STUDY ENGLISH How To Organize Your English Notebook Effectively
hey you know when you’re studying a
language it’s kind of difficult to
organize your thoughts right it’s
difficult to organize your notebooks
i totally understand because you know i
speak korean but
i have my notebook yeah my notebook one
of my notebooks from when i was studying
and you can see all the different colors
you can see
all the different pictures i used when i
was studying korean
so i get it i understand how difficult
it is to organize your notebooks but i
have developed
a method that’s going to help you change
the way you study and i want to teach
you this method today
the way to properly organize your
english notebook
but before i teach you this method i
need you to do three
simple things for me you see i want to
help one billion
students speak english with confidence
so i need you to do
three things first i need you to like
this video
second i need you to share this video
and third i need you to subscribe to
this channel
here we go like share subscribe
come on i said like share subscribe
last time like share subscribe
i’m teacher tiffany let’s jump right in
alright so your notebook needs to be
broken down into three sections
topical english tv movies youtube and
and finally special notes that’s right
we’re going to look at three specific
sections the three sections you need to
in your english notebook so let’s start
with the first
section here we go section number one
topical english now what’s the purpose
of this section
this section will help you learn things
groups as a result you will be able to
easily remember
english phrases words and expressions
related to specific topics
you know i’ve emphasized so many times
the importance of
picking a certain topic and studying
english based on that topic you see you
are an
intermediate or advanced english learner
so you must
study english in a different way you’re
at the stage in your learning journey
you don’t just need to memorize things
now your brain needs to connect
information because you’ve put so much
now it’s time to organize that
information and this section
section number one is going to help you
do this so here we go
topical english you’re going to first
have the topic again
choose a topic you are interested in
vocabulary you’re going to find a topic
vocabulary word then you’re going to
a topic related expression and
a topic related idiom let me pause
really quickly
this is so important there are so many
different phrases and idioms
and words in the english language so if
you can find
one of each related to a specific topic
it’s going to take your english to the
next level
but it’s also going to help you have an
notebook an area you can go to when you
want to know
more information about a certain topic
you already have it organized
so after you find your idiom another
thing i need you to do is
find and write topic related questions
and then you’re going to answer the
topic related questions
now this right here wait it’s a game
changer because you may learn vocabulary
and expressions and idioms related to a
but if someone asks you a question
you’ve never heard
about and you don’t know how to organize
your thoughts you will get frustrated
but organizing your notebook in this way
will help you be
ahead of the game you’ll be ready to
answer any questions so let’s look at it
visually alright
here we go this is how i have broken
down my notebook
this is my worksheet all right so the
first part again
topic write the topic first because this
will help you remember
how everything is connected then the
vocabulary word
again make sure this is a word you don’t
already again you are an intermediate or
advanced english learner
so you may know lots of vocabulary words
you don’t want to pick a word you
already know find a word you don’t know
alright let’s continue then the
this can be slang two you can choose a
slang term you know i teach slang on my
instagram channel
let’s say you learn a slang today and
you’re like yo wow that sling was so
it’s related to a topic in my notebook
you can connect it
right here all right now you’re gonna
move on to the idiom
now the idiom go to google and search
english idioms about dot dot dot
remember this english idioms about and
then put the topic it’s gonna help
you so much google is your friend all
now moving on to the discussion
questions what you’re gonna do for the
discussion questions
go to google and type english discussion
questions about so simple right
english discussion questions about and
then write the topic
you’ll get so many questions and you’ll
only pick
three you’re gonna write these questions
in your notebook
then what you’re going to do is organize
thoughts you see that i have it
separated out into three different
represented by reasons details or
now this is something i have taught
before as well when you’re trying to
answer a question
you’re talking about fluency thinking
about fluency fluency is not about
the length of time you speak no it’s
about the information you provide and is
the information
ordered and concise and easy to be
so what you need to do is in your
notebook you have a question
then and before you write your answer
organize your thoughts for example let’s
say somebody
is doing a topic of food because we all
love food right
and the question is what is your
favorite food
very simple question but you either need
to give
three reasons three details or three
examples so
i’m gonna say my favorite food is indian
it’s very true so three reasons why
indian food tastes really good
that’s one of my reasons my second
reason indian food has lots of different
spices and i love
spices hmm what’s my third reason
ah i love cooking vegan dishes and
indian food has a lot of dishes that i
can eat as a vegan
makes sense so i’ve listed my three
reasons organize my thoughts and that’s
what you need to do so again
this is for section one of your english
now moving on to section number two tv
movies youtube and podcasts
this section will help you learn and
remember english expressions
ideas and words used by native english
speakers in real life as a result
you will be more confident when you
speak in english so here we go
what you need to do is have a topic a
title description interesting thing and
five new things
you can watch any video you want you can
watch it on youtube you can watch a
movie you can watch a news program
or you can listen to a podcast it’s up
to you but it needs to be about
something you’re interested in
this is for section two basically real
english so what’s gonna happen is you’re
going to again the topic
choose a topic you are interested in i
emphasize this enough it needs to be
something you like
if you don’t like talking about food
find another topic maybe you like
sports maybe you like art think about
topics and choose a video or podcast
about those topics alright
next the source you need to write down
the exact
source then write the title of the video
podcast description describe
what you saw or heard this is very
important so what’s gonna happen is
as you’re watching the video or as
you’re listening to the podcast
you’re gonna get a general idea of what
the episode is about
write that basically summarize what the
video or the podcast episode is actually
all right now the next thing you want to
do is for interesting
you want to actually write what was
interesting about the episode and
five new things find five new words
ideas or phrases
very important now you notice i included
ideas as a part of this because think
about it you’re watching this video
well i’m giving you three different ways
to organize your notebook
three ideas related to organizing your
in english so you can say ah one of the
new things i
learned was from teacher tiffany’s video
organizing my notebook that’s one idea
okay so let’s see it visually here’s the
visual breakdown again
my notebook would look like this for
section 2. first i have the top part
the topic this will help you again keep
track of the various
topics you learn about then the source
the title and the description what’s
happening is you
are creating a personal database that’s
your brain is a computer and when you
organize the information you put into it
it will become so much easier for you to
pull out the information
later on when you need it so take your
notebook and
organize it in this way alright so the
the title and the description now
the most interesting thing you learned
think about it as you watched the
episode or listen to it
were you happy at a certain point were
you curious at a certain point or were
you shocked
think about those moments and write a
summary about it
wow i really liked how teacher tiffany
talked about organizing my notebook
and even having a section about movies
and podcasts
what was so interesting about that write
it in this section all right
and again the final part of this section
section number two
is the new vocabulary expressions or
you are creating mental triggers so next
when you think about that episode you’ll
remember the visuals or you remember the
audio and you’ll be like
wait a minute ah this is what i learned
at that point it’s so important so
section two again
is talking about tv movies podcasts
or youtube now section three special
the purpose of this section is to help
you keep track of the interesting
english related ideas and information
you learn throughout your day as a
you will feel more organized and less
frustrated so here we go let’s look at
it there are four different parts the
special note
which is something new that you learned
the date
write the date that’s right keep track
of when you actually
found this information or heard this
trust me your brain is amazing
and sometimes you don’t realize how it
but the more connections the more
triggers you give it
the easier it will be for you to grab
the information
and access the information later on
trust me
your brain is awesome all right so write
the date
then you’re going to write the source
all right where you saw it or where you
heard it
and finally you’re gonna write the
specific note
idea or tip so how does this look again
this is my notebook
how i organize things this is section
number three all right
so you’ll see on this page we have eight
parts these eight little sections show
that you should be looking for quick
nuggets of information oh what’s a
nugget here we go
you all know mcdonald’s right chicken
nuggets right those small
little pieces that usually kids get
right chicken
mcnuggets so a nugget is a small chunk
a small piece of information so for this
section you’re not looking for a long
article you’re not looking for this long
research paper or this long area where
you can write in
you’re looking for quick points all
right so let’s see for example um an
example let’s look at section number two
special note number two
let’s say there’s a conversation and
you’re talking to someone and in the
midst of that conversation
they say a new word you’re like whoa i
didn’t know that word
quickly go to your notebook in section
and you can write the date what was the
source a conversation i had with a
friend and what was the note
i learned a new word whatever that word
may be put it in the note section
or maybe for example you’re looking for
something online
you’re on google and you’re searching
and wait a minute
i’ve never heard this information before
or read this information
small piece of information also becomes
a special note
in section 3 of your english notebook
that makes sense
now listen this is something that really
makes me happy i
love organizing my thoughts and my ideas
and like i showed you
i have so many notebooks like this where
i organized my thoughts and my ideas
when i was studying korean
and i want to help you do the same so
like i said
separate your notebook into three
different sections now i will say this i
do want to help you more
if you’re already a part of my academy i
have something for you in part two
everything i went over today i’ve
created worksheets
for you so that you can use these print
them off
for your notebook now it’s up to you if
you’d like to just do it on your own
no problem at all but if you’d like me
to help you if you’d like to get my
the pdfs to download and let me give you
the tool to actually take your english
to the next level
and help you organize your thoughts then
hey all you got to do is
join my academy the link is right here
let’s jump right in
com and you can click the link in the
description to go to part
2 and download the pdfs for my students
already i love you guys you know that i
love providing you with pdfs
and helping you take your english to the
next level alright guys i hope you
really enjoyed this episode i love
helping you organize your ideas and
speak english better
remember i’m here for you and i’ll see
you next week
but as always remember to speak english
are you ready you know what time it is
story time hey i said it’s story time
all right guys so for today’s story i
one related to a prayer request that i
had so
you all know that i’m a christian i love
god and i love working hard for him
which is why i love being your teacher
i’m here to help you
when i was in south korea you know i
lived there for 10 years during my time
i started a big program where once a
month we would go out
into the city and feed homeless people
now there are homeless people everywhere
in the world
and since i was living in south korea i
said i want to help the people
that live where i am living right now so
i organized this
big group i mean there were tons of
people that would come out
many of them were my friends and then
some people were friends of friends
and we would gather once a month and we
would take food to homeless people
but i had a collaboration with the
restaurant and the restaurant would
actually make food every month and
in korean there toshidak doshirak is
kind of like a
meal that’s in a container right it’s
like little pockets so you have
everything kind of set in a meal
a container right and i would order a
certain number
now the area we went to to help the
homeless people and serve them
food had a lot of homeless people
so every month i would try to at least
a hundred 100 of the the meals right
but sometimes we could get more well in
order to order 100 meals we needed about
three to four hundred dollars
and again so we went out once a month so
for a full month prior to going out
i would send out messages and i would
basically raise money and my friends
would donate and other individuals would
as well in order to help the homeless
people including family and friends in
so the program was going well but
this one month it was very slow i wasn’t
able to get as
many donations as i needed so instead of
getting four hundred dollars
i only had two hundred dollars and i
literally had
three days before i had to place the
order to the restaurant
and i was getting a little bit concerned
because i knew there were homeless
who were waiting on us they knew that we
would come once a month
and bring them food but this month i
said i don’t know if we’re going to be
able to do it because
i didn’t want to go out there with only
50 meals and there were 100 people
waiting so i prayed i said god you know
what i
need lord these people need food please
help me
and i needed 200 so i sent messages out
to my friends again like
hey guys we’re going out again this
month but we’re 200 short
so people started sending money in but
it was coming in
very slow and i still needed about 150
there was only one day left and
something told me
tiff look at your pay stub oh a pay stub
the document you get basically letting
you know how much money you received for
that month basically a receipt
for your salary now for that i normally
got the same amount every month because
we were
missionaries and we had a set salary
every month and it wasn’t bad but it
wasn’t really a lot of money
this month i went to check my pay stub
and i literally had
150 extra dollars
now when i saw the the amount
i was about to get excited i said wait a
minute i need to verify because it could
have been a mistake
so i called the office you know that
handled our pay information
and i said hey i just wanted to make
sure i have extra money
on my account did something happen and
she said oh yeah tiff you got your tax
i said what she said yeah you know you
got your tax refund you see i was
working in korea
and they were taking taxes out every
month so i also was able to get a refund
from the korean government because i was
working in korea
my refund was exactly what we needed
to actually get the rest of the food for
the homeless people
you’re talking about a happy sister man
oh man
i got on my knees and said god you are
awesome you
always come through and i’ve had so many
experiences like this where
i’ve been almost to the end and i felt
like there was nothing
that could be done and god stepped in
and answered the prayers that i had
so i just wanted to let you guys know
that you can always trust god
god has come through for me in so many
and this is just one example and i
really love
god for what he has done for me well
guys i hope you enjoyed this story time
yes the students that came out with me
and also the other friends and family
that came with me to feed the homeless
had a wonderful time and i also enjoyed
feeding the homeless that day
they ate really well alright guys i’ll
see you next week have an
awesome week and remember to speak