LIVE on YouTube Happy Expressions in English 500 000 subscribers
hello hello YouTube hi this is Emma here
from English I’m really really excited
to be here a little nervous this is my
first time live on YouTube so please
please please be patient with me if the
technology is a little bit beyond me hi
I can see Ezra is here and honeybee and
oh my goodness hello hello hello hello
I’m trying to keep up with all of your
messages it’s amazing to see you all
here it’s nice to finally have someone
some of you here live amazing hi this is
Emma from English very very excited but
a little bit nervous this is my very
first youtube live so I’m really really
excited to be here with all of you from
all over the world I can see Thailand I
can see Colombia Indonesia woof oh my
goodness Wow guys it is so cool to see
Romania Morocco it’s great to see you
all here live whoo-hoo okay you give me
a little boost of energy now I am so
excited that you’re all here I know that
lots of you have been asking for a long
time can I come live into the into my
YouTube channel and say hi and give
lessons and that kind of thing and I
thought 500,000 subscribers is the
perfect time to to come in to celebrate
to say hi properly introduce myself to
meet you all you are amazing it’s lovely
to see you oh hi I have to pinch myself
knowing that each time I make a lesson
there are 500,000 people watching it’s a
little bit
crazy to even imagine how many people
that is I can’t even picture that in my
head but it’s so wonderful that that all
of my my hard work and my lessons are
appreciated by all of you amazing it’s
so good to see you
so I’ve seen lots of different different
countries coming through Ukraine Turkey
everyone hi wonderful let me know where
you’re all from and what you’re all
doing at the moment I can see China Wow
India woohoo
fantastic it’s wonderful wonderful to
see you all personally I want to say
thank you to all of you I know you guys
are so supportive and encouraging of me
and my teaching here on YouTube I’m
really really excited to have the
opportunity to see you all here like
it’s so distracting I can see so many
people saying hello hello hello
so in this video and in this live video
I want to to do a couple of things I’m
going to hang around for about half an
hour or so but I want to talk to you
about a few different English
expressions that I’ve been using over
the last 24 hours or so because I just
found out you know about the the number
of subscribers reaching 500,000 so I’ve
been talking to my friends and family
and students about it and I’ve been
using so many different English
expressions that I wanted to share with
you then I’m gonna talk for a few
minutes just about the history or a
little bit of information about in
English and how it kind of started and
and what’s happening on the channel at
the moment and hopefully I’ll answer
such a hopefully I’ll I’ll answer a few
of your questions as well though
is some time for that at the end so you
can listen to as much or as little as
you like it’s it’s quite different being
live instead of being here for a lesson
that I usually prepare for you
so we’ll see how we go Hey but I am
really really excited that that we’ve
reached that number and I think so far
I’ve already used one expression that I
want to talk about which is I I have to
I have to pinch myself which means a
pinch is like when you you get a piece
of skin and you go like this
this is called a pinch and the
expression I have just have to pinch
myself means like I can’t believe that
it’s real it seems like a dream and so
often you know to see if you’re dreaming
or not you pinch yourself to see see if
you can feel it then you know it’s not a
dream and so this expression is really
common in English I have to pinch myself
I couldn’t believe it
it was amazing so I’ve already used that
expression right over the moon I even
saw someone writing about this the other
day and just in the comments here I’m
over the moon
it means I’m really really happy or
delighted excited you know to have this
news and over the moon really really
happy people often you know use that
expression when they’re talking about
their you know maybe they just got a job
or they just had a baby and they’re
really excited you know they might say
we’re over the moon we’re so happy I
also have been saying a lot I’m thrilled
which is another way to say that you’re
really really excited so for those of
you who like to practice your th
pronunciation this is a great word
because it’s that th sound with the r
consonant so it’s like through three and
thrilled it’s the same sound thrilled
I’m thrilled
with my news fantastic
now another expression which is similar
to I need to pinch myself where I have
to pinch myself is I can’t believe it
I’m so surprised I’m shocked and it can
be said in in a positive way and a kind
of negative way as well for me obviously
I can’t believe it it’s a really
positive way of saying that and another
really common expression idiom is blown
away and I’ve definitely been saying
that a few times over the last couple of
days I’m blown away which means I’m just
really really impressed really surprised
in a good way now colloquially as well
there’s a few different things that I’ve
been saying colloquially means like very
relaxed casual language that you would
use with your friends
so one thing that’s really common and
guys if any of you are unsure about
where I’m from I’m from Australia so I
speak with an Australian accent and one
thing that we that is very very common
in Australia to say when you’re excited
is I’m pumped I’m really excited I’m
pumped like the past tense firm form of
the verb pump okay I’m pumped and
another one that lots of my friends have
been saying you know when they’re when
they’re saying oh wow congratulations
they’ve been saying you’re killing it
you’re killing it which sounds really
really bizarre because it doesn’t sound
very positive at all but what that means
in that context is you’re doing really
really well you know you’re you’re
successful you’re you’re doing a good
job so lots of people can say you know
they might say to you wow you’re killing
it or you might say
if you passed your English exam with Wow
you got like an eighth in your IELTS or
something like that
then some of your friends might be like
whoa you’re killing it that’s awesome
that’s really good thanks guys I can see
a few of you I see you’re killing it
you’re killing it
excellent you’ve got a new expression
now in English I am and a couple of you
are saying you know please don’t kill
please don’t kill but just to clarify
that in that context it’s a positive
thing it doesn’t sound like it it’s a
little bit weird but it’s an expression
that’s really really common in in in
English especially well colloquially so
you know you wouldn’t say that at work
to your colleagues that kind of thing
but to your friends definitely okay
lovely lovely it’s so good to see so
many of you wonderful over the moon is
your favorite you chew it’s nice yeah
killing is not polite no no but this is
an expression this is an expression
fantastic to see you all here hey
Columbia hey Pakistan fantastic there is
no subtitles because this is live guys
this is my very very first live YouTube
video so I’m still working it out myself
so be patient with me I’m having a lot
of trouble keeping up with all of the
comments over here Spain India Cambodia
Brazil Somalia Iraq oh my goodness I
have to stop Wow it’s great to see you
all here there are so many different
ways to explain how excited I’m feeling
in English in you know when you’re
learning a new language or you’re
learning another language you’re often
you know you learn
and full of words a small number of
words and then you just keep reusing
them so it’s a really good opportunity
to sort of expand some of your English
expressions now and use some different
types of expressions when you’re really
happy excited really surprised so any of
the ones we were just talking about
those are perfect now do me a favor
every one and write for me how you know
I’ve been talking about how excited I am
that my channel just hit 500,000
subscribers I want you to write in your
own language now one sentence that could
say the same thing in your language you
know so in my limited Spanish estoy muy
emocionado try to write in your own
language right one sentence for me that
expresses the same thing I just saw the
Miller go past it’s nice to see you
wonderful that you’re here
fantastic anyway so lots of you have
also been asking through Facebook
through lots of the comments that you
leave on my youtube videos through my
Instagram account you often ask you know
tell us about you know your journey why
did you become a teacher how did you
start teaching on YouTube so I thought
I’d answer a few of your questions now
right it’s very very hard at the moment
for me to even read the comments as
you’re writing them people so I won’t be
able to answer any questions just yet
well I can see some of you are writing
in Polish in Chinese in Spanish in wow
it’s fantastic
Portuguese woohoo very cool I’m gonna
have to go through these comments after
I finish this live video and check it
out guys
anyway so I’ll give you a little bit of
background to me I haven’t always been
an English teacher when I studied at uni
University I studied to be an urban
designer which is similar to an
architect term planner designing cities
that kind of thing and I loved it I did
it for about six years and but I started
feeling like I wanted to you know travel
and live in a few different countries so
I thought I’d take a break from that and
I trained to be a teacher and then I set
off to to go and teach and live in
Vietnam and Malaysia for a while and I
absolutely loved it from the instant
that I started teaching I knew that I
wouldn’t be going back to my previous
career and and so I continued to teach
for a few years and I started the
channel I was working in a language
school and in a university and I started
the channel because I kind of I wanted
to challenge the way that we learn
languages in classrooms and you know
we’ve all had that experience right
we’ve been learning languages in a
classroom and some people are really
good at that and lots of people
including me it just it doesn’t work so
I started the channel thinking that I
would try to teach English by cooking
and some of you who have been around for
a long time you would know that I I
started by always being in the kitchen
and cooking recipes or you know meeting
a friend in a cafe and that kind of
thing so um that’s that’s exactly where
the name English came from when I first
started this channel because mmm it’s
about being
about food being really delicious and so
it’s kind of you know my channels
evolved or it’s become a little
different since then but the name kind
of stuck and I haven’t changed it but
it’s quite interesting mmm is a bit of a
well it’s an interjection and it can
mean lots of different things it can be
used when you say something’s delicious
like mmm this pastas delicious it’s so
good that you can also use it you know
when you’re it’s a really common one
when you’re thinking and you’re like hmm
a little bit like um and it’s kind of
it’s different for every language
everyone has these different kinds of
into interjections and in english mmm is
really common so if someone asks you a
question and you’re not sure of the
answer hmm that’s the way to do it in
English and it can also mean sort of
like yes when you’re responding to
someone if someone said hey Emma mm-hmm
that means yes I’m listening so there’s
lots and lots of different ways that
those three letters mmm can be
interpreted in English depending on tone
intonation that kind of thing so it’s
very very cool very cool little way of
expressing English I think it’s stuck
anyway it’s the name of my channel now I
don’t do a lot of cooking anymore but I
I do like talking a lot about food so I
think that the most important thing is
that you know language is about words
and vocabulary and grammar but it’s also
about so much more than that it’s about
expressing yourself through tone
intonation facial expression all of
these things that help you to become a
really good communicator in English it’s
not just about it’s not just about the
words but it’s also about how you say
those words as well and there’s lots of
different different ways that affect the
way that you speak in English so on this
channel and through my my Facebook
groups I I spend a lot of time trying to
to motivate and encourage my students to
to keep feeling excited and inspired and
interested in in English and motivated
to keep doing it that’s why I call
myself you know I’m I don’t like to say
that I’m your English teacher but I
prefer to say that I’m your English
coach and one of the the biggest
problems that we all have and I say we
because I’m learning a language - I’m
learning Spanish and one of the biggest
problems that we all have some of you
are saying hi coach
some of you are writing lots and lots of
comments and I’m so sorry that I’m
missing a few of them hopefully you can
help each other out if you see anyone
asking a question that you can answer
I’d go for it help them out so yeah I
spend a lot of time motivating and and
helping people to feel confident using
English I think that’s one of the the
biggest challenges that we all face when
we’re learning a language is it’s about
that confidence and the belief in
ourselves to be able to use it and to
try it and so I think I teach a little
but I I coach a lot the it’s great thing
so many of those lovely comments guys
it’s really really nice to see to see
all of you lots of you are saying that
you have self-esteem and and motivation
that can be generally in life but of
course it’s it’s so common when you’re
learning a new language right you know
that in your own language you can
express your espresso yourself cleanly
and clearly and easily and in English it
takes a lot of work right I have the
same when I’m trying to express myself
in Spanish so but the idea behind my
channel is that you know to become
fluent in English you need to become a
good speaker the other skills are really
important and it’s what all of you are
working on at the moment you’re building
your vocabulary you’re trying to
understand and get the grammar right the
next step and the thing that will take
you towards fluency is being able to
speak confidently in English and that’s
something that takes a lot of extra work
and practice as well it’s not just about
being perfect with the grammar in fact
forget the idea of perfect English it
doesn’t even exist for native English
speakers confidence does though
confidence exists for native speakers
absolutely if if you guys are at the
moment sitting behind your grammar books
or behind the computer screen learnt
screen learning you know grammar and
vocabulary and watching YouTube videos
that’s awesome that’s all fantastic the
next step is to step into English
conversation and there are so many
different ways to do that particularly
because we are all learning languages
online now it’s an amazing thing about
being here and alive in the year 2017
we’re all learning online which means
we’ve all got access to amazing free
material it’s good and it’s bad right
because there are amazing opportunities
to connect with lots of people like we
are here
and also to study more flexibly I guess
you know to our own schedule I’m really
busy you’re really busy some of us have
family some of us has jobs we are all
super busy we need flexibility to be
able to learn and practice at our own
time excuse me everybody
but I guess the thing that’s most
important about about learning online is
controlling your learning you know you
haven’t got a specific teacher saying
listen you need to do that now and you
need to hand it in tomorrow you’re in
charge of of your work of your study and
you’re in charge of motivating yourself
to do to do what you need to do to
improve some people are really good at
that and some people would just rather
be at the beach excuse me
anyway I think that one I guess one of
the biggest tips that that I can give
for becoming more confident as an as an
English speaker is surrounding yourself
with the the right kind of people so
this can be you know interpreted in a
few different ways but what I mean is
surrounding yourself with people who
encourage and support you you know some
of us are lucky enough to have families
and friends who do that and some of us
maybe not but we need to find those
people who help to give us that
confidence that motivation that support
that we need to keep pursuing our dreams
and our goals right surrounding
ourselves and the right people even
surrounding yourself with people who are
willing to help
pew and willing to to support you and
the reason why the reason why I am
saying this is because there are so many
different it’s not a very good thing to
hmm to have happen on a live call anyway
um I might need to get I might need to
get a little drink everyone you might
need to come for a walk with me to the
kitchen I should have had a cup with me
lots of you are saying drink the water
drink the water here we go mm-hmm thank
you everyone I am fine I have a little
tickle in my throat that will save that
will save me anyway and back on the
couch now nice to see that you’re all
still here and still watching lovely
great to see you all still here and
still watching guys I would love to let
you I just saw someone asked do you know
des Percy - yes I do I love that song
it’s helping me - I’m learning it - set
to sing it in Spanish okay now let me
see who is here AG work yes who is here
and who what countries would you like to
visit someone just asked me um mm-hmm
well at the moment I’m actually visiting
Spain but I have never been to South
America and that is definitely on my
list of places to visit I would love to
visit Colombia Brazil
Peru Chile Argentina I would love to
visit South America
I would love to also visit Indonesia I
am I live in Australia so it’s very very
close to home I’ve been several times
Chile as well Jala yes yeah China I’ve
visited definitely Vietnam I used to
live in all of these wonderful places
anyway very very cool to see all of you
here wonderful um so guys I might finish
up here since I have ended up with a
cough and a tickle in my throat thank
you for being so patient with me and
thank you for being so wonderful and
kind with all of your comments there are
a few kind of rude and random ones in
there which I will go through and block
after this because I don’t really
appreciate that but for everyone else
who was here watching live I’m really
really pleased to meet you and to be
able to to say thank you and I hope that
I can do it again very soon when I don’t
have a cold all right bye everyone
thanks so much for watching thanks so
much for loving in English - bye for now