Speak English Fast About any Topic in 3 Easy Steps
hey guys this week I had a conversation
with a good friend of mine who actually
happens to also be an ESL teacher she
was telling me about one of her classes
and how her students were learning so
much English vocabulary and English
grammar rules but there’s a problem
you see she told me that even though the
students are learning lots of English
vocabulary and learning lots of English
grammar rules they are still not able to
speak English they’re not able to
formulate good sentences they’re not
able to hold a conversation maybe you
have experienced the same thing in your
English learning journey well if you
have this lesson is for you because in
today’s lesson I’m gonna teach you three
steps to help you easily speak English
fast and about any topic I’m teacher
Tiffany let’s jump right in alright guys
here’s the formula the three steps that
we’re gonna use for today one three one
now I want you to imagine different
situations let’s say for example you
have to speak about your job or your
work or maybe studies or education or
even music or relationships or even
goals so your question probably is how
can you use this formula 1-3-1 to
actually speak easily about all of these
topics well first we have to look at
what the number one actually represents
you see the first step in this process
is right here the first step is to
actually give the background or basic
description what you’re gonna do is give
general facts or a basic description
that is commonly or widely known so
again going back to our topics we have
job or work well you want to start off
by doing this no matter where you go in
world you will always find a teacher
that is because teachers have the job of
teaching information necessary for life
so you see what I just did
I literally just gave basic information
or background information using facts
about teachers because I’m a teacher
that’s my job remember this is the first
step in being able to speak English fast
just give background information now
what if we switch the topic let’s say
for example we go back and we’re talking
about studying or education well you can
say I am currently studying computer
graphics which is a very popular major
at my university again basic background
information or let’s say you’re speaking
about music you can say there are many
different types of music now I want to
pause real quick you see sometimes as an
English Learner you think that fluency
or speaking English requires you to
speak for a long period of time well in
actuality English fluency or speaking
English is really about being able to
organize your thoughts and get your
point across in a clear way so I
purposely wrote a shorter portion for
the music it’s just one sentence there
are different types of music very simple
but again a fact about music okay all
right let’s keep going here we go now
let’s say we’re talking about the topic
of relationships you could say a
relationship is defined as the way in
which two or more people or groups
regard and behave toward each other now
in this example I just gave the
definition of relationships okay so you
can choose that as well for the first
step for number one all you’re doing is
giving the basic or background
description or information okay now
again looking at another topic what if
we have this topic goals well four goals
you can say
my current goal is to travel around the
world for a full year well that can work
because I’m describing a fact I’m giving
you a fact about my personal goal okay
all right so again the first step
background information or basic
description okay now guys if you guys
want to study with me everyday just
really quick many of you are already
following me on Instagram but guys I
want you to remember that I’m gonna show
you on the screen right now you can
follow me on instagram at speak English
with Tiffany and I have lessons every
day of the week so if you want to keep
studying with me you can follow me on
Instagram okay alright now we’re gonna
move on to the second step okay the
second step now the second step is three
key features or details that is why I
said the number three before so first
you want to tell the first feature or
detail then you want to tell the second
feature or detail and finally tell the
third feature or detail so you’ll see
what’s happening again remember the
first step was what to give the
background or basic information or
description now the second step is to
give three key features or details okay
all right so let’s jump back to our
example topics and see how this will
look okay so we go back to our example
topics and we apply step two this is
what we get speaking about my job or my
work I can say teachers need to be able
to learn a vast amount of information
then break down the information into
smaller parts and finally be able to
convey that information to students now
I want to explain some vocabulary words
you guys really quickly now I said one
word vast V ast one more time vast now
vast just means large in size or many in
amount so a large amount okay alright so
we say vast in English and in my example
I said a vast amount of information so
you guys can use
that pattern a vast amount of dot dot
dot you know what you guys can tried and
put us in it’s in the comment section
and I’ll check it for you to see if you
used it properly okay
a vast amount of dot dot dot now the
second word I said that maybe you don’t
know is actually convey have you heard
that word before
one more time convey let me show it to
you again okay guys now it was in the
last sentence the last part of the
sentence I said finally be able to
convey that information to students all
right so convey the easiest way to
understand it is to present or to
explain right to present or explain the
information to the students okay all
right so again so we applied step two
for job or work now what about this one
for studying education well we can say
three key details that I must understand
about computer graphics are that it
requires an extensive understanding of
various math concepts multiple art
genres and modern technology again all I
did was give three key features or
details related to the topic you see
we’re following the same steps even
though the topics changed right okay
let’s keep going I want to give you guys
more examples okay next we have music
well we can say some people use music as
a way to release stress
some people use music as a way to
express themselves artistically and
other people simply use music as a way
to spend time and communicate with
others again guys all I did was give
more details specifically three details
related to the topic of music now as
you’re following along guys I want you
to remember that I also have a PDF I’m
gonna show it to you guys right now this
PDF will be available so you guys can
just follow along with the lesson and
then after download the free
totally free PDF the link is in the
description okay
click the link and you can download the
PDF free of charge I really just want to
help you guys okay alright so going back
now to our examples here we go now the
next topic again relationships so we can
say there are four basic types of
relationships the first one is the
family relationship then there are
friendships next there are casual
finally there are romantic relationships
now I hope you guys are recognizing kind
of what’s happening you see with English
fluency and speaking English fast it’s
all about conveying or presenting
information to the person listening to
you but you can’t just give your opinion
you need to support your opinion with
facts then three details or features and
then your opinion so you see I’m
actually building up just like we are
doing with the relationship topic I’m
giving facts and truths or details
related to the topic okay all right
now moving on we’re gonna look at now
the final one goals okay so we can say
in order to accomplish this goal I need
to do some research about which
countries to go to
what equipment I will need and also
which places are safe to stay in as a
solo female traveler so again even
though I’m speaking about my personal
I’m giving facts related to what I have
to do before I leave these are
necessities okay alright now what we’re
gonna do is move on to step number three
okay now step number three is where you
actually give your opinion about the
topic so give your general opinion about
the topic being discussed so once again
the three easy steps first you give the
basic or background description second
you give three features or details and
third you give your opinion these are
the steps that will make
you sound fluent and they will help you
speak English fast
just remember one two three okay all
right now let’s go back to our topics
and see how we give our opinion for each
okay so job or work we can say so in my
opinion a teacher’s job is one of the
most important jobs in the world
basically our society cannot survive
without teachers again I gave my opinion
moving on study in education we can say
our world is becoming more digital so I
think I made a good choice when I chose
to study computers once again guys even
though it’s about my situation I still
gave supporting facts and then details
and then added my opinion at the end
remember these steps okay all right next
moving on to music here we go personally
I think music affects us physically
mentally and spiritually okay alright
another thing guys you know what will
happen if you do and follow these steps
once you get to your opinion it’s gonna
foster or lead to more conversation
because the person listening to you will
also give their opinion because you
started off with details about the topic
and then gave your opinion okay alright
now moving forward here we go next we’re
going to look at relationships here we
go even though all relationships are
important in my opinion the family
relationship has the biggest influence
on our lives okay
and finally goals here we go many people
have told me that this is a dangerous
goal but I believe that I can do
anything I put my mind to okay let me
explain this last part to you guys
really quickly put my mind to just
refers to whatever I focus on and
whatever I make an effort to do if I say
to myself I can learn this language I’m
gonna put my mind to it which means
I’m gonna give all my effort and I’m
actually gonna work hard toward reaching
that goal so we say in English put my
mind to okay alright guys so again going
back to my screen so we learned this one
3-1 now guys I’m telling you if you
follow these three steps I guarantee
your English will improve and you’ll be
able to speak faster because in your
mind you’ll already have the correct
formula now don’t forget guys I’m gonna
show it on the screen again you guys can
download the free pdf by clicking the
link in the description below okay I
want you guys to be able to study it you
can print it and continue studying it as
well now also if you guys have not
joined my speak English with Tiffany
Academy yet the link is right here on
the screen I have tons of other lessons
and I want to help you improve your
English all of the resources there are
available to my students so go and check
it out and I hope you’ll join I’ll talk
to you guys in the next video