REAL English Sentences You Can Use Now
fun fact I love to travel I’ll tell you
a story at the end I’m teacher Tiffany
let’s jump right in
alright so today we’re gonna be looking
at five real English sentences but
what’s gonna happen is we’re gonna start
with one simple sentence and I’m gonna
show you how I expand that sentence
using the five W’s remember who what
when where and why to create five more
real English sentences that you can use
right now alright so back to my screen
now the first sentence we need is a
basic English sentence and we’re gonna
look at one about waking up in the
morning here’s the sentence I write in
my journal after I wake up in the
morning very simple sentence right you
understood everything that I said but
now we’re going to transform that
sentence using one of the five W’s okay
so let’s choose who as our first W now
here’s the new sentence since I am a
journalist I tend to write in my journal
after I wake up in the morning now again
this is a real English sentence and I
expanded it by giving more information
about the who so in the sentence I said
since I am a journalist that answers the
hoop but we have two expressions the
first one is since I am now that just
means because of something and then tend
to means something happens often and is
likely to happen again now these two
expressions are very very useful and as
an American I use them on a regular
basis which is again why I’m saying this
is a real English sentence that you are
learning right now but let’s look at
some more examples that use this
expression okay or these expressions
here we go since I am sin
I am the one doing this job you don’t
have to worry about anything going wrong
so basically hey because I am the one
doing this job you have nothing to worry
about and again instead of saying
because I said since I am the one doing
this job
makes sense excellent all right now the
second expression was tend to so here’s
the example sentence for that
I heard the business people in this area
tend to go to work around 7:00 a.m. in
the morning so again what I’m saying is
oh I heard that business people in this
area often go to work at 7 a.m. in the
morning it’s something that happens
so I said tend to makes sense all right
so again you can use the real English
sentence now we’re gonna move on to what
the second W here’s how the sentence
transforms I jot down my daily to-do
list in my journal after I wake up in
the morning now remember again we still
have the basic sentence but we
transformed it by adding the information
that answered what and we have once
again a real English sentence now
there’s a part of the sentence that I
want to explain to you again we have jot
down my daily to-do list which answers
the what or that W but we have jot down
now the expression jot down means to
write or mark down quickly or briefly so
let’s look at an example of two example
sentences here we go I tried to jot down
his information but he was speaking a
bit too fast for me so that means in
this sentence this person was trying to
quickly write down something but the
person was speaking too fast so this
person was not able to jot down or write
quickly what the person was saying makes
sense all right now here’s
second example using this expression we
have he carries a notebook at all times
so that he can jot down any ideas that
pop into his head now
again think about a time when you are
speaking to someone and maybe they use a
word that you’ve never heard before
and you’re like man I really want to
remember this word later you can take
out your pen and write that word down
quickly or you can jot it down make
sense now in the sentence there was also
another term we use another expression I
said pop into his head that just means
to suddenly think of something okay we
say pop into your head so again we’ve
learned jot down all right now moving on
to the next W for when oh let me pause
really quickly because as you’re
watching this lesson and as you’re
learning things you probably want to
study more so I would love to be your
teacher and I want to remind you that in
the description I have a link to my
Academy and you’ll see it right here on
the screen let’s speak English with
Tiffany Academy you can continue
studying with me and I teach so many
other lessons and will improve your
English fluency in the Academy so click
the link you can join me and I will be
your permanent English teacher all right
okay so let’s keep going here we go now
back to my screen we’re on the third W
the win here’s the sentence I write in
my journal
almost immediately after I wake up in
the morning so we answer the question
when almost immediately after I wake up
in the morning but this expressed it
almost immediately just means coming or
happening directly after something so
think about something you’re doing and
when you stop you do something else so
almost immediately after something else
now let’s see another example sentence
okay let’s look at um let’s see if we
can look at two examples instances using
this expression the doctor told her that
the pain medication would
reduce her pain almost immediately all
right so again think about a moment when
you’ve been in pain and you really
wanted some medicine to take away that
pain some medicine is a little bit weak
so it takes a long time to actually work
but some medicine works almost
immediately or very quickly to relieve
your pain actually yesterday I went to
visit one of my friends and she had a
surgery and she was in pain and she was
saying that she was able to get some
medicine but some of the medicine didn’t
work immediately and then other medicine
worked very slowly so when you’re in
pain just like my friend was in pain you
want something that will work almost
immediately all right okay so now let’s
look at another sentence using this
expression here we go I called her
almost immediately after hearing what
happened to her brother that means that
someone told me some information and I
said oh my goodness okay wait a minute
wait a minute I need to immediately call
her you see how fast I just moved to
grab my phone that’s what it means
almost immediately okay all right great
job I know you understand here we go
we’re gonna move on now to our next W
our next W is where and we’re gonna
transform or expand the sentence I write
in my journal in the room down the hall
from the kitchen after I wake up in the
morning all right so you see I’ve
expanded it but there’s an expression
here now I can remember the link in the
description also will give you the PDF
so the first link is the download the
PDF I have a PDF that’s connected to
this lesson so don’t worry you can watch
it and continue learning and then at the
end you can download the free pdf that
has all of the information why because
I’m your teacher and I want to help you
so download the PDF after the lesson and
don’t worry about it okay
you don’t have to jot down any notes
right now okay all right
so back to the sentence now we answer
the this w the the we’re alright by
saying in the room down the hall from
the kitchen but what is this expression
down the hall from me it specifies a
location along the hall or further along
the hall from a certain location so
let’s see some more examples here we go
I live right down the hall from him now
again I want you to think about in a
previous lesson I told you guys about my
best friend in university we lived in
the dormitory right remember I told you
guys that story from the last lesson if
you didn’t see it check out the last
lesson because I told a story at the end
that was super funny about my friends
talking to me when I was sleeping so
again check out the previous lesson the
story at the end because this also will
help you understand kind of the story
because I mentioned my best friend lived
across from me right but in a hallway
along a hallway there are many doors
many rooms so if I live in the first
room and another friend lives in the
fifth room my friend lives down the hall
from me ok all right so that’s what down
the halls referring to now the second
example sentence we have is right here
Samantha told me that the new biology
course is going to be held down the hall
from this one alright so again she’s
speaking about a classroom and she says
down the hall from this classroom will
be another biology course all right ok
now let’s see another real English
sentence here we go now we’re gonna
answer the why ok so I write in my
journal after I wake up in the morning
that’s the basic sentence in order to
clear my head before I start my day now
that makes sense but you’ll see that we
have two expressions in this sentence in
this real English sentence so what does
in order to mean in order to just means
as a means or way to do something or so
that it is possible to I’m right and
then clear my head means
to stop worrying or thinking about
now remember like I said before the PDF
includes all of this information so you
don’t have to worry okay alright so
let’s look at some examples using these
expressions here we go in order to the
science teacher told his students that
certain animals have to kill other
animals in order to live now the easiest
way to understand this think about a
lion what does a lion do a lion has to
kill other animals in order to live in
order to eat it must kill other things
okay all right now clear my head what
does that mean clear my head well
remember I said it means to stop
worrying or thinking about something so
here we go after the discussion she told
him that she was going to need a few
days to clear her head so whatever they
discussed started to worry her and she
started thinking about it a lot so she
needed time to stop worrying about it
and to stop thinking about it because it
was bothering her so I want you to
remember these real English sentences
will really help you along your English
journey because this is exactly how we
speak as native English speakers all
right so again looking at a sentence is
on the screen here we go first one since
I am a journalist I tend to write in my
journal after I wake up in the morning
next i jot down my daily to-do list in
my journal after I wake up in the
morning alright and you see the other
three at the bottom so again remember
you need to download the free pdf so
that you can review these sentences now
I really hope you enjoyed this lesson
because these are sentences that will
transform your English speaking ability
because I as an American speak like this
and use these real English sentences so
if you do as well you’ll speak like me
now remember you can always join my
Academy and I would love to be your
English teacher click the link in the
description for joining my Academy and
I will see you there you still there
okay all right now it’s story time
so I told you at the beginning that I
love to travel so one day my friends is
when I was living in Korea one of my
closest Korean friends we decided to go
out to eat and she and I were just
having a really long and good
conversation and suddenly she looked at
me and said TIFF and I said yeah you
know what’s up we’ve been talking for a
long time so suddenly she said do you
want to go somewhere I said I want to go
somewhere now here’s the thing I’m a
very organized person which I know you
guys know so I usually have everything
scheduled out but this trip wasn’t
she said well let’s just get on the bus
and let’s just go to the beach so in
Korea there’s a beach called Sokcho
Beach right and it’s very beautiful and
it was about maybe two and a half to
three hours away from where we were so
she asked me and I said well I didn’t
have to work the next day uh let’s do it
so now remember guys I literally was
just at the restaurant with my friend
which means we didn’t have any bags we
didn’t have anything but the clothes on
our backs and our wallets we went to the
bus station
we bought a ticket for the bus and we
jumped on the bus and we went to the
beach again there was no plan and we got
there I think it was around 11:30 at
night or midnight we didn’t have a hotel
we didn’t have a house to stay in so we
went to what’s called a ginger bun so
ginger bong in Korean it’s kind of like
a bath house so you can go there and you
actually have an area you can sleep in
so my friend and I went there and we
there’s a big room everyone sleeps we
slept in the room where everyone slept
and we talked a lot we slept we got up
in the morning and we went to the beach
we walked around and we had a great time
but that’s what I’m saying
I love
so even though there was no plan we got
up we hit the road we got on the bus and
we just went and we both laughed because
we had never done that before but the
funny thing is after that we would do it
on a regular basis at least once or once
every other month it would just
spontaneously go on a trip and it was
such a great time so let me know do you
guys like traveling do you enjoy
which means with no plan at all do you
like spur-of-the-moment trips I would
love to hear it I’ll talk to you in the
next video guys