SPEAK ENGLISH FLUENTLY 1 Simple Rule That Will Help You Speak English More Fluently Today
hey in english there is a very simple
english rule that every native english
speaker learns in middle school high
school and even college this simple
english rule explains the power of the
number three
you see when i was in middle school in
high school and college my english
teachers always emphasized the
importance of providing enough support
for my thoughts ideas and opinions by
giving three details
three examples or three reasons and this
number three is what helps me
sound like a native english speaker and
speak english fluently and today i am
going to teach you this simple rule of
threes are you ready
well then i am teacher tiffany let’s
jump right in all right so the simple
rule of threes we’re going to start off
with part number one part one of this
rule is the three details part you see
the first part of this rule focuses on
the important details of the topic
subject or person you are discussing in
other words you want to help your
visualize what you are talking about you
want to give them more information which
will help them understand and also help
them to realize wow
you are fluent in english so what about
a real life situation here we go
we’re in this coffee shop
we see people making coffee we see food
on the table how would we talk about
this situation
well the topic is
tell me about your favorite coffee shop
and in response i could say
my favorite coffee shop is starbucks
now here’s the truth
that is a good answer i told you what my
favorite coffee shop is but remember
we’re using the rule of threes the same
rule i learned in school
so if we’re using the rule of threes how
can we give more details let’s check it
out so we’re going back to the coffee
shop now if i give detail number one
it’s very spacious
that is a fact or a detail
detail number two
they sell a wide variety of food and
drinks once again a fact or a detail
and detail number three they play
ambient music
that is also a fact or a detail so you
see what’s happening as soon as i
mentioned a wide variety of food and
drinks i mentioned ambient music and i
said that it’s spacious suddenly in the
brain in the mind of the listener a
picture starts to be created
that is when again the listener starts
to feel like you’re speaking fluently
because they can connect
so having these details how would we
answer and give a fluent response here
we go
speaking english fluently using the
three details
my favorite coffee shop is starbucks
the one not too far from my house is
very spacious
there is enough seating in the starbucks
for about 30 to 45 people
it sells a wide variety of food and
drinks ah one other unique thing about
starbucks is that the managers always
have ambient music playing in the
now you know that response was a fluent
english response you were able to
understand everything i said and you
have a picture in your mind now i want
to explain a few words and expressions
very quickly we have spacious
wide variety and ambient so very quickly
i want to explain how to
use these words in real life so we’re
going to go to here’s what we’re going
to do that came out fast
the first one is spacious so after me
excellent one more time
very good now this word can be tricky i
want to remind you too if you haven’t
already downloaded the english with
tiffany app download it now because i
have a very good pronunciation course
within the app you can download it for
free right now and it will help you with
pronunciation some words just like
spacious are kind of tricky so what does
the word spacious mean this means having
or giving enough space or room
vast extensive in other words very large
or big so i said the coffee shop that’s
my favorite starbucks is very spacious
it’s large or big we say spacious in
now the next expression that came up
right here
wide variety wide variety so let me
explain what this expression means
it’s a group of things that are very
different from each other
diverse group of things so you saw in
the video let me go back and show you
from the video there were many different
types of food and drink being served at
the coffee shop you see some popcorn
some broccoli some bread many different
things are available at the coffee shop
so that is exactly why we used wide
variety all right okay so last time
wide variety
excellent all right now the last one i
want to explain was at the very end
excellent now ambient this word just
means creating
a relaxing atmosphere think about it
when you walk into a coffee shop or a
store and they have music playing in the
background and all of a sudden
you just feel relaxed
we say they are playing ambient music
makes sense right okay so again now
using the three details which is part
number one
of this three simple rule we have all of
the information we understand now how to
give our response and sound like a
native english speaker this is part one
of the rule of threes
now i want us to take a look at part
number two part number two involves
examples the second part of this rule
focuses on examples of the topic subject
or person you are discussing in other
words you want to help your listener
understand more by giving them real life
example situations now this part of the
rule of threes is very useful because
the person will immediately connect with
a real life situation or experience so
let’s say for example we’re looking at
this situation
we see a man and it looks like he’s
trying to lift weights and there’s a
trainer near him so if the topic was how
are you liking your personal trainer i
could give a simple response
i’ll be honest with you my personal
trainer makes me go hard every workout
but i really like him
so again i’ve answered the question but
we now need to use the rule of threes
part two giving three
examples remember that number three so
let’s give examples now i said that i
like him but he makes ah me go hard
every workout the guy said that
example number one
on the first day of training he made me
do a 45 minute circuit workout that
included running squats weight lifting
and push-ups
now immediately
you can imagine that situation like whoa
that’s a lot to do in one workout giving
you a real life example real life
situation now what about example two
when i’m sore he tells me to push
through the pain and then makes me go
harder another real life example and
finally example number three
if i complain he doubles my workout
regimen for the rest of the week so now
we’ve organized our thoughts and we have
three examples again the rule of threes
part two is three examples so how would
we speak fluently using these examples
in our response let’s take a look here
we go if i gave a response for this
i’ll be honest with you
my personal trainer makes me go hard
every workout but i really like him on
the first day of training he made me do
a 45 minute circuit workout that
included running squats weight lifting
and push-ups
after that workout my entire body was
screaming but instead of letting me rest
when i’m sore he tells me to push
through the pain and then makes me go
if i complain he doubles my workout
regimen for the rest of the week
now what did you notice
yes i gave a fluent english response but
because i showed you
how i organized my thoughts how i was
able to come up with this long answer it
makes more sense
using the rule of threes i gave three
simple examples to prove
how i feel about my personal trainer or
how this man feels about his personal
trainer makes sense right
three simple examples now let me explain
some of the words that popped up and
some of the expressions the first
expression was go
hard let me explain what this means go
hard now go hard just means to work hard
or to do something with intensity you’re
not sitting there if you’re jumping rope
just relaxing no you’re jumping rope
really fast
you are going hard it means to put great
effort into something usually physical
exercise in english we say go
hard now the next one in this response
circuit workout what does that mean
circuit workout now a circuit workout or
circuit training is a combination of six
or more exercises performed with short
rest periods between them or either
excuse me for either a set number of
repetitions or a prescribed amount of
time so let me explain
i have used this when i’ve worked out at
the gym i would go to the gym i’d have
my jump rope i would do push-ups sit-ups
then i would run in place and then i’d
add two other exercises and i would do
this in rotation in between jumping rope
and doing push-ups i would rest for 30
this was my circuit workout or my
circuit training maybe you enjoy doing
circuit workouts when you go to the gym
alright so again after me
circuit workout
excellent very good very good all right
now the next one that popped up was
right here
body was screaming
how does your body scream let me explain
let me explain
so your body was screaming this means
that your body is in a lot of pain and
extremely sore think about it after you
work out at the gym
maybe you’re
working out on the treadmill and you’re
running hard and then you have to go and
lift some weights and your body will
start being in excruciating pain we can
my body was screaming
makes sense right again a natural
expression you can use today to sound
more natural all right more like a
native english speaker now i have three
more i want to explain to you these
three again came from the last portion
push through the pain
doubles and regimen so let me explain
these three to you very quickly push
through the pain this just means to keep
going even though something hurts even
though your body is screaming you don’t
stop you keep going we say push through
the pain push through it don’t stop all
right here’s the next one double now
this just means to become twice as much
or as many or to make something twice as
much or as many remember in this
response right here
he said
if i complain
he doubles my workout regimen which
means he makes him do
twice as much in english we say double
now what about this regimen what does
regimen mean regimen is any set of rules
about food and exercise that someone
follows especially in order to improve
their health it’s basically a plan or a
schedule you follow for example
i enjoy food as you all know last week i
taught you foodie i am a foodie but i
also want to stay healthy so i eat
breakfast at a certain time of the day i
eat lunch at a certain time of the day
and i eat dinner try to eat dinner
before 6 p.m every day this is my
i say my food regimen what time i eat
and also what i eat i try not to eat
lots of sweets i try to eat healthier
foods so again my health regimen or the
food that i eat we say regimen in
english all right okay so again we see
our response speaking english fluently
using three examples explaining how his
trainer treats him and how his exercise
is pretty difficult but what about the
third part of this
useful rule the rule of threes
here’s the third part
now the third part of this rule focuses
on giving specific reasons for your
ideas on the topic subject or person you
are discussing in other words you want
to help your listener
understand your thought process and how
you developed your idea this is a very
important part of this rule
you know i’ve had thousands upon
thousands of students during my time as
a teacher and many of them knew what
their idea was they had an opinion but
when i asked them why
i don’t know why teacher
they had a hard time giving me the
reasons to support their thoughts or
ideas but remember what i said earlier
this is a rule that teachers in middle
school high school and college emphasize
for native english speakers so you must
use this rule so for that student for
those students i also try to emphasize
the importance of giving three reasons
here we go let’s look at a real
we see a mother
hugging her daughter so the topic would
do you think it is important for parents
to hug their children often
well my response is simple oh yes in my
opinion parents should hug their
children multiple times
a day now that literally is my opinion
but i can’t stop there i need to give
reasons part three of the rule of threes
to support my answer so here we go
reason number one a scientific study
proved that holding children actually
increases brain development
reason number two hugging creates a
strong bond between parents and their
children and finally reason number three
hugging also helps children know that
they are loved which leads to more
self-confidence so again my opinion has
not changed but now i have given three
reasons to support my opinion to help
you understand how i developed or came
to my idea or opinion
so what would this look like in a fluent
english response here we go yes
in my opinion parents should hug their
children multiple times a day
recently i read a scientific study that
proved that holding children actually
increases brain development
on top of that
hugging creates a strong bond between
parents and their children finally
hugging also helps children know that
they are loved which leads to more
so all i did i used my three reasons
again the same three reasons i showed
you underneath my response and these
reasons following the rule of threes
eventually turned into a fluent english
now you’ll see there are three
expressions and vocabulary words and i
want to explain them to you very quickly
the first one is prove now prove just
means to demonstrate or to be the
specified thing by evidence or argument
to show that something is true so in
other words when you say i’m proving
something it just means you’re showing
the truth of something
you’re giving a support that will prove
something is real that will show
something is real we say prove in
and the other word the other expression
was on top of that look right here i
said on top of that hugging creates a
strong bond well when you use on top of
that you’re just saying additionally
furthermore in addition to something so
i want to add another idea another
reason another point to support my idea
we say on top of that
and finally we have this one right here
strong bond again creates a strong bond
between parents and their children well
a strong bond a bond between people is a
strong feeling of friendship
love or shared beliefs and experiences
that unite them so we say bond or strong
bond in english think about people you
are connected with people that you love
and want to be around you have a strong
bond with those individuals so again we
were able to give a very fluent english
response to this topic should parents
hug their children using part three of
the simple rule of threes giving the
reasons so once again i hope you
remember just like my teachers taught me
all throughout my school’s time my
school time provide enough support for
your thoughts ideas and opinions by
giving three details three examples or
three reasons i really hope you enjoyed
this week’s lesson i hope you apply the
rule of threes and remember you can
speak english fluently all you have to
do is learn the rules and learn how to
think in english like a native english
speaker i will see you next week but as
always remember to speak english
you still there
you know what time it is it’s
story time
eight i said it’s story time
all right
so today i taught you the rule of threes
and toward the end i showed you an
example of a mother hugging her child
so i want to tell you a story about my
niece now many of you have heard me talk
about my nieces and how much i love them
i love being an auntie but my youngest
niece so my mom she actually babysat my
youngest niece for about two years from
the time she was two years old all the
way up until she was four years old so
she was at my house every day every day
of the week
and there’s something she did on a
regular basis as soon as she arrived at
our house again i would be working in my
office she would ask my mom
she called my mom gaming grandma but
gami gamie can i go see titi my mom
would say yes and she’d run up the
stairs knock on my door and i’d say come
in and she would run to me and give me
the biggest hug and kiss now this
happened every single day from the time
she was two years old all the way up
until she’s four years old now she’s in
school she’s in kindergarten pre-k right
now she’s five
and it created this strong bond between
my youngest niece and i again i’m close
to all of my nieces but my youngest
niece because every morning in her brain
she was going to get a huge hug a big
hug from her auntie she looked forward
to it
now fast forward to a few weeks ago now
she’s five years old she doesn’t come
here every day and she had come over to
visit with her sister and my sister with
her mom which is my sister and then my
brother-in-law the whole family came
over and with her older sister so my
brother-in-law my sister and the two
kids were here
and she had come up to my room
gave me a hug gave me a kiss and she was
talking to me
and so i said hey munchkin i call her
munchkin do you want to go on a walk
with tt i needed to go take a walk to
take a break from work and she
immediately said yes i said okay let’s
go and she usually says yes whenever i
ask her to go on a walk with me
as we were walking down the stairs to go
outside on the walk she said titi i said
yes munchkin i wonder why i always say
yes whenever you ask me to go on a walk
i immediately say yes i said yeah you do
and i was just fascinated by this
five-year-old thinking logically about
the situation
but then she said something she said you
know tt
i guess it’s because i love you so much
and when i say my heart burst i said
munchkin i love you too and i gave her a
big hug and a kiss
that moment will forever be imprinted in
my mind and on my heart
this five-year-old again for two years
straight every weekday morning would
come upstairs i’d give her the biggest
hug and the biggest kiss and there was a
strong bond created so much so that at
the age of five she said tt
i just love you so much so my nieces
bring so much joy to me but i wanted to
let you guys know that story because
there’s a strong bond that was created
because of hugs that were given and
kisses that were also given so if you
have someone in your life your nieces
maybe nephews or your own children even
your spouse
give someone a hug today and let them
know how much you love them alright guys
i hope you enjoyed today’s lesson and
today’s story i will see you next week
please remember to subscribe remember so
that you can also get notifications and
don’t forget to download the english
with tiffany app the link is in the
description i’ll see you guys next week
have a good one