Learn English with Movies Avengers Endgame LEARN ENGLISH Movies Movies for Learning English

In the US, summer is for sand, sun, and blockbuster movies.

And this summer, we’re going to use those movies to learn English and study how to sound American.

Every video this summer is going to be a Study English with Movies video.

We’ll pull scenes from the summer’s hottest movies, as well as favorite movies from years past.

It’s amazing what we can discover by studying even a small bit of English dialogue.

We’ll study how to understand movies, what makes Americans sound American,

and of course, any interesting vocabulary phrasal verbs or idioms that come up in the scenes we study.

I call this kind of exercise a Ben Franklin exercise.

First, we’ll watch the scene.

Then we’ll do an in-depth analysis of what we hear together.

This is going to be so much fun! Be sure to tell your friends and spread the word

that all summer long, every Tuesday, we’re studying English with movies here at Rachel’s English.

If you’re new to my channel click subscribe and don’t forget the notification button.

Let’s get started. First, the scene.

If you find this recording, don’t feel bad about this.

Part of the journey is the end.

Just for the record, being adrift in space with zero promise of rescue is more fun than it sounds.

Food and water ran out four days ago.

Oxygen will run out tomorrow morning.

That will be it.

When I drift off I will dream about you.

It’s always you.

Now, the analysis.

If you find this recording–

If you find this recording–

How was the word ‘if’ pronounced? Do you hear ‘if’?

I hear ffyou– ffyou– I hear the F sound right with the Y sound, ffyou– ffyou– It sounds like the word ‘few’

because it’s the F consonant and the JU diphthong. The IH vowel is dropped and the consonant is linked in.

If you find this recording–

If you find this recording–

If you find this recording–

What are the stressed words in this thought group? Listen again.

If you find this recording–

If you find this recording–

If you find this recording–

I hear ‘find’ and ‘record’

as the two most stressed syllables. If and you, said really quickly. Ffyou– ffyou– ffyou–

If you find this recording–

If you find this recording–

If you find this recording–

This and the first syllable of ‘recording’ which is unstressed, has the IH vowel, re– don’t say: rii–,

re– re– re–. This re– This re– This re– This re–

These are two more unstressed syllables, lower in pitch, said quickly before the stressed syllable, cor–, recording.

Recording– recording– recording–

Whoa! Different day, different outfit, important announcement.

Did you know that with this video, I made a free audio lesson that you can download?

In fact, I’m doing this for each one of the youtube videos I’m making this summer,

all 11 of the Learn English with Movies videos.

So follow this link, or find the link in the video description to get your FREE downloadable audio lesson.

It’s where you’re going to train all of the things that you’ve learned about pronunciation in this video.

Back to the lesson.

So we have the stressed word, find, our verb, what happens to the D here? Let’s listen.

If you find this–

If you find this–

If you find this–

It’s dropped. Sometimes, we drop T and D, or any consonant between two other consonants, in this case,

I definitely hear him doing it. The sound before is an N consonant, the sound after is the voiced TH,

and he drops that D. Find this, find this. Can you do that with no D, smoothly linked together? Find this. Find this.

That makes it a little easier to link the words.

If you find this–

If you find this–

If you find this recording–

If you look up the pronunciation of the word ‘recording’ you’ll see that the vowel in the stressed syllable is the AW

as in law vowel. But when this vowel is followed by R, it’s not pure, it’s not AW, but it’s

oh, oh, it’s more closed, the lips round more, the tongue pulls back a little bit more. The R influences this vowel.

Recor– recording.

Recording– recording– recording–
Don’t feel bad about this.

Don’t feel bad about this.

Hey guys! I’m out for a walk, listening to an audiobook, and I thought this is the perfect time

to tell you about Audible, who’s sponsoring this video. It’s a great resource

for native speakers speaking American English.

The thing I love about Audible is their huge selection. Everyone can find something.

If you work in economics, you can find an audio book about economics.

As you listen, you’ll be hearing the specialized words that are specific to conversations you’ll be having.

You can hear them pronounced over and over by native speakers.

And you can also hear them use the kinds of phrases you’ll need to describe topics in economics

or whatever topic specifically you have conversations about.

They also have audible originals, which are exclusive audiobooks you can’t get anywhere else

on any other platform. I am planning on listening to this one when I go on vacation this summer.

Because they’re kindly sponsoring this video, you can get your first audio book for free,

plus two audible originals when you try audible for 30 days. Visit audible.com/rachelsenglish

or text rachelsenglish, all one word, to 500-500.

On my walk, I’m listening to The Great Gatsby read by Jake Gyllenhaal,

an American classic, I love Jake Gyllenhaal’s voice, great neutral American accent.

When you find a good title, put it in the comments here, I’m always looking for recommendations.

So again, you can check out audible.com/rachelsenglish or text rachelsenglish, all one word, to 500-500

if you live here in the US. Okay, let’s get back to our movie Ben Franklin speech analysis.

Don’t feel bad about this.

Don’t feel bad about this. All right, the second part of the sentence, this whole thought group is lower in energy,

it’s not as loud and especially towards the end, it gets a little bit of the popcorn quality of the voice,

where there’s not as much air engaging the vocal cords.

Don’t feel bad about this.

Don’t feel bad about this.

Don’t feel bad about this.

In fact, let’s just listen to the last three words. Bad about this.

Bad about this.

Bad about this.

Bad about this.

Do you hear how low on energy that is? Bad about this.

It’s partly because this character is running out of energy, he’s run out of food and water,

so he’s really feeling tired, but it’s also a natural part of American English speech

that we have this popcorn quality in the voice sometimes towards the end of a phrase.

Bad about this.

Bad about this.

Don’t feel bad about this.

And our stressed words are ‘don’t’…

Don’t feel bad about this.

Don’t and bad are the two most stressed syllables there.

Feel, even though it is a content word, is less stressed than the other two words.

Don’t feel bad about this.

Don’t feel bad about this.

Don’t feel bad about this.

Now, let’s look at our N apostrophe T contraction. How is that pronounced?

Don’t feel– Don’t feel– Don’t feel–

We have a couple different ways that we pronounce N apostrophe T contractions.

In this case, what he did is he dropped the T sound completely.

Remember, we do sometimes drop the T after N, we drop the T between two consonants,

so it does follow those rules. Now we don’t always pronounce N apostrophe T this way, but in this case,

this is how we did it. So it goes right from N to F. Don’t feel– don’t feel– don’t feel– don’t feel–

Don’t feel– don’t feel– don’t feel–

It’s just part of how we connect and make our speech very smooth.

Sometimes, things like a T will get dropped or become a stop. In this case, totally dropped.

There are lots of things that we do with American English that you’ll notice

go towards the goal of very smooth and connected sounding.

Don’t feel– don’t feel– don’t feel bad about this.

Bad about– bad about–

We have an ending consonant, it links them to the beginning vowel, the schwa of about.

Bad about– about, about, about, about, bad about.

Now, the T in about is a stop T because the next word begins with a consonant.

Again, this is the voiced TH and we do that, we make a T a stop T, sometimes at the end of a thought group

but also very often when the next word begins with a consonant. So it’s not dropped.

It’s not: abou this, abou this, that would be dropped. It’s: about this, about this.

Do you feel that there’s a tiny lift, a little tiny break between the two words?

About this. Even though the energy of the voice keeps going forward, there’s this little lift

and that signifies the T. It’s a stop consonant so that quick stop is the stop T.

It’s not released that would be this: about this– about this–

We would never do that. That’s too choppy. Too much effort. We connect with a stop T. About this.

Bad about this– bad about this– bad about this–

Part of the journey is the end.

Part of the journey is the end.

What do you hear as the most stressed syllables in that thought group?

Part of the journey is the end.

Part of the journey is the end.

Part of the journey is the end.

I hear three more stressed syllables. Part–, jour–, the stressed syllable of journey, and, end.

The other words, unstressed, flatter in pitch, and we do have a reduction.

Of the–

How is the word ‘of’ pronounced? Part of the–

Part of the journey–

Part of the journey–

Part of the journey–

Part of the– Part of the– So the word ‘of’ is reduced, the V sound, which is written with the letter F, is dropped,

it’s just the schwa. Part of the– part of the– part of the– Very smoothly linked together.

Now, how is this T pronounced?

Part of the journey–

part of the journey–

part of the journey–

Part of the– part of the– It’s a flap T. The tongue just flaps once against the roof of the mouth.

It’s just like the D sound in American English, between two vowels. So a T is a flap T

when it comes between two vowel or diphthongs, or if it comes after an R, and before a vowel or diphthong.

So here, it comes after the R consonant, and before the vowel schwa, that’s a flap T, and we use that flap T

to link the two words together. Part of the–

Part of the journey–

part of the journey–

Part of the journey is the end.

Then we have more stress, a little more length on jour–, the journey is the–,

then we have three unstressed syllables, the unstressed syllable of journey, ney is the–

and then ‘is’ and ‘the’. Now, the vowel in the word ‘the’ here is different

than the vowel in the word ‘the’ here, why is that?

Part of the journey is the end.

Part of the journey is the end.

Part of the journey is the end.

Can you hear it? It’s subtle because they’re unstressed words, they’re said quickly.

But the rule is when the word ‘the’ becomes a word that starts with a consonant, it has the schwa.

When it’s before a word, that starts with a vowel or diphthong, it’s the EE vowel.

The end, the end, the end.

See if you can hear that in the phrase “is the end”.

Is the end– is the end– is the end–

Now, Americans, I’ve noticed, are not very good at following this rule, it’s not that common

to have a schwa sound before a vowel, but here, he does follow the rule, he does make an EE vowel. The end–

Is the end– is the end– is the end–

Just for the record, being adrift in space with zero promise of–

Now, he has a much longer thought group.

Again, the vocal energy is low, and I found actually, that it was a little hard for me to understand what he was

saying because of that. With his vocal energy low, he has less inflection,

less pitch changes between stressed and unstressed, and those pitch changes

are part of what makes English clear.

So because his character is very tired, very worn out, very low on energy,

he’s not doing as much inflection and that does make it harder to understand.

So keep that in mind when you’re practicing English that you don’t want it to feel monotone,

all more or less on the same tone. You definitely want pitch changes,

higher pitch for your stressed syllables. How does he pronounce this string of four words?

Just for the record–

Just for the record– just for the record– just for the record–

Just for the record– just for the record–

A little bit of stress on record, record, the stressed syllable there.

Now, let’s look, just for a minute we have the word record and we have the word ‘recording’ up here

those are related, aren’t they? So in the word ‘record’, it’s the first syllable that’s stressed.

That has the EH as in bed vowel. Re– record, and then the unstressed syllable has the schwa.

Re-co-rrr– record.

Now, in the other word ‘recording’, with the ING ending, the stress is changed, and now the first syllable

is unstressed and that’s the IH vowel. Re– re– re– And then the stressed syllable has the AW vowel,

which we’ve already said is modified by R, recording.

So the stress changes, which does change the vowels as well, in the two different forms of this word,

the two different words using this root.

Just for the record–

Just for the record–

Just for the record–

Okay, what about the unstressed words in this forward fragment?

Just for the record–

Just for the record–

Just for the record–

Pretty unclear on their own.
Just for the– just for the– just for the– just for the–

The word ‘just’, to me, it sounds like rather than a jj sound, it’s just a weak CH sound,

just– I think I would write that with the schwa, actually, let me write this in IPA.

A weak CH sound, which would be written in IPA like this, ch, then a schwa, quickly, and then an S sound.

The T is dropped because it comes to between two consonants, so it’s just CH sound, schwa S.

Just, just, just, just, just, just, just. Pretty unclear, really mumbly, the word ‘for’ is reduced, it’s not for, but it’s fer,

fer, said really quickly. This is how we almost always pronounce this word. And then the word ‘the’,

no reductions, but said very quickly.

Now, with a word like ‘the’ that’s unstressed, said really quickly that begins with a voiced TH,

we don’t need to bring the tongue tip through the teeth there. The tongue tip can press behind the closed teeth,

so it’s not the roof of the mouth, it is still behind the teeth, but the tip isn’t coming all the way through.

Just for the– just for the– just for the–
Just for the record–

Just for the record–

Just for the record–

Just for the record, being adrift in space with zero–

And now, he does continue, there’s no stop there, even though grammatically, it’s written with a comma,

so the D sound goes right into the next sound with no release, and the next sound is the B in the word ‘being’.

Being adrift in space with zero–

Being adrift in space with zero–

Being adrift in space with zero–

And he takes a break after zero, as he catches his breath, or thinks of what to say.

Being adrift in space with zero– What are his longer, more stressed syllables there?

Being adrift in space with zero–

Being adrift in space with zero–

Being adrift in space with zero–

Being adrift in space with zero–

Um, so so we have three syllables that have a little bit of length there in that sentence fragment.

Being, unstressed, said very quickly, unclear, linking right in to the first syllable of ‘adrift’ which is unaccented,

it’s the schwa sound. Being a, being a, being a. When you practice like this, think about how to simplify your mouth

movements in these strings of unstressed syllables. So here, before our first stress syllable, we have be-ing-a,

three syllables. So practice those, being a, being a, being a, being a, using as little mouth movement as possible.

And then link into the next syllable, the stressed syllable. Being adrift, being adrift. What about the word ‘in’?

Being adrift in space–

Being adrift in space–

Being adrift in space–

I barely even hear it. I mean, I wrote it because I know grammatically, that is the word that’s there,

but it’s said so quickly that I barely hear it. I don’t hear a clear IH vowel, I don’t hear a clear N, but I know it’s there.

Adrift in space. Said so quickly, reduced so much.

Being adrift in space–

Being adrift in space–

Being adrift in space with zero–

With zero– So ‘with’, we have W consonant, IH vowel, unvoiced TH, linking right into the next word, the Z sound,

I don’t hear the TH. I think that with the word with, I wouldn’t say as a rule, you should drop this TH,

but I do think every once in a while, as we study native speakers, I do notice that I’m not hearing it.

With zero– with zero promise– And this is a case where I think he’s dropping it, when I imitate him dropping it,

it sounds fine. So think about that. You don’t have to struggle with the TH so much. It should be simple,

it should be quick, sometimes, it can even be dropped. I would say don’t drop it if the next word begins with a

vowel or diphthong, think about dropping it if the next word begins with a consonant. Try it, see what that’s like.

With zero– with zero– with zero–

The word ‘zero’ ends in the OH diphthong, don’t cheat that. Some of my students will say something like zero,

oh, oh, and they’ll make a single sound. It is a diphthong, that’s two sounds. Ohhww-

first, some jaw drop, then some lip rounding.

Zero, zero, zero promise of–

Promise of– And then another little break. Promise of, promise of, promise of.

All linked together, stress on the first syllable, pro– and then the next two syllables just fall into line

as the voice comes down in pitch. Promise of– And the ending S sound links into, I would write that as a schwa,

he doesn’t drop the V sound here, I do still hear it. Promise of–

Promise of– promise of–

promise of rescue is more fun than it sounds.

What about in this thought group? What are the most stressed syllables? What stands out to you the most?

Rescue is more fun than it sounds.

Rescue is more fun than it sounds.

Rescue is more fun than it sounds.

Rescue is more fun than it sounds.

That’s what I hear, those three syllables, the most stressed. Rescue, so the unstressed syllable,

and the word ‘is’, and the word ‘more’. Cue is more– cue is more– cue is more–

Flatter in pitch, less clear, more simple mouth movements. Rescue is more– rescue is more fun–

And then a little bit more of that inflection, a little bit more up-down shape, length on the word ‘fun’.

The word ‘than’, fully pronounced, has the AA as in bat vowel.

It’s not fully pronounced here, how is it pronounced?

Fun than it sounds–

Fun than it sounds–

Fun than it sounds–

Than it sounds– than it sounds– than, than, than, than. It’s almost like there isn’t a vowel so

that would be the schwa. The AH vowel gets reduced to the schwa. Now when the schwa is followed by N,

also M, also R, also L, it gets overpowered by that consonant, then you don’t need to try to make

a vowel sound, just go ahead and make the consonant sound. So it’s TH right into N, then, then, then.

Then it– then it– then it– Then it sounds– then it sounds–

So ‘then’ and ‘it’ unstressed, reduced, said more simply, linked together, than it, than it, than it sounds–

before our stressed syllable. And we do have a stop T here because the next word begins with a consonant,

the S sound.

Fun than it sounds–

Fun than it sounds–

Fun than it sounds–

Food and water ran out–

Food and water ran out– What’s our stress? Food and water ran out–

Food and water ran out–

Food and water ran out–

Food and water ran out–

A little bit of length on those as well. Stop T at the end.

And, reduced. Very common to pronounce it as just the schwa N, which as you’ve learned here,

N takes over schwa, it’s more like just an N sound.

Sometimes I tell my students to think of it as the word ‘in’ said very quickly, it sounds a lot like that.

Food and water, food and water.

Food and water– Food and water– Food and water–

And that’s a very common way to pronounce that word, and when the word ‘and’ links two nouns together like

this, it’s how we usually do it: food and water, food and water. And then if it comes a little chain,

noun linking into this quick little function word, linking into noun, food and water,

remember, we always want smoothness and connected sound in American English.

Water, the T here is a flap T because it comes between two vowel sounds. Water, water.

Food and water– Food and water– Food and water ran out.

I also want to talk about the ending of water in the beginning of ran.

Both an R consonant, and that word does, those two words do link together with a single R sound.

So we never have to make the consonant twice when one word, or a sound twice when one word ends

in that sound, or the next sort begins in that sound.

Water ran– we’ll use that single consonant sound there to link.

Water ran out– Water ran out–

Water ran out four days ago.

Three words in this thought group. What’s the most stressed word there?

Four days ago.

Four days ago.

Four days ago.

Four days ago.

I hear it as ‘days’, the voice is really smoother, we have no skips in pitch, we have no jumps, we have no brakes.

Four days ago. So the voice slowly scoops up in pitch towards the peak of days, and then falls down in pitch.

Four days ago.

Four days ago.

Four days ago.

Four days ago.

Oxygen will run out tomorrow morning.

Then we have: oxygen will run out tomorrow morning.

I’ll put a little length on ‘out’ as well.

Oxygen will run out tomorrow morning.

Oxygen will run out tomorrow morning.

Oxygen will run out tomorrow morning.

What about the word ‘will’?

Oxygen will run out–

Oxygen will run out–

Oxygen will run out–

The first two sounds are dropped so it’s like an apostrophe LL,

we wouldn’t write it that way, but we would definitely pronounce it that way, and that’s what he’s doing.

Oxygen’ll– oxygen’ll– So we can think of it as just adding a schwa L, or just a single dark L sound. Oxygen’ll–

uhl, uhl, uhl, uhl. Oxygen’ll– Try that. Oxygen’ll– Oxygen’ll-

Oxygen’ll run out–

Oxygen’ll run out–

Oxygen’ll run out tomorrow morning–

Here, we have an ending T, beginning T, linked together with a single sound.

Now, the T is usually a stop T when it comes before a consonant, but when it comes before a T,

we just combine those into a single true T.

So we have the word ‘tomorrow’. Tomorrow. Please don’t pronounce that too–

tomorrow, it’s the schwa, te, te, first syllable is said really quickly, and the vowel is not the OO vowel.

To– to– tomorrow, tomorrow. Tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow morning.

That will be it.

Okay, now this sentence. That will be it. So unclear. I wrote that because I’m pretty sure that’s what

he’s saying. It makes sense from the context, from the sounds I hear,

but the only words that I definitely really hear are ‘be’ and ‘it’.

That will be it.

That will be it.

That will be it.

There’s sort of like an H sound, an AA sound. That will be it. That will be it.

Okay, so I’m guessing that it’s ‘that will’ but those words are super mumbly, super reduced.

Again, he’s showing here his exhaustion level. This guy is wiped out. He has not had food or water in four days.

That will be it. That will be it.

That will be it.

That will be it.

That will be it.

Normally, someone would say that more like: That’ll be it. That’ll be it.

But here, it’s coming out as: how be it. How be it.

Stop T because the T comes at the end of the thought.

That will be it.

That will be it.

That will be it.

When I drift off, I will dream about you.

Let’s just take the first four words there.

Three of them are stressed. Three of them are longer. When I drift off–

I is the only one that I think is less stressed, lower in pitch, quicker. When I drift off–

When I drift off–

When I drift off–

When I drift off–

Really smooth, again, no skips or jumps, no breaks in sound, everything linked together.

Ending N into the AI diphthong, linking into the D, the T consonant of the FT cluster links into the

beginning vowel of the word ‘off’. Drift off– drift-tatatatat– drift off–

When I drift off–

When I drift off–

When I drift off, I will dream about you.

Now here, the word ‘I’ is not reduced, is not unstressed, I should say, it’s long. I will dream about you.

I– and it’s not usual to do that, it’s like, no, he’s thinking, he’s emphasizing, it’s emotional.

I will dream about you. That’s a big deal. He’s talking about when he dies.

So that’s why the word ‘I’ has more stress than it would in just a normal conversational context.

I will dream about you.

I will dream about you.

I will dream about you.

What other words are stressed there?

I will dream about you.

I will dream about you.

I will dream about you.

I will dream about you.

Dream about you.

I, dream, you. Most stressed words there. Will and about, lower in pitch, said a little bit more quickly.

I will dream about you. About you–

We do have a stop T there. Next word begins with a consonant, the Y consonant.

I will dream about you.

I will dream about you.

I will dream about you.

Actually, when a word that ends in T is followed by ‘you’, we have a couple options: it can be a stop T like here,

about you, but you’ll also hear, about you. You’ll also hear that T turn into a CH when it’s followed by the word you.

I will dream about you.

I will dream about you.

I will dream about you.

It’s always you.

It’s always you.

Breathy. Lower in pitch. Also a little more introspective, he is talking to somebody, but you know, he’s

thinking some pretty big thoughts, having some pretty major feelings about the end of his life.

How was the word ‘it’s’ pronounced?

It’s always you.

It’s always you.

It’s always you.

Just like at the beginning with the word ‘if’, when the vowel was dropped and the consonant was linked in,

that’s what we have here. The vowel’s dropped, and it’s just the TS cluster.

It’s always– it’s always– it’s always– it’s always– Linking into the next word.

It’s always you.

It’s always you.

It’s always you.

And we have stress on al– T’s always you– And stress on ‘you’ as well. It’s always you. Smoothly linked together.

It’s always you.

It’s always you.

It’s always you.

So much interesting stuff to study about pronunciation in this monologue of this character.

Let’s listen to the whole thing one more time.

If you find this recording, don’t feel bad about this.

Part of the journey is the end.

Just for the record, being adrift in space with zero promise of rescue is more fun than it sounds.

Food and water ran out four days ago.

Oxygen will run out tomorrow morning. That will be it.

When I drift off I will dream about you. It’s always you.

We’re going to be doing a lot more of this kind of analysis together.

What movie scenes would you like to see analyzed like this? Let me know in the comments.

And if you want to see all my Ben Franklin videos, click here. You’ll also find the link in the video description.

That’s it and thanks so much for using Rachel’s English!











这将非常有趣! 一定要告诉你的朋友并宣传

整个夏天,每个星期二,我们都会在 Rachel’s English 看电影学习英语。


让我们开始吧。 首先,场景。












“if”这个词是怎么发音的? 你听到“如果”了吗?

我听到 ffyou– ffyou– 我听到 F 音和 Y 音, ffyou– ffyou- 听起来像“few”这个词,

因为它是 F 辅音和 JU 双元音。 IH 元音被去掉,辅音被连接进来。




这个思想组中的重读词是什么? 再听一遍。





是两个重音最多的音节。 如果和你,说得真快。 Ffyou– ffyou– ffyou–




这个和“录音”的第一个不重读音节有 IH 元音,re- - 不要说:rii–,

re– re– re–。 This re- This re- This re- This re-



哇! 不同的日子,不同的服装,重要的公告。


事实上,我正在为今年夏天制作的每个 youtube 视频,

所有 11 个通过电影学习英语的视频都这样做。




所以我们有重读词,find,我们的动词,这里的 D 发生了什么? 让我们听听。




它被丢弃了。 有时,我们会删除 T 和 D,或者其他两个辅音之间的任何辅音,在这种情况下,

我肯定会听到他这样做。 前面的声音是N辅音,后面的声音是浊音TH

,他把那个D去掉。找到这个,找到这个。 你能做到没有D,顺利连接在一起吗? 找到这个。 找到这个。





一下“录音”这个词的读音,你会发现重读音节中的元音是法律上的 AW

元音。 但是这个元音后面跟R的时候,不是纯音,不是AW,而是

哦,哦,更紧闭,嘴唇更圆,舌头更往后拉一点。 R 影响这个元音。




大家好! 我出去散步,听有声读物,我认为这是

向您介绍赞助此视频的 Audible 的最佳时机。


我喜欢 Audible 的原因是他们的选择范围很广。 每个人都可以找到一些东西。







。 我打算今年夏天去度假时听这个。


当您试用 30 天时,您可以免费获得两本有声原件。 访问 audible.com/rachelsenglish

或将 rachelsenglish 发送至 500-500。




再说一次,如果你住在美国,你可以查看 audible.com/rachelsenglish 或发短信给 rachelsenglish,一个词,500-500

。 好的,让我们回到我们的电影 Ben Franklin 语音分析。


不要为此感到难过。 好的,句子的第二部分,整个思想组的能量较低,


,没有那么多空气参与 声带。




其实我们只听最后三个字。 对此不好。




你听说能量有多低吗? 对此不好。



,我们的声音有时会在接近尾声时出现爆米花般的品质。 短语。






Don’t 和 bad 是那里重读最多的两个音节。





现在,让我们看看我们的 N 撇号 T 收缩。 那是怎么发音的?


我们有几种不同的方式来发音 N 撇号 T 收缩。


请记住,我们有时会在 N 之后去掉 T,我们在两个辅音之间去掉 T,

所以它确实遵循这些规则。 现在我们并不总是以这种方式发音 N 撇号 T,但在这种情况下,

我们就是这样做的。 所以它从N到F。不要感觉-不要感觉-不要感觉-不要感觉-

不要感觉-不要感觉-不要感觉- -


有时,像 T 这样的东西会被丢弃或停止。 在这种情况下,完全放弃了。




Bad about- bad about-

我们有一个结尾辅音,它将它们连接到开头的元音,即 about 的 schwa。


现在,about 中的 T 是停止 T,因为下一个单词以辅音开头。

同样,这是浊音 TH,我们这样做,我们将 T 变成停止 T,有时在思想组的末尾,

但也经常在下一个单词以辅音开头时。 所以它没有被丢弃。

这不是:关于这个,关于这个,那会被丢弃。 它是:关于这个,关于这个。


对这个。 尽管声音的能量不断向前,但有一点升力

,表示 T。它是一个停止辅音,所以快速停止是停止 T。


我们永远不会那样做。 这太波涛汹涌了。 太费劲了。 我们与一个停止T连接。关于这个。








我听到三个重读音节。 part–, jour–, travel 的重读音节, and, end。



the——“of”这个词怎么读? Part of the–

Part of the travel–

Part of the travel–

Part of the

travel– 部分的– 部分的– 所以“of”这个词被简化了,V音,写成 字母 F 被删除,

它只是 schwa。 一部分–一部分–一部分– 很顺利的联系在一起。

现在,这个 T 怎么发音?



就像美式英语中的 D 音一样,位于两个元音之间。 所以当一个 T

出现在两个元音或双元音之间,或者它出现在一个 R 之后,一个元音或双元音之前,它就是一个拍音 T。

所以在这里,它出现在 R 辅音之后,元音 schwa 之前,这是一个拍音 T,我们使用拍音

T 将这两个词连接在一起。 一部分——






,然后是’is’和’the'。 现在,“the”这个词的元音和





你能听到吗? 这很微妙,因为它们是不重读的词,它们说得很快。

但规则是当“the”这个词变成一个以辅音开头的词时,它就有 schwa。

当它在以元音或双元音开头的单词之前时,它是 EE 元音。


看看你是否能在短语“is the end”中听到这一点。



元音前有施瓦音并不常见,但在这里,他 确实遵守规则,他确实发出了一个EE元音。 结束——结束





说什么。 由于他的声音能量很低,他的变化






,或多或少都在同一个语调上。 你肯定想要音高变化,

为你的重读音节提高音高。 他如何发音这串四个单词?


只是为了记录– 只是为了记录– 只是为了记录–

只是为了记录– 只是为了

记录– 记录上有点重音,记录,那里的重读音节 .


它们是相关的,不是吗? 所以在“记录”这个词中,它是重读的第一个音节。

这有 EH 作为床元音。 重新记录,然后非重读音节有schwa。


现在,换句话说,“录音”,随着 ING 结尾,重音发生了变化,现在第一个音节没有重读

,这就是 IH 元音。 re– re– re– 然后重读音节有AW元音











只是为了– 只是为了– 只是为了– 只是为了–

‘just’ 这个词,对我来说,听起来不像 jj 的声音,它只是一个微弱的 CH 声音,

只是 - 我想 我会用 schwa 来写,实际上,让我用 IPA 来写。

一个微弱的 CH 音,用 IPA 写成这样,ch,然后是 schwa,很快,然后是 S 音。

T 被删除是因为它出现在两个辅音之间,所以它只是 CH 音,schwa S.

Just,just,just,just,just,just,just。 很不清楚,真的含糊不清,“for”这个词被简化了,不是for,而是fer,

fer,说得真快。 我们几乎总是这样发音这个词。 然后是’the’这个词,


现在,像“the”这样不重读的词,说得很快,以浊音 TH 开头,

我们不需要把舌尖穿过牙齿。 舌尖可以压在闭合的牙齿后面,


只是为了– 只是为了– 只是为了– 只是为了记录– 只是为了记录– 只是为了记录–

只是为了记录– 与零在太空中漂流–

现在,他 确实继续,没有停止,即使在语法上,它是用逗号写的,

所以 D 音直接进入下一个音而没有释放,下一个音是“being”这个词中的 B。






在零空间中漂流– 在零空间中漂流– 在零

空间中漂流– 在零


嗯,所以我们有三个音节,其中有一点长度 句子片段。


它是施瓦音。 成为一个,成为一个,成为一个。 当你这样练习时,想想如何

在这些不重读的音节中简化你的嘴巴动作。 所以在这里,在我们的第一个重音音节之前,我们有 be-ing-a,

三个音节。 所以练习那些,成为一个,成为一个,成为一个,成为一个,使用尽可能少的嘴巴动作。

然后连接到下一个音节,重读音节。 漂泊,漂泊。 “在”这个词呢?




我什至几乎听不见。 我的意思是,我写它是因为我知道语法上就是那个词,

但它说得太快了,我几乎听不见。 我听不到清晰的 IH 元音,也听不到清晰的 N,但我知道它在那里。

在太空中漂泊。 说的这么快,减了这么多。



–所以’with',我们有W辅音,IH元音,清音TH,直接连接到下一个单词,Z音 ,

我听不到 TH。 我认为对于 with 这个词,我通常不会说,你应该放弃这个 TH,


零 - 零承诺 - 这是我认为他正在放弃它的情况,当我模仿他放弃它时,

听起来不错。 所以想想吧。 你不必为 TH 挣扎那么多。 它应该很简单,

应该很快,有时甚至可以放弃。 如果下一个单词以元音或双元音开头,我会说不要删除它,如果下一个

单词以辅音开头,请考虑删除它。 试试看,看看是什么样的。


零——“零”这个词以 OH 双元音结尾,不要作弊。 我的一些学生会说零,

哦,哦,他们会发出一个声音。 是双元音,就是两个音。 Ohhww-



承诺—— 然后又是一个小小的休息。 许诺,许诺,许诺。


。 Promise of– 结尾的 S 音链接到,我会写成 schwa,

他不会在这里丢掉 V 音,我仍然能听到。



在这个思想组里呢? 什么是重读音节? 最让你印象深刻的是什么?





这就是我听到的,那三个音节,最重的。 Rescue,所以是非重读音节,

还有“is”这个词,还有“more”这个词。 提示更多-提示更多-提示

更多-音调更平坦,不太清晰,嘴巴动作更简单。 救援更多——救援更有趣——





有趣- 比听起来有趣-


比听起来更有趣- 比听起来更有趣- 比,比,比,比。 几乎就像没有元音一样,

那就是schwa。 AH 元音被简化为 schwa。 现在,当 schwa 后面跟着 N

、M、R、L 时,它会被那个辅音压倒,那么你不需要尝试

发出元音,只要继续发出辅音。 所以它是 TH 到 N,然后,然后,然后。

然后它 - 然后它 - 然后它 - 然后它听起来 - 然后它听起来 -

所以’then’和’it’没有重读,减少,说得更简单,联系在一起,比它,比它,比它听起来 –

在我们的重读音节之前。 我们这里确实有一个塞音 T,因为下一个词以

辅音 S 音开头。


有趣- 比听起来有趣-



食物和水用完了- 我们的压力是什么? 食物和水用完了——




那些也有点长。 最后停止 T。

并且,减少了。 很常见的发音为 schwa N,正如你在这里学到的,

N 接管了 schwa,它更像是一个 N 音。





,这就是我们通常的做法:食物和水 、食物和水。 然后如果它是一个小链条,



水,这里的 T 是拍音 T,因为它位于两个元音之间。 水,水。



R 辅音和那个词都有,这两个词确实与单个 R 音联系在一起。





水用完了– 四天前水用完了。

这个思想组中的三个词。 那里最重音的词是什么?






四天前。 所以声音慢慢地向天的高峰期提高音调,然后降低音调。












Oxygen will run–

Oxygen will run–

Oxygen will

run– 前两个音被去掉,所以它就像一个撇号 LL,

我们不会这样写,但我们肯定会这样发音,并且 这就是他正在做的事情。

Oxygen’ll–oxygen’ll– 所以我们可以认为它只是添加了一个 schwa L,或者只是一个暗 L 音。 氧气会——

呃,呃,呃,呃。 Oxygen’ll - 试试看。 Oxygen’ll– Oxygen’ll- Oxygen’ll run–


run– Oxygen’ll will run out–


现在,当 T 出现在辅音之前时,它通常是停止 T,但是当它出现在 T 之前时,

我们只是将它们组合成一个真正的 T。

所以我们有了“明天”这个词。 明天。 请不要太发音——


到——到——明天,明天。 明天早上。





好的,现在这句话。 就是这样。 所以不清楚。 我这么写是因为我很确定这就是

他所说的。 从上下文,从我听到的声音来看,这是有道理的,





有点像H音,AA音。 就是这样。 就是这样。


再一次,他在这里展示了他的疲惫程度。 这家伙全军覆没。 他已经四天没有吃东西或喝水了。

就是这样。 就是这样。




通常,有人会这样说:就是这样。 就是这样。

但在这里,它的出现是:怎么样。 怎么样。

停止 T,因为 T 出现在思想的尽头。






其中三个压力很大。 其中三个更长。 当我飘忽不定时——

我是唯一一个我认为压力更小、音调更低、速度更快的人。 当我漂流时–





结束 N 进入 AI 双元音,连接到 D,FT 簇的 T 辅音连接到

单词“off”的开头元音。 漂流–漂流-tatatat–漂流–




现在在这里,“我”这个词没有被简化,也没有被重读,我应该说,它很长。 我会梦到你。

我 - 这样做并不常见,就像,不,他在思考,他在强调,这是情绪化的。

我会梦到你。 这是一件大事。 他在谈论他什么时候死。











我,梦,你。 那里重音最多的词。 威尔和左右,音调低一点,说得快了一点。

我会梦到你。 关于你——

我们确实在那里停了T。 下一个单词以辅音 Y 开头。




实际上,当一个以 T 结尾的单词后面跟着“你”时,我们有两种选择:它可以是像这里一样的停顿 T,

关于你,但你也会听到关于你的声音。 当你后面跟着你时,你还会听到 T 变成 CH。






呼吸。 音调较低。 还有一点内省,他在和某人说话,但你知道,他在







这就是我们这里的内容。 元音被删除了,它只是 TS 集群。

总是——总是——总是——总是—— 连接到下一个词。




我们对 al–T 永远是你有压力– 对“你”也有压力。 永远是你。 流畅地连接在一起。










明天早上氧气就会用完。 就是这样。

当我漂流时,我会梦见你。 永远是你。


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就是这样,非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的英语!