Using Perfect English ABOUT vs AROUND vs APPROXIMATELY Learn English Grammar
hi everybody my name is Alisha welcome
back to English class 101 comms YouTube
channel today I’m going to talk about
the difference between about around and
approximately there are a few things to
talk about and a few key differences
between these fairly similar words so
let’s get started
okay the first word I want to talk about
is the word about about is a word that
means reasonably close to actually this
is the single point that each of these
words has in common each word today
means reasonably close to but we’ll talk
about the details later
so about means reasonably close to and
we use it in casual situations so I want
to talk about a few times when we use
the word about some of these mean
reasonably close to but I’ll also
explain some other grammatical functions
of this word so when we want to express
something that is reasonably close to
something else with the word about we
can use this word to talk about numbers
to talk about quantity how much or how
many of something so for example I ate
about 10 cookies so here about means
reasonably close to it’s a guess or an
estimate we can use it to talk about
quantity next we can use it for a space
but this is one that’s used more
commonly in British English in American
English we don’t typically use about to
refer to a space by this I mean for
example the sentence they walked about
the neighborhood as I’ll show you later
American English speakers we typically
use the word around instead of about but
to walk about means reasonably close to
the neighborhood or within the
neighborhood so to walk about something
to stroll about something refers to
nearby another place or again reasonably
close to a place around a location so we
can use this to talk about spaces as
well we can use about to talk about time
as well so
a time of day in the morning in the
afternoon also a specific old clock time
like 3 o’clock 4 o’clock 5 o’clock for
example I want to arrive at about 3
o’clock I want to arrive at about 3
o’clock or we could say like can you
have it done by about tomorrow morning
so these are estimates time estimates
that we can use the word about with
finally a different function this does
not mean reasonably close to but
actually this means reasonably close to
an action starting or an action
finishing so it’s slightly different
we’re not really making an estimate here
we’re talking about an upcoming or a
recently completed change in an action
or in a status so for example they’re
about to fall this is a sentence that’s
making a guess something that is going
to happen reasonably close in the future
they’re about to do something so in
these situations we use the word about
before a verb something that’s going to
happen very soon reasonably close in the
future if it’s helpful to think of it in
that way one more example sentence we
are just about to sign the paperwork we
are just about to sign the paperwork so
something is going to happen soon
in this case signing paperwork is the
action that is going to happen we are
reasonably close in time to that action
happening so we can use about in these
cases let’s move on to the next word for
today though the next word is around
around so as I said a round also means
reasonably close to as we’ll see in a
few examples in just a moment we also
use around in casual situations so these
are informal situations although it’s
okay to use this in more formal
situations it’s not necessarily impolite
here we can use around with numbers as
we did with about we can use this to
talk about quantity so for example
around 15 people are coming so again
this is an estimate I guess around 15
people using about here creates the same
meaning about 15 people are coming
fifteen people are coming in this case
around and about are used in exactly the
same way and have exactly the same
meaning they’re both making an estimate
or a guess here however when we use
around to talk about a space we use
around more in American English to refer
to a location near another space so for
example they walked around the
neighborhood I gave the example in
British English of they walked about the
neighborhood which might be more common
in American English we use they walked
around the neighborhood so around the
neighborhood can mean actually going
outside the neighborhood as I’ll show
you in just another example sentence or
it can mean just within the neighborhood
so in a place nearby the speaker’s home
for example so when we when we use
around in American English it typically
means at least for a space it means near
a location you might hear the word about
used in British English though let’s go
to the next situation we use this for
time as we saw with the word about so
for time we can say I’ll be there around
7:00 p.m. I’ll be there around breakfast
for example so a time of day a point in
the day or a specific o’clock a specific
a.m. or p.m. time we can use around
before that just as we used about so
again around and about have the same
function in these sentences I’ll be
there about 7:00 p.m. I’ll be there
around 7:00 p.m. both have the same
meaning okay
lastly circumference –is and circuits
so a circumference is the distance
around something and a circuit is like
making a circle around something else so
when you want to talk about a
circumference or a circuit like making a
circle making a loop around something
you can use the word around so for
example your head is 56 centimeters
around so we use around to refer to a
size a circumference in this case or
another example we bicycle around the
lake meaning around the outside of the
lake we bicycle in a loop around that so
we use around in this way too
about the outside of something or the
distance around something in a loop okay
finally the last word for today is
approximately approximately so just as
we talked about with about and around
approximately means reasonably close to
something else so we use it again to
make an estimate to make a guess however
approximately is usually used in more
formal situations you might see this in
academic writing for example or perhaps
in a speech or in a presentation it’s
more natural to use approximately in
formal situations if you use
approximately in an informal situation
it might sound a little strange a little
too polite so please be cautious we use
approximately four numbers for quantity
estimates again so for example
approximately 50 people attended the
event approximately so just as we’ve
placed the word before the number here
in this case 50 we can substitute around
or about in this sentence to make it a
little bit less formal but using
approximately makes it sound a bit more
formal so approximately around and about
can all be used here but the level of
formality is the only thing that changes
all right we can also use approximately
for time to make a time estimate sound a
little bit more formal for example will
be working in la for approximately three
years so again we could use around or
about here but approximately sounds a
little bit more formal and so this may
be is a sentence we could use in a
business presentation or when explaining
a plan something like that in a more
formal situation so please keep in mind
approximately has fairly limited uses
around and about however have a few
other functions to consider but when
you’re making guesses when you’re making
estimates especially for quantities
especially for time in most cases about
and around can both can both be used
approximately is fine as well but you
will sound more formal okay so those are
a few differences between the words
about around and approximately if you
have any questions please let us know in
the comments if you like the video
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thanks very much for watching this
episode and I will see you again soon