SPEAK ENGLISH FLUENTLY Use This Simple Rule To Speak Fluently In English Episode 3
hey welcome to today’s english lesson
now in this lesson you will learn how to
speak english fluently using the simple
rule of threes i guarantee this lesson
is going to change your life are you
well then i’m teacher tiffany let’s jump
right in now as a reminder the rule of
threes it was given to me by my teachers
and it just says provide enough support
for your thoughts your ideas and
opinions by giving three details
three examples or three reasons hence we
say the rule of threes so let’s start
with the first one
three details now the first part of the
rule focuses on the important details of
the topic subject or person you are
discussing in other words you want to
help your listener visualize
what you are talking about so let’s say
for example we were talking about food
this guy right here is enjoying his
and we can say hey
tell me about your favorite thing to eat
now his response would probably be i
love to eat hamburgers i want to pause
this is a good answer
he understood the question and he
answered it very clearly but remember
we are talking about speaking english
fluently like a native english speaker
which means you must support your answer
so let’s see what three details can be
given about the hamburger here we go
detail number one
detail number two a massive burger patty
and detail number three caramelized
so you see what’s happening right
we have the main response and now we’re
getting three details so how can we turn
the details into a very fluent english
response here we go
i love to eat hamburgers
my hamburgers always include a massive
burger patty i usually have to hold my
hamburgers with two hands because they
are so big
on top of the burger patty i put crispy
it makes a loud sound when i bite into
it this sandwich sounds good
finally i add caramelized onions the
sweetness really makes the sandwich
taste good
all of these ingredients put together
usually make me want to eat like a horse
now there are some new expressions and
words that i will explain to you but i
want you to notice this fluent english
response came from three details again
use the three details to make a fluent
english response
so let’s take a real quick look at these
new words and expressions the first one
is massive we said massive burger patty
what does the word massive mean right
it means forming or consisting of a
large mass
something extremely big
so when he was eating that sandwich it
did look big right a massive burger
meaning something that is very big or
massive after me
excellent one more time
great job now the other word i want us
to look at is
now in the response we said crispy
lettuce right now again after me for
pronunciation practice
excellent now crispy just means firm but
easily broken or crumbled
once again
firm but easily broken or crumbled think
about lettuce lettuce that when you cut
through it or when you break it you hear
a sound a crispy piece of lettuce so
again after me
great job excellent now the other one i
want to explain to you is right here
hey you got it one more time after me
excellent now caramelized with reference
to food containing natural sugar
cook or be cooked it means to cook or be
cooked so as to develop the
characteristic brown color and nutty
flavor of caramel let me make it a
little easier for you to understand
now you know that i love to cook i love
good food
so when i’m cooking sometimes i need
onions so i’ll slice the onions or i’ll
chop them up and then i’ll saute some oh
i’ll put some oil in the pan and heat it
up and then i’ll saute the onions
what happens when you heat onions up in
yes they start to get a little bit clear
right and they start to get sweeter
that process is caramelization so
caramelized onions they’re a lot sweeter
than raw onions makes sense right all
right good now the last one i want to
explain to you is right here this idiom
eat like a horse
say it after me
eat like a horse
excellent now this just means when
someone eats like a horse they always
eat a lot of food again they always eat
a lot of food again look at this young
he is enjoying his meal and he is eating
that burger and he is enjoying it so
again eat like a horse it just means to
eat a lot of food so after me eat like a
excellent very good so we see using
three details we were able to give a
very good response now what about the
next part of this simple rule of threes
you see the next one is three examples
again this focuses on giving examples of
the topic subject or person you are
discussing in other words you want to
help the listener understand more by
giving them
real life example situations so remember
we’re talking about food
so what about this right here
we see this woman in the kitchen looks
like she’s about to bake something the
topic is favorite thing to cook
what is your favorite thing to cook well
the response could be i like to cook
desserts once again
that’s a good response the person
answered the question oh i like to cook
desserts done
but that’s a beginner level response we
want an advanced english response we
want a fluent english response using
three examples so let’s see what happens
here we go example number one i bake
cookies every other friday for my
a real life example
second every holiday i make homemade ice
cream for my family
and third example once in a blue moon i
make apple pie for my co-workers
so immediately as i was reading the
example situations a picture probably
started to form in your head making
something for kids making something for
coworkers these are situations example
situations so how can we turn these
example situations into a fluent english
let me show you how here we go
all of my friends know that i like to
cook desserts
i bake cookies every other friday for my
every holiday i make homemade ice cream
for my family also once in a blue moon i
make apple pie for my co-workers so what
the answer was i like cooking desserts
and then the support came in the form of
three examples oh yeah i cook for my
kids i make homemade ice cream for my
family and i also make apple pie for my
so you as the listener know
this individual really does like making
desserts that’s why giving three
examples is so powerful it’s not just
about the number of words you use when
you’re trying to speak english fluently
it really is about how you’re organizing
your thoughts and how you’re able to
respond using the supporting information
so this simple rule of threes is going
to help you so much now within the
response there’s some extra words that i
want to explain to you so here we go
this pattern right here
every other
every other now this just means
each second in a series
or each alternate for example if i say
every other day it means monday
not tuesday wednesday not thursday and
friday every other day in english we say
every other so the alternate or the
second in a series so again after me
every other
excellent i want you in the comment
section let us know what do you do every
other day maybe there’s something you do
unique maybe you exercise every other
day monday not tuesday wednesday not
thursday and friday every other day all
right now let’s go check out the next
one homemade
we talked about her making or him making
homemade ice cream right some of our
guys like to cook too my dad loves to
cook homemade ice cream now homemade
after me repeat homemade
excellent now homemade just means made
at home rather than in a store or
factory we say home made at home
homemade pretty simple right
excellent very good now the last one i
want to show you from this response is
once in a blue moon
after me
once in a blue moon
excellent now once in a blue moon just
means to do it very rarely not often
sometimes but not regularly in english
we say once in a blue moon now in our
response she said
make apple pie for her co-workers
once in a blue moon she makes it once in
a blue moon
not often rarely but she does do it
makes sense right all right excellent so
again we have three details three
examples now let’s move on to the next
number three
here we go here’s the quick explanation
three reasons
this part focuses on giving specific
reasons for your ideas on the topic
subject or person you are discussing in
other words you want to help your
listener understand your thought process
and how you developed your idea remember
english fluency is all about the way you
think and producing your thoughts in a
clear way
not about the number of words you use
it’s about how you put your words
together so let’s check this situation
out right here
he’s eating a cookie and it looks
absolutely delicious so we have him
eating a cookie the topic is snacking do
you snack throughout the day the
response yes i snack throughout the day
again remember i told you
giving a simple response a simple answer
that’s fine you understood the question
and you gave your response however
that’s a beginner level response a basic
english response and you want to give an
advanced english response a fluent
english response
so let’s support the response with three
reasons first
i am usually too swamped at work to eat
a good lunch second my office keeps the
staff kitchen well stocked with free
snacks and finally
it’s convenient for me to grab a quick
snack when i am busy so we have three
clear reasons why this individual likes
to snack every day
so how can we turn the reasons into a
fluent english response here we go
here’s the response
yes i snack throughout the day
the first reason is that i am usually
too swamped at work to eat a good lunch
the second reason is that my office
keeps the staff kitchen well stocked
with free snacks
finally it’s convenient for me to grab a
quick snack when i am busy
very fluent english response
gave supporting reasons for the answer
that was given again this is an amazing
but i want us to take a real quick look
at some of the words that came up
good job again after me
excellent now this word swamped just
overwhelm with an excessive amount of
or to be inundated it means there’s a
lot going on and you feel the overwhelm
you feel very overwhelmed like
okay i really have too much work right
now i i feel like i can’t handle
everything i am swamped
makes sense right so when you’re swamped
at work you don’t have time to eat a
good meal so this individual just
makes sense huh
all right now what about this one right
after me
excellent now this just means having or
containing sufficient goods
where’s food etc having enough you have
enough you have all that you need we say
well stocked and it’s usually about a
product right so the snacks
in his office right they have a closet
maybe where they have all the snacks and
every time he opens the door
full of snacks
well stocked you got it right
okay now the last one i want us to look
at is right here
he said it’s convenient to grab a snack
when he’s busy so after me convenient
excellent again convenient
great job now convenient just means
involving little trouble or effort
once again involving little trouble or
it means hey
it’s not a big deal it’s actually easy
for me to do this thing it’s convenient
again after me convenient
excellent so again using these three
reasons we were able to give a very
clear english response i really hope you
enjoyed the lesson today i hope that you
will continue using this simple rule of
threes to start speaking english
fluently like a native english speaker
i’ll talk to you next time but as always
remember to speak english
you still there ha ha ain’t nothing
changed you know what time it is here we
go it’s story time
hey i said it’s story time
all right it’s a brand new year but i
love telling stories so i want to tell
you a very quick story and it involves
my mother and it also includes
you all know how passionate i am about
helping you speak english fluently and
with confidence right
so i work hard every day except for
sabbath or saturday i go to church on
saturday so i work usually monday to
friday and sometimes on sundays now last
year this is when i was staying with my
parents they were helping me uh as i was
trying to build my business
i had to work a lot so i worked again
every day except saturday i worked about
maybe 12 hours a day
because i wanted to make sure i provided
you with the best english lessons
now as we mentioned earlier when we
talked about being swamped remember that
word right
when you’re swamped at work you can’t
really eat the healthiest food
so what happened was it was a sunday i’d
gotten up early i’m an early bird and i
was working hard on an english lesson
for you all
i noticed that my stomach started to
make some noises
i’m a little hungry so i went downstairs
and my mom happened to be in the kitchen
she said hey tiff how are you i said i’m
good you know just working um i got a
little bit hungry and she said oh man
your dad and i were just talking about
how good fried potatoes are on sunday
i said yeah
they’re really delicious
i wish we had them today and then i
laughed because i knew my mom was busy
doing things my dad was busy doing
things we were all busy so i didn’t
expect her to make the fried potatoes
because she had things going on too but
i just let her know i really do love
fried potatoes so i got something to
snack on and then i went back upstairs
to my office to continue working
now about 10 or 15 minutes later my nose
started to get this whiff this amazing
aroma started to come and fill the house
and i said i know that wait a minute it
smelled like caramelized onions hey you
got that too i could smell the aroma of
garlic and onion powder and a little
salt and pepper and i said wait a minute
what am i smelling
so i tried to work for a few more
minutes but the smell just became
you got that too right
it smelled so good so i opened my door
and i walked down the steps and when i
got to the kitchen i saw my mom
making fried potatoes for me she turned
around and she said hey tiff and she
gave me that smile and i walked up to
and i gave her a big hug i said mommy i
really appreciate you thank you so much
because she didn’t have to make the
fried potatoes she was all so busy and i
hadn’t even asked her but that’s what a
mother’s love will do
she knew that her daughter really did
and i still do love fried potatoes and
she wanted to do something that seemed
so simple but meant so much because even
to this day i remember it so maybe you
do things like that for your children or
for your family members or for your
just to let them know that you love them
it’s the little things in life that mean
the most so for me it was fried potatoes
what was it for you i hope you enjoyed
this story guys i look forward to
talking to you in the next english