LISTENING SPELLING Test Can YOU pass Common English Words That Sound The Same
Well hey there I’m Emma from mmmEnglish!
Today’s video is a quiz, specifically to test your listening
and your spelling skills
and hopefully, to introduce a few new words as well.
As I’m sure you have already noticed, English is full
of pairs of words that sound the same
but they’re spelled differently and they have different meanings.
Perhaps they’re different types of words.
They’re called homophones
and this quiz is going to test your English accuracy
and I have a sneaky feeling that some of my excellent students
are going to perform better
much better than some of my native-speaking friends.
I’ve already asked some of them to do this quiz exactly
as you’re about to do it now and none of them
got it a hundred percent right.
So if you’re a native English speaker,
I challenge you to take this quiz too
and to please share your results down in the comments below.
Honest results.
As I said, I’ll be testing your listening skills and your accuracy
in writing so let me tell you what I need you to do.
You’ll hear me say a sentence out loud and you’ll see that sentence
on the screen but there will be a word missing.
Have you ever tried eating raw steak?
You simply need to guess what that correct word is.
And since we’re practising your spelling today, it is absolutely
essential that you write down your answer.
I’m not just testing the words that you hear but also your spelling
so hopefully, you wrote raw and not roar.
As we get further into the lesson, these words are gonna get
a little trickier and there will be more words
missing from the sentence so you’ll need to listen very carefully.
To get ready you could either write one to sixty on a notepad or
type them on your computer. In fact, I’ve added
one to sixty down in the comments below so if you just want to
copy and paste all of that, I’ve done all of the hard work for you.
Copy and paste it into a comment
and you can type them as we go.
We’ll move quickly. This is a speed test. You only have
three seconds to write down the missing word that you hear
so make sure you’re prepared before we get started.
I’m not going to share the answers as we go. I’m going to share the
answers at the end of the lesson so this means you can turn it into
a bit of a challenge with friends if you want.
You can compete against them
and then add up your scores at the end.
Or if you’re a teacher you could get your whole class
to compete together
then go through the answers at the end of the lesson.
As always if you’ve got a question or a comment,
add it down below. I’ll be down to continue the conversation
when you finish the lesson.
And one last important thing. Make sure you switch off
your subtitles okay?
Otherwise you’re gonna see the answers as we go.
For the first time ever I’m reminding you to switch off your subtitles
Then let’s get started.
I felt sure I would see him here.
Did you hear me say that I wasn’t listening?
How many people were there?
There are a few too many apples in the basket.
Don’t you dare tell me they’re not here!
Do you realise that you’re late?
Usually people roar with laughter as he comes out on stage.
I took off my shoes and let my bare feet in the sand.
I think there’s a splinter in Billy’s paw.
I went to see your brother last night but he wasn’t home.
We had enough left to buy her an apple muffin.
Martha was worried she’d detected several flaws in the new design.
The boat had drifted quite far from the shore.
I can’t remember which witch was which.
Bear with me,
I have a few more things I need to finish before I leave.
All he did was stop and stare.
He blew out the candles before we finished singing.
They left two pairs and an uneaten sandwich on the table.
This lesson was brought to you by me.
We’re leaving next week and I have no idea what to wear.
It’s a little chilly outside today.
We leased our apartment and went backpacking for a year.
I saw Billy earlier but now he’s out of sight.
To be honest, I thought the price was a little dear.
I need a small amount of flour as I knead the bread.
My puppy always chews on my shoes.
I think Tim threw it into the car.
Someone left their jacket in there.
There are seven different options for dessert.
He used to require assistance to climb the stairs.
We’ve been through this several times before.
Before I hope you’re enjoying yourself.
I had no idea that the family was in mourning.
I’m waiting for you to accept my invitation.
I was quite surprised when I opened the door;
there was a maid there to greet me.
People usually flare their nostrils when they’re incensed.
Photography inside the building is banned.
We have a new piece of information
but I don’t think it will alter anything.
She always dresses with such flair.
Most pig species are covered in coarse hair.
John’s family bred racehorses when he was younger.
I like all of them except the blue one.
I just need a moment of peace and quiet.
I hope we don’t see unemployment
soar to new heights over the coming months.
I saw him a few days after the accident
and he had quite a sore leg.
There was a familiar scent in the kitchen.
My businesses have their own discreet identity.
What is the cost of the fare to Greenwich?
Getting seven kids up and ready for school is no easy feat.
Even though I wanted to give up, I didn’t want to appear weak.
They asked us whether we were married.
After all the training he did,
Tim was disappointed when he came fourth.
He let out a large groan when he realised he’d missed his train.
It’s a little tight around the waist. You might need a bigger size.
If your grandma lived to 103,
you must have strong genes in the family.
That cut may take a little while to heal.
I think we need to rein in the design team,
they’re blowing our budget!
There’s a knot that I need you to help me with.
I agree with you in principal
but I need more details before I come on board.
There’s snot on your shirt!
So how are you feeling about that quiz?
Are you pretty confident about most of your answers?
Or were there a few in there where you thought
I’m not sure if I heard that correctly
or I’m not exactly sure how to spell this correctly.
Either way, I’m going to go through all the answers for you now
but please make sure you highlight the ones that you got wrong
all right? So that you can spend some time after the quiz
just looking into these different words,
see how they’re used, maybe especially compare them to the other
homophones that I’m going to share with you on screen now.
Of course, if you’ve got any questions,
add them into the comments below
but now get your pens ready, get ready to correct your answers.
Let’s do it!
Bear with me.
And wear.
And knead.
And there.
This one’s a little tricky. It could also be two or more assistants.
Either option would make sense here.
It would just depend on the context.
And sore.
There’s a knot.
There’s snot.
So how did you go? There were definitely some very tricky words
in there and they sound exactly the same when they’re spoken
don’t they? So that means that you could be using the wrong word
or the wrong spelling just by accident and of course
that impacts on your accuracy and your written English.
So right now I want you to hit pause on the video and count up
your score. If you scored between fifty and sixty,
you did exceptionally well.
If you did anything close to that, that’s amazing as well.
This was a tricky quiz. I hope that in the process of completing
this quiz you also learnt a few new words as well.
In fact, if you did, let me know which ones were new for you
and make sure you practise using them in a sentence down below.
All of my best students are the ones, they’re
definitely the ones who go beyond my lessons
and actually put what we’re learning into practice.
So is that you? Are you one of my best students?
I want to see your sentences down below okay.
Thanks for watching today and I hope that you had fun.
I will see you next week and in case you want to practise with me
a little more today, come check out this lesson right here.
I’ll see you in there!