is good night
good night is fine we don’t use this to
greet other people we use it when we’re
saying goodbye to other people at night
family members particularly mothers and
fathers to say good night to their
children before they put them to bed you
can say it to your friend and a text
message or in an email if you’ve been
talking for a while good night so the
next word to talk about is goodbye
use it when you say goodbye to your
friends when you leave your friends
goodbye bye of course take care have a
nice day peace out that’s another way to
say goodbye okay the next phrase is I’m
plus your name of course this is a way
to introduce yourself you can use I’m in
my case Alicia I’m Alicia to introduce
yourself in any situation new friend I’m
okay the next phrase is what’s your name
what’s your name is used to ask someone
else what their name is so what is your
name sounds a bit try to use what’s your
if you forget someone’s name you can say
sorry what’s your name or sorry what’s
your name again next phrase is nice to
meet you nice to meet you any time you
meet someone new
nice to meet you is fine good to meet
you is a little more casual great to
meet you sounds very excited pleasure to
meet you sounds like maybe a formal
situation or a business context ok the
next phrase is how are you how are you
is Ann it’s just a friendly way to check
in with the other person you can use it
with friends your family your co-workers
maybe even your boss to a certain degree
how are you how you doing the next
phrase is I’m fine thanks and you if you
saw English in three minutes we talked a
lot about this phrase instead of I’m
fine thank you and you say I’m good
thanks how are you just shorten it and
make it a little bit more natural how
are you
how are you great how are you not so
good how are you okay and so on
so when someone says how are you offer I
usually say I’m good this week I pop a
blog give some information about what
you’ve been up to maybe a hobby
something that you did recently an event
something interesting you saw whatever
people want to make that connection with
you and it’s a good chance for you to
continue speaking the next word is
please please as a polite phrase used
when you want something from someone
else you can use this as a response when
someone offers you something like in a
restaurant for example would you like
more water would you like something to
drink oh please
my next phrase is thank you thank you is
used to express your appreciation you
can use thank you with everybody the
next phrase is you’re welcome you’re
welcome when someone says thank you you
can say you’re welcome no biggie
I use no biggie as in no biggie is short
for a no big problem an X where it is
yes yes of course yes means is any
positive expression someone asks you a
question and the answer is a positive
answer you say yes yep uh-huh
yeah we know next I’m guessing I knew it
yep the next word is no no is a negative
response to something when you have to
give a negative answer so as you can
probably guess the long form of no is
negative I like to use nope it’s very
very casual not gonna happen
my parents would use that with me to
soften that a little bit if you want to
show a negative response to something
like let’s go for dinner tonight what do
you want to do like do you want to go
out not really
hmm no I don’t think so hmm to soften it
the next word is okay okay
this word comes from copy editors okay
when they had to check a manuscript they
had to label the manuscript all clear AC
but because they were copy editors and
they have a very very sick sense of
humor they thought they would mark it
okay for all clear to make a joke
because o and K do not start all and
clear but it caught on among everybody
in the world anyway okay is used to
agree with somebody else well it can be
used actually to express a positive or
kind of a full
negative I feel transitioning in your
conversation you can say okay now we’re
going to talk about blah blah okay
the next phrase is excuse me excuse me
it’s used to get someone’s attention in
English when you don’t know the other
person for example in a store a
supermarket maybe a stranger on the
street you need to ask directions you
can use excuse me
you can use excuse me in the supermarket
excuse me can you tell me where the hot
sauce is if you’ve done something rude
in public you can use excuse me
I personally do not do rude things in
public ever I’m sorry is the next word
we’re gonna talk about I’m sorry is used
to apologize when you have made a
mistake or someone you know it’s made a
mistake and you’re connected to it or
you just feel bad you can use I’m sorry
you made a mistake at work I’m sorry you
forgot to feed your cat I’m sorry
sorry about that you bump someone next
to you oh sorry what time is it is the
next phrase when you need to check what
time it is what time is it when you ask
someone else what time it is maybe you
say this to yourself to check your watch
check your phone check a clock pretty
straightforward phrase there aren’t
really any short version so that’s an
easy one
hey where is that plus a location so you
can use this for a building or a store
we don’t we’re not going to use this
where is the for a place a city name or
a state name or a country name to do
that you would need to remove the but
where is the bank where is the post
office you can use this to ask
directions to ask for help in your house
or at work where is the copy machine
where is the file
I need where is the bla bla bla where is
the bathroom is perhaps a very important
question to know the next one is may I
use the restroom may I use the restroom
is a polite and soft expression that you
can use if you need to use the toilet
you need to use the washroom and when
you’re at someone’s house for the very
first time when you’re in a place that
you’re that is new to you you can ask
may I use the restroom more casually can
I go to the bathroom to be very polite
you could say may I go to the bathroom
the next phrase is I would like to order
something you can use this at a
restaurant probably or in any situation
where you need to place an order I’d
like a pizza I’d like a beer can I get
the check please this will be used at a
restaurant when you’ve finished your
meal and it’s time
to go can I get the check please in a
very very casual situation you can just
say check please
that’s fine the next phrase is see you
soon see you soon is used with friends
and family members perhaps when you
expect to see them again soon after
saying goodbye to them this is used at
the end of the conversation you’re going
separate directions you can see you soon
seeya is also good or just see you to
make it a little more formal you can say
I’ll see you again soon
make a full sentence out of it that way
the next phrase is see you later see you
later is very similar to see you soon
but the point is would see you later is
that you’re probably going to meet that
person again later on in the same day
the last phrase is really really is a
very useful word because you can use it
to show you were interested in a
conversation with upward intonation
really really tell me more or to show
that you’re not so interested in the
conversation with downward intonation
really so there are many other words
that you can use similar to really in
this way like seriously or oh oh and so
on so it’s a really good practice for
your intonation so those are 25 very
common words and phrases in English if
you liked this video if you liked this
topic please subscribe I’m sure there’ll
be a button here somewhere a button here
or wherever but please be sure to
subscribe to our channel because we’re
gonna be doing more videos like this and
we already have more videos like this so
please be sure to check them out thanks
very much for watching and we’ll see you
again soon the coffee is in me hi
everybody my name is Alisha and today
we’re gonna be talking about the top 25
english adjectives so these are the top
25 english adjectives in terms of how
often they’re used so let’s get right
into it okay the first adjective is the
word good good can be used to refer to
anything that you think is good or great
or positive in the comparative form it
is better in the superlative form it is
best so I think pizza is good I think
that sleep is good I really think that
sleep is good baseball is good playing
sports is good video games are good the
next word is new comparative form newer
comes superlative form newest I have a
new haircut do you want a new bike I
need to get a new job I’m not sure I’m
sorry no there’s an example thinking so
next one is first first just refers to
the number 1 of something yeah the
original of something you could say the
first silent
we’re the first movie I ever watched or
the first CD I ever bought the first CD
I ever bought was Michael Jackson’s bad
next word is last the final of something
we use less to refer to the most recent
of something as well as in the last time
I went to the beach or the last time I
went to the forest or the last time I
saw my friend have you ever eaten the
last piece of pizza when you weren’t
supposed to what was the last word we
talked about it was first the next word
is long long anything that you feel is
lightsabers are long subways sandwiches
are long I’m not supposed to laugh for
the next word is great great can be used
to express any positive emotions
somebody gives you new information and
you think it’s good but you want to
express that it’s even better than good
you can say it’s great greater is the
comparative form greatest is the
superlative form the greatest invention
of all time was a light bulb for example
what do you think is your greatest
achievement one of life’s greatest
pleasures is finding people to be good
friends with is great the next word is
little this is a very common word that
gets used in an expression like when I
was little referring to when you were a
kid so when I was little I really liked
to play outside or when I was little I
was really into Pokemon I have said very
little about the were little the next
word is near near near ur nearest you
probably know the location of the
nearest mini a supermarket to your house
to the nearest post office I live near a
very fashionable store the next word is
big big is used for anything that is
large in size or large conceptually so
for example you can say an elephant is a
big animal or in terms of concept you
can say let’s see that fashion is really
big right now or that artist is really
big right now and that refers to
popularity big movies are exciting to
watch with friends do you have any
bigger sandwiches I’m really hungry next
word is other other just refers to
something else something different from
what is currently happening the other
thing the other person my other friend
is a DJ my other friend is a cook my
other friend is a dancer my other friend
I have very interesting friends what
other things have you done with your
life the next word is old old it can be
used to refer to people it can be used
to refer to animals to art anything that
has a long history so maybe I like old
movies or I don’t like old art or I
think my grandpa is really really old it
isn’t getting old the mix where it is
right this can be used to refer to the
direction right as in the opposite of
left or it can be used to refer to
something that is correct
so in a sentence like your right it
means you are correct that is the
correct answer
it can also be used to mean right as in
make a right turn but you’ll have to
listen to the context to decide which
meaning is the true meaning this is not
right could mean something that’s not
fair or that you disagree strongly with
this is not right the next word is high
high refers to something that is very
tall very way up somewhere so many
people might say like I have a fear of
high buildings there I have a fear of
high places it can also in the
comparative form just refer to something
higher or taller than something else
highest meaning the most high squeaky
level is high I like high volume music
the next word is different not the same
as something else is different I think
that having many different friends is a
lot of fun do you enjoy listening to
different kinds of music the next word
is small small smaller smallest small
and little are extremely similar I would
pretty much use them in the same way
however we don’t say when I was a small
kid we say when I was a little kid or
you can say when I was small the next
word is large large and big are very
much the same I will say though that
large is used on clothing sizes big is
not when we talk about big we talked
about how big can be used to refer to
something that’s very popular large is
not used to refer to something that’s
popular large is used um for for sizing
I feel only so like a house can be large
but it’s used to refer to like the
physical size of something
large and in charge large larger largest
this is the largest bottom is in the zoo
next door it is easy easy the next are
it easy easier easiest this is a good
one that you can use anytime something
seems very simple for you for example
this test is easy or that was the
easiest thing I’ve ever done or I hope
this test is easier than the last test
you gosh don’t call person easy Alicia
don’t ever call person easy unless
you’re trying to be really rude my
driving test was really easy or what’s
the easiest language you’ve ever studied
the next word is difficult difficult to
something that seems hard to do what is
the most difficult thing you’ve ever had
to do the most difficult thing I’ve ever
had to do was move to a different
country the next word is young young
younger youngest come on guys younger
younger generations have a lot of new
technologies to experiment with young
the next word is important important
more important most important what is
important to you I think that practicing
another language is more important than
playing my banjo I don’t have a banjo
you can find something that’s important
to you and put your time into it
I think drinking a lot of water every
day is important putting on your shoes
before you leave the house is very
important I have to go it’s very
important that I go next word is
interesting interesting anything that
you think is cool anything that you find
that makes you go oh is something that’s
interesting I think that this type of
music is the most interesting type of
music your mom is interesting the next
word is short short shorter shortest I
am the shortest person in my class I’m
the shortest person in the room short
just refers to something that is not
long so it can refer to a size or it can
also refer to a concept as in a length
of time so like I’m going to travel
abroad for a short period of time
bad bad something that is not good bad
food will give you bad feelings in your
stomach you’re a bad dog who’s a bad dog
you’re mad
the nice front is boring something that
is not interesting something that does
not make you go woo but something that
makes you go the most boring story I’ve
ever heard was a story about a tomato if
I don’t do anything this will be really
boring Oh far referring to distance
something that is not near to you as far
how can I go farther far the farthest
I’ve ever run is seven kilometers I am
NOT a runner okay that’s the end of the
top 25 english adjectives you probably
use these if you’re studying English and
if you haven’t tried to experiment with
them and see what kind of interesting
sentences that you can make up try to
use the the normal form and the
comparative form and the negative form
and the superlative form you can express
a lot with just these 25 words so give
them a try thanks very much for watching
us in this lesson and we’ll see you
again soon bye hi everyone I’m Gabriela
how are your English listening skills in
this video you’ll have a chance to test
them out with a quiz first you’ll see an
image and here a question next comes a
short dialogue listen carefully and see
if you can answer correctly will show
you the answer at the end are you ready
a woman is asking a store clerk
something at a bookstore which book does
the woman want to see excuse me I’d like
to take a look at a book on that shelf
which book would you like the one about
one moment please this one yep that’s
here you go
which book does the woman want to see
a woman is asking a store clerk
something at a bookstore which book does
the woman want to see excuse me I’d like
to take a look at a book on that shelf
which book would you like the one about
one moment please this one yep that’s
here you go
a man and a woman are looking over a
menu at a restaurant what’s the man
going to order what are you going to
order the pizza looks delicious I think
I’ll go with that I had pizza yesterday
so okay then what about the hamburger
sounds good
I’ll go with that
what’s the man going to order
a man and a woman are looking over a
menu at a restaurant what’s the man
going to order what are you going to
order the pizza looks delicious I think
I’ll go with that I had pizza yesterday
so okay then what about the hamburger
sounds good
I’ll go with that
a man is calling the doctor’s office
what time does he need to be at the
doctor’s office bye hello how can I help
you what time do you close today
we close at 6 o’clock but please come in
before 5:30 okay thank you
what time does he need to be at the
doctor’s office by
a man is calling the doctor’s office
what time does he need to be at the
doctor’s office bye hello how can I help
you what time do you close today
we close at 6 o’clock but please come in
before 5:30 okay thank you
a boy is reading from his journal what
was the first thing the boy did today
the weather was great today I went
swimming this afternoon at the pool and
I went to a movie in the evening I also
studied all morning today wasn’t bad
what was the first thing the boy did
a boy is reading from his journal what
was the first thing the boy did today
the weather was great today I went
swimming this afternoon at the pool and
I went to a movie in the evening I also
studied all morning today wasn’t bad
a woman and a man are looking at a
photograph which photo are they looking
at this is a photo of the soccer team
your son is on isn’t it which one is
your son this one oh he’s the tallest
one yep he’s even taller than the coach
which photo are they looking at
a woman and a man are looking at a
photograph which photo are they looking
at this is a photo of the soccer team
your son is on isn’t it which one is
your son this one oh he’s the tallest
one yep he’s even taller than the coach
a man and a woman are talking when are
they going to see the movie why don’t we
go see a movie on Saturday yes I’d love
but I have to work a shift in the
morning what time will you finish I’ll
finish it two o’clock then let’s meet up
at the cafe at 3 o’clock and see a movie
at 4 o’clock okay
when are they going to see the movie
a man and a woman are talking when are
they going to see the movie why don’t we
go see a movie on Saturday yes I’d love
to but I have to work a shift in the
morning what time will you finish I’ll
finish it two o’clock then let’s meet up
at the cafe at 3 o’clock and see a movie
at 4 o’clock okay
a man is talking with a salesperson at
the mall which shirt is he going to buy
hmm which shirt do you think is better
the white one or the blue one well I
think the blue one is better it goes
well with this gray jacket you think so
but it doesn’t go so well with this red
tie does it well
that’s true okay then I’ll take the
white one not the blue one
which shirt is he going to buy
a man is talking with a salesperson at
the mall which shirt is he going to buy
hmm which shirt do you think is better
the white one or the blue one well I
think the blue one is better it goes
well with this gray jacket you think so
but it doesn’t go so well with this red
tie does it well that’s true okay
then I’ll take the white one not the
blue one
a man is at a hamburger place
which meal is he going to order excuse
me could I have the value meal please
sure thing which do you want french
fries or salad french fries okay what
will you have to drink coke please
which meal is he going to order
a man is at a hamburger place which meal
is he going to order
excuse me could I have the value meal
please sure thing
which do you want french fries or salad
french fries okay what will you have to
drink coke please
a teacher is baking a cake what did the
teacher put in it today we’re baking a
cake first mix butter and sugar then add
two eggs and mix them well add flour and
mix it a little bit put it in the oven
and bake it for 50 minutes that’s it
what did the teacher put in it
a teacher is baking a cake what did the
teacher put in it today we’re baking a
cake first mix butter and sugar then add
two eggs and mix them well add flour and
mix it a little bit put it in the oven
and bake it for 50 minutes that’s it
a man and a woman are talking what are
they going to do first what do you want
to do today I want to go see a movie
okay I want to watch the baseball game
on TV also I want to go shopping the
baseball game starts at 1:00 o’clock
okay so let’s see the movie first and
then you can watch the baseball game all
then we’ll go shopping in the evening
what are they going to do first
a man and a woman are talking what are
they going to do first what do you want
to do today I want to go see a movie
okay I want to watch the baseball game
on TV also I want to go shopping the
baseball game starts at 1:00 o’clock
okay so let’s see the movie first and
then you can watch the baseball game all
then we’ll go shopping in the evening
a teacher and a student are talking when
will the student go to the teacher’s
office I didn’t really understand
today’s class I see what was confusing
several things do you have time now
actually I am a little busy could you
come to my office in the afternoon I’ll
be there from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
I’ll be there at 2:00 p.m.
when will the student go to the teachers
a teacher and a student are talking when
will the student go to the teacher’s
office I didn’t really understand
today’s class I see what was confusing
several things do you have time now
actually I am a little busy could you
come to my office in the afternoon I’ll
be there from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
I’ll be there at 2:00 p.m.
a woman is having lunch in a restaurant
what is she going to order would you
like to have coffee or dessert after the
meal what desserts do you have we have
pudding and apple pie hmm actually I’ll
just have coffee do you want cream or
sugar cream please
what is she going to order
a woman is having lunch in a restaurant
what is she going to order would you
like to have coffee or dessert after the
what desserts do you have we have
pudding and apple pie hmm actually I’ll
just have coffee do you want cream or
sugar cream please
a woman is waiting for a man where is
the woman now hey really sorry but it
looks like I’ll be 30 minutes late okay
I’ll wait for you at the cafe cafe where
is it it’s next to the bookstore there’s
a bakery across from the cafe okay
where is the woman now
a woman is waiting for a man where is
the woman now
Hey really sorry but it looks like I’ll
be 30 minutes late okay I’ll wait for
you at the Cafe cafe where is it
it’s next to the bookstore there’s a
bakery across from the cafe okay
a man and a woman are talking about
summer vacation what is the woman going
to do on her summer vacation have you
already planned for the summer vacation
not yet I’m thinking about going to the
sea or the mountains I’m going to the
beach with some friends we’re going
surfing sounds nice
why don’t you come with us Wow sure
what is the woman going to do on her
summer vacation
a man and a woman are talking about
summer vacation what is the woman going
to do on her summer vacation have you
already planned for the summer vacation
not yet I’m thinking about going to the
sea or the mountains I’m going to the
beach with some friends we’re going
surfing sounds nice
why don’t you come with us Wow sure
a man and a woman are talking what did
the woman eat this morning oh I’m hungry
did you eat anything for breakfast yes I
did but only a little what did you eat
I had yogurt and coffee that’s not
enough you’ll need some bread and fruit
what did the woman eat this morning
a man and a woman are talking what did
the woman eat this morning
oh I’m hungry did you eat anything for
breakfast yes I did
but only a little what did you eat
I had yogurt and coffee that’s not
enough you’ll need some bread and fruit
a woman is in a department store which
floor is she going to excuse me where
are the children’s clothes they’re on
the fifth and sixth floors do you also
have baby clothes yes they’re on the
sixth floor we have a lot there thank
you very much I’ll go and have a look
which floor is she going to
a woman is in a department store
which floor is she going to
excuse me where are the children’s
clothes they’re on the fifth and sixth
floors do you also have baby clothes yes
they’re on the sixth floor we have a lot
there thank you very much I’ll go and
have a look there
a man and a woman are talking how old is
the man now your birthday is really soon
isn’t it yep it’s the day after tomorrow
how old are you going to be I’m turning
60 congratulations
we should celebrate thank you very much
it’s kind of you to say
how old is the man now
a man and a woman are talking
how old is the man now your birthday is
really soon isn’t it yep it’s the day
after tomorrow how old are you going to
be I’m turning 60 congratulations we
should celebrate
thank you very much it’s kind of you to
a woman is looking at clothes in a
boutique what is she going to buy Wow
this blue skirts and that white skirt I
like them both the white skirt is really
popular right now the blue ones a bit
expensive too well that’s true but it
suits you
um I can’t afford both I’ll take the
white one an excellent choice thank you
very much
what is she going to buy
a woman is looking at clothes in a
boutique what is she going to buy Wow
this blue skirt and that white skirt I
like them both the white skirt is really
popular right now
the blue ones a bit expensive too well
that’s true but it suits you um I can’t
afford both I’ll take the white one an
excellent choice thank you very much
a man and a woman are talking
how many people in total are coming to
the party the party’s tomorrow who’s
coming well the two of us two friends of
mine and my pottery teacher that will
make five then oh well my teachers also
bringing his wife Wow a big party then
how many people in total are coming to
the party
a man and a woman are talking
how many people in total are coming to
the party
the party’s tomorrow who’s coming well
the two of us two friends of mine and my
pottery teacher that will make five then
oh well my teachers also bringing his
wife Wow a big party then
a woman bought a bed
where is she going to put it your new
bed it’s huge
yep I can’t put it by the door let’s put
it at the other end of the room shall we
put it in the middle no let’s put it in
the corner okay sounds good
can you help me lift it
where is she going to put it
a woman bought a bed
where is she going to put it your new
bed it’s huge
yep I can’t put it by the door let’s put
it at the other end of the room shall we
put it in the middle no let’s put it in
the corner okay sounds good
can you help me lift it did you get it
right I hope you learned something from
this quiz let us know if you have any
questions see you next time hi everyone
I’m Gabriela
how are your English listening skills in
this video you’ll have a chance to test
them out with a quiz first you’ll see an
image and here a question next comes a
short dialogue listen carefully and see
if you can answer correctly will show
you the answer at the end are you ready
a man is reporting about his company’s
sales performance at a meeting
which two charts is he using for his
presentation please look at the handout
the Left chart shows our company sales
over the past three years and the sales
forecast for the current year and the
right chart shows the monthly breakdown
in sales up to October of this year now
please have a look at the Left chart it
shows that sales have been steadily
increasing over the past three years and
if we can keep increasing our sales the
total sales for this year will show an
increase over last year
next please look at the right chart the
right chart shows that the campaigns we
ran in April and August were fairly
effective I see but the sales decreased
in May and September following the
campaigns yes but this kind of decreases
unavoidable I expect the annual sales
for this year will show an increase over
last year if we can keep increasing our
which two charts is he using for his
a man is reporting about his company’s
sales performance at a meeting
which two charts is he using for his
presentation please look at the handout
the Left chart shows our company sales
over the past three years and the sales
forecast for the current year and the
right chart shows the monthly breakdown
in sales up to October of this year now
please have a look at the Left chart it
shows that sales have been steadily
increasing over the past three years and
if we can keep increasing our sales the
total sales for this year will show an
increase over last year
next please look at the right chart the
right chart shows that the campaigns we
ran in April and August were fairly
effective I see but the sales decreased
in May and September following the
campaigns yes but this kind of decrease
is unavoidable I expect the annual sales
for this year will show an increase over
last year if we can keep increasing our
a man is joining a sports club and
getting information on its policies what
type of membership will he choose let me
start by explaining our clubs different
membership options as described in this
brochure regular members can use the gym
in the pool at any time on any day of
the week but we also offer early-morning
memberships where people can use the
facilities only in the early morning and
night memberships for people who only
want to come in the evening what are the
hours for early morning members early
morning members can use the facilities
from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and night
members can use them from 6 p.m. to 11
p.m. I see so early morning members can
stop by and use the facilities on their
way to work exactly the early morning
type is popular among people with 9 to 5
jobs and we also offer memberships just
for the gym or just for the pool if you
only want to use one of those I want to
use both the gym and the pool I think
I’ll use the gym in the early morning
before going to work on weekdays and
then use the pool on the weekend if you
have a membership that covers something
like early mornings for the weekdays but
all day on the weekend we’re sorry but
we don’t offer a membership like that
sir ok
I don’t think I can get up that early on
the weekend so I’ll choose this
membership option
what type of membership will he choose
a man is joining a sports club and
getting information on its policies what
type of membership will he choose let me
start by explaining our clubs different
membership options as described in this
brochure regular members can use the gym
in the pool at any time on any day of
the week but we also offer early-morning
memberships where people can use the
facilities only in the early morning and
night memberships for people who only
want to come in the evening what are the
hours for early morning members early
morning members can use the facilities
from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and night
members can use them from 6 p.m. to 11
p.m. I see so early morning members can
stop by and use the facilities on their
way to work exactly the early morning
type is popular among people with 9 to 5
jobs and we also offer memberships just
for the gym or just for the pool if you
only want to use one of those I want to
use both the gym and the pool I think
I’ll use the gym in the early morning
before going to work on weekdays and
then use the pool on the weekend if you
have a membership that covers something
like early mornings for the weekdays but
all day on the weekend we’re sorry but
we don’t offer a membership like that
sir ok I don’t think I can get up that
early on the weekend so I’ll choose this
membership option
a woman is talking with a man who works
for an outsourced printing company about
a brochure for a new product when is the
deadline for the first design draft for
the brochure we decided to launch the
new product on October 15th and we’d
like to offer you the contract to make
the brochure thank you so much we’re
definitely excited about helping you
with this project so could you tell us a
bit about the schedule when will you
need everything by well considering the
time needed for printing we’d like to
get the brochures to the printing stage
by the end of September so would it be
possible for you to get us the first
design draft by the middle of August
well we’d like to give you three design
options for the initial draft and then
have you choose the one which best fits
your concept then we’ll make the final
design based on your choice so it’ll be
very helpful if you could give us two
more weeks to prepare for this stage hmm
okay maybe one month will be enough time
to choose one of the designs you’ve made
and then decide on the final design all
right we’ll be counting on you you’re in
good hands
our design team is the best thank you so
when is the deadline for the first
design draft for the brochure
a woman is talking with a man who works
for an outsourced printing company about
a brochure for a new product when is the
deadline for the first design draft for
the brochure we decided to launch the
new product on October 15th and we’d
like to offer you the contract to make
the brochure thank you so much we’re
definitely excited about helping you
with this project so could you tell us a
bit about the schedule when will you
need everything by well considering the
time needed for printing we’d like to
get the brochures to the printing stage
by the end of September so would it be
possible for you to get us the first
design draft by the middle of August
well we’d like to give you three design
options for the initial draft and then
have you choose the one which best fits
your concept then we’ll make the final
design based on your choice so it’ll be
very helpful if you could give us two
more weeks to prepare for this stage hmm
okay maybe one month will be enough time
to choose one of the designs you’ve made
and then decide on the final design all
right we’ll be counting on you you’re in
good hands
our design team is the best thank you so
a woman is calling on the phone to
reserve tickets for a play which two
seats did she get hello this is black
friars Playhouse can I help you I’d like
to get two tickets for King Lear at 5:30
this evening do you still have any
tickets available we do have a few seats
left but I’m sorry to say we don’t have
any next to each other if you don’t mind
though we can get you two seats
separately okay we don’t mind do you
have any particular requests well do you
have any aisle seats yes we have an
aisle seat at the left side of the
center section and to the right of it
three seats over we have another free
seat to the side okay then please book
that aisle seat certainly how about the
other one do you have any seats near the
center the only Center seats we have
left are from the first row to the third
row I’m not too crazy about having
actors spit on me so this room is
relatively small and I think you could
enjoy the play even at the end of the
row on the side is that so
then I’ll take the one you mentioned
before on the left side
which two seats did she get
a woman is calling on the phone to
reserve tickets for a play
which two seats did she get hello this
is Blackfriars Playhouse can I help you
I’d like to get two tickets for King
Lear at 5:30 this evening do you still
have any tickets available we do have a
few seats left but I’m sorry to say we
don’t have any next to each other if you
don’t mind though we can get you two
seats separately okay we don’t mind do
you have any particular requests well do
you have any aisle seats yes we have an
aisle seat at the left side of the
center section and to the right of it
three seats over we have another free
seat to the side okay then please book
that aisle seat certainly how about the
other one
do you have any seats near the center
the only Center seats we have left are
from the first row to the third row I’m
not too crazy about having actors spit
on me so this room is relatively small
and I think you could enjoy the play
even at the end of the row on the side
is that so then I’ll take the one you
mentioned before on the left side
a man and a woman are talking about
preparations for a presentation they’ll
be making tomorrow at their office
what will the woman check after the
conversation ends okay I think we’re
almost ready for the presentation
just a few more things the meeting will
start at 9:00 sharp so could you double
check the meeting room today yep I’ve
already checked the room okay great did
you make sure the projector is working
okay oh I was gonna check the projector
tomorrow morning when I have my laptop
no we’ve got to get that checked today
we won’t have time to deal with it in
the morning if there’s a problem so make
sure to check that projector today
that’s the most important thing okay
will do and did you get the copies of
those handouts miss Tanaka is making
them now let’s see what else oh did you
check the whiteboard yes I did
sometimes the pens don’t have enough ink
left in them did you get a chance to
check them not yet but I’ll make sure to
do that later yes please make sure to do
that today
what will the woman check after the
conversation ends
a man and a woman are talking about
preparations for a presentation they’ll
be making tomorrow at their office
what will the woman check after the
conversation ends
ok I think we’re almost ready for the
presentation tomorrow just a few more
things the meeting will start at 9:00
sharp so could you double check the
meeting room today yep I’ve already
checked the room ok great
did you make sure the projector is
working ok oh I was gonna check the
projector tomorrow morning when I have
my laptop no we’ve got to get that check
today we won’t have time to deal with it
in the morning if there’s a problem so
make sure to check that projector today
that’s the most important thing ok will
do and did you get the copies of those
handouts miss Tanaka is making them now
let’s see what else oh did you check the
whiteboard yes I did sometimes the pens
don’t have enough ink left in them did
you get a chance to check them not yet
but I’ll make sure to do that later
yes please make sure to do that today hi
everyone I’m Gabriela
how are your English listening skills in
this video you’ll have a chance to test
them out with a quiz first you’ll see an
image and here a question next comes a
short dialogue listen carefully and see
if you can answer correctly will show
you the answer at the end are you ready
a man and a woman are choosing a hotel
which hotel are they going to choose we
have to decide on the hotel for our trip
next month okay let’s check the internet
the ocean hotel is near the beach
it says $120 a night per person and you
get a buffet breakfast how about the
pine hotel it’s $80 a night I don’t want
to waste too much on accommodations hmm
but the pine hotel is far from the beach
and from downtown and it says you have
to pay for Wi-Fi what about the sunrise
hotel it usually costs a hundred forty
dollars a night but now they’re running
a promotion and we can stay one night
for $90 it’s between the beach and
downtown plus it has free Wi-Fi sounds
oh wait it says the deal is for next
week only oh I didn’t see that so how
about this place the Royal Hotel it’s
located in the middle of downtown and it
costs $100 a night the room doesn’t look
so nice but they have free Wi-Fi okay
let’s book this hotel oh it’s already
fully booked shoot then I think the
first one is best is it full no it’s not
which hotel are they going to choose
a man and a woman are choosing a hotel
which hotel are they going to choose we
have to decide on the hotel for our trip
next month okay let’s check the internet
the ocean hotel is near the beach
it says $120 a night per person and you
get a buffet breakfast how about the
pine hotel it’s $80 a night I don’t want
to waste too much on accommodations hmm
but the pine hotel is far from the beach
and from downtown and it says you have
to pay for Wi-Fi what about the sunrise
hotel it usually costs a hundred forty
dollars a night but now they’re running
a promotion and we can stay one night
for $90 it’s between the beach and
downtown plus it has free Wi-Fi sounds
good oh wait it says the deal is for
next week only oh I didn’t see that so
how about this place the Royal Hotel
it’s located in the middle of downtown
and it costs $100 a night the room
doesn’t look so nice but they have free
Wi-Fi okay let’s book this hotel oh it’s
already fully booked shoot then I think
the first one is best is it full no it’s
not great
a man and a woman are talking about the
layout of a meeting room
how are they going to arrange the tables
let’s move the tables for tomorrow’s
meeting alright shall we put all the
tables in the center of the room so that
everyone faces each other well there’s
going to be a group session first so
let’s separate the tables into four
sections four people will be seated in
each group okay and I’ll put some pens
and pads of paper on each table thank
you and we’ll have a short presentation
at the beginning of the session so we
need a projector here all right
also we’re going to use a whiteboard
aren’t we is it okay if I put the
whiteboard next to the screen well how
about putting the whiteboard at the
other end of the room that makes sense
after the meeting we need to put
everything back where it was in four
rows of two tables per row
how are they going to arrange the tables
a man and a woman are talking about the
layout of a meeting room
how are they going to arrange the tables
let’s move the tables for tomorrow’s
meeting alright shall we put all the
tables in the center of the room so that
everyone faces each other well there’s
going to be a group session first so
let’s separate the tables into four
sections four people will be seated in
each group okay and I’ll put some pens
and pads of paper on each table thank
you and we’ll have a short presentation
at the beginning of the session so we
need a projector here all right also
we’re going to use a whiteboard aren’t
is it okay if I put the whiteboard next
to the screen well how about putting the
whiteboard at the other end of the room
that makes sense after the meeting we
need to put everything back where it was
in four rows of two tables per row
a man and a woman are talking about
office supplies
what will the man order every month you
need to check our office supplies and
order any items that are running low
this time let’s take a look at them
together here’s the checklist ok that
sounds good well starting with the paper
it looks like there’s only one box left
we use lots of paper every day so let’s
order two more boxes ok
the printer is out of color ink should
we order that we don’t really print
documents in color so we don’t need to
worry about that hmm ok
looks like these whiteboard markers are
running out of ink right those need to
be replaced we get a discount if we
order them in sets of five so let’s do
that okay and while we’re at it can we
order a mouse sometimes it works but
sometimes it doesn’t that’s probably
because it’s running out of batteries
let’s check the stock of batteries and
order more if we don’t have many left
sure well we have three batteries here
you can take two of these for your mouse
but buy a six pack of batteries to
replace them
what will the man order
a man and a woman are talking about
office supplies
what will the man order every month you
need to check our office supplies and
order any items that are running low
this time
let’s take a look at them together
here’s the checklist ok that sounds good
well starting with the paper it looks
like there’s only one box left we use
lots of paper every day so let’s order
two more boxes ok
the printer is out of color ink should
we order that we don’t really print
documents in color so we don’t need to
worry about that hmm ok
looks like these whiteboard markers are
running out of ink right those need to
be replaced we get a discount if we
order them in sets of five so let’s do
that okay and while we’re at it can we
order a mouse sometimes it works but
sometimes it doesn’t that’s probably
because it’s running out of batteries
let’s check the stock of batteries in
order more if we don’t have many left
sure well we have three batteries here
you can take two of these for your mouse
but buy a six pack of batteries to
replace them
a woman is asking for directions to the
airport at an information center how is
she going to get to the airport excuse
me I need to go to the airport would you
tell me how to get there
sure there are a few ways if you take
bus number one it takes about one and a
half hours to the airport it’s the least
expensive way bus number two is a
non-stop bus it’s more expensive and
leaves once every hour but it only takes
fifty minutes I see what about taxis
there’s a taxi stand in front of the
building and they take about an hour but
they use the expressway and charge extra
for a lot of luggage so it’s going to be
a lot more expensive than the bus I
guess that makes sense and I’d like to
avoid paying too much you didn’t by
chance buy anything at shopping world
while you were here they offer
complimentary shuttle service to the
airport for customers who make a
purchase there wow I didn’t know that I
haven’t bought anything yet but I was
going to stop by and get some souvenirs
there anyway then you can use that
how is she going to get to the airport
a woman is asking for directions to the
airport at an information center
how is she going to get to the airport
excuse me I need to go to the airport
would you tell me how to get there
sure there are a few ways if you take
bus number one it takes about one and a
half hours to the airport it’s the least
expensive way bus number two is a
non-stop bus it’s more expensive and
leaves once every hour but it only takes
fifty minutes I see what about taxis
there’s a taxi stand in front of the
building and they take about an hour but
they use the expressway and charge extra
for a lot of luggage so it’s going to be
a lot more expensive than the bus I
guess that makes sense and I’d like to
avoid paying too much you didn’t by
chance buy anything at shopping world
while you were here they offer
complimentary shuttle service to the
airport for customers who make a
purchase there Wow I didn’t know that I
haven’t bought anything yet but I was
going to stop by and get some souvenirs
there anyway then you can use that
a woman and a supplier are talking on
the phone what is the woman going to get
for the sale I need you to deliver some
more sweaters in time for the sale next
month okay what do you need we need a
thousand of the small red sweaters and
four hundred of the medium red sweaters
and we also need 600 of the small green
sweaters and 200 of the medium green
sweaters by the end of this month red
and green sweaters actually we’re
running low on green sweaters and we’re
waiting on some green yarn from our
supplier we’ll get you started with the
red sweaters though no no no we need the
red and green sweaters together so
please just get as many green sweaters
ready as you can okay
I think we can get 200 of the green
sweaters to you on time which size has
higher priority the small ones take
priority sorry for such short notice but
we really need your help all right we’ll
do our best we’ll get those green
sweaters to you along with all the red
sweaters you ordered
what is the woman going to get for the
a woman and a supplier are talking on
the phone what is the woman going to get
for the sale I need you to deliver some
more sweaters in time for the sale next
month okay what do you need we need a
thousand of the small red sweaters and
four hundred of the medium red sweaters
and we also need six hundred of the
small green sweaters and 200 of the
medium green sweaters by the end of this
month red and green sweaters actually
we’re running low on green sweaters and
we’re waiting on some green yarn from
our supplier we’ll get you started with
the red sweaters though no no no we need
the red and green sweaters together so
please just get as many green sweaters
ready as you can okay I think we can get
200 of the green sweaters to you on time
which size has higher priority the small
ones take priority sorry for such short
notice but we really need your help all
we’ll do our best we’ll get those green
sweaters to you along with all the red
sweaters you ordered
hi everyone I’m Gabriella how are your
English listening skills in this video
you’ll have a chance to test them out
with a quiz first you’ll see an image
and here a question next comes a short
dialogue listen carefully and see if you
can answer correctly will show you the
answer at the end are you ready
a woman is asking about a library’s
lending policy which materials could she
borrow at one time excuse me can you
tell me how to borrow books is it your
first time at this library yes
well then I’ll explain the rules to you
you can borrow up to six books and five
CDs or DVDs at a time per person but you
can only borrow up to ten items in total
at a time everything needs to be
returned in two weeks and if you’d like
to renew please let us know before then
can I also borrow magazines or
newspapers you can’t borrow newspapers
but you can borrow magazines except for
the latest issue can I return them
through the mail we can’t accept returns
through the mail please come to the
library to return them after hours you
can put them in the box next to the
but items that are overdue please return
them directly to this desk I see thank
you very much
which materials could she borrow at one
a woman is asking about a library’s
lending policy which materials could she
borrow at one time excuse me can you
tell me how to borrow books is it your
first time at this library yes
well then I’ll explain the rules to you
you can borrow up to six books and five
CDs or DVDs at a time per person but you
can only borrow up to ten items in total
at a time everything needs to be
returned in two weeks and if you’d like
to renew please let us know before then
can I also borrow magazines or
newspapers you can’t borrow newspapers
but you can borrow magazines except for
the latest issue can I return them
through the mail we can’t accept returns
through the mail please come to the
library to return them after hours you
can put them in the box next to the
but items that are overdue please return
them directly to this desk I see thank
you very much
a man is choosing an insurance plan
which plan is he going to sign up for
what kind of trip will you be taking I’m
going scuba diving since I’ll be
bringing all my own equipment I’m a bit
worried about getting it stolen very
smart of you insurance against theft is
included in all of our plans since scuba
diving equipment is an unusual type of
baggage only plan a can cover it though
alternatively you can get insurance
specifically for scuba diving equipment
and add it to other plans plan a is the
most expensive one right what’s the
difference between plan B and Plan C
okay for example if you happen to stay
in a hospital abroad Plan B covers
flight tickets for your family to visit
you but Plan C doesn’t I see if I get
the SPECIAL contract or scuba diving
equipment and add it to Plan B or Plan C
would it be more expensive than plan a
with plan B that would make it a little
more expensive but with Plan C it would
be less expensive okay by the way is
there any plan that’s cheaper than Plan
C yes we have plan D but it doesn’t
cover accomodation if your flight gets
delayed or cancelled so we don’t
recommend this plan got it I agree that
I need coverage but I don’t think I need
coverage for family plane tickets so
I’ll take this plan and combine it with
the insurance for scuba diving equipment
which plan is he going to sign up for
a man is choosing an insurance plan
which plan is he going to sign up for
what kind of trip will you be taking I’m
going scuba diving since I’ll be
bringing all my own equipment I’m a bit
worried about getting it stolen very
smart of you insurance against theft is
included in all of our plans since scuba
diving equipment is an unusual type of
baggage only plan a can cover it though
alternatively you can get insurance
specifically for scuba diving equipment
and add it to other plans
plan a is the most expensive one right
what’s the difference between plan B and
Plan C okay for example if you happen to
stay in a hospital abroad Plan B covers
flight tickets for your family to visit
you but Plan C doesn’t I see if I get
the SPECIAL contract or scuba diving
equipment and add it to Plan B or Plan C
would it be more expensive than plan a
with plan B that would make it a little
more expensive but with Plan C it would
be less expensive okay by the way is
there any plan that’s cheaper than Plan
C yes we have plan D but it doesn’t
cover accomodation if your flight gets
delayed or cancelled so we don’t
recommend this plan got it I agree that
I need coverage but I don’t think I need
coverage for family plane tickets so
I’ll take this plan and combine it with
the insurance for scuba diving equipment
a woman is reporting to her boss about
the results of a questionnaire which
graph represents the employees from the
bee branch last week we asked 200
employees to answer a questionnaire
about their fitness habits the focus of
this questionnaire was on how many hours
they exercised each week
did you tally up the results for the a
and B branches separately yes an
employee’s had four options less than an
around one to two hours around three to
five hours and six hours or more here
are the results so employees in both
branches answered about one to two hours
the most looks like they’re exercising
about once a week yes and after that
employees in the a branch were most
likely to answer about three to five
hours while in the B branch the next
most common answer was less than an hour
hmm not even 10 percent of employees at
the B branch exercised more than six
hours that’s right so I was thinking we
could organize weekly sports events
there that anybody could casually join
that’s a good idea
it did give employees a good chance to
socialize - I’ll leave it to you thank
you I’ll take care of it
which graph represents the employees
from the bee branch
a woman is reporting to her boss about
the results of a questionnaire which
graph represents the employees from the
bee branch last week we asked 200
employees to answer a questionnaire
about their fitness habits the focus of
this questionnaire was on how many hours
they exercise each week did you tally up
the results for the a and B branches
separately yes and employees had four
options less than an hour
around one to two hours around three to
five hours and six hours or more here
are the results so employees in both
branches answered about one to two hours
the most looks like they’re exercising
about once a week yes and after that
employees in the a branch were most
likely to answer about three to five
hours while in the B branch the next
most common answer was less than an hour
not even ten percent of employees at the
B branch exercise more than six hours
that’s right so I was thinking we could
organize weekly sports events there that
anybody could casually join that’s a
good idea
it did give employees a good chance to
socialize - I’ll leave it to you thank
you I’ll take care of it
a male student and a female student are
talking about volunteer activities which
activities are they going to take part
in I heard we’re supposed to volunteer
for some activity and write a report
about it for class we can choose
anything right what are you going to do
I haven’t made up my mind yet what about
you I haven’t decided yet either I’m
interested in environmental issues so
I’m looking for something in a nature
conservation group I see
so you want to go and pick up trash off
of the ground well that’d be okay
actually but I’m looking for a group
activity I want to learn more about a
leadership role in this kind of
organization as well if possible you
know I have a friend who helps out with
a group that plants trees with kids are
you interested in that kind of thing
yeah that sounds good thanks it’d also
be a great opportunity to interact with
children do you want to do this too
maybe but I’d like to try something a
bit more people focused you know like
helping elderly or disabled people
oh my mother is helping out at the local
Senior Center would that be interesting
to you yes that sounds great
which activities are they going to take
part in
a male student and a female student are
talking about volunteer activities which
activities are they going to take part
in I heard we’re supposed to volunteer
for some activity and write a report
about it for class we can choose
anything right what are you going to do
I haven’t made up my mind yet what about
you I haven’t decided yet either I’m
interested in environmental issues so
I’m looking for something in a nature
conservation group I see
so you want to go and pick up trash off
of the ground well that’d be okay
actually but I’m looking for a group
activity I want to learn more about a
leadership role in this kind of
organization as well if possible you
know I have a friend who helps out with
a group that plants trees with kids are
you interested in that kind of thing
yeah that sounds good thanks it’d also
be a great opportunity to interact with
children do you want to do this too
maybe but I’d like to try something a
bit more people focused you know like
helping elderly or disabled people
oh my mother is helping out at the local
Senior Center would that be interesting
to you yes that sounds great
two Baker’s are talking how are they
going to display their bread this new
cheesy bread isn’t selling well is it no
we placed it on the top shelf though hmm
maybe it’s too high for some people they
probably can’t see it then let’s put it
on the middle shelf sounds good
they’ll see it when they first come into
the store and why don’t we put a red
cloth on this shelf so that they know
it’s our new bread all right then we’ll
have to move the croissants to somewhere
top or bottom why don’t we put our
regular items on the top shelf
they’ll so well even if they’re not easy
to spot that has to be the French bread
then let’s put it in a basket
so it’ll stand out good idea now the
croissants have to be on the bottom okay
how does it look looks good let’s see
how it goes for a week and then decide
if we need to make any adjustments
how are they going to display their
two Baker’s are talking how are they
going to display their bread this new
cheesy bread isn’t selling well is it
no we placed it on the top shelf though
hmm maybe it’s too high for some people
they probably can’t see it then let’s
put it on the middle shelf sounds good
they’ll see it when they first come into
the store and why don’t we put a red
cloth on this shelf so that they know
it’s our new bread all right then we’ll
have to move the croissants to somewhere
top or bottom why don’t we put our
regular items on the top shelf they’ll
sell well even if they’re not easy to
spot that has to be the French bread
then let’s put it in a basket
so it’ll stand out good idea now the
croissants have to be on the bottom okay
how does it look
looks good let’s see how it goes for a
week and then decide if we need to make
any adjustments
did you get it right I hope you learned
something from this quiz let us know if
you have any questions see you next time
hi everyone I’m Gabriella
how are your English listening skills in
this video you’ll have a chance to test
them out with a quiz first you’ll see an
image and here a question next comes a
short dialogue listen carefully and see
if you can answer correctly will show
you the answer at the end are you ready
a man is looking for a birthday present
for his wife at a jewelry shop which
necklace is he going to buy may I help
I’m looking for a birthday present for
my wife what do you recommend well what
about this necklace hmm it looks a
little long what about these over here
we have one with the flower pendant and
another one with a heart I’m looking for
something a bit more sophisticated how
much is this pearl necklace over here
it’s $5,000 hmm that’s too expensive
I’ll take the first one sure thing here
you are
which necklace is he going to buy
a man is looking for a birthday present
for his wife at a jewelry shop which
necklace is he going to buy may I help
I’m looking for a birthday present for
my wife what do you recommend well what
about this necklace hmm it looks a
little long what about these over here
we have one with the flower pendant and
another one with a heart I’m looking for
something a bit more sophisticated how
much is this pearl necklace over here
it’s $5,000 hmm that’s too expensive
okay I’ll take the first one sure thing
here you are
a man and a woman are talking about
printers in the office where is the old
printer where should we put the new
printer hmm I think we should put it
where the old printer is now but the old
one still works we’re going to keep
using it okay
so we can’t put the new one there it’s
too bad it would be nice to have the new
one in the bookshelf next to the door
but there’s only room for one printer
there okay then I think we should put it
on the other side of the room right how
about next to the window that sounds
where is the old printer
a man and a woman are talking about
printers in the office where is the old
printer where should we put the new
printer hmm I think we should put it
where the old printer is now but the old
one still works we’re going to keep
using it okay
so we can’t put the new one there it’s
too bad it would be nice to have the new
one in the bookshelf next to the door
but there’s only room for one printer
there okay then I think we should put it
on the other side of the room right how
about next to the window that sounds
a man is talking with his wife on the
phone what’s he going to buy hey heading
home now okay could you buy something on
the way home sure what do you want me to
get we need some milk and bread for
tomorrow’s breakfast milk and bread got
it how many cartons of milk one should
be fine okay anything else one second
let me check if we have butter okay
we’ve got some all right do we have any
beer left yes we still have a bottle
here okay so we don’t need to buy any
right now right I think we’re good thank
what’s he going to buy
a man is talking with his wife on the
phone what’s he going to buy
hey heading home now okay could you buy
something on the way home sure what do
you want me to get we need some milk and
bread for tomorrow’s breakfast milk and
bread got it how many cartons of milk
one should be fine okay anything else
one second let me check if we have
butter okay we’ve got some all right do
we have any beer left yes we still have
a bottle here okay so we don’t need to
buy any right now right I think we’re
good thank you
you’re listening to the weather forecast
what’s the forecast we’ll have sunny
weather all through the morning in the
afternoon though it’s going to get
cloudy and we’ll have rain in the night
the rain will continue through the night
until early tomorrow morning when the
Sun will start coming out again
what’s the forecast
you’re listening to the weather forecast
what’s the forecast we’ll have sunny
weather all through the morning in the
afternoon though it’s going to get
cloudy and we’ll have rain in the night
the rain will continue through the night
until early tomorrow morning when the
Sun will start coming out again
a man and a woman are talking about the
design of the company business card
which design did they decide on we’ve
got some new designs for the company
business card which one do you think is
let’s see I think the company name
should be bigger okay then it should be
one of these right I like these because
the company name is big and on top one
of these has a space for a photo what do
you think hmm I think it makes the text
a little too small
yeah the text could be a little hard to
read with the picture okay then let’s go
with the other one
which design did they decide on
a man and a woman are talking about the
design of the company business card
which design did they decide on we’ve
got some new designs for the company
business card which one do you think is
let’s see I think the company name
should be bigger okay then it should be
one of these right I like these because
the company name is big and on top one
of these has a space for a photo what do
you think hmm I think it makes the text
a little too small
yeah the text could be a little hard to
read with the picture okay then let’s go
with the other one hi everyone I’m
how are your English listening skills in
this video you’ll have a chance to test
them out with a quiz first you’ll see an
image and here a question next comes a
short dialogue listen carefully and see
if you can answer correctly will show
you the answer at the end are you ready
a woman is looking for a bus stop she
asks a man where one is
where is the bus stop excuse me do you
know if there’s a bus stop near here yes
one is very close
first go straight and turn at the second
traffic light then turn left at the
corner of the bookstore you will see a
bank the bus stop is in front of the
got it thank you so much
where is the bus stop
a woman is looking for a bus stop she
asks a man where one is
where is the bus stop
excuse me do you know if there’s a bus
stop near here yes one is very close
first go straight and turn at the second
traffic light then turn left at the
corner of the bookstore you will see a
bank the bus stop is in front of the
bank got it thank you so much
a woman is talking with her boss
what will they drink in the meeting
we’ll be having a meeting with Michael
from our New York office this afternoon
do you know if there are any drinks left
we have some coffee hmm
Michael doesn’t drink coffee do we have
any bottled water yes I think there’s
still some left excellent very good do
you want anything I’ll have the same
thing too
what will they drink in the meeting
a woman is talking with her boss
what will they drink in the meeting
we’ll be having a meeting with Michael
from our New York office this afternoon
do you know if there are any drinks left
we have some coffee hmm Michael doesn’t
drink coffee do we have any bottled
water yes I think there’s still some
left excellent very good do you want
anything I’ll have the same thing too
a woman is talking to a salesperson at
the mall
which computer is she going to buy
excuse me I’m looking for a really light
Ultrabook okay
how about this one it’s really flat and
light it looks nice
can you watch DVDs on this computer I am
afraid not
you can watch DVDs on that one but it’s
a little bit larger and heavier hmm yeah
this is too heavy I’ll buy the first one
thank you so much you can choose from
white black or silver I want the black
which computer is she going to buy
a woman is talking to a salesperson at
the mall
which computer is she going to buy
excuse me I’m looking for a really light
Ultrabook okay how about this one it’s
really flat and light it looks nice
can you watch DVDs on this computer I am
afraid not
you can watch DVDs on that one but it’s
a little bit larger and heavier hmm yeah
this is too heavy I’ll buy the first one
thank you so much
you can choose from white black or
silver I want the black one
a man is talking with a woman about his
upcoming trip
when is he coming back to Salt Lake City
you’re going on a trip next week right
yes I’m going to Hong Kong on Tuesday
and we’ll stay there for two nights then
you’re going to Taipei yes I’m going to
Taipei on Thursday and we’ll stay there
overnight and then I’ll come back home
so you’ll be at the meeting on Saturday
yes that’s right
when is he coming back to Salt Lake City
a man is talking with a woman about his
upcoming trip
when is he coming back to Salt Lake City
you’re going on a trip next week right
yes I’m going to Hong Kong on Tuesday
and we’ll stay there for two nights then
you’re going to Taipei yes I’m going to
Taipei on Thursday and we’ll stay there
overnight and then I’ll come back home
so you’ll be at the meeting on Saturday
right yes that’s right
a man is ordering a pizza over the phone
what does he order thank you for calling
this is pizza station hi can I have a
garlic tomato pizza a garlic tomato
pizza okay which size a large please and
cut it into eight pieces sure do you
want anything else yes I’ll have four
breadsticks and two cans of coke all
right we’re going to deliver it in about
40 minutes
what does he order
a man is ordering a pizza over the phone
what does he order thank you for calling
this is pizza station hi can I have a
garlic tomato pizza a garlic tomato
pizza okay which size a large please and
cut it into eight pieces sure do you
want anything else yes I’ll have four
breadsticks and two cans of coke all
right we’re going to deliver it in about
40 minutes hi everyone I’m Gabriella
how are your English listening skills in
this video you’ll have a chance to test
them out with a quiz first you’ll see an
image and here a question next comes a
short dialogue listen carefully and see
if you can answer correctly will show
you the answer at the end are you ready
a man is going to have dinner at a
restaurant what time will the restaurant
close excuse me how late are you open
we’re open until 11 p.m. but the kitchen
closes at 10 p.m. is that okay yes sure
thanks it’s pretty late so I thought you
were already closed we used to close
this place at 10:00 p.m. but we pushed
it back oh I see but we closed the
restaurant at 9:00 on Sunday got it
what time will the restaurant closed
a man is going to have dinner at a
restaurant what time will the restaurant
excuse me how late are you open we’re
open until 11 p.m. but the kitchen
closes at 10 p.m. is that okay yes sure
thanks it’s pretty late so I thought you
were already closed we used to close
this place at 10:00 p.m. but we pushed
it back oh I see but we closed the
restaurant at 9:00 on Sunday got it
a husband and wife are shopping online
when will the vacuum cleaner be
delivered which vacuum do you like
better well I think this one looks nice
yeah it does it’ll take three or four
days to deliver can we be here next
Saturday no we’re going to play golf
Saturday morning
okay then maybe we can have it delivered
Sunday sounds good
hey let’s remember not to stay out too
late Friday night we have to get up
early on Sunday I know
when will the vacuum cleaner be
a husband and wife are shopping online
when will the vacuum cleaner be
delivered which vacuum do you like
better well I think this one looks nice
yeah it does it’ll take three or four
days to deliver can we be here next
Saturday no we’re going to play golf
Saturday morning okay then maybe we can
have it delivered Sunday sounds good
hey let’s remember not to stay out too
late Friday night we have to get up
early on Sunday I know
a woman is talking to her doctor which
and how many medicines will she have to
take every day well I’m giving you three
kinds of medicine please take them after
dinner every day okay take two of the
round pills one capsule and one ear drop
each time sure I’m giving you a three
day course of medicine if you’re not
better after that come and see me again
thank you very much
get well soon
which and how many medicines will she
have to take every day
a woman is talking to her doctor which
and how many medicines will she have to
take every day well I’m giving you three
kinds of medicine please take them after
dinner every day okay take two of the
round pills one capsule and one ear drop
each time sure I’m giving you a three
day course of medicine if you’re not
better after that come and see me again
thank you very much get well soon a man
and a woman are talking who lives with
the man I’d like to introduce you to my
family is there some time soon you could
come over wow this is a big step could
you tell me a bit more about your family
before I meet them sure my father works
in computers and his hobby is fishing my
mother runs a restaurant and she’s good
at cooking they live nearby do you have
any brothers and sisters yes I have an
older sister and a younger brother my
sister is married and is living abroad
my brother is in law school over on the
East Coast
it sounds like you have a nice family
I’d love to meet them
who lives with the man
a man and a woman are talking who lives
with the man I’d like to introduce you
to my family is there some time soon you
could come over wow this is a big step
could you tell me a bit more about your
family before I meet them sure my father
works in computers and his hobby is
fishing my mother runs a restaurant and
she’s good at cooking they live nearby
do you have any brothers and sisters yes
I have an older sister and a younger
brother my sister is married and is
living abroad my brother is in law
school over on the East Coast it sounds
like you have a nice family
I’d love to meet them
a man is in a glasses shop which pair of
glasses does he choose hello are you
looking for glasses yes my eyes have
been quite bad lately okay
do you like square lenses well I’ve been
wearing square shaped glasses for a long
time so I’d like to try something else
sure I recommend these round ones hmm I
don’t think it suits me like I expected
I’ll take the same shape as my current
glasses do you have any with black
frames certainly how about this pair yes
I’ll take these
which pair of glasses does he choose
a man is in a glasses shop which pair of
glasses does he choose hello are you
looking for glasses yes my eyes have
been quite bad lately okay do you like
square lenses well I’ve been wearing
square shaped glasses for a long time so
I’d like to try something else sure I
recommend these round ones hmm I don’t
think it suits me like I expected I’ll
take the same shape as my current
glasses do you have any with black
frames certainly how about this pair yes
I’ll take these hi everyone I’m
how are your English listening skills in
this video you’ll have a chance to test
them out with a quiz first you’ll see an
image and here a question next comes a
short dialogue listen carefully and see
if you can answer correctly will show
you the answer at the end are you ready
a man and a woman are talking on the
phone when is the man going to see the
dentist I’m sorry but can you please
cancel my appointment for today sure
thing is there another day when you can
come in how about Saturday the morning
is better for me
I’m afraid this Saturday is fully booked
we can put you in for next Saturday
though actually one of my teeth is
starting to hurt
can we do late afternoon on Thursday yes
both five o’clock and six o’clock are
available six o’clock sounds good
short sing we’ll schedule you for them
when is the man going to see the dentist
a man and a woman are talking on the
phone when is the man going to see the
I’m sorry but can you please cancel my
appointment for today sure thing is
there another day when you can come in
how about Saturday the morning is better
for me
I’m afraid this Saturday is fully booked
we can put you in for next Saturday
though actually one of my teeth is
starting to hurt can we do late
afternoon on Thursday yes both five
o’clock and six o’clock are available
six o’clock sounds good
short sing will schedule you for then
a woman will be visiting her friend’s
what is her friend’s apartment number
can’t wait for your party on Sunday
me too it starts at 12 o’clock right
your apartment is 1 0 1 8 isn’t it
yes that’s right my apartment is in a 2
building complex with an east and west
tower my room is 1 0 1 8 in the East
Building ok please call me if you have
any questions will do thank you
what is her friend’s apartment number
a woman will be visiting her friend’s
what is her friend’s apartment number
can’t wait for your party on Sunday
me too it starts at 12 o’clock right
your apartment is 1 0 1 8 isn’t it yes
that’s right
my apartment is in a 2 building complex
with an east and west tower my room is 1
0 1 8 in the East Building ok please
call me if you have any questions will
do thank you
a man is renting some DVDs how many DVDs
is he going to rent hello how may I help
I’d like to rent these DVDs please three
altogether you know you get a discount
if you rent five
sounds nice but I won’t have time to
watch that many movies so I’ll just take
these three we’re offering a special
discount right now and you can get them
for an extra week really awesome I’ll
get two more
how many dvds is he going to rent
a man is renting some DVDs how many DVDs
is he going to rent
hello how may I help you
I’d like to rent these DVDs please three
altogether you know you get a discount
if you rent five
sounds nice but I won’t have time to
watch that many movies so I’ll just take
these three we’re offering a special
discount right now and you can get them
for an extra week
really awesome I’ll get two more
a man and a woman are talking
which clock are they looking at and what
time is it
what time is it sorry no watch today and
I forgot my phone at home
okay I’m a bit worried that we won’t
make the Train look there’s a clock at
the station entrance
nice but it looks like the train will be
here in five minutes that’s the ten
o’clock train right right we’d better
hurry up
which clock are they looking at and what
time is it
a man and a woman are talking
which clock are they looking at and what
time is it
Hey what time is it sorry no watch today
and I forgot my phone at home
okay I’m a bit worried that we won’t
make the Train look there’s a clock at
the station entrance nice but it looks
like the train will be here in five
minutes that’s the ten o’clock train
right right we’d better hurry up
a man is choosing his seat for a flight
where is his seat do you have any seats
available for the flight tomorrow night
would you like to sit in regular economy
or Premium Economy regular economy is
fine hmm thank you for waiting we do
have a few seats
great I’d like an aisle seat please I’m
afraid there are no aisle seats left ah
okay could you just not put me in the
middle what a window seat be okay sure
thank you
where is his seat
a man is choosing his seat for a flight
where is his seat
do you have any seats available for the
flight tomorrow night would you like to
sit in regular economy or premium
economy regular economy is fine hmm
thank you for waiting
we do have a few seats great
I’d like an aisle seat please I’m afraid
there are no aisle seats left ah okay
could you just not put me in the middle
what a window seat B okay sure thank you
did you get it right I hope you learned
something from this quiz let us know if
you have any questions see you next time
hi everyone I’m Gabriella
how are your English listening skills in
this video you’ll have a chance to test
them out with a quiz first you’ll see an
image and here a question next comes a
short dialogue listen carefully and see
if you can answer correctly will show
you the answer at the end are you ready
a husband and a wife are looking at some
floor plans which room are they going to
see how about this one it’s got a nice
large living room hmm I like a big
living room but I want the parking space
let’s see how about this one yeah that’s
should we go see this one wait a second
isn’t the closet a bit too small good
hmm there doesn’t seem to be one that’s
wait how about this one
it’s got everything we need doesn’t it
and the closet is pretty large too
let’s go see this one okay
which room are they going to see
a husband and a wife are looking at some
floor plans which room are they going to
see how about this one it’s got a nice
large living room hmm I like a big
living room but I want the parking space
let’s see how about this one yeah that’s
should we go see this one wait a second
isn’t the closet a bit too small good
hmm there doesn’t seem to be one that’s
wait how about this one it’s got
everything we need doesn’t it and the
closet is pretty large too let’s go see
this one okay
a man is making a reservation at a hotel
which room is he going to stay in
Seaside hotel how may I help you hi I
like to stay for one night on September
22nd certainly one night from September
22nd how many people - would you like a
smoking or a non-smoking room sir
non-smoking the only non-smoking room
available on that day is a Mountain View
room is that okay well I was hoping for
an ocean view room I’m sorry but the
only ocean view room available on that
day is a smoking room I see is there a
non-smoking ocean view room available on
September 23rd yes there is okay we’ll
stay on September 23rd
which room is he going to stay in
a man is making a reservation at a hotel
which room is he going to stay in
seaside hotel how may I help you hi I’d
like to stay for one night on September
22nd certainly one night from September
22nd how many people - would you like a
smoking or a non-smoking room sir
non-smoking the only non-smoking room
available on that day is a Mountain View
room is that okay well I was hoping for
an ocean view room I’m sorry but the
only ocean view room available on that
day is a smoking room I see is there a
non-smoking ocean view room available on
September 23rd yes there is okay we’ll
stay on September 23rd
a woman is talking to her hairstylist
how would she like to change her hair hi
may I help you
hi I’ve got a three o’clock reservation
for Ritchie
oh yes welcome miss Ritchie please come
this way what can I do for you today I’d
like to change my hairstyle a little bit
what length would you like about
shoulder length all right and what about
your bangs keep the bangs straight down
or parted on the side to the side a bit
which side maybe a little left from the
middle got it we’ll start with the
shampoo so please come this way
how would she like to change her hair
a woman is talking to her hairstylist
how would she like to change her hair hi
may I help you hi I’ve got a three
o’clock reservation for Ritchie
oh yes welcome miss Ritchie please come
this way what can I do for you today I’d
like to change my hairstyle a little bit
okay what length would you like about
shoulder length all right and what about
your bangs keep the bangs straight down
or parted on the side to the side a bit
which side maybe a little left from the
middle got it we’ll start with the
shampoo so please come this way a male
and female student are looking at job
advertisements which job is the female
student going to apply for Hey what do
you think about this job the hourly pay
is pretty high sure the paint looks
great but could you really do a
newspaper delivery route of course I’m
good at riding bikes but I’m worried
about waking up early what about this
one the pay isn’t that’s high but you
can work two or three days a week and
start working from the evening oh this
one a supermarket cashier huh well it
would be good to work after school this
one for a coffee shop might be good too
oh yeah I love that place and it’s on my
way to school not bad huh hmm which one
should I apply to which two is it
between the coffee shop and the
newspaper delivery route
yeah the pay for the newspaper route is
really nice okay my mind’s made up I
guess I’ll just have to get up early
which job is the female student going to
apply for
a male and female student are looking at
job advertisements which job is the
female student going to apply for hey
what do you think about this job the
hourly pay is pretty high sure the pay
looks great but could you really do a
newspaper delivery route of course I’m
good at riding bikes but I’m worried
about waking up early what about this
one the pay isn’t as high but you can
work two or three days a week and start
working from the evening oh this one a
supermarket cashier huh well it would be
good to work after school this one for a
coffee shop might be good too
oh yeah I love that place and it’s on my
way to school not bad huh hmm which one
should I apply to which two is it
between the coffee shop and the
newspaper delivery route
yeah the pay for the newspaper route is
really nice okay my mind’s made up I
guess I’ll just have to get up early a
woman is trying on a dress and talking
to a shop clerk which dress is she going
to buy it looks very nice on you and it
fits perfectly yeah it fits but I
usually wear plain colors I’m not used
to this kind of a pattern well I think
you look great
yeah still it would take some courage
for me to actually wear this what about
this dress then the pattern is much more
reserved so it won’t feel as flashy
you’re right let me try that one on go
right ahead
what do you think ma’am this one suits
me much more than the last do you have a
long-sleeved version with this design
yes we do thanks I’ll buy that
which dress is she going to buy
a woman is trying on a dress and talking
to a shop clerk which dress is she going
to buy it looks very nice on you and it
fits perfectly yeah it fits but I
usually wear plain colors I’m not used
to this kind of a pattern well I think
you look great
yeah still it would take some courage
for me to actually wear this what about
this dress then the pattern is much more
reserved so it won’t feel as flashy
you’re right let me try that one on go
right ahead
what do you think ma’am this one suits
me much more than the last do you have a
long-sleeved version with this design
yes we do thanks I’ll buy that hi
everyone I’m Gabriella
how are your English listening skills in
this video you’ll have a chance to test
them out with a quiz first you’ll see an
image and here a question next comes a
short dialogue listen carefully and see
if you can answer correctly will show
you the answer at the end are you ready
a president and his assistant are
talking on the phone which document is
the assistant going to deliver to the
sales department hey could you do me a
favor there is a document on my desk and
I need you to deliver it to the sales
department sure which one is it I think
it’s in a blue envelope a blue envelope
well there are two blue envelopes on
your desk ah right there should be a red
stamp in the upper right corner of the
envelope the other one should have a
green stamp but it’s the orientation
guide we hand out to new employees the
one with the red stamp okay got it
great please deliver it to the sales
department by one o’clock and make sure
you give it to the manager directly you
know him right yes we’ve met several
times good and while you’re at it could
you deliver the other envelope to HR
sure thing
which document is the assistant going to
deliver to the sales department
a president and his assistant are
talking on the phone which document is
the assistant going to deliver to the
sales department
hey could you do me a favor there’s a
document on my desk and I need you to
deliver it to the sales department sure
which one is it I think it’s in a blue
envelope a blue envelope well there are
two blue envelopes on your desk ah right
there should be a red stamp in the upper
right corner of the envelope the other
one should have a green stamp but it’s
the orientation guide we hand out to new
employees the one with the red stamp
okay got it
great please deliver it to the sales
department by one o’clock and make sure
you give it to the manager directly you
know him right
yes we’ve met several times good and
while you’re at it could you deliver the
other envelope to HR sure thing
a woman is calling a restaurant on the
phone at which table was she having
lunch hello how can I help you hi I was
at your restaurant for lunch today and I
think I left my scarf there
you left your scarf at the table do you
remember where you receded well it was
in the back of the restaurant were you
in the smoking area or the non-smoking
area the non-smoking area how big was
your table it was a table for four
people okay I’ll go check please wait
for a moment thank you so much
at which table was she having lunch
a woman is calling a restaurant on the
phone at which table was she having
hello how can I help you hi I was at
your restaurant for lunch today
and I think I left my scarf there you
left your scarf at the table do you
remember where you receded well it was
in the back of the restaurant were you
in the smoking area or the non-smoking
area the non-smoking area how big was
your table it was a table for four
people okay I’ll go check please wait
for a moment thank you so much
a man is looking for an apartment which
apartment is he probably going to choose
hi there I’m looking for an apartment
could you show me some floor plans sure
thing will you be living alone no I’m
married and we’re looking for a
one-bedroom apartment with a study okay
how about this one there are two rooms
plus a living room it’s near a busy
street though so it might not be very
quiet I see I usually work at home so I
need a quiet place and I’d prefer the
living room to be square shaped well how
about this one it’s located a bit far
from downtown but it’s in a quiet
residential area there are two rooms and
the living room but one of the rooms is
a little small hmm we don’t have too
much stuff so this one might work for us
we can show you another apartment with
bigger rooms but it’s located further
from downtown no thank you
let’s have a look at the second one you
showed me
which apartment is he probably going to
a man is looking for an apartment which
apartment is he probably going to choose
hi there I’m looking for an apartment
could you show me some floor plans sure
thing will you be living alone no I’m
married and we’re looking for a
one-bedroom apartment with a study okay
how about this one there are two rooms
plus a living room it’s near a busy
street though so it might not be very
quiet I see I usually work at home so I
need a quiet place and I’d prefer the
living room to be square shaped well how
about this one
it’s located a bit far from downtown but
it’s in a quiet residential area there
are two rooms and the living room but
one of the rooms is a little small hmm
we don’t have too much stuff so this one
might work for us we can show you
another apartment with bigger rooms but
it’s located further from downtown no
thank you
let’s have a look at the second one you
showed me
a woman is ordering a birthday cake
which cake is she going to order excuse
me I’d like to order a birthday cake for
my daughter great could you tell me what
kind of cake you’re looking for my
daughter likes chocolate so I think a
chocolate cream cake would be good and
can you put strawberries on it
absolutely we have round and square
cakes which one would you prefer hmm a
round one please okay how old is your
daughter going to be she’ll be 12 okay
then we’ll get 12 candles ready do you
want to write a message yes
please write happy birthday all right do
you want that written in pink if so
we’ll put it on a white plate otherwise
we can write it in white and put it on a
pink plate please write it in pink and
put it on a white plate
which cake is she going to order
a woman is ordering a birthday cake
cake is she going to order
excuse me I’d like to order a birthday
cake for my daughter great could you
tell me what kind of cake you’re looking
for my daughter likes chocolate so I
think a chocolate cream cake would be
good and can you put strawberries on it
absolutely we have round and square
cakes which one would you prefer hmm a
round one please okay how old is your
daughter going to be she’ll be 12 okay
then we’ll get 12 candles ready do you
want to write a message yes please write
happy birthday all right do you want
that written in pink if so we’ll put it
on a white plate otherwise we can write
it in white and put it on a pink plate
please write it in pink and put it on a
white plate
a man and a woman are discussing plans
for their upcoming move when are they
going to move I think we should decide
on the moving date and call a moving
company sounds good I was just looking
at some moving companies I don’t want to
pay a lot of money
definitely this company here will give
us a discount of 10% if we book at least
one month before the moving day one
month before then we have to move after
December 15th in order to get the
discount yep and there’s an additional
discount if we book on a weekday a
weekday well I have a meeting that
Monday morning and the exhibition is on
Tuesday and Wednesday so Friday would be
good because we could then organize the
new place over the weekend yeah but wait
a second they say 15% off Monday to
Thursday and 5% off on Friday well what
do you want to do let’s go for the
biggest discount I’ll be done with the
exhibition by then anyway
when are they going to move
a man and a woman are discussing plans
for their upcoming move when are they
going to move
I think we should decide on the moving
date and call a moving company sounds
good I was just looking at some moving
companies I don’t want to pay a lot of
definitely this company here will give
us a discount of 10% if we book at least
one month before the moving day one
month before then we have to move after
December 15th in order to get the
discount yep and there’s an additional
discount if we book on a weekday a
weekday well I have a meeting that
Monday morning and the exhibition is on
Tuesday and Wednesday so Friday would be
good because we could then organize the
new place over the weekend yeah but wait
a second they say 15% off Monday to
Thursday and 5% off on Friday well what
do you want to do let’s go for the
biggest discount I’ll be done with the
exhibition by then anyway hi everyone
I’m Gabriella
how are your English listening skills in
this video you’ll have a chance to test
them out with a quiz first you’ll see an
image and here a question next comes a
short dialogue listen carefully and see
if you can answer correctly will show
you the answer at the end are you ready
a man is shopping during a sale what
will he buy excuse me do you only sell
this shirt in packs of three we can sell
them separately but it’s going to cost
you more per shirt all right well I
don’t need three of the same shirt you
know if you buy this set of three ties
we can give you a discount on shirts so
you can buy three for the price of one I
see a set of three ties and I also get
to choose three shirts for the price of
one that’s right okay I don’t need three
shirts but I’ll give the other shirts to
someone else that’s a nice idea sir
what will he buy
a man is shopping during a sale what
will he buy
excuse me do you only sell this shirt in
packs of three we can sell them
separately but it’s going to cost you
more her shirt all right well I don’t
need three of the same shirt you know if
you buy this set of three ties we can
give you a discount on shirts so you can
buy three for the price of one I see a
set of three ties and I also get to
choose three shirts for the price of one
that’s right okay I don’t need three
shirts but I’ll give the other shirts to
someone else that’s a nice idea sir a
woman is giving a report about the sales
of bags which bag is selling best here’s
a report on the bags that we started
selling last month first of all when it
came to color black was the number one
seller it’s followed by white and sky
blue yellow didn’t sell very well so
yellow was a dud well what about the
size bigger bags sold more than smaller
ones bags that could fit a magazine or a
regular letter sized notebook in them
were the most popular okay regarding
handles leather was more popular than
ones made with a metal chain I see it
looks like bags with a more formal style
sell better that’s right I think we
should use more neutral colors such as
beige or brown for our new collection
okay then let’s go with the beige for
the next new color you can stop the
production of yellow bags got it
which bag is selling best
a woman is giving a report about the
sales of bags which bag is selling best
here’s a report on the bags that we
started selling last month first of all
when it came to color black was the
number one seller it’s followed by white
and sky blue yellow didn’t sell very
well so yellow was a dud well what about
the size bigger bags sold more than
smaller ones bags that could fit a
magazine or a regular letter sized
notebook in them where the most popular
okay regarding handles leather was more
popular than ones made with a metal
chain I see it looks like bags with the
more formal styles sell better that’s
right I think we should use more neutral
colors such as beige or brown for our
new collection okay then let’s go with
the beige for the next new color you can
stop the production of yellow bags got
a man is calling a doctor’s office what
times are available for the health
check-up hi I’d like to make an
appointment for a health check-up
sure health checkups are a bit different
from standard examinations and are
available only on Mondays Wednesdays and
Saturdays which day would you like okay
then is Saturday okay yes it looks open
we’re only open in the morning on
Saturdays is that okay morning only hmm
what time are you open until on weekdays
we’re open until 6:00 p.m. on Mondays
and 8:00 p.m. on Wednesdays I see what
time do you open in the morning we open
at 8:00 a.m. next week we’re full all
morning during the week but if you can
wait until the week after that both
Monday and Wednesday are open from 8:00
a.m. well I’ll call again after I check
my schedule all right sir
what times are available for the health
a man is calling a doctor’s office what
times are available for the health
hi I’d like to make an appointment for a
health check-up sure health checkups are
a bit different from standard
examinations and are available only on
Mondays Wednesdays and Saturdays which
day would you like okay
then is Saturday okay yes it looks open
we’re only open in the morning on
Saturdays is that okay
morning only hmm what time are you open
until on weekdays we’re open until 6:00
p.m. on Mondays and 8:00 p.m. on
Wednesdays I see what time do you open
in the morning we open at 8:00 a.m. next
week we’re full all morning during the
week but if you can wait until the week
after that both Monday and Wednesday are
open from 8:00 a.m. well I’ll call again
after I check my schedule all right sir
a man and a woman are talking which one
is the woman’s daughter sorry to bother
you but could you go and get my daughter
sure does she know me yeah she’s seen
you in pictures so she should be able to
recognize you that’s helpful
so what does she look like she has curly
black hair she’s slim and taller than
average do you have any idea what she’ll
be wearing she said she’ll be wearing
the Hat I gave her for her birthday it’s
white with a black ribbon it sounds like
it will be easy enough alright I’ll go
get her now
thank you
which one is the woman’s daughter
a man and a woman are talking which one
is the woman’s daughter
sorry to bother you but could you go and
get my daughter sure
does she know me yeah she’s seen you in
pictures so she should be able to
recognize you that’s helpful so what
does she look like she has curly black
hair she’s slim and taller than average
do you have any idea what she’ll be
wearing she said she’ll be wearing the
Hat I gave her for her birthday it’s
white with a black ribbon it sounds like
it will be easy enough all right
I’ll go get her now thank you
a man is talking with a woman about a
lost wallet where will the man go to
look for it this is terrible I can’t
find my wallet I must have left it
somewhere what do you remember the last
time you used it no I can’t remember
well then let’s try to think of where
you went today okay
first I went to see a movie with a
friend we went to a coffee shop after
that but my friend paid so I didn’t need
to pull out my wallet but did you use it
when you bought the movie tickets yes I
definitely used it there and later we
went to the gym after that I realized my
wallet was gone did you have to use your
wallet at the gym no because the
membership fee is automatically paid by
credit card but wait I did buy some
juice at the vending machine at the
entrance alright then let’s go there and
look for it
where will the man go to look for it
a man is talking with a woman about a
lost wallet where will the man go to
look for it
this is terrible I can’t find my wallet
I must have left it somewhere what do
you remember the last time you used it
no I can’t remember well then let’s try
to think of where you went today okay
first I went to see a movie with a
friend we went to a coffee shop after
that but my friend paid so I didn’t need
to pull out my wallet
but did you use it when you bought the
movie tickets yes I definitely used it
there and later we went to the gym after
that I realized my wallet was gone did
you have to use your wallet at the gym
no because the membership fee is
automatically paid by credit card but
wait I did buy some juice at the vending
machine at the entrance all right then
let’s go there and look for it
hi everyone I’m Gabriella how are your
English listening skills in this video
you’ll have a chance to test them out
with a quiz first you’ll see an image
and here a question next comes a short
dialogue listen carefully and see if you
can answer correctly will show you the
answer at the end are you ready
a male and a female student are talking
while looking at their class schedule
what is the male students schedule on
the day of the meeting we have to have a
meeting about our next group
presentation right when are you free I
come to school on Mondays Wednesdays and
Thursdays I am here on Tuesdays
Wednesdays and Thursdays so either
Wednesday or Thursday would work how
about Thursday afternoon then on
Thursdays I have lectures until 4:00
p.m. I can make it after economics class
but then I have to be at work at five
o’clock so I will only be available for
an hour hmm that sounds a bit too short
how about Wednesday then I have modern
history at 9:00 then international law
at 3:00 so I’m free in between I have
Asian history at noon then a part-time
job in the evening what about meeting
early in the morning and talking before
your first class hmm I’m not a morning
person why don’t we meet on Thursday
evening and I will reschedule my job for
another day okay sounds good I’ll meet
you in the cafeteria after class
what is the male students schedule on
the day of the meeting
a male and a female student are talking
while looking at their class schedule
what is the male students schedule on
the day of the meeting
we have to have a meeting about our next
group presentation right when are you
free I come to school on Mondays
Wednesdays and Thursdays I am here on
Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursdays so
either Wednesday or Thursday would work
how about Thursday afternoon then on
Thursdays I have lectures until 4:00
p.m. I can make it after economics class
but then I have to be at work at 5
o’clock so I will only be available for
an hour hmm that sounds a bit too short
how about Wednesday then I have modern
history at 9 then international law at 3
so I’m free in between I have Asian
history at noon then a part-time job in
the evening what about meeting early in
the morning and talking before your
first class hmm I’m not a morning person
why don’t we meet on Thursday evening
and I will reschedule my job for another
day okay sounds good I’ll meet you in
the cafeteria after class
a man and a woman are talking while
looking at a picture which one is the
woman’s brother I heard you have a twin
brother I didn’t know that I do but
people say we don’t look alike see my
brother is in this picture but can you
tell which one he is hmm I don’t see
anyone who looks like you maybe this one
with the cap nope
that’s not him he has black hair just
like me then is it this tall guy nope
he’s not that tall I still can’t find
you really don’t look alike I know maybe
his glasses are making it more difficult
glasses is he this one second from the
yep you found him do you think we look
alike no not really
which one is the woman’s brother
a man and a woman are talking while
looking at a picture which one is the
woman’s brother
I heard you have a twin brother I didn’t
know that I do but people say we don’t
look alike see my brother is in this
picture but can you tell which one he is
hmmm I don’t see anyone who looks like
you maybe this one with the cap nope
that’s not him he has black hair just
like me
then is it this tall guy nope he’s not
that tall I still can’t find him you
really don’t look alike
I know maybe his glasses are making it
more difficult glasses is he this one
second from the left
yep you found him do you think we look
alike no not really
a man and a woman are talking while
looking at a poll regarding kids
favorite subjects which chart shows the
results for fifteen-year-old kids
Hey look at this article it’s about the
three most popular subjects among ten
year old and fifteen year old kids oh
let me see physical education is on the
top of the 10 year olds list physical
education is still popular even though I
have heard that kids these days spend
less time playing sports yes and music
came in second when you get older you
become interested in different subjects
the most popular subject among the
fifteen-year-old kids is history right
oh and politics came in second
information technology ranked third but
it wasn’t even a subject in school when
we were that age what was the third most
popular subject for ten-year-old kids
let’s see oh it was art I wonder if they
design things in art class using
computer software these days
which chart shows the results for
fifteen-year-old kids
a man and a woman are talking while
looking at a poll regarding kids
favorite subjects which chart shows the
results for fifteen-year-old kids
Hey look at this article it’s about the
three most popular subjects among ten
year old and fifteen-year-old kids oh
let me see physical education is on the
top of the 10 year olds list physical
education is still popular even though I
have heard that kids these days spend
less time playing sports yes and music
came in second when you get older you
become interested in different subjects
the most popular subject among the
fifteen-year-old kids is history right
oh and politics came in second
information technology ranked third but
it wasn’t even a subject in school when
we were that age what was the third most
popular subject for ten-year-old kids
let’s see oh it was art I wonder if they
design things in art class using
computer software these days
there’s a weather forecast on TV
what will the weather be like in the
upcoming week here is the weather
forecast for the upcoming week the first
half of the week will be mostly sunny
with a chance of occasional cloudy skies
in the second half of the week we will
see overcast skies with scattered
thunderstorms as the weather takes a
turn for the worse around midweek the
eastern parts of the city are most
likely to be affected by these storms
the high temperatures throughout the
week will be about the same as last
year’s average which was 65 degrees
however early in the week the highs will
be in the upper 60s and later in the
week the temperatures will cool to highs
in the low 60s
low temperatures will continue to be in
the low 40s
which is slightly colder than normal the
forecast for tomorrow is warm and sunny
perfect weather for your holiday weekend
what will the weather be like in the
upcoming week
there’s a weather forecast on TV
what will the weather be like in the
upcoming week
here is the weather forecast for the
upcoming week the first half of the week
will be mostly sunny with a chance of
occasional cloudy skies in the second
half of the week we will see overcast
skies with scattered thunderstorms as
the weather takes a turn for the worse
around midweek the eastern parts of the
city are most likely to be affected by
these storms
the high temperatures throughout the
week will be about the same as last
year’s average which was 65 degrees
however early in the week the highs will
be in the upper 60s and later in the
week the temperatures will cool to highs
in the low 60s
low temperatures will continue to be in
the low 40s which is slightly colder
than normal the forecast for tomorrow is
warm and sunny perfect weather for your
holiday weekend
a delivery person is talking to a
what will the delivery person do next
choose the incorrect answer hi
I have deliveries for the human
resources and accounting departments
sure they’re both on the fourth floor
all right
I also need to pick something up from
the sales department the sales
department has a first and second
division which one is it let’s see it’s
the second division the sales second
division is on the second floor there’s
an intercom at the entrance so please
call the person you’re looking for
okay is that the right elevator over
there I’m so sorry but that elevator is
currently out of service for a safety
do you mind using the stairs over there
not at all
thank you very much
what will the delivery person do next
choose the incorrect answer
a delivery person is talking to a
what will the delivery person do next
choose the incorrect answer hi
I have deliveries for the human
resources and accounting departments
sure they’re both on the fourth floor
all right
I also need to pick something up from
the sales department the sales
department has a first and second
division which one is it let’s see it’s
the second division the sales second
division is on the second floor there’s
an intercom at the entrance so please
call the person you’re looking for
okay is that the right elevator over
there I’m so sorry but that elevator is
currently out of service for a safety
do you mind using the stairs over there
not at all thank you very much
did you get it right I hope you learned
something from this quiz let us know if
you have any questions hi everybody my
name is Alisha and welcome back to top
today’s topic is ten lines you need for
introducing yourself so let’s go hello
it’s nice to meet you hello it’s nice to
meet you
you can only use this the first time
that you meet someone if you say this to
somebody after you have met them already
you’re going to see him either a like
you’ve completely forgotten meeting them
or be like you are a very strange person
for saying it’s nice to meet you again
so when you use this the first time you
can shake hands with someone and say
hello it’s nice to meet you my name is
the next phrase is my name is blah blah
in my case my name is Alicia you can use
this again when you’re introducing
yourself or if you need to reintroduce
yourself you can use this pattern when
you meet somebody at a party for example
you can say my name is blah blah blah my
name is Barbara my name is Stevens you
can shorten this you can say my names my
name is blah blah blah I’m from after
you’ve said your name after you’ve
shaken hands you can say I’m from the US
I’m from Japan I’m from Turkey I’m from
your mom’s house I’m from I’m from a
cave in southern Europe I’m from your
country or I’m from your city I’m from
the future I live in I live in blah blah
blah you can use your city you can use
your country you can use even maybe if
you live near a certain station you can
use the name of the station where you
live so for example I live in America
it’s fine I live in Los Angeles
it’s fine I live in New York is fine so
your neighborhood is fine if someone
says where do you live and you say I
live in an apartment it’s like what so
please use your the region or the
location where you live not the type of
place where you live i’muh if you hear
the question
what do you do it it’s asking about your
job in English people don’t say what is
your job that’s not the question
we ask instead the question is what do
you do and the correct response to that
is I’m uh or I’m n bla bla bla
followed by your job title so if someone
says what do you do you can say I’m a
teacher what do you do I’m an engineer
what do you do
I’m donut shop tester
I’m years old when someone asks how old
are you you can say I’m bla bla bla
years old
don’t forget the S at the end of this if
you like you can shorten this phrase to
just I’m plus your age so I’m 65 I’m 13
whatever I’m this many sometimes
children will say that how old are you
they’ll say I’m this many it’s kind of
cute first time you meet someone you
might not ask how old are you if it’s in
a friendly case like a party after
you’ve spoken to the person a little bit
it’s okay
but just try to be sensitive to the
context try to be sensitive to the
people around you and if you sense that
maybe there’s a very large age gap
between you it might be better just not
to ask the question at all I enjoy many
of my students say what is your hobby
but that’s not something that native
speakers will say no native speakers say
what is your hobby instead we ask what
do you like to do or what do you do in
your free time this is a much more
natural question than what’s your hobby
the answer to this then is I enjoy or I
like plus a noun phrase so for example
what do you like to do I like listening
to music or I enjoy listening to music
what are you do in your free time I like
watching movies what are you do in your
free time I like baking cakes what do
you do in your free time I enjoy tap
dancing what do you do in your free time
I enjoy making new friends oh one of my
hobbies is one of my hobbies is blah
blah blah with this one it’s probably
better to use a short easily or easy to
understand hobby if you’re explaining a
hobby people are gonna expect that it’s
gonna be something that they know about
like photography or cooking or dancing
or swimming or whatever so try to pick
something that will allow
you to continue the conversation that’s
why movies are cooking or books or you
know sports are a good thing to share
one of my hobbies is it snowboarding
I’ve been learning English for if you
are learning English if you’re studying
English you can use this expression if
someone asks you how long have you been
studying English you can say I’ve been
studying English for amount of time or
I’ve been learning English or I’ve been
practicing English or I’ve been speaking
English for a certain amount of time
I’ve been studying English since
elementary school is also okay to use
I’ve been studying English since I was
in college just be careful for is used
for a length of time and since is used
for a specific point in time at which
you started something so you can try and
mix it up and use a few different
expressions there so I’ve been learning
English for a long time I’m still
learning English you should do that okay
I’m learning English at English class
this probably could be used in response
to where did you learn English or where
are you studying English or how are you
studying English you can respond with
I’m learning English at English class
101.com or I’m learning English at my
school I’m learning English at my
private teachers house for example so a
little bit of grammar in this sentence
why do we use the progressive tense I’m
learning English if you say I’m learning
it sounds like you’re still continuing
your studies if you say I learned
English at English class 101.com it
sounds like you’re finished like you
you’re finished studying there’s nothing
else for you to study so you’re done so
it’s it’s much much more natural to
actually use the progressive I’m
learning or I’m studying when you’re
talking about your studies when you’re
talking about your hobbies than it is to
say I learned or I studied and and and
and so those were ten lines that you
need to introduce yourself and to help
give the other person a little bit of
information and carry the conversation
forward so please try them please go
crazy with them make them your own
thanks very much for joining us for this
episode of top words and we’ll see you
bye I’m from your neighbor’s doghouse
fish glub glub oh yes I’d like to go
spelunking in North Africa every summer
welcome to English class 101 coms
English in three minutes the fastest
easiest and most fun way to learn
English hey everyone I’m Alicia in this
series we’re going to learn some easy
ways to ask and answer common questions
in English it’s really useful and it
only takes three minutes in this lesson
you’re going to learn how to ask a
really basic question in a polite but
natural way how old are you in your
English textbook one of the first
lessons may have been how to ask
someone’s age by saying just how old are
however in many English language
cultures asking in adults age directly
particularly a woman’s age is not polite
if you suddenly ask how old are you to
someone you’ve just met they’ll
understand you but they might not be too
happy about answering such a blunt and
direct question so how do you find out
someone’s age without offending them you
just add a magic phrase to the beginning
of the question this phrase is do you
mind me asking this is an incredibly
useful phrase that you should definitely
memorize it comes in handy whenever you
want to ask a question that may be a
little personal or come across as a
little too direct native speakers of
English use it all the time so the full
question would be do you mind me asking
how old you are
be sure to pay attention to the word
order of this sentence rather than do
you mind me asking how old are you it’s
do you mind me asking how old you are
the answer to this can be simple I’m 25
years old or just I’m 25 or it can be a
little more detailed if you’ve just had
a birthday you can say I’ve just turned
25 or if you’re about to have a birthday
you can say I’ll turn 25 this month or
I’ll turn 25 in July it’s more natural
here not to give your exact birthday
like July the 9th but just the month so
again to turn this question back on the
asker and find out his or her age all
you have to do is use that other magic
phrase we introduced in previous lessons
how about you here it’s okay not to
worry about being polite since the other
person asked you the question first now
it’s time for Alicia’s advice we
mentioned that asking someone’s age
might not be polite but if you do decide
to ask this question here’s another tip
some people like to reply with another
question how old do you think I am be
careful if you say an age that’s older
than the person’s true age they might be
very offended so it’s always safer to
say a number lower than what you
actually think so if you think the
person looks 40 say 35 and see how happy
they look see you next time want to
speak real English from your first
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hi everybody welcome back to english
topics my name is Alisha and I’m joined
by baby hi Davey so today our topic is
going to be how to start a conversation
in English so both of us have tried to
prepare a few tips that might help you
as you try to start conversations in
your English language studies so let’s
Northstar first again okay we’re giving
tips on how to start a conversation and
I will start today my first tip very
important I trying to follow myself
right now don’t be shy very important
tip this isn’t really so much a language
learning tip well it doesn’t seem like a
language learning tip but I think it
really is because whenever you
communicate in a second language or a
foreign language it can be really
nerve-racking can make you very nervous
very anxious to try and do that
especially if you’re talking to someone
for the first time and so the first
thing is just to remind yourself that
it’s not a big deal and to not be shy
and be confident and if you can maintain
that attitude as you begin to talk to
talk to someone it will be much easier I
think I agree I agree or even like you
say even if you are shy just pretend
that you’re not shy that’s a good tip
you know it’s like you and if you could
just pretend just for a few minutes just
to start the conversation or to continue
a conversation a little bit it can be
good even if you feel shy I agree and
you might find too oftentimes people who
would say that they are shy when they
talk to someone in another language they
can have a different personality it’s a
chance to have a different personality
in a different language so if you tell
yourself that too when you speak English
when you speak another language you’re
more confident than you are when you
speak your own language yeah I’ve heard
that before actually people who say that
they feel like they’re more outgoing
when they speak English if that’s the
case maybe that’s good for you also just
in general another point about maybe not
only starting conversations but
continuing them we’re
comfortable English language speakers
are with interruptions to some point
like you shouldn’t always interrupt the
other they aren’t very comfortable with
us see he just did it so we’re kind of
we’re very comfortable with it so you
don’t need to wait for an invitation to
speak in a conversation you can just
join in or maybe agree with the person
who’s speaking or disagree with the
person who’s speaking as a way to join a
conversation that’s already in progress
yeah nice one that’s a good one
okay well I will share a tip mine are a
little bit I don’t know they’re very
dependent on maybe who you’re talking to
maybe what your relationship is so let’s
say for this one you are in a place
where like I don’t know a restaurant or
a bar or something and you don’t know
the person you’d like to speak to but
maybe I don’t know there’s someone
attractive you’d like to speak to or
maybe you want to speak with the
bartender or something so maybe okay
maybe this is better if you’re trying to
speak to a fellow customer so I have it
sort of small make a simple comment
about something happening in the
surroundings so this should be one
simple comment at to something that the
other person can clearly see and three
something that you can agree on easily
so for example if somebody has just
walked by the restaurant wearing like
crazy hat I don’t know you could say
like oh did you see that guy something
like that something that it’s easy to
agree on to initiate the conversation or
maybe I don’t know there’s a TV in the
bar like whoa did you see that play or
something that maybe you can identify
that you maybe shared with the other
person during the time you’ve been in
that space together so this should be a
very simple comment don’t make a weird
comment here make it make it very very
relaxed create a relaxed environment
that the other person feels they can
join in easily mmm that’s a very good
tip I don’t know I’m trying to think of
maybe a time that I used this or maybe I
wanted to make a comment like and there
was another person that happened to be
there and we had a moment where we
agreed on something
right but then the conversation didn’t
really continue yes so it’s kind of a
good way to test and see if that other
person wants to speak to you too yes
yeah that’s a good point and it makes me
think this isn’t one of my tips this is
an extra tip you’re getting a free
freebie tip now is I think flying around
to be be patient wait for your opening
too because you might want to talk to
this person next to you but if you just
butt in with a question out of nowhere
it might seem very strange but if you
wait and have have a moment wait for
that guy with the funny hat to walk yeah
and then you have your opening then you
have a natural point that you can enter
the conversation with someone
yeah and they should be patient totally
and going back to your point about not
being shy like don’t be so focused on
waiting for that moment that you just
pick something really strange
like if I like walked up to you I don’t
know you know Barnes like did you hear
that noise yes I think that’s a really
strange question maybe he did hear that
noise but that’s a really strange
question to introduce yourself yeah this
kind of relates to to my my second tip
very similar to to you to your tip about
making a kind of comment let’s ask an
indirect question and I noticed a lot of
the comments your your tip was to make a
comment but a lot of your comments the
examples you gave her questions and
importantly I think that those questions
should be kind of indirect questions for
example if I’m standing at the bus stop
and I want to start a conversation with
someone else standing at the bus stop
let’s say it’s very very hot but if I
turn to that person and say do you think
it’s hot that’s very strange but if I
say something like oh it’s pretty hot
today right you know that’s a little bit
more casual a little bit more informal
yeah you don’t want to scare people with
these very direct questions
mm that’s true that’s true and even even
a question that’s a great example do you
think it’s hot is a really weird
question but but again keeping or giving
people that opportunity to agree with
you yes you’re throwing a little opinion
out there it’s hot right
oh yeah it’s hot that’s true that’s a
really really
good one I totally agree or and I but I
think for that exact same reason I’ve
had some people come up to me and they
tried to begin a conversation with how
are you yeah that’s that’s a–that’s
a–that’s– an introduction that you use
for people that you already know yes so
don’t try to start a conversation with
how are you it sounds too familiar and
it’s a little confusing to strangers
don’t always want to tell you how they
are that’s true
what if I’m bad I don’t want to tell you
what if I feel bad that day yeah so
don’t use how are you to introduce
yourself nice one okay Oh DMX um
actually okay maybe this is somewhat
related to the one you just mentioned
okay um I’ve got okay this is maybe in a
like a party or a social event situation
I have energetically introduce yourself
and ask a question about where you are
so this might be a little specific but
if you go to a social event where you’re
there to meet people and to speak to
people if you go up to someone and you
just introduce yourself with a big smile
and say hi my name is Alicia have you
ever been to one of these events before
something like that can get the
conversation started but again this is I
feel like it’s a tip that’s good in a
place where maybe everyone is there for
a similar purpose if you do that like on
to use your example at the bus station
it’s a little bit weird or if you’re if
you’re just in public you pass someone
on the street it’s a little strange to
just walk up and introduce someone
energetically but if you’re in a
location where you have this chance
there are a couple of nice little
introductory questions you could use for
events like I don’t that’s one that I
would I’ve used like hi is this your
first time here or who do you know at
this party yeah how did you find out
about this event that sort of also
similar kind of question in those
situations is asking someone for help or
for information because it lets that
other person know that you’re not a a
scary or threatening person in that
situation either if you’re asking for
help you know can you can you tell me
where the kitchen is I need to put this
in the refrigerator something like that
and then
that shows the other person that you’re
not you’re not an expert on this you’re
asking for their help and that kind of
gives people an easy thing to engage to
talk about yeah absolutely for help can
be a nice way to yeah that’s a good
point I think asking for help it also
kind of puts you in a slightly
vulnerable position it makes you seem a
little bit like I need help so you know
please take care of me it’s a little bit
interesting so that’s a good tip too I
okay I think we’re on to number three d4
you are my last one is a very important
one this comes at the end though is uh
don’t take it personally if the person
doesn’t want to talk a lot of times if
you try and start a conversation with
the stranger
they don’t always want to talk to you
people try and talk the stranger tries
to talk to me I might be very busy I
might have had a bad day I may not want
to talk to them that doesn’t mean that
they’re a bad person or they can’t speak
English or anything like that so if you
have that experience you know my first
tip was don’t be shot you might be very
nervous about starting a conversation
with someone and then you work up the
courage you go and you ask them a
question and they don’t want to talk to
you that’s okay
don’t take it personally I has nothing
to do with you you know you can find
someone else to talk to
mm-hmm that’s true that’s true and I
think that’s especially important
because especially depending on the
culture that you’re from you might have
heard like Oh English speakers
particularly American they’re so
friendly or so outgoing then but you
know if a stranger tries to speak to me
or to you maybe we’re gonna ignore you
on the street because we don’t know who
that person is or you know maybe like
you said we’ve had a bad day or whatever
it is there are so many reasons not to
want to talk to a person that you don’t
know so don’t be offended don’t be sad
don’t be discouraged don’t don’t think
that all my my English is so bad this
person didn’t want to talk to me don’t
think that that it could be any any
other reason why someone doesn’t want to
talk to you mm-hmm that’s true that’s
nice tip that’s really important okay
then we will move on maybe to my last
one okay so for my last one this is
maybe among people that you have some
acquaintance with so maybe you’re not
super close to them but you’ve seen them
or or maybe it’s coworkers you’re not
super close to but anyway you’d like to
make your relationship with those people
deeper you can share a story about
something you did recently something
interesting a small short story
don’t tell a long ten-minute story about
I don’t know going shopping for milk on
the weekend that’s that’s moring but
something interesting that you did
relatively recently that maybe they can
find something of interest or something
of value in so maybe you found a new
restaurant that was good maybe you went
to a concert and that was exciting maybe
you met someone interesting so if
there’s something that you can share
about yourself that the other person
might find valuable that’s a good way to
initiate conversation yeah on that point
if I can add another another free tip oh
my gosh on that note it made me think
you spoke earlier about being vulnerable
asking asking for help can show that
you’re vulnerable tell an embarrassing
story that’s good too don’t don’t brag
don’t talk about this great new car that
you bought no one wants to hear that
talk about how you you lost your car
keys immediately after you bought your
new car tell an embarrassing story tell
something that will make the person
laugh and will make you be vulnerable
and and look like a normal person that’s
true that’s true like telling actually
that’s a good strategy it’s called self
deprecation so making it means to make
yourself look bad or to put yourself in
a lower status a lower position and it
can be very effective for making friends
and like making people laugh I totally
do this it’s it’s actually a lot of fun
when you think about it like a story
about something bad happening is often
times more interesting than a story
about something good happening it’s true
so all the best comedies are about
terrible things happening yeah so if you
have something like a little yeah like
you lost your car keys or you had some
kind of funny episode where maybe you
don’t look like the hero of the story
that’s a really good one to share have
you had anything happened to you
recently oh my gosh I probably have I
lost my bag I just came back from
traveling in Europe and my bag got LA
between Dubai Airport and Tokyo Airport
and so my bag didn’t arrive so I had to
go two days without any of my clothes or
anything and then when I finally got my
bag I was like yeah I got it from the I
got it from the delivery guy I was so
happy I opened it up like my sunscreen
and exploded inside my bag I was like at
least I have my objects like I have my
clothes and things and they don’t get
sunburned exactly now I want sunburn any
of my clothes so yeah so I mean it’s
like a small relatable small relatable
story that maybe someone else can
identify like oh that happened to me one
time and then the conversation rolls
from there so nice tip nice - okay are
you out of are you out of free tips are
those all your free tips that’s all for
today a conversation started good today
we can’t continue this conversation
that’s a different subject
all right well we’ll finish there for
today thanks very much for joining us
for this episode of English topics AV
thanks very much for joining us you for
having me if you liked this video please
make sure to hit the like button and
subscribe to our channel as well also if
you want to find more content like this
please make sure to check us out at
English class 101.com if you have any
ideas for how to start a conversation
that you use please make sure to leave
it in a comment - so we can check it out
thanks very much for watching this
episode and we’ll see you again soon bye
bye hi everybody my name is Alisha and
today we’re gonna be talking about the
top 25 english phrases so let’s get
started the first phrase is hello hello
of course is used as a greeting you can
greet your friends you can greet your
co-workers your family with this phrase
just by saying hello hey hi what’s up
hello sup yo pretty much any time of day
you can use hello hello the next phrase
is good morning good morning is used as
a greeting in the morning you can kind
of feel when morning ends for you good
morning is nice and polite or even just
morning with your close friends or close
co-workers the next phrase is good night
good night is fine we don’t use this to
greet other people we use it when we’re
saying goodbye to other people at night
members particularly mothers and fathers
to say good night to their children
before they put them to bed you can say
it to your friend in a text message or
in an email if you’ve been talking for a
while good night so the next word to
talk about is goodbye
use it when you say goodbye to your
friends when you leave your friends
goodbye bye
of course take care have a nice day
peace out that’s another way to say
goodbye okay the next phrase is I’m plus
your name of course this is a way to
introduce yourself you can use I’m in my
case Alicia I’m Alicia to introduce
yourself in any situation new friend I’m
okay the next phrase is what’s your name
what’s your name is used to ask someone
else what their name is so what is your
name sounds a bit try to use what’s your
if you forget someone’s name you can say
sorry what’s your name or sorry what’s
your name again next phrase is nice to
meet you nice to meet you any time you
meet someone new nice to meet you is
fine good to meet you is a little more
casual great to meet you sounds very
excited pleasure to meet you sounds like
maybe a formal situation or a business
context okay the next phrase is how are
you how are you is Ann it’s just a
friendly way to check in with the other
person you can use it with friends your
family your co-workers maybe even your
boss to a certain degree how are you how
you doing the next phrase is I’m fine
thanks and you if you saw English in
three minutes we talked a lot about this
phrase instead of I’m fine thank you and
you say I’m good thanks how are you just
shorten it make it a little bit more
natural how are you good how are you
how are you not so good how are you okay
and so on so when someone says how are
you offer I usually say I’m good this
week I pop a blog give some information
about what you’ve been up to maybe a
hobby something that you did recently an
event something interesting you saw
whatever people want to make that
connection with you and it’s a good
chance for you to continue speaking the
next word is please PLEASE as a polite
phrase used when you want something from
someone else you can use this as a
response when someone offers you
something like in a restaurant for
example would you like more water would
you like something to drink oh please
the next phrase is thank you thank you
is used to express your appreciation you
can use thank you with everybody the
is your welcome you’re welcome when
someone says thank you you can say
you’re welcome
no biggie I use no biggie as in no
biggie is short for a no big problem an
X where it is yes yes of course yes
means is any positive expression someone
asks you a question and the answer is a
positive answer you say yes yep uh-huh
yeah we know
next I’m guessing I knew it yep the next
word is no no is a negative response to
something when you have to give a
negative answer so as you can probably
guess the long form of no is negative I
like to use nope it’s very very casual
not gonna happen my parents would use
that with me to soften that a little bit
if you want to show a negative response
to something like let’s go for dinner
tonight what do you want to do like do
you want to go out not really
hmm no I don’t think so hmm to soften it
the next word is okay okay
this word comes from copy editors okay
when they had to check a manuscript they
had to label the manuscript all clear AC
but because they were copy editors and
they have a very very sick sense of
humor they thought they would mark it
okay for all clear to make a joke
because o and K do not start all and
clear but it caught on among everybody
in the world anyway okay is used to
agree with somebody else well it can be
used actually to express a positive or
kind of a slight negative I feel
transitioning in your conversation you
can say okay now we’re going to talk
about blah blah blah okay
the next phrase is excuse me excuse me
it’s used to get someone’s attention in
English when you don’t know the other
person for example in a store a
supermarket maybe a stranger on the
street you need to ask directions you
can use excuse me you can use excuse me
in the supermarket excuse me can you
tell me where the hot sauce is if you’ve
done something rude in public you can
use excuse me I personally do not do
rude things in public ever I’m sorry is
the next word we’re gonna talk about I’m
sorry is used to apologize when you have
made a mistake or someone you know it’s
made a mistake and you’re connected to
it or you just feel bad you can use I’m
sorry you made a miss
make it work I’m sorry you forgot to
feed your cat I’m sorry sorry about that
you bump someone next to you oh sorry
what time is it is the next phrase when
you need to check what time it is what
time is it when you ask someone else
what time it is maybe you say this to
yourself to check your watch check your
phone check a clock pretty
straightforward phrase there aren’t
really any short version so that’s an
easy one where is that plus a location
so you can use this for a building or a
store we don’t we’re not going to use
this where is the for a place a city
name or a state name or a country name
to do that you would need to remove the
but where is the bank where is the post
office you can use this to ask
directions to ask for help in your house
or at work where is the copy machine
where is the file
I need where is the bla bla bla where is
the bathroom is perhaps a very important
question to know the next one is may I
use the restroom may I use the restroom
is a polite and soft expression that you
can use if you need to use the toilet
you need to use the washroom and when
you’re at someone’s house for the very
first time when you’re in a place that
you’re that is new to you you can ask
may I use the restroom more casually can
I go to the bathroom
to be very polite you could say may I go
to the bathroom the next phrase is I
would like to order something you can
use this at a restaurant probably or in
any situation where you need to place an
order I’d like a pizza
I’d like beer can I get the check please
this will be used at a restaurant when
you’ve finished your meal and it’s time
to go can I get the check please
in a very very casual situation you can
just say check please that’s fine the
next phrase is see you soon see you soon
is used with friends and family members
perhaps when you expect to see them
again soon after saying goodbye to them
this is used at the end of the
conversation you’re going separate
see you soon see ya is also good or just
see you to make it a little more formal
you can say I’ll see you again soon make
a full sentence
so next phrases see you later see you
later is very similar to see you soon
but the point is would see you later is
that you’re probably going to meet that
person again later on in the same day
the last phrase is really really is a
very useful word because you can use it
to show you were interested in a
conversation with upward intonation
really really tell me more or to show
that you’re not so interested in the
conversation with downward intonation
really so there are many other words
that you can use similar to really in
this way like seriously or oh oh and so
on so it’s a really good practice for
your intonation so those are twenty five
very common words and phrases in English
if you liked this video if you liked
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Oh interesting uh-huh okay I see great
fantastic unbelievable gratitude
subjects what do we having for dinner
snack Pizza affirmative I’ll riff on
this I am Chris Hardwick welcome to
English class 101 coms English in three
minutes the fastest easiest and most fun
way to learn English hi how’s it going
I’m Alicia
nice to meet you in this series we’re
going to learn some easy ways to ask and
answer common questions in English it’s
really useful and it only takes three
minutes in this lesson you’re going to
learn new more common ways to ask and
answer the question how are you in
English you’ve probably learned how are
you and I’m fine in textbooks before but
in the United States people will usually
ask this question and answer it in a
different way
first let’s review if someone says how
are you you can say I’m fine
I’m fine here are some other ways to
answer pretty good this means about the
same thing as I’m fine pretty good we
also have not bad you can use this if
you are feeling just okay or so-so
not bad let’s look at our question again
how are you this is the most well known
way of asking how someone is you could
use it when you want to be polite but
now let’s look at some different ways to
ask how someone is these ways are more
casual and much more common first hey
how’s it going hey how’s it going you
can answer this in many ways if you’re
feeling good you can say good good
pretty good pretty good not bad not bad
once more good pretty good
not bad here’s a tip even though these
answers mean the same thing as I’m fine
you can’t answer how’s it going with I’m
fine it will sound a bit strange if
you’re not feeling good you can say not
so good not so good not great not great
or not so well not so well be careful if
you say one of these the other person
will usually ask why what’s wrong to be
polite then you will have to explain
another casual but very common version
of how are you is what’s up what’s up to
reply use a cheerful voice as you say
not much not much or nothing much
nothing much this means you’re free and
able to chat since what’s up is just
another way of saying hello
you can also reply with hey or hi now
it’s time for Alisha’s advice a lot of
the time when we ask questions that mean
how are you in English we’re not
actually asking about the other person’s
we’re only asked
to be polite you should think of these
questions as another way of saying hello
a way for the conversation to get
started instead of actual literal
questions in fact when someone asks you
what’s up you don’t even have to answer
just say what’s up in reply
welcome to English class 101 coms
English in three minutes the fastest
easiest and most fun way to learn
English hey everyone I’m Alisha in this
series we’re going to learn some easy
ways to ask and answer common questions
in English it’s really useful and it
only takes three minutes in this lesson
you’re going to learn how to ask what
someone’s job is in natural English of
course you can just say what is your job
this is correct English but it sounds
too direct and awkward native English
speakers almost never say this in a
social situation instead they use a
different question but before we master
that we need to compare it to a very
similar question what are you doing I’m
presenting a video about English
what do you do I’m an English teacher do
you see the difference these two
questions what are you doing and what do
you do sounds similar but mean different
things the first one is asking what you
are doing right now this minute you
answer it using an ING verb what are you
doing I’m reading I’m watching TV while
the second is actually a shortened
version of what do you do for a living
this is how we asked what is your job in
natural English let’s practice this
question what do you do what do you do
when native speakers of English ask this
question it can come out very fast and
sound more like what do you do in order
to tell it apart from what are you doing
just listen for the sound on the end of
the question if it’s not there then
you’re being asked what your job is so
how would you answer this question just
think of it as if the other person is
asking you what is your job you could
answer with I am plus your job I’m a
teacher I’m a teacher or I’m an engineer
if you want to learn more job names go
to English class 101.com and check out
the core word lists these cover job
vocabulary and more and include a
picture and audio to help you perfect
your pronunciation you can also mention
the place that you work at starting with
I work at I work at a hospital I work at
a hospital I work at a law firm I work
at a law firm if you work for a big
company that is well known you can say I
work for and then the name I work for
Microsoft I work for Microsoft I work
for the New York Times I work for the
New York Times
now it’s time for Alicia’s advice when
you ask the question what do you do
and the other person tells you their job
it’s polite to make some kind of
positive comment about his or her job
for example how interesting or that must
be exciting or even oh really
remember to sound sincere welcome to
English class 101 coms English in three
minutes the fastest easiest and most fun
way to learn English hey everyone Alicia
here in this series we’re going to learn
some easy ways to ask and answer common
questions in English it’s really useful
and it only takes three minutes in this
lesson you’re going to learn how to ask
what someone’s hobbies are without using
the word hobbies you’ve probably seen
the question do you have any hobbies or
what are your hobbies in an English
textbook before
however native English speakers almost
never use the word hobbies when asking
about them a much more natural way to
ask the same question is what do you do
for fun let’s practice this question
what do you do for fun what do you do
for fun you can also ask what do you do
in your free time what do you do in your
free time
so how would you answer this question
let’s look at how native speakers would
do it the easiest way is to say I like
to or just I like followed by what you
like to do for example if you like
watching movies you could say I like to
watch movies or I like watching movies I
like to watch movies or I like watching
movies and if you like golf you could
I like to play golf or I like playing
golf I like to play golf or I like
playing golf you can emphasize how much
you like your hobby by adding a word
like really in front of like for example
I really like watching movies on the
other hand if you want to play down how
much you like something you can say kind
of for example I kind of like playing
tennis now it’s time for Alisha’s advice
if you don’t have any special hobbies or
don’t want to be specific
a good way to reply is I like hanging
out with my friends and stuff like that
I like hanging out with my friends and
stuff like that just use I like and add
hanging out with my friends and then add
and stuff like that
welcome to English class 101 coms
English in three minutes the fastest
easiest and most fun way to learn
English hey everyone I’m Alicia this
series explains some easy ways to ask
and answer common questions in English
it’s really useful and it only takes
three minutes in this lesson you’re
going to learn some different ways
people will ask you where are you from
first though where are you from can mean
many things it can mean what city are
you from or what state are you from in
fact Americans ask this question to each
other all the time to learn what part of
America the other person comes from of
course though it can also mean what
country are you from
if you want to answer this question
there are two ways to do it
you can say I’m plus your nationality as
in I’m Japanese or I’m Brazilian
or you can say I’m from plus the country
you are from as in I’m from Italy or I’m
from Thailand if you’re from a really
famous city or place you can say that
for example I’m from Beijing or I’m from
New Delhi many times though Americans
won’t ask what country are you from or
even where are you from in many casual
situations they will say it in a simpler
way where are you from this is just like
where are you from but they take out
these are where are you from you can use
this to in casual situations of course
in the United States as in other parts
of the world people may be a little more
indirect because they want to be polite
to do this they might ask you if you are
from the place where they meet you for
example if you meet someone in New York
they might ask are you from New York or
if you are in San Diego they might ask
are you from San Diego many parts of the
United States are very multicultural so
asking the question this way avoids what
could be an embarrassing mistake you can
answer this the same way you answer
where are you from just add a simple no
in front for example you can say no plus
I’m plus nationality no I’m French or no
plus I’m from plus country no I’m from
now it’s time for Alicia’s advice since
the United States is very large people
you meet may take great pride in the
place or region they come from if you
ask someone about where they’re from
they may respond by saying something
like west coast or the east coast or
California or the south or the Midwest
if they answer in this way it usually
means they are interested in talking
more about their region and how it
differs from others
welcome to English class 101.com English
in three minutes the fastest easiest and
most fun way to learn English hey
everyone I’m Alicia this series will
teach you some easy ways to ask and
answer common questions in English it’s
really useful and it only takes three
minutes in this lesson you’re going to
learn some new ways to ask someone
what’s your name including one that you
can use when you have forgotten
someone’s name now what is your name was
probably one of the first questions you
learned when you started studying
English I have to tell you though that
most native speakers of English would
never say this in English just like in
other languages it is often more polite
to be a little indirect of course the
easiest way to avoid asking the question
directly is to not ask at all just
introduce yourself and most people will
respond by doing the same when
introducing yourself simple is nearly
always best just say hi I’m Alicia to
show that you want to know the other
person’s name just add and you at the
end hi I’m Alicia and you
hi I’m Alicia and you just like before
take out my name Alicia and put your
name in its place after you say this the
other person will tell you his or her
name okay now let’s talk about an
embarrassing situation that happens to
you have already met this person once
before but you have forgotten their name
the most polite thing to do in this
situation is to apologize and ask again
there’s a simple way to do this that’s
also polite I’m sorry what was your name
again I’m sorry what was your name again
this sentence is very similar to what’s
your name but it has three important
differences first we say I’m sorry
a small apology can go a long way after
that we say what was your name this is
just like what is your name but instead
of is we use the past tense was this is
really important as it tells the other
person that you remember meeting them
you haven’t forgotten him or her you
have just forgotten the name this little
word makes all the difference I’m sorry
what was your name finally we add again
to the end this is another hint that
tells the other person that you remember
learning his or her name before but you
just can’t recall it right now I’m sorry
what was your name again this phrase is
appropriate for both formal and informal
situations now it’s time for Alicia’s
advice in the United States it’s normal
to address people by name in
conversation more than once in both
formal and informal situations it’s a
way to show respect or interest in the
other person and can help you make
friends it is also a great way
to practice someone’s name so you don’t
forget it if you are talking to someone
named and for example instead of just
what do you do for fun you could say and
what do you do for fun you can also put
the name at the end of the sentence what
do you do for fun and you don’t want to
say the person’s name too often or it
will sound a little strange but if you
practice someone’s name like this you
won’t forget it and people love to hear
their own name
welcome to English class 101 coms
English in three minutes the fastest
easiest and most fun way to learn
English hey everyone I’m Alisha in this
series we’re going to learn some easy
ways to ask and answer common questions
in English it’s really useful and it
only takes three minutes in this lesson
you’re going to learn some ways to get
in touch with someone after you have met
them once already in a lot of textbooks
you’ve probably seen the question what’s
your phone number what’s your phone
number it’s a very useful question but
there are two problems with it first it
can sound a little too direct especially
when talking to members of the opposite
sex and second people use the phone a
lot less these days than they used to
instead they might prefer to connect by
email or on a social network like
Facebook to start though a simple
variation on what’s your phone number
that sounds a little less direct is
could I get your number could I get your
number we start the sentence with could
which softens the request next say I
get and finally your number which is
short for your phone number this
question is slightly casual but it can
be used in almost any situation recently
many people prefer to use email rather
than the phone to communicate asking
someone for his or her email address is
also a little less direct than asking
for their phone number could I get your
email address could I get your email
we just took could I get your number and
replaced number with email address it’s
that simple
could I get your email address if
someone asks you either of these
questions you can reply by saying sure
my phone number is sure my phone number
is or sure my email address is sure my
email address is or sure it’s and then
say your phone number or email address
at the end by the way if you’re having
any trouble with numbers check out
English class 101 coms core word lists
for these and other key vocabulary words
each word comes with a picture audio
samples so you can perfect your
pronunciation and sample sentences and
phrases so you can master its use in a
sentence recently many people use social
networks like Facebook or LinkedIn or an
online chatting service like Skype to
communicate people might ask you about
these especially if they are younger if
someone wants to connect with you
through one of these services they may
simply ask are you on followed by the
name of the service are you on Facebook
are you on Facebook are you on LinkedIn
are you on LinkedIn
are you on skype are you on skype to
answer you can simply say yes I am or no
I’m not if you respond with yes I am the
other person may ask how they can
connect with you on one of these
services of course if you’re not on one
of these services they won’t be able to
contact you if you still would like to
stay in touch with the person though you
can say no but my email address is or no
but my phone number is and then say your
email address or phone number by telling
the other person a different way they
can contact you you’ll show them that
you want to hear from them now it’s time
for Alicia’s advice if you ask someone
for their phone number their email
address or some other form of contact
information they will usually give it to
you if you have gotten to know them a
little beforehand if you ask too early
in the conversation though they may be
hesitant about sharing that information
the key is to make sure you talk for
some time before requesting this kind of
personal information welcome to English
class 101 coms English in three minutes
the fastest easiest and most fun way to
learn English hey everyone I’m Alicia in
this series we’re going to learn some
easy ways to ask and answer common
questions in English it’s really useful
and it only takes three minutes in this
lesson you’re going to learn how to ask
and say where you live
usually someone will ask you where you
live as a polite question after they’ve
asked you your name where you’re from
and what you do for a living they’ll say
so where do you live
this is inviting you to keep making
conversation there are lots of ways you
could answer this question but here are
some of the most common you could say do
you know and then the name of the area
you live in
do you know Twin Pines or you could
mention a local landmark like near the
library near the movie theater you could
also answer by telling the person what
train line you live on if your city has
a train network or what station is the
nearest to your house on the Green Line
near Central Station so as you can see
there are lots of possible ways to
answer the question where do you live
once you’ve told them the other person
might respond in one of the following
oh yeah I know it I live near there or
maybe I’m afraid I don’t know it the
other person is just being polite by
showing interest so you can reply by
saying something like oh really
since the other person is asking you
this question to be polite a good way to
continue the conversation is to ask them
the same question in return you can just
say how about you or where do you live
put some stress on the you where do you
live now it’s time for Alisha’s advice
asking where someone lives is a way to
try to find something you have in common
with the person you’re talking to so if
you’re familiar with the area the other
person lives in make some comments about
it that’s a really nice area or the park
there is really pretty
anything is fine as long as you don’t
say anything negative that could be
taken as offensive like that area has a
high crime rate or I hear that area is
really dangerous
welcome to English class 101 coms
English in three minutes the fastest
easiest and most fun way to learn
English hey everyone I’m Alisha in this
series we’re going to learn some easy
ways to ask and answer common questions
in English it’s really useful and it
only takes three minutes in this lesson
you’re going to learn how to ask someone
where they went to school or college
asking someone where they went to
college is a good small talk question
and conversation starter however you
have to be careful not to offend people
if they didn’t go to college we’ll tell
you how to do this the question is
simple if the other person is over 22 it
likely they will have left college
already so you asked using the past
tense where did you go to college you
could also say where did you go to
school in American English depending on
context school often means the same as
college if the other person is British
or European however they’re more likely
to say where did you go to university
the answer to this question is really
easy all you say is I went to university
in City I went to Southern Oregon
University in Ashland if the name of the
city or town is part of the university’s
name like Tokyo University or Oxford
University you can add the name of the
country instead I went to Tokyo
University in Japan once you’ve heard
the other person’s answer it’s polite to
make some kind of comment for example
wow that’s a really famous University or
just oh really sometimes when you ask
where did you go to college the other
person might reply I didn’t go to
college in this situation you should be
careful how you reply so as not to
appear rude it’s polite to not act
surprised but instead make a positive
comment like oh really or ask a question
like did you go straight into a job now
it’s time for Alicia’s advice a good
follow-up question to keep the
conversation going is to ask the other
person what did you study or what was
your major this gives them an
opportunity to talk about something
they’re interested in in the next lesson
you’ll learn how to ask another basic
question about the other person which
often features in first-time
conversations between native speakers
that’s do you have any brothers or
sisters see you next time