Learn English with Movies Green Book

In the US, summer is sun, sand, and blockbuster movies.

And this summer, we’re going to use those movies to learn English and study how to sound American.

Every video this summer is going to be a study English with movies video.

We’ll pull scenes from the summer’s hottest movies as well as favorite movies from years past.

It’s amazing what we can discover by studying even a small bit of English dialogue.

We’ll study how to understand movies, what makes Americans sound American, and of course,

any interesting vocabulary, phrasal verbs, or idioms that come up in the scenes we study.

I call this kind of exercise a Ben Franklin exercise. First, we’ll watch the scene.

Then, we’ll do an in-depth analysis of what we hear together. This is going to be so much fun.

Be sure to tell your friends and spread the word that all summer long, every Tuesday,

we’re studying English with movies here at Rachel’s English. If you’re new to my channel,

click subscribe and don’t forget the notification button.

Let’s get started. First, the scene.

As my mother always said, what kind of brand new fool are you?

Look at them over there.

Take a good look at the officer you hit. Look at him. He’s over there having a grand old time.

Chatting up with his pals.

Enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

And where are you?

In here, with me, who did nothing.

Now, the analysis.

As my mother always said,

as my mother always said,

as my mother always said.

Sort of a long thought group. What are our most stressed words here?

As my mother always said,

as my mother always said,

as my mother always said.

As my mother always said. Moth- and ‘said’ a little bit longer. Some of that up-down shape.

As my mother always said,

as my mother always said,

as my mother always said, what kind of brand new fool are you?

What kind of bran– brand new fool. Lots of stress on ‘brand’.

Brand new fool are you.

So we have quite a few words in this long thought group that are a little bit longer and

have that up-down shape of stress. I think brand is the most stressed word there.

Now, it’s interesting because even though it’s the most stressed word, there is a reduction happening.

Listen to these two words together. Brand and new.

Brand new fool.

Brand new fool.

Brand new fool.

You might be noticing there is no D sound. This word ends in the N sound, begins in the N sound,

the two words linked together: brand new. And these two words go together somewhat frequently.

We use the phrase ‘brand new’ and we never say that D.

I got a brand new computer yesterday. We’re going to get you a brand new pair of shoes.

Brand new. Brand new. The vowel in the word ‘brand’ is the AA as in bat vowel, and when it’s followed by N,

brand, there is an UH sound as the back of the tongue relaxes before the front of the tongue lifts.

So try to imitate that. Bra- Bra- brand new, brand new, brand new.

Brand new fool.

Brand new fool.

Brand new fool.

Let’s look at other things that are happening in this phrase, reductions, for example.

What kind of brand new fool are you?

What kind of brand new fool are you?

What kind of brand new fool are you?

‘Kind of’ is pronounced: kinda, kinda, kinda. So it’s really common to take the word ‘of’

and make that just the schwa sound, but it’s a little bit less common to drop the D. Kind of, kind of, kind of.

It’s a little bit more common to hear a D there. Kind of, kind of, ddddd.

But he drops it, and that does happen sometimes. Kinda, kinda. Rachel do you feel okay? Mmm I feel kind of sick.

Kind of, kind of, kind of, kind of.

What kind of–

what kind of–

What kind of brand new fool are you?

We have one other reduction. It’s the word ‘are’. How do you hear that pronounced?

What kind of brand new fool are you?

What kind of brand new fool are you?

What kind of brand new fool are you?

Fool are you– fool are you– so it’s a little bit hard for me to decide do I think it’s just a schwa?

Or do I think I hear schwa R? Rrrr– fool are, fool are, fool are, or fool uh, fool uh, fool uh, fool uh.

It’s said so quickly, it’s hard to tell. I usually tell my students to make this a quick R sound.

Fool are you, fool are. But it’s said so, so quickly you could probably get by with just making that the schwa

as long as it is said very, very quickly, and links the two words together. Fool are you.

Fool are you?

Fool are you?

Fool are you?

Whoa! Different day, different outfit, important announcement.

Did you know that with this video, I made a free audio lesson that you can download?

In fact, I’m doing this for each one of the youtube videos I’m making this summer.

All 11 of the Learn English with Movies videos!

So follow this link or find the link in the video description to get your free downloadable audio lesson.

It’s where you’re going to train all of the things that you’ve learned about pronunciation in this video.

Back to the lesson.

Fool are you?

Fool are you?

Fool are you?

So aside from our stressed words, we have a lot of unstressed words and syllables that are flatter in pitch,

go a little bit more quickly. For example, the beginning two words: as my.

As my, as my, as my, as my, as my mother, as my a mother, as my mother always said.

As my mother always said–

As my mother always said–

As my mother always said–

Always said. Something interesting happening here. The word ‘always’ ends in a Z sound,

that’s considered a weak consonant sound, it’s voiced. It links right into the S which is a stronger sound.

I think you can think of it as just dropping the Z sound altogether. Always said.

And just make an S sound linking them together. Always said, always said, always said, always said.

Always said,

always said, what kind of brand new fool are you?

What kind of– what kind of– Stop T at the end of ‘what’, that’s because the next word begins with a constant,

very common to do that after, sorry, before a consonant. What kind, what kind.

What kind of

What kind of brand new fool are you?

So in this long thought group, all the words glide together smoothly with no brakes.

The intonation slides up or slides down. This is our unit, this is a single thought group.

As my mother always said, what kind of brand new fool are you?

As my mother always said, what kind of brand new fool are you?

As my mother always said, what kind of brand new fool are you?

Look at them over there.

What are our stressed words in this shorter thought group?

Look at them over there.

Look at them over there.

Look at them over there.

Look at them over there. Oh, there, and look, all a little bit longer. At them, lower in pitch, flatter, unstressed.

Look at them over there.

Look at them over there.

Look at them over there.

The word ‘at’ is pronounced: it, it. Very quick, schwa, stop T. At, at, at them, at them, at them.

That’s because the next word is a consonant. The next word begins with a consonant, the voiced TH sound.

At them, at them, at them. Now, you could definitely hear this pronounced: at ‘em, at ‘em, at ‘em,

with a flap T and the TH dropped.

Look at them over there.

Look at them over there.

Look at them over there.

Look at them over there. Look at them, at ‘em, at ‘em, at ‘em.

But if you don’t drop the TH, then you do make that a stop T. At them, at them, at them.

I think it might be a little bit more common to drop the TH, but either one sounds perfectly fine and natural

as long as these words are unstressed against the more stressed words, at and them,

not nearly as important as look, over, and there.

Look at them over there.

Look at them over there.

Look at them over there.

And again, everything links together really smoothly in this thought group.

The ending K releases right into the schwa. Look at, Look at, Look at, look at them over there.

Them over there– no breaks between words, no skips in our pitch.

Look at them over there.

Look at them over there.

Look at them over there.

Take a good look at the officer you hit.

Okay, now what are our most stressed words here?

Take a good look at the officer you hit.

Take a good look at the officer you hit.

Take a good look at the officer you hit.

Take a good look at the officer you hit.

Four more stressed syllables and the other words are said quite quickly. Look at the word ‘good’.

This is a content word, but it’s not stressed. We don’t always stress every single content word.

Take a good look at the officer you hit.

Take a good look at the officer you hit.

Take a good look at the officer you hit.

He’s stressing look, a good look. If you take a good look at something, that means you really study it,

you really see it, you take time to look at it, and take it in. But ‘good’, a little unclear, it definitely

has an unstressed feeling compared to ‘take’ and ‘look’. It has the same vowel, UH as in look,

this is the vowel that we have in ‘push’. Sometimes, people see OO and they think OO: good look.

But it’s: good look. Actually, just on the subway the other day, I heard someone say: looking, looking.

That’s not right. It’s: looking, uh, uh, looking. Take a good look.

Take a good look–

Take a good look–

Take a good look–

So in the word ‘good’, he says it so quickly, I think the G is a little unclear, I think the D is little unclear.

We have the schwa, so these two words said very quickly between our stressed words, take and look.

Now, we have two more unstressed words between the word ‘look’ and the stressed first syllable of ‘officer’.

How are ‘at the’ pronounced?

Take a good look at the officer you hit.

Take a good look at the officer you hit.

Take a good look at the officer you hit.

So unclear. As I try to isolate that, and loop it, at the, at the, at the, at the, at the.

Definitely not ‘at the ‘. Much less clear, much more simplified, much faster than that.

Again, I would write this as schwa, stop T, and then a very quick unvoiced TH, schwa, sorry, voiced TH.

Now, for the voiced TH here beginning an unstressed word, tongue tip doesn’t have to come all the way

through the teeth. That would take way too long. We have to simplify that. The tongue presses behind

the teeth. It’s not at the roof of the mouth, it’s not pointed way down, it’s touching the teeth but it doesn’t come

all the way through. At the, at the, at the, at the, at the.
‘At the’ becomes: at the, at the, at the. Can you do that?

Look at the officer–

Look at the officer–

Look at the officer you hit.

Officer you hit– So ‘ffi-cer you’ three unstressed syllables here. Fficer you– fficer you– fficer you–

Flatter in pitch before our stressed word ‘hit’. And he does do a light release of a true T. Hit, hit.

Now, because it’s the end of a thought group, it would be pretty common to make that a stop T, hit,

but he does release it lightly, it sounds fine.

Officer you hit–

officer you hit–

officer you hit–

Look at him.

Okay, three-word thought group what’s the most stressed word here?

Look at him.

Look at him.

Look at him.

Definitely ‘look’. Look at him. And the other two words sort of just fall down in pitch, part of the same curve.

Look at him.

Look at him.

Look at him.

Look at him. Look at him. Now, he doesn’t reduce the vowel in ‘at’, in ‘at’, he keeps that AH vowel.

But he does drop the H, that’s common. And he connects the two with a stop T which sounds just like

a little flap of the tongue, a little D between vowels, at him, at him, at him, at him, at him.

Really smoothly connected. Look at him. Look at him.

Look at him.

Look at him.

Look at him.

He’s over there having a grand old time chatting up with his pals.

Now, we have a really long thought group. Half of it is on this slide, half of it is on the other slide,

what are the stressed words in this fragment of that thought group?

He’s over there having a grand old time.

He’s over there having a grand old time.

He’s over there having a grand old time.

He’s over there having a grand old time.

So ‘he’s’ has some stress, and then ‘grand old time’ has some stress, the most stress on ‘grand’.

Now earlier, we had the phrase ‘brand new’ and we talked about how we dropped that D.

Brand is very similar to grand, how is this D pronounced?

He’s over there having a grand old time.

He’s over there having a grand old time.

He’s over there having a grand old time.

Grand old, granddd, grand old. I do hear the D there. It’s because the next word begins with a vowel,

or in this case, diphthong, the OH sound. If the next word began with a consonant, I think

there’s a really good chance he would have dropped that D. But he does make a D sound.

Grand old, grand old time.

Grand old time. Grand old time.

He’s over there having a grand old time.

Over there having a– over there having a– These four words here, a little bit less clear, a little bit lower in pitch,

flatter in pitch, less pitch variation.

He’s over there having a–

He’s over there having a–

He’s over there having a–

Having a– He switches the NG sound and makes just an N sound. Havin’ a, havin’ a, havin’ a, havin’ a.

That does happen quite often in really familiar ING words. What does it mean to have a grand old time?

It just means to have fun. He’s very relaxed. He’s chatting with his friends.

He doesn’t have any cares or worries.

He’s over there having a grand old time.

He’s over there having a grand old time.

He’s over there having a grand old time chatting up with his pals.

What are our most stressed words in this part of the thought group?

Chatting up with his pals.

Chatting up with his pals.

Chatting up with his pals.

Chatting up with his pals. I think ‘up’ has the most stress, it’s the highest pitch to me.

Chatting up with his pals.

Chatting up with his pals.

Chatting up with his pals.

Chatting up with his pals.

‘With’ and ‘his’ flatter in pitch, much more simplified, less clear, and did you notice that we had a flap T here?

Chatting, chatting. Because that T sound comes between two vowels. Chatting up.

Chatting, Chatting, chatting up with his pals.

With his pals, with his pals, with his pals, with his pals. ‘With’ and ‘his’ pretty unclear. Is the H dropped in ‘his’?

Chatting up with his pals.

Chatting up with his pals.

Chatting up with his pals.

H is definitely dropped. With his pals. With his pals. TH here pretty unclear.

With his, with his, with his, with his. I rarely would say this but I think you could get away with a really light D,

it almost sounds to me like he’s saying: what is, what is, what is, what is. But if that D is all heavy, or all clear,

it won’t sound right. It has to be unclear, said quickly, simplified.

With his pals.

With his pals.

With his pals.

Enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

Ok, now listen to the next thought group and you tell me what’s stressed there.

Enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

Enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

Enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

I hear enjoy, enjoying a nice, a nice cup of coffee.

Joy, nice, coff– So ‘cup’, it is a content word, it’s a noun, but not all content words are always stressed.

And I don’t really hear that as stressed compared to the other stressed words in that sentence.

Enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

Enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

Enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

The word ‘a’ reduced to the schwa. Enjoying a, enjoying a. Links together the words ‘enjoy’ and the word ‘nice’.

Enjoying a nice, enjoying a nice, and then ‘cup of’ both flat, low in pitch, less clear: cup of, cup of, cup of, cup of.

The word ‘of’ is reduced, it’s just the schwa. So we have, I would probably right ‘cup’ with a schwa too,

because it’s said so quickly. Cup of, cup of, cup of, cup of. Do that with me: cup of, cup of, cup of, cup of coffee, cup of coffee.

Cup of coffee. Do you hear the rhythmic contrast there? We have ‘cup of’, very fast, da-da, and then coffee.

Da-da, da-da. A longer syllable on ‘co–’. Cup of coffee. Da-da da-da.

Enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

Enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

Enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

And where are you?

Ok, now this is interesting, we have a little four-word thought group. Where are.

How are those two words pronounced?

And where are you?

And where are you?

And where are you?

And where are you? So the word ‘where’, W consonant sound, EH as in bed, schwa R. Where.

Now, the word ‘are’ is reduced. It’s just schwa R. Schwa R, I say, is one sound, it’s urrr. It’s not ar, ar, ar.

We don’t really hear the schwa, it gets absorbed by the R. So here we have one sound, well, and then that

word ends in schwa R but this word is schwa R. So these two words kind of blend together. If you would say to me:

Rachel, I don’t hear the word ‘are’, I would totally understand why you didn’t hear the word ‘are’.

I do, I hear it, super subtly, but I can understand if you wouldn’t hear it at all because it’s unstressed

and it’s basically, they’re just the same sound that we just heard, I hear a super slight reiteration of it

where I’m exaggerating there, where rrr, it’s not quite that clear, but I hear a hint of that.

That’s how I definitely hear the word ‘are’. But if you don’t hear the word ‘are’, I totally get it, I totally understand.

When you’re working with the audio that goes with this video, why don’t you think of it

as being completely dropped? See if that helps you simplify and smoothly link the sounds together.

And where you? There I said it without thinking of the word ‘are’, it still sounds right.

And where are you?

And where are you?

And where are you?

How’s the word ‘and’ pronounced?

And where are you?

And where are you?

And where are you?

Super quick: and, and, and, and, and. I think I would write that with AA as in bat vowel, not reduced

from the vowel, but the D is definitely dropped. And, and, and. And where are you? And where are you?

And where are you?

And where are you?

And where are you?

In here, with me, who did nothing.

Okay, now he puts these little breaks in and that breaks it up into different thought groups.

So we have three thought groups. What is the stress of each of these little thought groups?

In here, with me, who did nothing.

In here, with me, who did nothing.

In here, with me, who did nothing.

In here, first syllable stress, in here, and the voice falls down a pitch, with me, same with the next one, in here,

with me, uhhh, uhhh. Pitch is the same, rhythm is the same, words or different, sounds are different.

See if you can do that, thinking of that same pitch, and rhythm. Uhhh, uhhhh.

In here, with me–

In here, with me–

In here, with me, who did nothing.

And what about the final little fragment there? What’s the stress of that?

Who did nothing.

Who did nothing.

Who did nothing.

Who did nothing. Who did– voices going up towards ‘nothing’. The peak of pitch on ‘nothing’. Who did nothing.

But I love how we can see this in these two little thought groups here. In here, and with me,

how the feeling is exactly the same.

Uhhh, uhhh. Same notes of the voice, same music of the voice, but different words.

In here, with me, who did nothing.

In here, with me, who did nothing.

In here, with me, who did nothing.

Let’s listen to his monologue one more time.

As my mother always said, what kind of brand new fool are you?

Look at them over there.

Take a good look at the officer you hit.

Look at him.

He’s over there having a grand old time chatting up with his pals.

Enjoying a nice cup of coffee.

And where are you?

In here, with me, who did nothing.

We’re going to be doing a lot more of this kind of analysis together.

What movie scenes would you like to see analyzed like this? Let me know in the comments!

And if you want to see all my Ben Franklin videos, click here.

You’ll also find the link in the video description.

That’s it and thanks so much for using Rachel’s English.








我把这种练习称为本富兰克林练习。 首先,我们将观看现场。

然后,我们将对我们一起听到的内容进行深入分析。 这将非常有趣。


我们都会在 Rachel’s English 看电影学习英语。 如果您是我频道的新手,


让我们开始吧。 首先,场景。



好好看看你击中的军官。 看着他。 他在那里度过了一段美好的时光。









有点像一个长期的思想小组。 我们在这里最强调的词是什么?




正如我妈妈经常说的。 飞蛾和“说”的时间长了一点。 一些上下的形状。




什么样的麸皮——全新的傻瓜。 对“品牌”的压力很大。



具有上下起伏的压力形状。 我认为品牌是那里最强调的词。


一起听这两个词。 全新的。




您可能会注意到没有 D 音。 这个词以N音结尾,以N音开头

,两个词连在一起:全新。 这两个词经常一起出现。

我们使用“全新”这个词,我们从不说 D。

我昨天买了一台全新的电脑。 我们会给你买一双全新的鞋子。

全新的。 全新的。 “brand”这个词中的元音是蝙蝠元音中的AA,当它后面跟着N,


所以试着模仿它。 胸罩- 胸罩- 全新,全新,全新。








“有点”的发音:有点,有点,有点。 因此,使用“of”这个词

并使其仅发出 schwa 声音确实很常见,但删除 D 的情况不太常见。有点,有点,有点。

在那里听到 D 的情况更常见一些。 有点,有点,ddddd。

但是他放弃了它,而且有时确实会发生这种情况。 有点,有点。 瑞秋,你觉得还好吗? 嗯,我感觉有点恶心。





我们还有另一个减少。 是“是”这个词。 你怎么听到这个发音?




你是傻瓜——你是傻瓜——所以我有点难以决定我认为这只是一个 schwa 吗?

还是我认为我听到了 schwa R? Rrrr–傻瓜是,傻瓜是,傻瓜是,或者傻瓜呃,傻瓜呃,傻瓜呃,傻瓜呃。

说得太快了,很难说。 我通常告诉我的学生把它变成一个快速的 R 音。

你是傻子,是傻子。 但它是这么说的

,只要它说得非常非常快,并且把这两个词联系在一起,那么你可能很快就可以做到这一点。 你是傻子。




哇! 不同的日子,不同的服装,重要的公告。


事实上,我正在为我今年夏天制作的每个 youtube 视频做这个。

所有 11 部通过电影学习英语的视频!








走得更快一点。 比如开头的两个字:as my。





总是这样。 这里发生了一些有趣的事情。 “always”这个词以 Z 音结尾,

这被认为是弱辅音,它是浊音。 它直接连接到 S 音,这是一个更强的声音。

我认为您可以将其视为完全放弃 Z 声音。 一直说。

只需发出 S 音将它们连接在一起。 一直说,一直说,一直说,一直说。



What kind of- what kind of- 在“what”的末尾停止 T,那是因为下一个词以一个常数开头,

很常见的做法是在,对不起,在辅音之前。 什么样的,什么样的。




语调向上或向下滑动。 这是我们的单位,这是一个单一的思想小组。









看看他们那边。 哦,那里,看,都长了一点。 在他们那里,音调更低,更平坦,没有压力。




“at”这个词的发音是:它,它。 很快,施瓦,停止 T。在,在,在他们,在他们,在他们。

那是因为下一个词是辅音。 下一个单词以辅音开头,即浊音 TH 音。

对他们,对他们,对他们。 现在,你肯定能听到这个发音:at ‘em,at ‘em,at ‘em

,拍打 T,TH 下降。




看看他们那边。 看着他们,看着他们,看着他们,看着他们。

但是,如果您不放弃 TH,那么您确实会停止 T。对他们,对他们,对他们。

我认为放弃 TH 可能会更常见一点,但是

只要这些词与更重音的词 at 和它们相比,它们中的任何一个听起来都非常好和自然,

不如 look、over 和它们那么重要 那里。





结尾的 K 直接释放到 schwa 中。 看,看,看,看他们那边。











四个重读音节和其他单词说得很快。 看“好”这个词。

这是一个内容词,但没有强调。 我们并不总是强调每一个内容词。




他的表情很紧张,很好看。 如果你看一个东西,那就是你真的研究它,


有一种没有压力的感觉 去“拿”和“看”。 它和look有相同的元音UH,

这是我们在’push’中的元音。 有时,人们看到OO,他们认为OO:好看。

但它是:好看。 其实,前几天刚在地铁上,就听到有人说:看,看。

那是不对的。 它是:寻找,呃,呃,寻找。 好好看看。





我们有 schwa,所以这两个词在我们的重读词之间说得很快,take and look。


‘at the’ 怎么读?




所以不清楚。 当我试图隔离它并循环它时,在,在,在,在,在。

绝对不是’在’。 比这更不清晰,更简化,更快。

再一次,我会把它写成 schwa,停止 T,然后是一个非常快速的清音 TH,schwa,对不起,浊音 TH。

现在,对于这里的浊音 TH 开始一个不重读的词,舌尖不必一直

穿过牙齿。 那需要的时间太长了。 我们必须简化它。 舌头压在

牙齿后面。 它不是在嘴的顶部,它没有向下指向,它接触到牙齿,但它并没有

完全穿过。 在,在,在,在,在。
“在”变成:在,在,在。 你能做到吗?



你打的警官——所以’ffi-cer you’在这里是三个不重读的音节。

在我们强调的词“击中”之前,你更——你——你——更平。 他确实做了一个真正的T的轻释放。命中,命中。

现在,因为这是一个思想组的结束,所以将其设为停止 T,击中是很常见的,










绝对是“看”。 看着他。 而另外两个词在音调上有点下降,是同一条曲线的一部分。




看着他。 看着他。 现在,他没有减少’at’中的元音,在’at’中,他保留了那个AH元音。

但是他确实放弃了H,这很常见。 他用一个塞音 T 将这两者连接起来,听起来就像

是舌头的轻微拍打,元音之间的小 D,at him, at him, at him, at him, at him。

连接真的很顺畅。 看着他。 看着他。





现在,我们有一个非常长的思想小组。 一半在这张幻灯片上,一半在另一张幻灯片上,






所以’he’s’有一些重音,然后’grand old time’有一些重音,‘grand’的重音最大。

现在早些时候,我们有“全新”这个短语,我们谈到了我们是如何去掉这个 D 的

。Brand 与 Grand 非常相似,这个 D 是如何发音的?




老大,老大,老大。 我确实听到那里的D。 这是因为下一个单词以元音开头,

或者在这种情况下是双元音,即 OH 音。 如果下一个词以辅音开头,我认为

他很有可能会放弃那个 D。但他确实发出 D 音。


盛大的旧时光。 盛大的旧时光。




他在那边有一个 -

他在那边有一个 -

他在那边有一个 -

有一个 - 他切换 NG 声音,只发出 N 声音。 有一个,有一个,有一个,有一个。

这确实经常发生在非常熟悉的 ING 单词中。 拥有美好的旧时光意味着什么?

它只是意味着玩得开心。 他很放松。 他正在和他的朋友聊天。









和他的朋友聊天。 我认为“向上”的压力最大,对我来说是最高的音调。





‘With’ 和 ‘his’ 音高更平,更简化,更不清晰,你注意到我们这里有一个襟翼 T 吗?

聊天,聊天。 因为那个 T 音出现在两个元音之间。 聊天。


和他的朋友们,和他的朋友们,和他的朋友们,和他的朋友们。 “与”和“他的”很不清楚。 H是掉在“他的”里了吗?




H 肯定掉线了。 和他的朋友们。 和他的朋友们。 这里很不清楚。

与他的,与他的,与他的,与他的。 我很少会这么说,但我认为你可以用一个非常轻的 D 逃脱,

在我听来几乎就像他在说:什么是,什么是,什么是,什么是。 但如果那个 D 很重,或者很清楚,

那听起来就不对了。 它必须是不清楚的,快速地说,简化。















单词“a”简化为 schwa。 享受一个,享受一个。 将“enjoy”和“nice”这两个词联系在一起。


‘of’这个词被减少了,它只是schwa。 所以我们有,我可能也会用 schwa 来“杯子”,

因为它说得太快了。 一杯,一杯,一杯,一杯。 跟我一起做:一杯,一杯,一杯,一杯咖啡,一杯咖啡。

一杯咖啡。 你听到那里的节奏对比了吗? 我们有“一杯”,非常快,da-da,然后是咖啡。

哒哒哒哒 ‘co–’ 上更长的音节。 一杯咖啡。 哒哒哒哒。





好的,现在这很有趣,我们有一个小的四字思想组。 在哪。





还有你在哪里? 所以单词’where’,W辅音,EH如在床上,schwa R. Where。

现在,“是”这个词被减少了。 这只是 schwa R。我说 Schwa R 是一种声音,它是 urrr。 这不是 ar,ar,ar。

我们并没有真正听到 schwa,它被 R 吸收了。所以这里我们有一个声音,嗯,然后那个

词以 schwa R 结尾,但这个词是 schwa R。所以这两个词混合在一起。 如果你对我说:





这就是我绝对听到“是”这个词的方式。 但如果你没有听到“是”这个词,我完全明白,我完全理解。


它完全被丢弃了? 看看这是否可以帮助您简化和平滑地将声音链接在一起。

你在哪里? 在那里,我没有想到“是”这个词就说出来了,听起来还是对的。








超级快:and,and,and,and,and. 我想我会像蝙蝠元音一样用 AA 来写,而不是

从元音中减少,但 D 肯定会被删除。 和,和,和。 还有你在哪里? 还有你在哪里?






所以我们有三个思想组。 这些小思想群体的压力是什么?





与我,嗯,嗯。 音高相同,节奏相同,词或不同,声音不同。

看看你能不能做到这一点,想想同样的音高和节奏。 嗯嗯嗯。


在一起—— 在这,和我在一起——


那最后的小片段呢? 那有什么压力?




谁什么都没做。 谁做了 - 声音上升到“什么都没有”。 “无”的音高。 谁什么都没做。

但我喜欢我们如何在这两个小思想小组中看到这一点。 在这里,和我在一起,


呃呃呃。 声音的音符相同,声音的音乐相同,但单词不同。














您希望看到这样分析的哪些电影场景? 在评论中告诉我!



就是这样,非常感谢您使用 Rachel 的英语。