TOO vs SO Advanced English Lesson
hello hello good morning and welcome to
today’s live English lesson here on the
speak English with Vanessa YouTube
channel I’m so glad that you’re here to
improve your English to enjoy yourself
and to participate today I’m gonna be
asking you a lot of questions so please
write your answers say your answers out
loud use English as much as possible
that’s the goal I want you to remember
everything that we talked about today
today we’ve got an important topic we’re
going to talk about two commonly
confused words so and two but before we
get started I want to say hello and
greet anyone who’s new here if you’re
new to the speak English with Vanessa
YouTube channel or you’ve never joined a
live lesson before welcome I’m Vanessa
and we have live lessons here every
Tuesday and Thursday at 9 a.m. est the
New York Standard Time I don’t live in
New York but I live in the same time
zone so I hope that you can join me to
participate all you have to do is click
Subscribe and there’s a little bell icon
so that you can get a notification when
we have a live lesson because I know
life is busy you’ve got lots of things
going on and you might forget that we
have a live lesson so when you get a
notification it will help you to
aha this is a good time to learn English
live with Vanessa so thank you everyone
who’s joining me here live at the moment
we have friends in Korea thank you
Tomic in the Netherlands hello hello
Jamari in the Philippines Esther in
Barcelona in Georgia in Finland in
Colombia Lebanon wow this is pretty much
a tour of the world isn’t it
so today we’re going to be talking about
two important words and I hope that at
the end of today’s lesson you’ll feel
and confident using them yourself and
also knowing the nuance between them
because there is definitely a difference
between these two words and a lot of
English learners feel uncomfortable with
this let’s start with my first question
we’re going to talk about one of the
words first and then we’re going to talk
about the second one the first one is a
little more clear a little more general
I want to ask you what is the hottest
month in your country the weather is the
hottest what is the hottest month in
your country for me I live on the east
coast of the US and I live in the south
so that means that August is the hottest
month for me July is really hot as well
August is hot
September can be pretty hot too what is
the hottest month for you oh we’ve got a
lot of great answers coming in from
those who are here live July August
April June February
alright May let’s try to use this month
with today’s important vocabulary word
so our first word today is so so I’m
gonna write this here on my trusty
clipboard first we’re going to talk
about so how can we talk about the
hottest month and include the word so
let’s make a pretty clear sentence
August is so hot really clear only four
words great August is so hot and is
there any kind of alternative meaning
here we have our key word so here what
do you think the word so
means well I actually already used an
alternative meaning to this word a
couple seconds ago we could say that
this word just means Mary or really
August is really hot August is very hot
August is so hot we’re using this to
emphasize something that is not positive
or negative this is the important key
I’m not giving my personal opinion about
if I like it or if I don’t like it the
word so is simply to emphasize that it
is very hot I’m not gonna give my
opinion about if I like it
and if I think that it’s a good thing or
if I think it’s a bad thing that’s going
to be the second word the second word
too is going to show your opinion about
it but let’s wait a moment to talk about
- let’s continue with the word so using
it to mean very and what I’m going to do
I have written here a couple I’m calling
them quick questions quick questions and
I want to see if you can create a
sentence simple sentence like August is
so hot can you create quickly a simple
sentence using so to answer these
questions there are a lot of possible
answers but I want to make sure that we
have options to see sentence structure
I’m going to be reading some of your
sentences I’ll be giving you some of my
own as well are you ready for these
quick questions to test to see if you
can use so I haven’t explained it an
awful lot yet but I want to see if you
can use it my first question is oh how
would you feel if you hadn’t eaten all
all day it’s at the end of the day maybe
7 p.m. and you didn’t eat breakfast
you didn’t eat lunch how do you feel hmm
what do you think can you create a
sentence using this I love your answers
I would feel so hungry
me too do you know what in fact if I
didn’t eat for just a couple hours I
would feel so hungry because nowadays as
many of you know I’m gonna have a baby
in about one month maybe in two months
it depends so I’m always hungry I would
feel so hungry alright question number
two let’s imagine that you go to your
favorite concert maybe you’re in love
with Pink Floyd you’re a fan of Pink
Floyd and when you come home from the
concert how would you describe this
concert you love the musicians you love
the atmosphere how would you feel about
this concert what are some words that we
can use to describe it and make sure we
use our emphasize err so so oh great
party says I enjoyed it so much I would
be so excited it was so loud it was so
amazing lovely let’s take a look at the
sentence really quick I want to write
down some of your concert sentences
because I think they’re important for
understanding the full sentence
structure let’s talk about the concert
I’m gonna write it but we know it means
the concert it was so exciting
it was so loud it was so
cool so here we’re using so to emphasize
you could say it was exciting it was
loud it was cool
great but if you want to emphasize extra
emphasize this great let’s use so in the
situation what about this second word
that we always need to have after so hot
exciting loud cool you need to make sure
that we have one of these descriptive
words directly after so it was so what
it was so boring it was so fantastic we
need to have a descriptive word directly
afterwards so that’s our simple sentence
structure and another note are all of
these positive things or are they
sometimes negative so boring so exciting
so loud hmm are they all positive or all
negative hmm not really
this is a mix we’re using positive and
negative descriptive words directly
afterwards so this is our key we’re
using so to talk about positive or
negative situations and you don’t really
know in this case my opinion about it it
was so exciting it was so loud maybe
loud is a negative thing for some people
so be negative and this could be
positive and so works with both of those
situations let me ask you two more
questions are you ready then we’ll go to
the second word my next question is
what happens if you don’t sleep well at
mmm how do you feel how do you feel if
you don’t sleep well at night
sure how’s your body feel how does your
mind feel oh oh great answer yes someone
in the comments he was here with us live
said I feel so tired pretty clear right
I feel so tired we’re using that same
sentence structure
I feel so plus a descriptive word tired
and in this situation it’s probably a
negative thing usually feeling tired
during the day is not a positive thing
so we’re using it for a negative
situation what about my next question
the final one and then we’ll go on to
the next word what do you think about
this lesson hmm what’s your experience
so far what’s your opinion is it useful
boring too long interesting fun what’s
your opinion so far hmm oh thank you for
your kind comments and I’m glad that
this is useful to you those of you in
the comments are saying this lesson is
so useful great this lesson is so
this lesson is so cool
helpful wonderful beneficial beautiful
words this lesson is so stunning Oh
interesting great these are positive
things but they’re extra emphasized all
right are you ready to go to the second
word the second word we’re going to talk
about is two two so I want to ask you a
question to start off and my question is
in your opinion and this could be
different for each country for each
person in your opinion
what age is too young to get married
boo in your opinion what age is too
young to get married
of course five years old we’re all gonna
say something like that but maybe
something that’s closer to a normal age
do you think that 20 is too young to get
do you think that 16 is too young to get
married what’s your opinion here in the
chatbox we have 18 15 18 17 16 1835
sixteen sixteen eighteen eighteen
fifteen seventeen all right
hmm so you think that eighteen is too
young let’s talk about this Senate
structure because here we’re introducing
the word - I didn’t use the word
so why did I use the word - when is it
too young to get married because here we
have an important like a nuance a
connotation that when we choose to use
the word - instead of so it means that
it is really negative it’s more than
necessary so we have a direct negative
feeling when we use the word - it’s too
young it’s not a positive thing it’s
definitely a negative thing so when you
use the word - we know that you’re
thinking some negative thoughts so let’s
go back let’s go back to this first
sentence August is so hot we could say
August is too hot what if we used to
hear August is too hot this has a
similar meaning because it’s also
emphasizing that
it’s really hot in August but there’s
another layer that’s added and it is
your opinion it means that I think it’s
more than necessary there’s some
negative feelings about it oh it’s too
hot hmm so how can we use this to show
negative feelings
same as before I have some quick
questions and I want to ask you them so
that you can use two and I’ll check the
chat box I’ll give you some Corrections
and some feedback and I’ll also give you
my own sample sentences so that you can
use this as clearly as possible are you
ready for the first question my first
question is well as I mentioned I’m
going to have a baby so that means that
I probably shouldn’t pick up heavy
objects especially things that weigh 100
kilograms I think if I weren’t pregnant
I couldn’t pick it up anyway so I want
to ask you oh can you help me pick up
this box that weighs 100 kilograms
what would you say can you help me pick
up this box because it weighs 100
kilograms do you think that you could do
it hmm in your opinion is it possible to
pick up a box that weighs 100 kilograms
hmm for me it’s certainly too heavy
beautiful sentence SuJu here says it’s
too heavy yes the box is to have you for
you and it’s too heavy for me too
great so this is a way to talk about
it’s more than more than too much it’s
more than is necessary it’s negative oh
it’s too heavy it’s too heavy for you
but also it’s too heavy for me 100
kilograms it’s too heavy
beautiful let’s talk about the seconds
in it mmm I want to know if you visit
u.s. why shouldn’t you walk alone at
night I don’t recommend walking alone at
night in the US no matter where you go
even in my city which is definitely not
a big city hmm I don’t recommend walking
alone at night why why shouldn’t you do
it what’s your opinion Gloria has a
great answer it’s too dangerous
yeah unfortunately it’s too dangerous to
walk alone at night in the u.s. if you
visited a city in the US and it was safe
to walk alone at night please let me
know I’d love to go there and experience
that but I’ve visited places around the
world in some other countries and it was
perfectly fine to walk alone at night if
you were careful if you looked around
and made sure that it was a okay area no
problem but in the u.s. it’s highly
unlikely to find a place that is safe at
night to walk alone it’s too dangerous
so let’s write this sentence using using
- I’ll write that here in my notebook
it’s too dangerous here we’re definitely
showing a negative opinion that’s the
key factor for the word - we’re showing
that you think oh it’s more than
necessary it is negative it’s too
what if we use that for the concert it
was too loud ooh that shows that you
have negative feelings about it maybe if
you love Pink Floyd you love that
concert environment where it’s really
loud you don’t need to use - because the
loudness is not a problem for you but
let’s imagine that you brought your
parents maybe your
parents would think up the concert was
too too loud it was more than necessary
they have some negative feelings about
the concert so when we use to Plus this
lovely descriptive word here we are
showing negative feelings all right I
have one more question are you ready
let’s let’s imagine that you have a big
project tomorrow it could be a project
for school maybe it’s a presentation for
work you have some huge thing that you
need to do tomorrow and your friend
calls you and says hey do you want to go
to dinner with us tonight we’re getting
together we’re going to your favorite
restaurant tell me why can’t you go to
the restaurant with your friends why
can’t you go out with your friends how
are you feeling at the moment you’ve got
a big project to do tomorrow maybe you
have to organize some PowerPoint slides
maybe you have to write some notes you
have to practice how are you feeling hmm
lovely we’ve got some great sentences
coming in I want to write them down
first of all let’s write the clearest
one I’m too busy
I’m too busy I have too much work I am I
feel too let me use this great word here
I feel too over
overwhelmed ooh
overwhelmed we can imagine that if you
imagine the situation of your you’re in
the ocean and a huge wave comes over
your head it’s a pretty terrible feeling
because you’re kind of out of control
you don’t know what’s happening if that
has happened to you you know exactly
that feeling what am i doing I’m out of
control I need air I have to get up
that’s similar to overwhelmed you have
too much work to do you’re trying to
focus on too many tasks at the same time
I feel overwhelmed and in this situation
you want to emphasize it too overwhelmed
I have too many things I need to do
I know it’s my favorite restaurant but
really I can’t go so this means you have
too many tasks and you feel like I can’t
handle all of them right now I need some
peace and quiet
so these are strong feelings yes you’re
feeling not ready to have an enjoyable
night with your friends so as we saw so
far all of these sentences need a
descriptive word directly afterwards so
hot so exciting so loud so cool too
dangerous too busy too overwhelmed this
lovely descriptive word so you can
really use your descriptive vocabulary
and if you want to use just a simple
word like so good this cake is so good
this lesson is so cool okay those aren’t
the most advanced words but you know
what native speakers use them all the
time so don’t feel bad using basic words
like that with the word so or with the
word - so before we go today I’d like to
say a final sentence all together no
matter where you are right now Vietnam
India Russia Japan Brazil Italy let’s
use this sentence all to get
try to say it out loud try to imitate my
pronunciation and it’s going to use both
of today’s keywords so which doesn’t
really show your personal negative
feelings and two negative feelings
there’s a negative connotation with this
word are you ready for our sentence I’m
gonna say it one time and I want you to
write it in the chat box write it in the
comments below say it out loud
use those speaking muscles are you ready
let’s say it’s so important to learn
English and it’s not too hard maybe for
you sometimes you feel like learning
English is extremely hard it is too hard
but in reality when we take pieces of
English like today we just took two
words for the last 20 or 30 minutes and
use them a lot explain them a lot when
you break down English into these pieces
it’s not too hard you can do it so let’s
say the sentence slowly I want you to
imitate my pronunciation watch my mouth
and try to use it yourself are you ready
it’s so important to learn English and
it’s not too hard let’s say this quickly
it’s so important to learn English and
it’s not too hard it’s so important to
learn English and it’s not too hard even
though I’m using too so usually as we
mentioned to is going to have that
negative feeling
I made it negative it’s not too hard so
here we’re changing that negative
connotation with two to be positive oh
it’s not too hard you might say uh some
days it’s too hard but here we’re
repeating it’s not too hard you can do
it break it down into easier pieces
that’s what we’re doing today and that’s
what I always try to do for you in these
lessons to break it down so that it’s
not too hard because it’s so important
to learn English for traveling for
yourself your personal fulfillment maybe
for your job for communicating with
friends from all over the world so I
hope that today this lesson was useful
for you I recommend going back watching
it again writing down sample sentences
trying to answer these questions quickly
maybe you can expand your vocabulary and
use other descriptive words take this
chance to really learn as much as you
can it’s not too hard so thanks so much
for learning with me I’m so glad that
you’re here
learning English online in this
outside-the-box fun way if you would
like to continue to learn English with
me great there are plenty of other live
lessons and English lessons in general
on my youtube channel that you can watch
right now you don’t have to stop
learning English at the moment you can
continue continue to watch other videos
and learn important concepts like today
and if you would like to get my free
ebook there’s two good things about this
number one you can read the free ebook
it’s called five steps to becoming a
confident English speaker this is going
to help you know what’s the next step
where is the right way to go because
there’s a lot of options for learning
English you can easily feel overwhelmed
on on the internet because there’s so
many choices so I don’t want you to feel
overwhelmed I want you to know what’s
the best next plan for you so in this
free ebook you’ll know the five steps
that I recommend and when you get the
free ebook I’ll also send you two free
email lessons each week these will be
about English concepts English
expressions different situations
different problems and I hope that the
emails and the
ebook we’ll just immerse you in English
because I don’t want you to feel too
overwhelmed I want you to feel like it’s
not too hard I can do it so if you would
like to get the free ebook if you would
like to continue to learn with me there
is a link in the description below
or at the end of this video on the
screen so that you can read the book and
start learning even more today thanks
everyone so much for learning with me
today I hope that you had a beautiful
time a great experience and I’ll see you
again the next time bye