hey welcome to this week’s english
lesson in this lesson i’m going to teach
you how to think creatively in english
you see your goal is to speak english
fluently like a native english speaker
but in order to do that you must think
creatively in english and i’m going to
help you do just that today are you
ready well then i’m teacher tiffany
let’s jump right in all right so let’s
take a look at this image right here a
very interesting image and this is the
advanced english sentence the creative
english sentence says
the muscular cyclist rode his bike on
the highway in the middle of the day
because he was preparing for a big race
now you see this sentence right here
includes all the five w’s who what when
where and why again in order to speak
english fluently like a native english
speaker and make this creative advanced
english sentence you must include all
five w’s but let me show it to you
visually so we have the sentence right
here and we have the image now the first
part of the sentence says the muscular
cyclist so let’s get right into the
image the muscular cyclist look at this
man’s arms
and also
look at his legs he is very
muscular we can see in the image just
how muscular this individual is
but also we said the muscular cyclist
well in the image we see that this
individual is wearing a helmet
a helmet used by cyclists so who we have
the muscular cyclist so again
that helps us know the who
now the next one is who what so what is
rode his bike now do we see that
happening in this image
we definitely do right here we see that
is on a bike so again when you’re
thinking creatively in english use the
five w’s what is he doing he’s riding
his bike so we have the what taken care
of it’s a little hard for you to see the
top but we’re talking about the what
what else comes up in the sentence the
muscular cyclist rode his bike on the
highway well wait a minute in the
picture how do we know that look at the
image you can tell that all the cyclists
are riding on the road and we’re
assuming we’re thinking creatively ah
this is the highway so on the highway
now the next part of the sentence in the
middle of the day that answers when so
again we have who what we answered where
and now we’re looking at when so how can
we tell from this picture that it’s the
middle of the day
well again look at his arm the sun is
hitting his arm in a certain way like
it’s right above him then look between
the trees how bright it is outside so
again thinking creatively ah it’s the
middle of the day now let’s keep going
with the sentence
because he was preparing for a big race
so we see right here we already have who
what where and when and now the why
how are we assuming how are we thinking
creatively that he’s preparing for a big
race well we see one cyclist two
cyclists three cyclists and now four
we’re assuming that they are all
preparing for a big race and this is
exactly how we get this creative
advanced english sentence that answers
each of the five w’s now what about this
image right here another great image
this image is of a woman and the
creative sentence is right here
the heat was not working at her office
so the young woman decided to work on
her project at the cafe
so again
another amazing image that has a
creative english sentence and this
sentence also answers each of the five
w’s who what when where and why so let’s
take a look at this image as well let’s
jump to my screen and let’s take a look
at this image
so we have the woman right here again
she’s sitting down and we see in the
sentence it starts off the heat was not
working at her office now okay
this is the reason we’re starting off
with the
why is she there but how do we know or
how are we able to come up with that
well look what she’s wearing on her head
she’s actually wearing a hat now i’m
going to draw the edge of the hat right
and this hat looks very warm so maybe
it’s the winter time so that’s why we
have the heat was not working
and then we have
at her office again in the reason we
have also a location let’s continue so
we have why
so the young woman
wait a minute now we have who
how do we know she’s young look at her
hands they’re very beautiful they don’t
have wrinkles on them they look like a
young woman’s hands right
and also look at her profile of her face
right here you can’t see it too much but
you can tell ah she looks like a younger
woman she doesn’t really have a lot of
wrinkles so who
a young woman
decided to work on her project now we’re
talking about what she’s doing we’re
answering the what so we have right here
ah she’s working on her computer so the
natural assumption is she’s working on a
project again thinking creatively in
english using the five w’s now we have
we have what and we have why
the next part is she’s working on her
project at the cafe
here we go how do we know it’s a cafe or
how are we able to guess that we’ll look
right here there’s a cup of water
then we see some some snacks right here
that maybe she ordered so again we’re
answering the next w
where is she so we can have this right
here where and we have at the cafe
now the last w is
and we have at the cafe this afternoon
now we can guess that it’s the afternoon
because well she looks a little
comfortable it’s kind of bright inside
but again thinking creatively right here
thinking creatively in english we’re
just guessing but that produces this
amazing sentence again
the heat was not working at our office
so the young woman decided to work on
her project at the cafe this afternoon
all five w’s who what when where and why
but what about this image right here
another great image
this image looks like there are two
young men talking but here’s the
sentence we can use for this one
the friends love comedies so they
laughed a lot while watching the movie
in their living room so again we have
this amazing sentence describing an
image but it uses the five w’s who what
when where and why so let’s just verify
let’s take a look at this image right
here here we go we’re going to have the
image on our screen right here the young
men they’re they’re talking together but
again the sentence says the friends so
we see
a man right here and also a man right
here that answers who
the friends again thinking creatively
we’re looking at this image hold on one
second we’re looking at this image right
here here we go
now the next part says they love
we’re just guessing but again what’s
they love
comedies right the friends love comedies
so they laughed a lot while watching the
movie in their living room so here we go
now we’re getting the reason at the very
beginning again love comedies well
how do we know that we’re not for sure
but again we’re thinking creatively so
we’re probably guessing ah they look
kind of happy
so the reason is they love comedy so we
the next part of the sentence says so
they laughed a lot
what were they doing
laughing a lot all right we see right
here their smiles on their faces so this
answers what they were doing
now while watching the movie so the next
w is when
when was this happening when were they
laughing so again we have when and the
answer is while
they were watching you see their eyes
looking at the computer in front of them
while they were watching the movie
that’s when
in their living room the last part so
again let’s look at the picture we see
right here looks like a beautiful area a
beautiful living room in the background
there’s a bigger television then this is
a fireplace so we’re assuming it’s a
living room so we have
each of the five w’s who what when where
and why again in this creative english
sentence the friends love comedies so
they laughed a lot while watching the
movie in their living room again
thinking creatively in english using the
five w’s it makes it so much easier for
you to sound like a native english
but what about this image right here
another good one again a beautiful
and here’s the sentence
after a stressful
week the woman
decided to visit the lake to get
time alone or to get some alone time
again a great sentence describing this
image but the most important thing is
does this sentence this creative english
sentence actually include each of the
five w so let’s look at the image a
little closer so again we have this
image the woman on this beautiful lake
in the mountains in the background and
here’s the sentence again
after a stressful week
so we’re getting the why now again
you’re thinking creatively so looking at
the picture and looking at the woman it
can be assumed ah you know what
maybe she had a stressful week i’m gonna
change the color maybe she needed to get
out and so she decided to go to the lake
she looks very relaxed look how her
shoulders are very relaxed they’re
dropped down maybe the reason is because
she had a stressful week
so that’s the why the woman now we have
the person for who so we’re answering
the who how do we know it’s a woman look
at the hat and also the hair we can tell
that it’s a woman and also the shape of
her body we can see that it’s a woman in
this image so we have why stressful week
who this woman
decided to visit the lake all right so
what did she do
she decided to visit the lake right she
decided to visit the lake because she
wanted to get some alone time now
something very interesting is we’re
seeing there are two options for the
reason earlier i said after a stressful
week right why she had a stressful week
but look at the end of the sentence she
wanted to get some alone time so these
two things can both be reasons and also
answer another w so let me continue and
i’ll explain the woman decided to visit
the lake so what did she do
she decided to visit the lake and again
we see the lake
right here and she’s actually in this
canoe right here right
so what
but when did she go
after a stressful week that’s why i said
that first part can be a reason for why
but it can also be when so after a
stressful week now we’re going to say
this is going to be for when when did
she go after a stressful week now the
last portion is what we’re going to use
for the reason so we have who
what when now where is she
remember we just said she decided to go
to the lake the lake represents
you see how they can answer multiple w’s
right so she where is she at the lake
when did she go after a stressful week
now why did she go to get some alone
time because she had a stressful week
but how did she know she’s alone
well look
in the picture we can only see
her so again each of the five w’s is
answered in this sentence this creative
english sentence
after a stressful week the woman decided
to visit the lake to get some alone time
thinking creatively in english but what
about this image right here another
amazing image we see three individuals
in this image and here’s the sentence
three college friends decided to meet up
at their old hangout spot yesterday to
look at some pictures again a great
sentence a great image this sentence
also has each of the five w’s who what
when where and why
let’s look at it together here we go
so we have the image right here the
three friends sitting together right
now here’s the first part of the
sentence three college friends well that
answers the who i’m gonna change the
color right here let’s do this color
right here so now we’re answering who
well we can see very clearly right here
we can see very clearly hold on one
second let’s take this part out right
there we go we can see very clearly
one individual another individual and a
third individual so we have three
individuals and look how they’re smiling
it looks like they are happy to be with
each other so we’re assuming hey maybe
they were college friends again thinking
creatively in english
now what happened next they decided to
meet up
so that’s what happened they decided to
meet up at their old hangout spots i’ll
go forward a little bit
their old hangout spot
that is where so look how comfortable
they are he’s sitting comfortably in his
she’s sitting comfortably on the ground
and he’s also sitting very comfortably
so they’re at their old hangout spot
where are they that’s the w where now
yesterday to look at some pictures so
i mean excuse me now we need to answer
what were they doing
what did they decide to do they decided
to meet up all right so we know where
at their old hangout spot but what did
they decided to do they decided to hey
let’s meet up and come together
now that answers what but when now in
the sentence we see that it says
yesterday again you’re thinking
creatively in english when you’re
looking at an image and trying to make
an advanced english sentence using this
technique there’s no wrong answer it’s
thinking creatively in english that’s
the name of the technique right so when
we said ah yesterday
to look at some pictures where why do we
think that is the reason they met up
well look right here we see them all
looking at this computer and we can
assume that they are looking at some
pictures let me take this over just a
little bit
we can see they’re all looking at the
computer again
we’re assuming but each of the w’s are
answered who what when where and why
three college friends decided to meet up
at their old hangout spot yesterday to
look at some pictures this technique
again will help you speak english
fluently again thinking creative and
creatively in english is the way to go
so that you can sound more like a native
english speaker i really hope you
enjoyed this lesson and i can’t wait to
talk to you next time have a great one
you still there
you know what time it is here we go it’s
story time hey i said a story time
all right so
today’s story time actually is about one
of my favorite memories from high school
you know that i enjoy drawing and
painting i love things that are
beautiful i love artwork i love going to
the museum and just looking at paintings
and photographs
so when i was in high school i had an
awesome art teacher her name was miss
hallstead and i remember one day it was
after lunch and i just happened to be
walking through the hallway and i was
about to pass her classroom and i
noticed that miss halstead was sitting
in her room the art room at her desk
very quietly and she looked like she was
focused intently on something but her
shoulders were kind of down and
she had a pen in her hand and she was
drunk looked like she was drawing
something and my curiosity got the best
of me so i i walked into the classroom
and even though i walked into the
classroom she still didn’t look up i had
to walk all the way to her desk and then
she looked up oh hey tiffany how are you
and i said i’m fine miss halstead what
are you up to she said oh i’m just
sketching and i said oh wow miss halsted
i love sketching too
and that’s when she put her pen down and
she also put her sketchbook down and she
said oh really tiffany you really like
sketching i said yeah i really like
sketching but sometimes i try not to
sketch when i’m in class because i don’t
want the teacher to think i’m not paying
attention and i want to focus and she
started to talk to me and started to
explain how
important sketching and doodling
actually was
she told me how she again as a full
adult at that time i think she was in
her 40s
she even in church while the pastor was
preaching a sermon she would sketch and
doodle in her notebook now i was in
shock because you know the the parents
usually tell their children hey when
you’re in church pay attention focus on
the sermon so to hear another adult
telling me that she actually sketched
and doodled during the sermon it really
blew my mind
but she said tiffany here’s the thing
that people that aren’t artists don’t
you see when we as artists are sketching
or doodling we’re actually the most
focused she said when i’m sketching in
church and doodling i’m actually paying
more attention to what the pastor is
saying she said it’s just the way the
creative mind is cr has been made she
said that
she wanted me to start sketching and
doodling more she wanted me to do it
even when i was at church and again i
have great parents so they were okay
with me sketching because they knew i
loved art but she encouraged me to do it
in class to do it in church she said
tiffany even when you’re about to go to
bed an idea may pop in your head i want
you to also sketch then write down what
pops in your head she said tiffany
you’re an artist
and it’s actually not a bad thing
now i never forgot that and i remember
as i went through the rest of my high
school years and then went to college i
continued to doodle and sketch in class
and i remember specifically when i was
in college i had a science class and we
were talking about the anatomy of a frog
and while the teacher was teaching i was
drawing a frog and i was drawing the
different parts of the frog and labeling
the parts in my notebook
and what happened was when i took an
exam that image that i had drawn i added
colors and i added all of the
information about the frog popped up in
my mind and i aced that exam and i
realized how powerful creativity is and
how important it is to visualize
something because visualizing helps you
to remember so even now i sketch when
i’m listening to a sermon i sketch when
i’m doing something or listening to a
presentation because it helps me
remember what i’m listening to maybe
you’re the same maybe you’re an artist
and you love sketching but maybe you’re
not remember creativity is so important
and that’s why i hope you enjoyed
today’s lesson and today’s story i’ll
talk to you next time