Phrasal Verb Practice Come up with ideas
hello welcome to today’s live lesson
here on the speak English with Vanessa
YouTube channel I’m Vanessa and I’m so
glad that you’re here to learn English
with me today we’re going to talk about
a useful commonly used phrasal verb
I know phrasal verbs can be tricky or
difficult but today we’re gonna focus so
much on this phrasal verb that you will
not forget it
and it’s perfect for the Christmas
season for birthdays for your job for
daily life we use this all the time so I
hope that today’s phrasal verb will be
useful for you and you’ll be able to use
it as much as possible so if you are new
here today I recommend introduce
yourself in the comments tell me where
are you from and if you want to give
some extra information I’m curious why
are you interested in learning English
is it because of your job because you
want to travel just because English is
your dream tell me why are you
interested in learning English and if
you are new I want to recommend to you
after this lesson to download my free
ebook five steps to becoming a confident
English speaker this will help you
continue to learn with me and know what
is the next step for your English
journey because there’s so many options
you could take a class you could just
watch YouTube videos you could move to
the US you’ve got a lot of options for
becoming a confident speaker but in this
ebook I give you five steps five tips so
that you can speak confidently because
that is the base the most
thing is confidence vocabulary is good
grammar is good but confidence is number
one so I hope that you have a chance
today to read the free ebook the link is
in the description of this video and I
hope that you can also learn something
useful with today’s phrasal verb thank
you so much if you’re joining me live I
appreciate it
I’m al from Morocco is here perfect
perfect Toya says I want to study
English because it’s very interesting
this is just your passion
great great olavo from San Paulo Brazil
welcome I’m glad you’re here out from
the Czech Republic
excellent redick welcome I’m glad you’re
here I’m glad that you are interested in
improving your English and learning
naturally today we’re going to talk
about a phrasal verb but first of all
I’m gonna use it in a sentence and I
want to see if you can guess what this
phrasal verb means are you ready for a
little test a little quiz there’s no
great it’s not you’re not going to get a
big red X if it’s wrong but I want to
ask you first to see if you can guess so
my sample sentence my first sample
sentence is I’m trying to come up with a
good idea for a present for my dad for
Christmas I’m trying to come up with a
good idea for a present for my dad for
Christmas what does this phrasal verb
come up with come up with mean can
anyone tell me what do you think it is
hmm Oh
now John has a good idea he says to see
of something like a plan or idea
o-tama says come up means to suggest so
when I say come up with after with we’re
gonna add the thing that you’re trying
to think about come up with have a good
idea yes Julian has a great idea to have
a good idea for a present I’m trying to
come up with a good idea for a present
so I’m gonna write here in my notebook
or in my on my notepad I hope that it
will be useful for you so that you can
see the sentence at the same time we
might say I’m trying to come up with
YouTube video ideas so every day every
day I’m trying to think about to think
of some new ideas so that you can
improve your English and today I came up
with the idea to teach you about come up
with so this means yes we’ve got a lot
of great answers here in the comments to
plan something to find something to
figure out something so the closest
connection is to say to think of
something so I’m always trying to think
of to invent yes Martin to invent or
create some new ideas for YouTube but
because this is the holiday season the
Christmas season here in the US
typically we buy presents for our family
and our close friends so I’m always
trying to think of to think of good
presence for my family I’m trying to
come up with good ideas for my family
and it’s not always easy so my question
for you I want you to be able to use
this expression I want to know who is it
difficult to come up with a present idea
for so we might say for me it’s my dad
it’s difficult to come up with it’s
difficult or it’s hard to come up with a
present idea a present is the same as a
gift present idea for my dad so I want
to know for you in your life who is it
difficult to come up with a present idea
for who is it difficult to come up with
a present idea for maybe for their
birthday or maybe in your country you
give presents on a different holiday
maybe they’re for New Year’s or for
another holiday during the year that’s
important for your country
so I want to know for you who is it
difficult to find a present idea for to
come up with so for me this is for me
this is my dad it’s difficult to come up
with a present idea for my dad or maybe
for you it’s difficult to come up with a
present idea all Dimitri says come up
with a present idea for my wife ah-oh
natural has a different idea he says
I have a hard time coming up with ideas
to write for my English essays aha
excellent so for you the ideas for your
essays are difficult that’s challenging
Fernando says it’s difficult to come up
with a present idea for my girlfriend Oh
lots of people girlfriends wives patrick
says my mom Christy says my mom right
now this is for my wife it’s very
difficult to come up with a present Oh
uh-huh and chu-young says I think I’m
saying your name correctly chu-young yes
it’s difficult to come up with how to
make my mom happy on her birthday it’s
difficult to come up with a way to make
my mom happy on her birthday some people
are really difficult like that huh
Oh Eliana says today’s my sister’s
Oh so I have to come up with a good
present for her beautiful way to use the
sentence I have to come up with a good
present and today’s her birthday so you
don’t have much time maybe after this
you should think of something quick ah
Siri Conda I hope I said that correctly
said it’s difficult to come up with
research ideas with research ideas hmm
sure so it’s difficult to come up with
ideas for your your school or for things
that you have to write about that’s
always a challenging thing what should I
write about for me what should I make
videos about what should I make the next
lesson about how can I make it
I need to come up with a lot of ideas
and you do in daily life we have to come
up with present ideas with dinner ideas
what am I going to eat tonight dinner
ideas with fun ideas for your kids maybe
what games are we going to play you have
to come up with some weekend active
oh now Joe says I need to come up with
new plans to organize my schedule
beautiful yes I need to come up with new
plans and Osama says I have to come up
with new methods to learn English yes
especially if your previous method
didn’t help very much it’s time to come
up with new methods to think of new
methods create find new methods yes
great idea
Oh Sam says it’s difficult to come up
with a present for my friend’s birthday
it’s difficult to come up with a present
for my friend’s birthday so if you
haven’t noticed so far this phrasal verb
sticks together we don’t split this
phrasal verb come up with it come up
with a present some phrasal verbs we can
split and in the middle we can put
another word but this phrasal verb is
gonna stick together there’s three parts
of it come up with and they need to stay
together so I hope today with today’s
repetition it’s understandable for you
and useful for you so that you know yes
it’s going to stay together Vanessa said
it all together for the whole lesson so
I’ve never heard it separated so I’m not
gonna separate it that’s the best way to
learn just through natural understanding
because we’ve used it that way so many
times Oh Paul has a great idea he says I
need to come up with new ideas to
improve my business this is a constant
challenge but it’s fun to be creative so
you can do it Paul great Oh Martin says
it’s easy to come up with ideas what’s
hard is to make money to buy a lot of
oh so it’s easy to come up with gift
ideas but it’s hard we can even use this
to say it’s hard to come up with the
money and this means to get the money
this is a second way that we could use
this it’s very similar it’s hard to come
up with ideas or it’s easy to come up
with ideas but it’s hard to come up with
the money this is a similar idea you’re
finding the money you’re trying to
create where can I get the money for the
present but it’s more physical come up
with the money instead of come up with
the idea
Oh Hugo says I need to come up with
ideas to get better grades yes sometimes
those things are difficult Oh
is missus I need to come up with maybe
better ways to improve my accent in
English better ways to improve my accent
Oh Martin has a good question Martin
said I heard you say if you noticed so
far what is so far mean so far means
until this point so from the beginning
of our lesson at 9 o’clock until now 917
in the last 17 minutes
I didn’t split come up with I kept it
together so until this moment I haven’t
split it at all or we could say so far I
haven’t split this expression let me
write this down so that we can take a
little look at it I think this is a
great expression to add to this uh so
I didn’t split it
until this point so we could say two
things here I hope Martin this will help
to answer your question so far
I didn’t split the phrasal verb until
this point for the last 17 minutes
I didn’t split the phrasal verb so I
hope that will be useful for you Ranade
says I need to come up with an idea I
need to come up with a plan to win a
football game oh are you the the coach
or are you the leader of the the
football team I hope for you you can
come up with a great idea so you can see
so far we’ve used this in such a variety
of ways we’ve used this for a ton of
ideas because in life we have to come up
with so many ideas on a daily basis come
up with ideas for winning your football
game come up with ideas for a present
for your girlfriend or come up with ways
to improve your English we are always
thinking this is our strengths as humans
we can constantly create and invent and
improve we are constantly coming up with
new ideas usually it’s a good thing not
always but typically it’s a good thing
and you can use this expression in all
of those situations so let’s pretend
that you have a business meeting maybe
you need to use English at your job
you could say in front of your
co-workers in front of your boss today
we are going to talk about our marketing
strategy and during this business
meeting we need to come up with three
new ideas for how we can market our
company better great this is
professional this is clear and we use
this in daily conversation so
phrasal verbs aren’t necessarily too
casual for business we use them all the
time so I hope you can use this in daily
life you could use this with your
friends if you speak English with them
and say hey I need to come up with an
idea for my wife’s birthday what should
I do
I don’t know it’s it’s tomorrow or it’s
today it may be a little too late but
you can come up with an idea with
someone else so I hope that this phrasal
verb isn’t too overwhelming for you
anymore sometimes when we see three-part
phrasal verbs come up with it can feel
like it’s too much oh there’s too many
words to remember together but I hope
for you you will not forget this you
will be able to use this and before we
go today let’s say one full sentence
together I want you as long as you feel
comfortable if you’re somewhere quiet I
want you to say it out loud with me so
that you can hear your voice using
English and using this expression as
well so are you ready are you ready to
say a sentence with come up with with me
Wow I used with a lot in that sentence
but let’s say this sentence all together
what should our sentence be let’s make
it really good oh okay are you ready
exercise your muscles I’m gonna say it
slowly and then a little more quickly
let’s say I’m going to come up with an
idea to improve my English this month
I’m going to come up with an idea to
improve my English this month ready to
say it out loud one more time
I’m going to come up with an idea to
improve my English this month and
quickly I’m gonna come up with an idea
to improve my English I’m gonna come up
with an idea to improve my English this
month maybe it means for you you’re
gonna join these live lessons maybe it
means you’re gonna download my free
ebook in the comments below you can do
that I hope you enjoy it or maybe for
you that means I’m gonna join a course
this month and see how it goes if you’d
like to join my monthly course The
Fearless fluency Club I recommend it you
can join for the month of December try
it out this can be your way to come up
with a new idea to help you really
improve your English the best way to
join The Fearless fluency Club is to I
will put a link in the bottom down here
to go to speak English with Vanessa comm
slash fluency and you’ll be able to join
our wonderful community and you can
always continue to join these live
lessons here on YouTube so thank you
everyone for exercising your muscles for
really using English today and I hope
that when you need to come up with the
right expression for your sentence you
will be able to come up with it
instantly because we practiced it so
much today so I hope for you you enjoyed
learning this phrasal verb and I hope
you have a beautiful week today is the
beginning of the week but you can do it
we’ve got a lot of great things to talk
about and learn this week I hope you can
think of some good ways to improve your
English I hope you can come up with some
good ways to improve your English have a
beautiful week I’ll see you again on
Tuesday next week maybe I had said
Thursday earlier Tuesday I’ll see you on
Tuesday and
if you’d like to download my free ebook
5 steps to becoming a confident English
speaker it’s yours for free you don’t
need to come up with what you are going
to do next because I have provided for
you a guide this is your guide to help
you know what can I do to be a confident
English speaker I have come up with five
steps for you and it’s yours
so I hope that for you you can enjoy it
and have a beautiful week I’ll see you
again the next time thanks so much
everyone bye