Speak FAST English in 30 Minutes Advanced Pronunciation Lesson

Hi, I’m Vanessa from SpeakEnglishWithVanessa.com. 
Let’s speak fast English. Let’s talk about it. 

Let’s imagine the scene. You have had a 
long, hard day at work. So you come home,  

sit down on the couch. You’re ready to relax 
and watch the new English TV show or movie  

that you’ve been waiting to watch. You 
turn on the TV, and oh my goodness…  

They’re talking so fast. Can other people actually 
understand this? Is there some kind of secret? Do  

they know something that you don’t know? Well, 
today you are going to learn what makes American  

English fast so that you can understand fast 
English and speak like an American yourself. 

To help you never forget what you’ve learned, 
I’ve created a free PDF worksheet that you can  

download for today’s lesson. You will find all 
of the pronunciation points, sample sentences,  

and you can answer Vanessa’s Challenge Question at 
the end of the worksheet. Make sure you click on  

the link in the description to download it now.
In today’s lesson, you will see my most popular  

videos about how to speak fast English so 
that you can speak fast too. Let’s watch. 

After you watch this lesson, what are your plans? 
Hmm, for me, I could say, after this lesson,  

I am going to take a walk. When we talk about 
the future in English, we have two options.  

We can use will. I will take a walk. Or I am 
going to take a walk. But is that the fastest  

way to say this sentence? I am going to take a 
walk. No. First, let’s make a contraction out of  

the first two words. I am becomes I’m. I’m. And 
then the next two words is our first reduction.  

We can say, I’m gonna take a walk. What happened 
to the word to here? I’m gonna take a walk.  

The word to simply changed into a. I’m gonna 
take a walk. Make sure that when you use  

this reduction, you do not say, I’m gonna to 
take a walk because we’ve already used the to  

when we change it into a. I’m gonna take a walk.
Now I have a couple sentences that I’d like you to  

say out loud with me. Can you repeat these 
out loud with me? I’m gonna take a walk.  

He’s gonna make a presentation. They’re gonna 
bake a cake. Let’s make those sentences negative.  

I’m not gonna take a walk. He’s not gonna give 
a presentation. They’re not gonna bake a cake. 

For reduction number two, I have a question. Where 
is your dream location to visit? There are a lot  

of wonderful places in the world, but for me, I’m 
gonna say that I want to visit Norway. Is this the  

fastest way to say this sentence, I want to visit 
Norway? No. Let’s make a lovely reduction and say,  

I wanna visit Norway. What happened to the word to 
here? Does this look familiar? The word to changed  

to a. I wanna visit Norway. The same as before, 
make sure that you do not say I wanna to visit  

Norway. No, we’ve already changed the to into 
a. So you can simply say, I wanna visit Norway. 

You probably know that in English we need 
the subject and the verb to agree. So that  

means we can say, I want, she wants. 
There needs to be an S at the end. So  

can we use this reduction when we change the 
subject? Can we say she wanna visit Norway?  

No, because of that S, we need to include it. 
She wants to visit Norway. We need to add that S. 

Now I have a few sentences that I 
want you to say out loud with me.  

Are you ready? I wanna visit Norway. They wanna 
come over today. If you’d like to know some other  

ways to use the word come, check out my video 
up here so that you can use that naturally. 

Let’s make these sentences negative. I don’t 
wanna visit Norway. I don’t know who would say  

that because that’s kind of crazy. Who 
doesn’t want to visit Norway? But let’s  

say that negatively. I don’t wanna to visit 
Norway. They don’t wanna come over to my house. 

For reduction number three, I have a question. 
What do you need to do to improve your English  

skills? What do you need to do? There’s a lot 
of things you could do, but if you wanna improve  

your English skills, you might say, I have to 
study every day. Is this the fastest way to  

say this sentence? I have to study every day? 
No. Let’s make a reduction with the words have  

and to. I hafta study every day. You might notice 
that when I wrote this out, the V changes to an F,  

but this is just because that’s what it 
sounds like. When we use these reductions,  

they’re always in spoken English or in really 
informal writing, like a text message. So  

the way that you write it isn’t so important. 
This isn’t for formal papers or formal exams.  

So I wrote that F just to remind you that it does 
sound like an F. I hafta study English every day. 

What happened to that little word to? Can you 
guess? I bet you can. You are an expert in this  

now. The word to becomes a. I hafta study English 
every day. What about if we change the subject. I  

hafta study. She hasta study. The word she needs 
to agree with the verb has. She has, he has. Can  

we make this reduction, she hasta study? Yeah, 
that’s great. That’s no problem. You can say,  

I hafta study. She hasta study. We hafta study.
Now I have a few sentences that I’d like you to  

say with me. I hafta study English every day. 
You hafta take the test. She hasta call her  

mom. Let’s make them negative. I don’t hafta 
study every day. You don’t hafta take the test.  

She doesn’t hafta call her mom. What’s happening 
here with the verb conjugation? Do you see that  

the word have is conjugated the same way for each 
of these? That’s because we have the word do. The  

verb do has been added to these sentences. And 
that means that we conjugate the first verb.  

I don’t, you don’t, she doesn’t. This 
makes it beautifully grammatically correct. 

For reduction number four, I have a question. 
Before you cook a meal, what do you need to do?  

Before you cook a meal, what do you need to 
do? Well, before I cook a meal, I have got  

to go to the grocery store. I have got to buy 
some groceries. Groceries are food that you get  

at the store. But is this the fastest way to say 
this sentence? I have got to buy some groceries.  

No. Let’s say, I gotta buy some groceries. I gotta 
buy some groceries. The full verb phrase, I have  

got to, is extremely strong in English. We rarely 
use this because it’s so strong. You might use  

this for life or death situations. You have got 
to wear a seatbelt. You have got to look both ways  

when you cross the street. But for daily life, for 
buying groceries, we don’t need to use that strong  

expression. So we can reduce this to say, I gotta 
buy groceries. And it makes it much less strong,  

but it still shows something that you need to do.
What in the world is happening with these verbs?  

I have got to buy some groceries. 
I gotta buy some groceries. Well,  

let’s review some of the things that we’ve talked 
about. Often, the word to becomes a. I gotta.  

So we have the word to changing to that a sound. 
But what’s happening with have? It’s gone.  

Completely gone. But here it is implied. The word 
implied means that we know it’s there, we need it  

to be grammatically correct, but we don’t say it. 
This is something that’s implied or understood. 

When something’s implied, for example, 
maybe you tell your boyfriend,  

“I want you to tell me I love 
you more often.” And he says,  

“Oh, well, I spend time with you. I help to cook 
meals with you. Of course I love you. I’m doing  

these things with you. My love is implied. My love 
is understood. I don’t need to say it because you  

already know it.” Maybe that’s not okay with you. 
You still want him to say it. But that’s the idea  

of implied. It’s understood. You know it’s there 
but you don’t necessarily see it or hear it.  

So you can naturally say, I gotta buy groceries.
But what about if you change the subject?  

We’ve talked about the subject and the verb 
agreeing. Could you say, he gotta wake up early?  

No. Because we have the full verb phrase, he 
has got to wake up early, we need to include  

that S. This is similar to what we talked 
about with wants. Here we need to say, he’s  

gotta wake up early. So when we use gotta, the 
have part or the has is not implied, it’s added.  

He’s gotta wake up early. You can still use gotta 
but you need that S. He’s gotta wake up early. 

Let’s say a few sentences together so that you 
can practice gotta. I gotta buy some groceries.  

What’s happening with this pronunciation? In the 
middle of the word, there are two Ts. These Ts are  

going to change to a D sound in American English. 
This is a typical concept in American English,  

that when you have a T and a vowel on both 
sides, the T’s going to sound like a D. I gotta  

buy some groceries. This is the same for the word 
wad-er, swead-er, bed-er. If you’d like to know  

some other concepts about how to use an American 
accent, you can click on this video up here. We go  

into depth into five specific things that you can 
do to sound more like an American English speaker. 

So let’s say that sentence together. I gotta 
buy some groceries. You gotta chew with your  

mouth closed. It’s considered polite. He’s 
gotta wake up early. He’s gotta. Let’s see  

if we can make these sentences negative. Can 
you say, I don’t gotta buy some groceries?  

Some people say this, but it’s not considered 
proper English, so I don’t recommend using this.  

Instead, when you want to use gotta in the 
negative form, we need to use, need to use,  

the word need. I don’t need to buy some groceries. 
You don’t need to chew with your mouth closed.  

Maybe because there’s no one else in the room so 
they don’t care. He doesn’t need to wake up early. 

Let’s go on to one final bonus reduction. My 
question for you is what are you doing right now?  

What are you doing right now as you’re watching 
this lesson? You might say, I’m trying to  

improve my pronunciation. I’m trying to improve 
my pronunciation. Is this the fastest way to  

say this sentence? No, no, nope. You can 
say, I’m tryna improve my pronunciation.  

I’m tryna improve my pronunciation.
Let’s review some of those concepts we  

talked about to figure out what is happening with 
this reduction. The word to is going to change to  

a. Tryna, a. But why is there an N added here? You 
might notice that with gonna and want to, we’ve  

added an N and it just sounds and feels a 
little bit more natural to link those together.  

I’m tryna improve my pronunciation. You can’t 
say I’m trya, I’m trya. It doesn’t feel and  

sound as smooth. So we need to say, I’m tryna 
improve my pronunciation. This is definitely  

for fast English. So if you’re speaking slowly 
or kind of thinking about what you’re saying,  

it’s best to use the full expression, 
I’m trying to improve my pronunciation. 

In fact, that’s the same for all of these 
reductions. If you need to speak slowly or you’re  

not sure what you’re going to say, you’re taking 
your time, make sure to use the full expression.  

You don’t want to say, I’m gonna. It’s best to 
say, I’m going to. It feels more natural if you’re  

speaking slowly to not use the reduction, because 
the purpose of these reductions is to speak fast. 

So let’s practice with tryna. Can you say 
these sentences with me? I’m tryna improve  

my pronunciation. She’s tryna take a nap. Do you 
see how all of those words are linked together?  

Tryna take, tryna take a nap. She’s tryna take a 
nap. They’re tryna find their dog. They’re tryna  

find their dog. When you use these reductions, 
it’s great to link the words together quickly.  

Let’s make these sentences negative. 
I’m not tryna improve my pronunciation.  

Okay. She’s not tryna take a nap. They’re not 
tryna find their dog because he’s right there. 

All right, did you get some pronunciation practice 
during this lesson? I hope so. Let’s do a quick  

review. And I’d like you to say these sentences 
out loud to practice your pronunciation and  

practice these natural reductions. I’m gonna study 
English every day. I wanna improve my speaking  

skills. I hafta practice with Vanessa. I gotta 
remember these tips. I’m tryna use them right now. 

My first tip for speaking fast English is 
to use contractions. What are contractions?  

They’re when you put two words together. I’d 
like to go is I would like to go. He’s busy.  

He is busy. What’re you doing? What are you doing? 
If you’d like some tips about how to pronounce  

81 contractions, I made a video about 
that up here to help your pronunciation.  

But this first tip is the most simple. We’ll 
talk about some more difficult tips later.  

And it’s an easy way to speak quickly. 
I’d like to go. I would like to go. Do  

you see how we can speak quicker because we’re 
cutting off all of the sounds in the word would,  

except for that final D. I’d like to go.
Great. Let’s go onto the second tip. My second  

tip for speaking fast English is to reduce these 
four common verbs. Gonna, wanna, gotta, hafta.  

I’m gonna study English means I’m going to study 
English. That word to simply becomes a. I’m gonna  

study English. Or you might say, I wanna 
study English. Here, we’re changing  

want to, to wanna. Again, the word to changes to 
a. I wanna study English. Or maybe you would say,  

I gotta study English. Here, we have a 
longer verb. I have got to study English  

becomes I gotta. I gotta study English. And 
then you might say, I hafta study English.  

Have to. Here again, to changes to a. I 
hafta study English. Can you say these  

with me? I’m gonna study English. I wanna 
study English. I gotta study English. I haf. 

Ta study English. Beautiful 
sentences and it’s so fast. 

My third tip for speaking fast English is 
to reduce the word you when you’re asking a  

question. We’re going to talk about three common 
question words. And unfortunately, the word you  

reduces in a different way for each question. 
So listen carefully and let’s check it out. The  

first question word is what. How can we reduce the 
question, what are you doing? What are you doing?  

We could reduce this to say whatcha doing? 
Whatcha. Whatcha. It sounds like a C-H sound here.  

And actually, we’ve cut out completely the word 
are. And the word you just becomes cha. Whatcha  

doing?. You might notice too, extra tip, at the 
end of the word doing, that G also gets cut out.  

Whatcha doin'? Whatcha doin'?. So I end that word 
with an N. Whatcha doin'? Whatcha doin'? Oh, I’m  

teaching an English lesson. Oh, I’m studying 
English. I’m going to sleep. Whatcha doin'?  

Whatcha doin'? Whatcha, whatcha doin'?
Let’s talk about the second W-H question.  

Where are you going? Whereya goin? Do you 
notice the same thing happening here with that  

ING at the end? Whereya goin'? It 
ends with an N. What is happening with  

the word you? Whereya? We just changed it to ya. 
Ya. Not you, but Y-A. Whereya goin'?. And again,  

we cut out R. Where are you going? Whereya 
goin'? Whereya goin'? Whereya goin'? 

What about if you wanted to ask a polite question? 
Would you help me? Maybe you need some help in  

the office. You might ask this lovely question, 
would you help me? But if you want to say it fast,  

you could say, wouldja you help me? Wouldja 
help me? Wouldja help me? Wouldja. Ja.  

Instead of a ch sound like we talked 
about before, whatcha doing, here instead  

we are going to say ja. Wouldja help 
me? Can you say that with me? Wouldja.  

Wouldja help me? Would you help me becomes 
wouldja. Wouldja help me? Wouldja help me, please? 

Tips number four, five, and six include cutting 
off sounds. These are a little bit more tricky  

so let’s pay attention carefully. Tip number 
four for speaking fast English is to cut off  

the T at the end of words. Ooh, what about this 
sentence? I go out every night. I go ou' every  

nigh'. Do you hear I go out every night? No. 
Instead, your tongue is at the top of your mouth.  

You’re about to make the T sound, but no air 
goes through. So it’s just stopped at the top of  

your mouth. I go ou' every nigh'. I go ou' every 
nigh'. If you would like to know some more common  

sentences in English that use this, we use this 
all the time, but you can check out this video  

I made up here about how to pronounce the most 
common sentences in English. I go ou' every nigh'.  

Can you say that with me? I go ou' every nigh'.
Tip number five for fast English is to cut off the  

letter D at the end of words. Let’s check out this 
sample sentence. I found a blue and white card.  

I foun' a blue an' white car'. I foun' a blue an' 
white car'. Hmm. Maybe you foun' a blue an' white  

car' on the street and it was a birthday card that 
someone just threw out their window. I foun' a  

blue an' white car'. I foun'. The word ends in the 
letter N. I foun' a blue an' white. Here the word  

and is being reduced. Just cut off that final 
D sound. I foun' a blue an' white car'. Car'. 

This is a little bit different than the word car. 
I drive a car. Because your mouth is making the  

shape of that D sound, but it’s not making the 
vibrations happening. You’re not actually making  

a D sound, but your mouth is making that shape. 
Car'. Car'. My tongue is flat against the roof of  

my mouth to make the D, but it’s not coming out. 
Car', car'. Can you say that sentence with me?  

I foun' a blue an' white car'. I foun' a blue 
an' white car'. I foun' a blue an' white car'. 

My sixth tip for speaking fast English is quite 
advanced. It is to cut off the first sounds with  

a few pronouns. Him, his, her, and them. Let’s 
look at a couple sample sentences. I think he’s  

right. I think ‘e’s right. I think ‘e’s right. 
There’s no H happening here. I think ‘e, think ‘e.  

Kind of sounds like you’re saying thinky. I 
think ‘e’s right. Do you notice too at the end  

of the word right, there’s no T sound. I think 
‘e’s righ’. I think ‘e’s righ’. I think ‘e’s  

righ’. We do this all the time.
Let’s go on to another pronoun. It’s ‘is turn.  

It’s ‘er turn. It’s his turn. It’s her turn. This 
one’s a little bit weird, isn’t it? The H at the  

beginning of his and her is cut off. We don’t do 
this all the time, but it does happen often enough  

that you want to make sure you can understand when 
native English speakers are using it, and also so  

that you can use it yourself. It’s ‘er turn. It’s 
‘er turn. It’s ‘is turn. ‘Is turn. It’s ‘is turn.  

It’s ‘is turn. We’re not saying it’s his turn. 
It’s ‘is turn. It’s ‘is turn. It’s ‘er turn.  

It’s ‘er turn. It’s ‘er turn. Great.
What about the word them? I listen to  

‘em. I listen to ‘em. ‘Em. The word them has 
the T-H cut out. And instead you’re saying  

‘em. ‘Em. I listen to ‘em. Maybe if someone asks 
about some music that you like, you might say,  

“Oh yeah, I listen to ‘em.” I listen to ‘em. 
‘Em. I listen to ‘em. This is quite casual  

and we use it a lot in daily conversation. 
I listen to ‘em. Can you say that with me?  

I listen to ‘em. ‘Em. So we need to reduce some 
pronouns as we’re speaking. Him, his, her, them. 

My seventh tip for speaking fast English 
is specific to American English. It is to  

change a T sound to a D sound. You might have 
noticed that we’ve done a lot with Ts and Ds,  

cutting them off at the end of words. And here 
we’re changing them for each other. So when we  

say a word, like the word bed-er, wad-er, do 
you hear better, water? No. In American English,  

a T that’s between two vowel sounds, it doesn’t 
always have to be a vowel, but between two vowel  

sounds is going to change to a D. Bed-er. Wad-er.
Let’s look at a sample sentence.  

The swead-er is better. I like wad-er. Swead-er. 
Notice that T, it’s between two vowels. Is bed-er.  

It’s between two vowel sounds. I like wad-er. It’s 
also between two vowels. But what if we take it up  

a notch? These Ts in the next sample sentence are 
also between vowel sounds, but it’s not so clear.  

Put it in the desk. Pud id in the desk. We 
have a lot of D sounds. Pud id in. Pud id  

in. What’s happening with that T at the end of 
the word put? Well, it’s a T between two vowels,  

even though there’s two separate words. Pud 
id in. And the word it is between two vowels,  

even though it’s two separate words. So 
I know this can be a little bit tricky,  

but you’re going to hear native speakers use this 
all the time. So make sure you can do it too. 

Can you say it with me? Pud id in. Pud id in. Pud 
id in the desk. Pud id in the desk. Pud id in the  

desk. Pud id in the desk. Do you see how 
that makes it much faster? Because instead  

of spending the time to let the air come out of 
your mouth, your tongue is just tapping the top  

of your mouth to make a D. Pud id in. Pud id in. 
Instead of put it in. It makes it a lot faster. 

Are you ready for a final challenge sentence? 
It’s going to combine so many of these seven tips,  

and it’s going to challenge your mind and 
your pronunciation muscles. Our sentence is,  

I’m gonna eat his food and it’ll taste great. 
Whew. Pretty fast. Let’s break it down. I’m gonna.  

I’m gonna. Remember those reductions we talked 
about at the beginning of this lesson? We have  

a contraction, I am. And then we’re reducing going 
to, to become gonna. I’m gonna, I’m gonna ead his.  

Here, the final T is changing to a D.
But why is it changing to a D if the  

next word doesn’t start with a vowel? Well, 
do you remember that we need to cut off the H  

for the word his? So instead, it sounds like a 
vowel. ‘Is. Ead ‘is. So let’s change that T to  

a D and make sure that you cut off the H. Ead ‘is. 
Can you say that with me, Ead ‘is. Ead ‘is foo’.  

Foo’. What happens to that final D? We just 
cut it off. Foo’. And we’re cutting off the  

next D. An’ id’ll taste great. Id’ll. 
What is happening with this contraction?  

Well, when we say the contraction, it will, we 
kind of add a little U sound before the L. It  

kind of sounds like U-L-L. Id’ll. So here we have 
two vowel sounds, even though we don’t see them,  

similar to before, ead ‘is.
So here we have id’ll. Id’ll tas’e.  

Here we’re cutting off the T. Grea’. And 
we’re cutting off the T again. Id’ll tas’e  

grea’. Can we go back and say this full challenge 
sentence together? Let’s give it a try. I’m gonna  

ead ‘is foo’ an’ id’ll tas’e grea’. So much going 
on here. Let’s try to say it fast. I’m gonna ead  

‘is foo’ and id’ll tas’e grea’. I’m gonna ead 
‘is foo’ an’ id’ll tas’e grea’. I’m gonna ead ‘is  

foo’ an’ id’ll tas’e grea’. Whew. Great. I hope 
you can say the sentence by yourself. Use those  

pronunciation muscles and challenge yourself.
Congratulations on speaking real English with  

fast, natural, reduced pronunciation. Don’t 
forget to click on the link in the description  

to download the free PDF worksheet for today’s 
lesson. Never forget what you’ve learned.  

Well, thank you so much for learning English with 
me. I will see you again next Friday for a new  

lesson here on my YouTube channel. Bye.
The next step is to download the free  

PDF worksheet for this lesson. With this 
free PDF, you will master today’s lesson  

and never forget what you have learned. 
You can be a confident English speaker.  

Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel 
for a free English lesson every Friday. Bye.

嗨,我是来自 SpeakEnglishWithVanessa.com 的 Vanessa。
让我们说一口流利的英语。 让我们来谈谈它。

让我们想象一下场景。 您
在工作中度过了漫长而艰苦的一天。 所以你回到家,

坐在沙发上。 您已准备好放松

电影。 你

他们说得太快了。 其他人真的能
理解这一点吗? 有什么秘密吗?

他们知道你不知道的事情吗? 好吧,


我创建了一个免费的 PDF 工作表,您可以

为今天的课程下载该工作表。 您将找到所有

并且您可以在工作表的末尾回答 Vanessa 的挑战问题
。 请务必点击说明


以便您也能说得很快。 让我们来看吧。


我要去散步。 当我们

我们可以使用意志。 我会散散步。 或者我
要去散步。 但这是

说这句话的最快方式吗? 我要去
散步。 不,首先,让我们

把前两个词缩略一下。 我是成为我。 我是。

到这里这个词怎么了? 我要去散步。

to这个词干脆变成了a。 我要去
散步。 确保当你使用


当我们把它改成 a 时,我们已经使用了 to。 我要去散步。

和我一起大声说出来。 你
能跟我大声重复这些吗? 我要去散步。

他会做一个介绍。 他们要
烤蛋糕。 让我们把这些句子变成否定的。

我不会去散步的。 他不会
做演示。 他们不会烤蛋糕的。

您梦寐以求的去处是哪里? 世界上有

我想说我想去挪威。 这是

挪威? 不。让我们做一个可爱的缩减,然后说,

我想去挪威。 到这里这个词怎么了
? 这看起来很熟悉吗? 将单词更改

为 a。 我想去挪威。 和以前一样,请

挪威。 不,我们已经将 to 更改为
a。 所以你可以简单地说,我想去挪威。

需要主语和动词一致。 所以这

最后必须有一个S。 那么,

吗? 我们可以说她想去挪威吗?

不,因为那个 S,我们需要包含它。
她想访问挪威。 我们需要添加那个 S。


你准备好了吗? 我想去挪威。 他们
今天想过来。 如果您想知道


让我们将这些句子设为否定。 我
不想去挪威。 我不知道谁会这么

说,因为这有点疯狂。 谁
不想去挪威? 但是,让我们

消极地说。 我不想去
挪威。 他们不想来我家。


技能? 你需要做什么?

每天学习。 这是说出这句话的最快方式

吗? 我必须每天学习吗?
不,让我们用 have

和 to 来做减法。 我每天都要学习。 你可能会注意到
,当我写出这个时,V 变成了 F,

听起来就是这样。 当我们使用这些缩减时,



所以我写这个 F 只是为了提醒你它听起来确实
像一个 F。我每天都在学习英语。

猜一下? 我打赌你可以。 你现在是这方面的专家了

。 to这个词变成了a。 我每天都学英语
。 如果我们换个话题怎么办。 我

要学习。 她必须学习。 她需要
与动词一致的词有。 她有,他有。

我们可以做这个减少吗,她必须学习? 是的,
那太好了。 那没问题。 你可以说,

我必须学习。 她必须学习。 我们学习了。

和我一起说。 我每天都学英语。
你必须参加考试。 她必须叫她

妈妈。 让我们把它们设为负数。 我不是
每天都学习。 你不必参加考试。

动词变位在这里发生了什么? 您是否看到

? 那是因为我们有做这个词。

动词 do 已添加到这些句子中。

我没有,你没有,她没有。 这


做什么? 好吧,在我做饭之前,我得

去杂货店。 我得
买些杂货。 杂货是您

在商店购买的食物。 但这是说这句话的最快方式
吗? 我得买些杂货。

不,比方说,我要买些杂货。 我得
买些杂货。 完整的动词短语,

我必须,在英语中非常强大。 我们很少
使用它,因为它非常强大。 您可以将

其用于生死攸关的情况。 你必须系
好安全带。 过马路时,你必须向两边看

。 但是对于日常生活,为了

表达方式。 所以我们可以减少这个说,我
要买杂货。 它使它变得不那么强大,


我得买些杂货。 好吧,

过的一些事情。 通常,to这个词会变成a。 我得。

但是有发生了什么? 它消失了。

完全没了。 但这里是隐含的。 暗示这个词



更爱你。” 他说:


是被理解的。我不知道 不需要说出来,因为你

已经知道了。” 也许这对你不好。
你还是要他说。 但这就是

隐含的想法。 明白了。 你知道它在那里,


同意。 你能说,他得早起吗?


那个 S。这类似于我们
所说的想要。 在这里我们需要说,他

得早起。 因此,当我们使用 gotta 时,
并没有暗示 have 部分或 has 部分,而是添加了它。

他得早起。 你仍然可以使用 gotta,
但你需要那个 S。他得早起。

就可以练习 gotta。 我得买些杂货。

这个发音是怎么回事? 在
单词的中间,有两个 T。 这些 T

将在美式英语中变为 D 音。

即当你在两边都有一个 T 和一个元音时
,T 听起来像一个 D。我得

wad-er、swead-er、bed-er 这个词也是如此。 如果您想了解

,可以单击此处的此视频。 我们


所以让我们一起说这句话。 我得
买些杂货。 你必须

闭着嘴咀嚼。 这被认为是礼貌的。 他
得早起。 他必须。 让我们

看看我们是否可以使这些句子成为否定句。 你能


相反,当你想以否定形式使用 gotta 时

需要这个词。 我不需要买一些杂货。

他们不在乎。 他不需要早起。

让我们继续进行最后的奖金减少。 我的

? 你可能会说,我正在努力

提高我的发音。 我正在努力提高
我的发音。 这是说出这句话的最快方式

吗? 不,不,不。 你可以


。 to这个词将变为

a。 特里纳,一个。 但是为什么这里要加一个 N 呢? 您

添加了一个 N,将它们联系在一起听起来和感觉

我正在努力提高我的发音。 你不能
说我是 trya,我是 trya。 它感觉和听起来都不

那么流畅。 所以我们需要说,我正在努力
提高我的发音。 这绝对是

为了快速英语。 所以,如果你说得慢


。 如果您需要慢慢说,或者您


你不想说,我会的。 最好
说,我要去。 如果你


所以让我们用tryna来练习吧。 你能跟
我说这些句子吗? 我正在努力提高

我的发音。 她想睡个午觉。 你

Tryna采取,tryna小睡。 她想睡个
午觉。 他们试图找到他们的狗。 他们试图

找到他们的狗。 当您使用这些缩减时,


好的。 她不想睡午觉。 他们不会

在这节课中练习了发音吗? 但愿如此。 让我们快速

回顾一下。 我希望你大声说出这些句子

练习这些自然的减法。 我要
每天学习英语。 我想提高我的口语

技巧。 我和 Vanessa 一起练习。 我必须
记住这些提示。 我现在正在尝试使用它们。

是使用缩略语。 什么是宫缩?

他们是当你把两个词放在一起的时候。 我
想去就是我想去。 他很忙。

他很忙。 你在做什么? 你在做什么?

81 宫缩的提示,我在此处制作了一个视频

但第一个技巧是最简单的。 稍后我们将

我想去。 我很想去。


除了最后的 D。我想去。
伟大的。 让我们进入第二个技巧。 我的第二个

四个常用动词。 会,想要,必须,hafta。

英语。 那个词简单地变成了a。 我要

学习英语。 或者你可能会说,我想
学习英语。 在这里,我们正在改变

想要,想要。 再次,单词 to 更改为
a。 我想学英语。 或者你可能会说,

我要学英语。 在这里,我们有一个
更长的动词。 我必须学习英语

成为我必须。 我要学英语。

必须。 这里又要修改了。 我
已经学习英语了。 你能跟我说这些

吗? 我要学英语。 我想
学英语。 我要学英语。 我有。

Ta学习英语。 美丽的


。 我们将讨论三个常见的
疑问词。 不幸的是,


第一个问题词是什么。 我们怎样才能减少这个
问题,你在做什么? 你在做什么?

什么。 什么。 这里听起来像是 C-H 的声音。

是”这个词。 而你这个词就变成了cha。

你在做什么呢?。 你可能还会注意到,在doing这个词的末尾,额外的小费

干什么? 干什么?。 所以我用 N 结束这个词
。Whatcha doin’? 干什么? 哦,我正在

教英语课。 哦,我正在学习
英语。 我要睡觉了。 干什么?

干什么? 干啥干啥?
我们来谈谈第二个 W-H 问题。

你要去哪里? 去哪儿? 您是否
注意到这里发生了与最后那个 ING 相同的事情

? 你去哪儿? 它
以 N 结尾。你这个词发生了

什么? 哪里呀? 我们只是把它改成了你。
是的。 不是你,而是Y-A。 去哪儿? 再一次,

我们删掉了 R。你要去哪里? 你要去
哪里? 你去哪儿? 你去哪儿?

你能帮我吗? 也许您在办公室需要一些帮助

。 你可能会问这个可爱的问题,
你会帮助我吗? 但如果你想说快点,

你可以说,你会帮我吗? 会
帮助我吗? 会帮助我吗? 威尔贾。 贾。

而不是我们之前谈到的 ch 声音
,whatcha 在做什么,而不是在这里

我们要说 ja。 会帮助
我吗? 你能跟我说吗? 威尔贾。

会帮助我吗? 你能帮我变成
willja。 会帮助我吗? 请帮帮我好吗?

切断声音。 这些有点棘手,


单词末尾的 T。 哦,这
句话呢? 我每晚都出去。 我每晚都

去。 你听说我每晚都出去吗?

您即将发出 T 音,但没有
空气通过。 所以它只是停在

你嘴巴的顶部。 我每晚都去。 我每晚都
去。 如果您想知道一些更常见


常见的英语句子。 我每晚都去。

你能跟我说吗? 我每晚都去。
快速英语的第 5 条提示是切断

单词末尾的字母 D。 让我们看看这个
例句。 我找到了一张蓝白相间的卡片。

我找到了一辆蓝色和白色的汽车。 我找到了一辆蓝色和
白色的汽车。 唔。 也许你

有人刚刚从窗户扔了出去。 我找到了一辆

蓝色和白色的汽车。 我发现’。 这个词以
字母 N 结尾。我找到了一个蓝色和白色。 这里的词

和正在减少。 只需切断最后的
D 音。 我找到了一辆蓝色和白色的汽车。 车’。

我开车。 因为你的嘴在发出

D 音的形状,但它并没有使
振动发生。 您实际上并没有

发出 D 音,但您的嘴巴正在发出这种形状。
车’。 车’。 我的舌头平贴在

我的上颚上以发出 D,但它没有出来。
车’,车’。 你能跟我说那句话吗?

我找到了一辆蓝色和白色的汽车。 我找到了一辆
蓝色和白色的汽车。 我找到了一辆蓝色和白色的汽车。

先进的。 就是用几个代词来隔断最初的声音

。 他,他的,她,还有他们。 让我们
看几个例句。 我认为他是

对的。 我认为’e是对的。 我认为’e是对的。
这里没有 H 发生。 我认为’e,认为’e。

听起来你在说有思想。 我
认为 ‘e 是对的。 你是否也注意到

单词 right 的末尾没有 T 音。 我认为
“e 是对的”。 我认为’e是对的’。 我认为“e 是对的

”。 我们一直这样做。
让我们继续讨论另一个代词。 轮到了

轮到了 轮到他了。 轮到她了。

他和她开头的 H 被切断。 我们不会一直


并且您可以自己使用它。 轮到了 该
轮到了。 轮到了 ‘轮到了。 轮到了

轮到了 我们不是说轮到他了。
轮到了 轮到了 轮到了

轮到了 轮到了 伟大的。
他们这个词呢? 我

听他们的。 我听他们的。 ‘嗯。 他们这个词
去掉了 T-H。 相反,你说

的是他们。 ‘嗯。 我听他们的。 也许如果

“哦,是的,我听他们的。” 我听他们的。
‘嗯。 我听他们的。 这很随意

我听他们的。 你能跟我说吗?

我听他们的。 ‘嗯。 所以我们需要
在说话的时候减少一些代词。 他,他的,她,他们。

是针对美式英语的。 就是

把 T 音变成 D 音。 您可能已经
注意到,我们在 Ts 和 Ds 方面做了很多工作,

在词尾将它们截断。 在这里,
我们正在为彼此更改它们。 所以当我们

你听得更清楚吗? 不会。在美式英语中,

两个元音之间的 T 并不

音会变成 D. Bed-er。 涉水。

swead-er更好。 我喜欢涉水。 斯威德。
注意 T,它位于两个元音之间。 是卧床。

它在两个元音之间。 我喜欢涉水。 它
也在两个元音之间。 但是如果我们把它提升

一个档次呢? 下一个例句中的这些 T

把它放在桌子上。 Pud id 在桌子上。 我们
有很多 D 音。 Pud id in。Pud

id in。put 单词末尾的那个 T 是
怎么回事? 嗯,它是两个元音之间的 T,

即使有两个单独的词。 Pud
id in。而且它位于两个元音之间,

即使它是两个单独的词。 所以

一直在使用它。 所以确保你也能做到。

你能跟我说吗? Pud id in。Pud id in。Pud
id 在桌子上。 Pud id 在桌子上。

桌子上的 Pud id。 Pud id 在桌子上。 你知道这
如何使它更快吗? 因为


嘴巴的顶部来做一个 D. Pud id in. Pud id in。
而不是把它放进去。它会做很多 快点。


和发音肌肉。 我们的句子是,

唷。 相当快。 让我们分解一下。 我会

我会 还记得我们
在本课开始时谈到的那些减少吗? 我们

有宫缩,我是。 然后我们减少了
去,变成了去。 我要去,我要去读他的。

在这里,最后的 T 变成了 D。

下一个单词不是以元音开头,为什么它会变成 D? 好吧,

他的 H 去掉吗? 因此,它听起来像是一个
元音。 ‘是。 埃德’是。 因此,让我们将 T 更改

为 D 并确保您切断了 H. Ead ‘is。
你能跟我说,Ead’是。 Ead ‘是 foo’。

福’。 最后的 D 会发生什么? 我们只是
将其切断。 福’。 我们正在切断

下一个 D。我会很好吃的。 我会的。

在 L 之前添加一点 U 音

。听起来有点像 U-L-L。 我会的。 所以这里我们有

类似于之前的 ead ‘is。
所以在这里我们有 id’ll。 我会的。

在这里,我们切断了 T. Grea’。
我们再次切断了 T。 我会很好

吃的。 我们可以回去一起说出这句充满挑战的
句子吗? 试一试吧。 我要

读“is foo”和“id’ll tas’e grea”。 这里发生
了很多事情。 让我们试着快速说出来。 我要读

“is foo”,我会觉得 tas’e grea’。 我要读
‘is foo’ an’ id’ll tas’e grea’。 我要读’is

foo’ an’ id’ll tas’e grea’。 唷。 伟大的。 我希望
你能自己说这句话。 使用这些


快速、自然、简洁的发音说真正的英语。 不要

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